#soylent | Logs for 2025-01-12
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[01:25:20] -!- sage [sage!~sage@totally.not.aristarchus] has joined #soylent
[01:25:50] sage is now known as Laura
[01:33:39] <Laura> These are standard questions they should easily be able to answer. I provided video evidence and photos and have shown hundreds of examples of premium users being marked as spam.
[01:43:25] -!- Laura has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[03:44:47] -!- fliptop has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
[08:21:55] -!- plectruma [plectruma!~plectruma@totally.not.aristarchus] has joined #soylent
[08:22:54] plectruma is now known as paulfrederick
[08:31:15] <paulfrederick> Is the flagging getting more intense? I see even the redoubtable dalek has been flagged!
[08:32:29] -!- paulfrederick has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[10:37:26] <chromas2> one of these days I'll learn that tidying cables just makes things worse
[10:39:30] <janrinok> but it looks pretty...
[10:40:58] <chromas2> but always something happens where I need to pull it back out
[10:41:17] <janrinok> (that's what she said....)
[10:42:34] <chromas2> finally doing memtest on router. so far it's fine if I keep the two memory cards segregated
[10:45:54] <janrinok> How much memory does it need?
[10:46:10] <chromas2> two card's worth
[10:47:10] <janrinok> So have you run a memory test on both cards together already?
[10:47:42] <chromas2> not yet. I only just found my stash of usb drives. I'm starting with the name-brand memory which is fine so far
[10:53:41] <chromas2> doing my least favorite test: random numbers
[11:44:19] -!- jje has quit [Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in]
[11:44:39] -!- jje [jje!jje@ddjffrbpjin.info] has joined #soylent
[11:50:13] -!- jje has quit [Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in]
[11:52:41] -!- jje [jje!jje@ddjffrbpjin.info] has joined #soylent
[12:50:31] <Ingar> I bought a large roll of velco strip
[12:51:08] <Ingar> *velcro
[12:51:11] <Ingar> Master of the Cable Management! *muhaha*
[12:52:30] <chromas2> strap down everything else, then the cables can go wherever they need
[12:53:20] <Ingar> chromas2: my telescope has moving parts and lots of cable, I had some practice :D
[12:53:34] <Ingar> and I learned the hard way how much slack to give to the cable ;)
[12:54:11] <chromas2> hopefully drip loops didn't come from hard learnin'
[12:54:38] <Ingar> chromas2: no I know about those from using a garden hose
[12:55:09] <Ingar> I always give it a loop above the sink
[13:01:28] -!- greentree [greentree!~greentree@103.219.pui.zrr] has joined #soylent
[13:03:04] <greentree> Why all the "flagged" notices? Confusing.
[13:03:46] -!- greentree has quit [Changing host]
[13:03:46] -!- greentree [greentree!~greentree@totally.not.aristarchus] has joined #soylent
[13:05:15] -!- greentree has quit [Client Quit]
[13:43:44] -!- fliptop [fliptop!~fliptop@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/fliptop] has joined #soylent
[13:43:44] -!- mode/#soylent [+v fliptop] by Imogen
[20:23:31] <Bytram> Client: HexChat 2.16.0 • OS: Ubuntu "jammy" 22.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 540 @ 2.53GHz (1.20GHz) • Memory: Physical: 3.5 GiB Total (1.6 GiB Free) Swap: 953.1 MiB Total (87.9 MiB Free) • Storage: 751.0 GB / 959.1 GB (208.1 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller @ Intel Corporation 1st Generation Core i3/5/7 Processor Reserved • Uptime: 2d
[20:23:31] <Bytram> 13h 40m 21s
[20:26:30] <Bytram> Interesting info...
[20:31:47] <Bytram> But i am trying to change my font setting (size, char set, etc.) I tried changing everything I could fine in HexChat, but no luck! Does anyone have a suggestion?
[20:32:25] <Bytram> Please ping me it you do :)
[20:37:27] <fab23> Bytram: I guess it still is a GTK2 application, so you need to adjust Fonts there. If I remember correctly, there are some tools available as well to do this.
[20:41:48] -!- greenwold [greenwold!~greenwold@137.184.tjq.wwx] has joined #soylent
[20:47:52] -!- greenwold has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[20:50:36] <Bytram> fab23: Thanks. I guess I should try to change things in my: .config filr
[20:51:20] <prg> change font where? in the main chat text area?
[20:52:56] <Bytram> prg: When I'm looking at my HexChat page
[20:53:51] <Bytram> oh! yes.
[20:54:11] <prg> like this text right here? that can be changed in settings -> preferences -> appearance
[20:54:35] <prg> no need to mess with the gtk theme
[20:56:50] <Bytram> prg: OK, thanks. Something just came up, so I well have to do it later. :(