#soylent | Logs for 2025-01-05

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[03:33:32] <ted-ious> I think we lost chromas until he gets back home. :(
[06:52:13] -!- drussell has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[06:53:00] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@a4627691kd3g1a0z4.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #soylent
[07:14:01] -!- qyonko [qyonko!~kvirc@2001:5b0:50c6:wgyr:gpxg:lgxq:sjlq:qxtg] has joined #soylent
[09:04:35] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[10:34:28] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[10:41:12] -!- pluripotentia [pluripotentia!~pluripote@64.176.yn.whu] has joined #soylent
[10:42:49] <pluripotentia> Well and truly fucked this website is, whether chromas gets home or not.  Runaway is not dead, khallow still takes it on the chin.  Phoxofphorene.
[10:44:36] <pluripotentia> janrinok--
[10:44:36] <bender> janrinok: 121
[10:44:41] <pluripotentia> bytram--
[10:44:41] <bender> bytram: 188
[10:44:59] <pluripotentia> Runaway1956--
[10:44:59] <bender> runaway1956: 46
[10:49:33] -!- pluripotentia has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[11:06:45] <Ingar> janrinok++
[11:06:45] <bender> janrinok: 122
[11:06:48] <Ingar> janrinok++
[11:06:48] <bender> janrinok: 123
[11:06:50] <Ingar> bytram++
[11:06:50] <bender> bytram: 189
[11:06:53] <Ingar> bytram++
[11:06:53] <bender> bytram: 190
[11:07:08] <Ingar> Runaway1956++
[11:07:08] <bender> runaway1956: 47
[11:07:11] <Ingar> Runaway1956++
[11:07:11] <bender> runaway1956: 48
[11:07:47] <Ingar> village_idiot--
[11:07:47] <bender> village_idiot: -1
[11:07:50] <Ingar> village_idiot--
[11:07:50] <bender> village_idiot: -2
[13:19:51] <Bytram> Ingar: LOL!!! TYVM! Everyone he down-modded, you undid... and have an extra point besides. Wonderful!!!!
[13:20:00] <Bytram> Ingar++
[13:20:00] <bender> ingar: 10
[13:20:02] <Bytram> Ingar++
[13:20:02] <bender> ingar: 11
[13:20:05] <Bytram> Ingar++
[13:20:05] <bender> ingar: 12
[13:20:06] <Bytram> Ingar++
[13:20:06] <bender> ingar: 13
[13:21:00] <Bytram> hee hee hee! Thanks for the laugh to start my day!
[13:28:03] <janrinok> Bytram, PM
[13:37:35] <Bytram> kyonko: PING! qyonko: I just learned that I was mistaken. Please accept my sincere apologies!!!
[13:37:57] <Bytram> qyonko++
[13:37:57] <bender> qyonko: 1
[13:38:00] <Bytram> qyonko++
[13:38:00] <bender> qyonko: 2
[13:38:01] <Bytram> qyonko++
[13:38:01] <bender> qyonko: 3
[13:38:02] <Bytram> qyonko++
[13:38:02] <bender> qyonko: 4
[13:38:03] <Bytram> qyonko++
[13:38:03] <bender> qyonko: 5
[13:38:28] <Bytram> .
[13:38:38] <janrinok> Bytram++
[13:38:38] <bender> bytram: 191
[13:38:58] <janrinok> that's an extra point for owning your error. Thanks.
[13:39:57] <janrinok> qyonko, you can go back to using kyonko again if you wish.
[13:40:03] <Bytram> Please revert to your prior nickname!
[13:41:35] <Bytram> heh. what janrinok just said!
[13:42:25] <janrinok> lol
[13:48:43] <Bytram> Runaway1956: Happy New Year! Long time no see; I hope to see you back here soon!
[20:29:31] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[21:12:02] -!- plethoricscat [plethoricscat!~plethoric@178.175.qus.ikx] has joined #soylent
[21:13:23] <plethoricscat> Ban qyonko!!
[21:13:28] <plethoricscat> qyonko++
[21:13:28] <bender> qyonko: 6
[21:14:20] <plethoricscat> janrinok is a Fink!
[21:14:25] <plethoricscat> janrinok--
[21:14:25] <bender> janrinok: 122
[21:14:38] <plethoricscat> janrinok--
[21:14:38] <bender> janrinok: 121
[21:14:40] <plethoricscat> janrinok--
[21:14:40] <bender> janrinok: 120
[21:14:42] <plethoricscat> janrinok--
[21:14:42] <bender> janrinok: 119
[21:14:44] <plethoricscat> janrinok--
[21:14:44] <bender> janrinok: 118
[21:14:45] <plethoricscat> janrinok--
[21:14:45] <bender> janrinok: 117
[21:14:47] <plethoricscat> janrinok--
[21:14:47] <bender> janrinok: 116
[21:14:48] <plethoricscat> janrinok--
[21:14:48] <bender> janrinok: 115
[21:14:49] <plethoricscat> janrinok--
[21:14:49] <bender> janrinok: 114
[21:14:50] <plethoricscat> janrinok--
[21:14:50] <bender> janrinok: 113
[21:15:00] <plethoricscat> This is easy, and, meaningless.
[21:16:40] <plethoricscat> When is the vote on the Board, and the Bylaws, and no confidence in janrinok?
[21:18:48] <plethoricscat> There is SERIOUS Soylentil business to take care of, regarding the Phoenix take-over.
[21:20:41] <Bytram> .op
[21:20:41] -!- mode/#soylent [+o Bytram] by Imogen
[21:20:54] <plethoricscat> Kick me!
[21:20:57] <Bytram> Hi!
[21:21:25] <Bytram> kick plethoricscat
[21:21:29] <plethoricscat> What's up with the
[21:21:35] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:21:35] -!- plethoricscat was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[21:21:55] -!- plethoricscat [plethoricscat!~plethoric@178.175.qus.ikx] has joined #soylent
[21:22:22] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:22:22] -!- plethoricscat was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[21:22:31] -!- plethoricscat [plethoricscat!~plethoric@178.175.qus.ikx] has joined #soylent
[21:22:37] <plethoricscat> Sudden janrinok-like rage, bytram?  Are you OK?
[21:22:49] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:22:49] -!- plethoricscat was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[21:22:56] -!- plethoricscat [plethoricscat!~plethoric@178.175.qus.ikx] has joined #soylent
[21:23:07] <plethoricscat>   Are you OK?
[21:23:08] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:23:08] -!- plethoricscat was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[21:23:21] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:23:27] -!- plethoricscat [plethoricscat!~plethoric@178.175.qus.ikx] has joined #soylent
[21:23:29] <plethoricscat>   Are you OK?
[21:23:31] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:23:31] -!- plethoricscat was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[21:23:55] -!- plethoricscat [plethoricscat!~plethoric@178.175.qus.ikx] has joined #soylent
[21:23:55] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:23:55] -!- plethoricscat was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[21:24:01] -!- plethoricscat [plethoricscat!~plethoric@178.175.qus.ikx] has joined #soylent
[21:24:09] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:24:09] -!- plethoricscat was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[21:24:16] -!- plethoricscat [plethoricscat!~plethoric@178.175.qus.ikx] has joined #soylent
[21:24:17] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:24:17] -!- plethoricscat was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[21:24:23] -!- plethoricscat [plethoricscat!~plethoric@178.175.qus.ikx] has joined #soylent
[21:24:23] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:24:23] -!- plethoricscat was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[21:24:28] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:24:37] -!- plethoricscat [plethoricscat!~plethoric@178.175.qus.ikx] has joined #soylent
[21:24:37] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:24:37] -!- plethoricscat was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[21:24:44] -!- plethoricscat [plethoricscat!~plethoric@178.175.qus.ikx] has joined #soylent
[21:24:44] <Bytram> .kick plethoricscat
[21:24:44] -!- plethoricscat was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[21:25:13] -!- plethoricscat [plethoricscat!~plethoric@178.175.qus.ikx] has joined #soylent
[21:25:22] <plethoricscat> getting the idea you don't want me here.  Poor qyonko!
[21:26:29] <qyonko> what is this something out of stanford?
[21:26:49] <qyonko> i already call him by an 1980's term
[21:26:54] <plethoricscat> Collective hysteria.
[21:27:11] <qyonko> i need a mux/dmux for my bbs
[21:28:13] <plethoricscat> Not going back to your registered nick?
[21:28:44] <qyonko> fractional t1 because i am poor
[21:28:47] <qyonko> its still registered?
[21:28:56] <qyonko> its been years
[21:29:09] <plethoricscat> You were kicked, not banned, right?
[21:29:18] <qyonko> yeah
[21:29:27] <qyonko> its a rigged ircd
[21:29:42] <qyonko> c.m.c they called it computer mediated communication
[21:29:56] <plethoricscat> And janrinok even apologized for Marty's, um, mistake.
[21:31:29] <qyonko> john titor called me to let me know he is looking for a stanford university network board
[21:31:45] <qyonko> i told him the universities have been a mess for years
[21:31:52] <Bytram> please resume being user: kyonko
[21:31:58] qyonko is now known as kyonko
[21:32:15] <kyonko> Bytram: you speak to me like a hallmark card
[21:32:15] <plethoricscat> That's better!
[21:32:27] <Bytram> Agreed!!!
[21:32:50] <kyonko> the caller id over voip actually said "john titor"
[21:32:51] <Bytram> Truce?
[21:32:55] <kyonko> yeah truce
[21:33:25] <Bytram> Great!
[21:33:31] <kyonko> so the university of arizona has been under strong lockdown since a few assassinations occured in the area
[21:33:43] <kyonko> like ted k
[21:34:54] <Bytram> like... who?
[21:35:52] <kyonko> the 90's unabomber
[21:36:11] <kyonko> tucson is fucking nuts post lockdown
[21:37:53] -!- plethoricscat has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[21:49:29] -!- epicurus [epicurus!~epicurus@totally.not.aristarchus] has joined #soylent
[21:50:08] <epicurus> What's up, soylentbros?
[21:53:12] -!- epicurus has quit [Client Quit]
[21:55:29] <kyonko> bored
[23:20:47] -!- epicurus [epicurus!~epicurus@totally.not.aristarchus] has joined #soylent
[23:21:11] <epicurus> =submit https://www.usatoday.com
[23:22:00] -!- epicurus has quit [Client Quit]