#soylent | Logs for 2025-02-26
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[02:35:58] <c0lo> Dang, the deep state missed this time.
[02:35:58] <c0lo> https://abcnews.go.com
[02:35:59] <systemd> ^ 03Southwest plane lands safely in Chicago after close call with jet that went on runway without authorization
[03:44:05] -!- c0lo has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[04:21:27] -!- fliptop has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[04:25:24] -!- fliptop [fliptop!~fliptop@69.43.kn.gu] has joined #soylent
[05:49:17] -!- halibut has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:49:30] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[06:46:52] -!- duke [duke!~duke@64.225.mih.lkg] has joined #soylent
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[06:51:32] -!- jack [jack!~jack@82.102.kk.gww] has joined #soylent
[06:51:55] <jack> quik on the kline that chomas is.
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[07:44:07] -!- datapharmer has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[10:07:09] -!- c0lo [c0lo!~c0lo@120.158.tz.gjv] has joined #soylent
[10:07:57] <c0lo> wow, Tesla stock lost 8.39% in a single day (Feb 25)
[10:18:32] <Ingar> https://images.tijd.be
[10:18:33] <systemd> ^ 03403 Blocked
[10:18:37] <Ingar> lolwhot
[10:18:55] <Ingar> musk is persona non-grata in europe
[10:19:23] <Ingar> 80% disproval
[10:19:27] <chromas> I didn't want a Tesla before, but now I do
[10:20:25] <Ingar> chromas: ari was right about you ?
[10:20:46] <chromas> ari's only ever been right maybe two or three times in his life
[10:21:20] <janrinok> Like the image !!!
[10:21:21] <Ingar> that's not mutually exclusive to my question
[10:21:32] <chromas> sure isn't ;)
[10:22:03] <Ingar> janrinok: it is weird though that the clean source image has all but dissapeared from image search
[10:22:16] <Ingar> (I grabbed it when the news was hot)
[10:22:21] <chromas> also I don't see any swasticas
[10:22:22] <Ingar> but it's on my phone
[10:23:07] <Ingar> chromas: it's a theswasticar not swasticas
[10:23:28] <janrinok> I think it is better for being slightly underplayed. And swastikas would mean that it cannot be displayed in some countries.
[10:23:34] <chromas> they could have at least laid four tesla logos in the shape of a swastika
[10:24:05] <Ingar> T is the new swastica
[10:24:19] <Ingar> *makes T shape with arms*
[10:24:52] <chromas> right and I can't respect the opinions of a country where freedom of speech is limited in order to allegedly stop authoritarianism
[10:25:30] <janrinok> Your country has never been ruined by such a person - not yet, anyway...
[10:26:04] <Ingar> funny you say that as the country with the most freeze peach in the world has now tumbled in fascist authoritarianism
[10:26:24] <chromas> if it is, I hope we outlaw the Tesla logo so people don't accidentally do a genocide
[10:26:24] <janrinok> They remember all the deaths that resulted in the beliefs of one man...
[10:26:24] <Ingar> *into
[10:27:04] <Ingar> also, is this #politicas, or more of a social discussion ?
[10:27:17] <Ingar> #politics I mean
[10:27:18] <chromas> mental masturbation
[10:27:19] <janrinok> I was still laughing at the car image
[10:27:27] <Ingar> janrinok: :D
[10:27:36] <chromas> our government's pretty bad, but I wouldn't say stripping it down is authoritarianism
[10:28:22] <janrinok> I think that Ingar was right though, we need to keep the topic low key or move to #politics
[10:28:47] <chromas> you're right; we don't want to distract from all the other conversations going on in here
[10:28:51] <janrinok> lol
[10:29:04] <Ingar> chromas: the stripping down in itself isn't authoritarianism,our democaratically elected govt has been pretty adept at that as well. It's jsut that the decision to strip down wasn't very democratic now was it
[10:29:19] <chromas> neither is anything else they've been doing
[10:29:35] <janrinok> We will only have Mr Kline himself complaining about the rightwing bias on #soylent :D
[10:29:36] <Ingar> sounds rather authoritarian to me
[10:30:09] <chromas> over 99% of the government is unelected people doing unvoted-for things
[10:31:06] <Ingar> I see, so musk firing them is to improve democracy.
[10:31:34] <chromas> it's certainly not reducing it
[10:31:55] <Ingar> janrinok: now I know how my grandparents must have felt in the 30's
[10:32:00] <chromas> plus they're re-hiring some of the people, so it's job creation!
[10:37:20] <c0lo> chromas. yeah, we should discard the expertise of the civil engineer and put the thickness of the bridge pylons on a local referendum.
[10:38:16] <chromas> Good thing they're not firing state and county employees then I guess
[10:38:24] <janrinok> ..... yet
[10:39:06] <chromas> yeah it's like when the EU comes in and fires all the Brits and Germans
[10:39:37] <janrinok> The Brits fired themselves! And don't you forget it!
[10:40:24] <c0lo> chromas. why, are theĀ state and county employees elected?
[10:40:43] <chromas> no
[10:41:00] <chromas> but they're separate from the federal government
[10:41:59] <c0lo> Sp, what's with the "unelected" bureaucrat at the federal level? Why that's OK with the state/county but no tOK at the federalĀ level?
[10:42:19] <chromas> what
[10:42:36] <chromas> I'm not complaining about unelected anyone
[10:43:31] <c0lo> Isn't "over 99% of the government is unelected people doing unvoted-for things" something you said some minutes ago?
[10:45:17] <chromas> yes. the topic was firing people being undemocratic. We didn't vote the people in, so we don't need to vote them out
[10:45:48] <chromas> Technically it was democratic though. We voted in someone who claimed he would fire lots of people
[10:46:03] <janrinok> Was that Musk???
[10:46:06] <c0lo> So, who hired them?
[10:47:11] * janrinok is watching the clock approach my lunchtime. I'm feeling a bit peckish at the moment.
[10:47:16] <chromas> Layers and layers of bureaucrats
[10:48:06] <c0lo> cause fer sure it wasn't Trumpor Musk doing the hiring.
[10:48:06] <c0lo> From where the authority to hire them came from?
[10:48:51] <chromas> People hundreds of years ago deciding to put each other in charge and take our money
[10:49:29] <c0lo> If it's history, you shoud be able to find citations, ain't it?
[10:49:44] <janrinok> Come on now, Musk has employed around half a dozen rockstar bros to write code. See, look at the new jobs!
[10:49:53] <chromas> If I don't have citations then the IRS isn't real?
[10:50:36] <janrinok> Unfortunately, it is
[10:52:10] <chromas> Rockstar bros
[10:52:35] <chromas> Bureaucrats be mad
[10:52:39] <janrinok> genuine question - is the capital 'R' significant?
[10:55:26] <c0lo> How you can be so sure "People hundreds of years ago deciding to put each other in charge and take our money" if you aren't able to check the source for that info?
[10:55:26] <chromas> sure. small revenue; small r. Big Revenue. Big R
[10:56:04] <chromas> I guess they could have done it just last Thursday and everything before that is just fake memories
[10:57:11] <c0lo> The info that I have is: Congress create an agency with a defined purpose, then delegate the responsibility to carry the activity to that agency in the fraework of the rest of the laws (labour laws included).
[10:57:49] <chromas> no conflict detected
[10:59:25] <c0lo> So, is there any laws that says the president has the power to do as he pleases (no oversight) when it comes to such-and-such agencies?
[11:00:33] <chromas> I dunno but they've been doing it the last few presidencies so I guess there's presidential precedent
[11:01:53] <c0lo> Can you provide for me an example of such "presidential precedent" before Trump/Musk?
[11:02:10] <janrinok> time for lunch!!!
[11:02:22] <Ingar> a bit early
[11:02:41] <c0lo> a bit late, I just had dinner.
[11:02:45] <janrinok> I've got to prepare it first. I'll not be eating straight away.
[11:03:04] <janrinok> early c0lo, early :)
[11:03:18] <chromas> the three bears of lunchtime
[11:04:26] <Ingar> blue, saignant and bien cuit
[11:05:54] <c0lo> twitching blue for me.
[12:31:06] <Ingar> I did have a sandwish with grinded cow spread
[12:31:17] <Ingar> sandwich
[12:41:33] <chromas> your wish was my comsand
[13:19:09] -!- schestowitz[TR] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
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[21:42:36] -!- fliptop has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
[22:22:33] -!- AlwaysNever has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]