#soylent | Logs for 2025-02-17
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[02:38:26] -!- AlwaysNever has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:30:12] <c0lo> =submit https://www.euronews.com
[03:30:14] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03EU Bans Bisphenol a From Contact With Food" (4p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[04:43:48] <c0lo> Freedom of speach, yes? https://au.news.yahoo.com
[04:43:49] <systemd> ^ 03White House bars AP reporter from Oval Office over 'Gulf of America' stance
[04:45:19] <chromas> more like freedom of listen
[06:32:20] <c0lo> ummm.... freedom to leasen
[07:35:53] <c0lo> Another clown, same behaviour https://youtu.be
[07:35:55] <systemd> ^ 03Kill the Batman (The Joker meets the Mob) ( https://www.youtube.com )
[12:00:15] <c0lo> Good Lord https://www.youtube.com
[12:00:18] <systemd> ^ 03A Russian invasion of the UK 'would be great,' claims LBC caller
[12:33:21] <Ingar> Russian overlords can't be worse than the current UK administration
[12:38:02] <chromas> Maybe they're about to come out with some totally bitchin' music
[12:45:26] <chromas> instead of beatlemania, it'll be russelvania
[12:45:35] <chromas> I wonder what the fugly haircut will look like
[12:51:38] <c0lo> Ingar, oh but they can and so much more on top of that.
[14:31:43] <Ingar> chromas: russian squatting while wearing john lennon glasses
[14:43:37] <chromas> slav squat fever!
[15:10:19] <c0lo> How about some ghetto hopak? https://www.youtube.com
[15:10:21] <systemd> ^ 03Pop Smoke - Get Back (Gopak version)
[16:12:48] -!- Runaway [Runaway!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[16:16:26] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[17:14:03] -!- c0lo has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[17:54:57] <kolie> lol
[18:00:03] <janrinok> kolie, o/
[18:00:57] <kolie> heyo
[18:01:41] <janrinok> had a good w/e?
[18:02:29] <kolie> Living life the best ways I can, no complaints.
[18:03:13] <drussell> It's a holiday here today, "Family Day"
[18:03:24] <drussell> Thanks to whoever finally restarted loggie, by the way...
[18:03:41] * kolie kicked loggie.
[18:03:50] <kolie> your welcome.
[18:03:55] <drussell> kolie++
[18:04:12] <kolie> now its bender missing :)
[18:04:16] <drussell> LOL, no bender?
[18:04:22] <drussell> Apparently... haha
[18:06:10] -!- mode/#soylent [-r #soylent] by OperServ
[18:06:18] -!- bender [bender!bot@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #soylent
[18:06:21] -!- mode/#soylent [+r #soylent] by OperServ
[18:14:26] <jje> regurgitator (rrs bot) is still down
[18:15:09] <drussell> kolie++
[18:15:09] <bender> kolie: 27
[20:21:32] -!- binky [binky!~binky@176.56.sk.jwt] has joined #soylent
[20:37:48] <binky> Editor bot is down, replaced by a comment flagger.
[20:40:38] -!- binky has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[21:50:18] <kolie> idk what regurgitators deal is.
[21:51:22] <kolie> apparently it worked before, but I'm looking at it now and its definitely not setup to connect to irc right
[21:52:58] <chromas> I thought regurgitator was retired in favor of bender running #rss-bot
[21:53:17] <kolie> if that's the case then great.
[21:53:30] <kolie> I can't remember all the bits and peices, someone mentioned it in here.
[21:54:03] <chromas> bender's not there at the moment though
[21:54:08] <chromas> !join #rss-bot
[21:54:08] <bender> Unknown command
[21:54:32] <chromas> oh wait is this New Bender or Bender Classic?
[21:54:52] <kolie> this is rusty bender
[21:54:58] <kolie> not to be confused with bender2.0
[21:55:19] <chromas> in that case we probably need regurgitator or some other rss feed bot
[22:30:34] -!- jack [jack!~jack@146.190.voo.nu] has joined #soylent
[22:31:49] -!- jack has quit [K-Lined]
[23:28:38] -!- c0lo [c0lo!~c0lo@120.158.tz.gjv] has joined #soylent
[23:29:55] <c0lo> =submit https://www.reuters.com
[23:29:56] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Reuters.com" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org