#Soylent | Logs for 2015-09-09
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[00:00:25] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm not sure. Hopefully not human flesh again
[00:02:06] <SpallsHurgenson> (they don't deliver to my neighborhood anymore...)
[00:04:37] <Gravis> lulz: https://www.google.com
[00:04:38] <Schwifty> ^ 03pug race - Google Search
[00:05:58] <SpallsHurgenson> and that's why I'm a cat person
[00:06:54] drinkyon is now known as takyon
[00:07:29] <takyon> http://www.tomshardware.com
[00:07:30] <Schwifty> ^ 03HTC Vive At PAX Prime Shows New Demos, Wireless Controllers: Hands On (Updated)
[00:07:38] <takyon> http://www.tomshardware.com
[00:07:38] <Schwifty> ^ 03Unity 5.2 Released, Supports Additional Platform Options, Integrates Unity Services
[00:07:50] <takyon> http://www.tomshardware.com
[00:07:51] <Schwifty> ^ 03Immersed Europe Keynote: Epic's Big VR Buy-In And Upcoming Revolutionary Audio Engine
[00:08:20] <takyon> http://mobile.nytimes.com
[00:08:21] <Schwifty> ^ 03( http://www.nytimes.com )
[00:08:43] <takyon> https://www.eff.org
[00:08:43] <Schwifty> ^ 03Nothing Is Agreed Yet—We Can Still Stop The TPP's Copyright Trap | Electronic Frontier Foundation
[00:08:49] <SpallsHurgenson> ummm
[00:08:59] <takyon> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[00:09:00] <Schwifty> ^ 03US gov to Apple: COUGH UP iMessages or FEEL our FEDERAL FROWN • The Register
[00:09:19] <takyon> should probably submit this apple one
[00:09:19] <SpallsHurgenson> do we really need this nonstop link-dump?
[00:09:47] <takyon> do you want a smartass answer from me?
[00:09:48] <Deucalion> it's takyon's style to do a daily link dump :D
[00:10:22] <SpallsHurgenson> I don't mind the links so much as the lack of any opportunity to look at or discuss them :)
[00:10:57] <takyon> just pick the thing you're most hyped about
[00:11:01] <takyon> plus I stopped
[00:11:07] <SpallsHurgenson> I forgot which one that was now :)
[00:11:23] <SpallsHurgenson> I have a very short attention span; that's why I don't like link dumps :)
[00:11:29] <SpallsHurgenson> also... ooh, a squirrel!
[00:11:35] <SpallsHurgenson> -Oni
[00:13:26] * SpallsHurgenson chases after the squirrel with the fluffy tail
[00:15:42] <takyon> if we had a gaming nexus I would totally submit that Vive/Unity/Epic stuff
[00:15:59] <takyon> YA HEAR THAT, NCommander
[00:16:19] <SpallsHurgenson> lots of gamers seem to hate Unity for some reason I never quite understood
[00:16:39] <takyon> probably because of its status as a plugin thing
[00:16:56] <takyon> I've seen a lot of amateur devs use it though
[00:18:53] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm a fan of anything that puts more tools into the hands of game developers
[00:20:14] * SpallsHurgenson needs constant distraction or he starts going homicidal again :)
[00:20:30] <Deucalion> .me hides address
[00:23:06] <SpallsHurgenson> <sigh> my AC comment on soylent seems to have vanished into the ether...
[00:23:24] <takyon> http://www.anandtech.com
[00:23:25] <Schwifty> ^ 03Samsung Announces 12Gb LPDDR4 DRAM For Mobile Devices
[00:23:28] <takyon> omg!
[00:23:49] <SpallsHurgenson> need less RAM on devices, more storage!
[00:23:49] <takyon> "With Samsung beginning mass production of this new memory it's only a matter of time before we start to see more devices move from 2GB to 3GB and from 4GB to 6GB of RAM."
[00:25:07] <takyon> when I see a smartphone with 6 GB RAM, my eyes will glaze over
[00:26:07] <SpallsHurgenson> I can't remember if I've ever felt memory constrained by my smartphone...
[00:31:03] <SpallsHurgenson> they'll have to switch to 64 bits to use 6GB...
[00:43:52] <SpallsHurgenson> I still associate 64-bit cpus with big-iron databases, so the idea of a 64-bit smartphone seems really strange to me
[00:44:21] -!- fliptop [fliptop!~fliptop@67.231.szg.zl] has joined #Soylent
[00:47:21] * SpallsHurgenson imagines the server-room of the future: a huge air-conditioned room occupied by a single-rack holding 20 iphones :)
[00:47:41] <SpallsHurgenson> (an iRack, obviously)
[00:52:26] * SpallsHurgenson does a brief google search and is disappointed to find nobody has attempted this (not even with android, which would probably be easier)
[00:52:56] <takyon> i'm pretty sure there's been talk of using mobile processors in clusters
[00:53:01] <takyon> might have had an article on it here
[00:54:37] <takyon> my phone seems to chew up half of the 2 GB available RAM with no trouble
[00:54:55] <takyon> if there was more it could be used for more aggressive caching of the browser and other apps
[01:09:39] * SpallsHurgenson accuses takyon of being wrong based on nothing more than my desire to be onery
[01:10:07] <takyon> submitting the RAM story
[01:10:57] <takyon> Oppo Find 9, Xiaomi Mi Note Pro, ASUS ZenFone 2, and Sony Xperia Z4
[01:11:14] <takyon> these are some of the phones that come with 4 GB of RAM
[01:11:24] <takyon> not sure if there are more
[01:11:55] <SpallsHurgenson> my cheap-ass phone only has 1GB (and I'm happy with it)
[01:13:04] <takyon> the spyware runs faster if it's in memory!
[01:15:49] <takyon> found 3 more
[01:16:09] <takyon> it's crazy how many Android smartphone companies there are
[01:16:19] <takyon> they will be going bankrupt and consolidating soon
[01:23:36] <takyon> maybe samsung will announce HBM for phones or something like that. then we can talk 32 GB of RAM
[01:23:36] <SpallsHurgenson> oooh, buying spree!
[01:24:13] * SpallsHurgenson suspects winphones will get the ram upgrades first... they probably need it most :)
[01:26:03] <takyon> I've never heard anything bad about winphone
[01:26:07] <takyon> other than nobody wants them
[01:26:12] <SpallsHurgenson> Microsoft :)
[01:26:19] <SpallsHurgenson> all that needs be said
[01:26:53] <takyon> IIRC they will get the ability to run Android and iOS apps in one of the new iterations
[01:27:09] <takyon> a bold attempt to claw back a % or two of market share
[01:29:08] <AndyTheAbsurd> a bold attempt that is highly likely to backfire
[01:30:01] <takyon> what is there share now
[01:30:04] <takyon> less than 5%?
[01:30:12] <AndyTheAbsurd> because there's already tons of Android and iOS apps out there, that work well on their native OSes, and are going to work like crap on WinPhone, leading people to think the WinPhones are crap (rather than the emulation layer or whatever they use to run non-Windows apps being the problem)
[01:30:30] <takyon> nope, it went down from 3.6% to 3% as of June
[01:31:10] <AndyTheAbsurd> idc.com shows Windows phone at 2.6% for Q2 of this year
[01:31:12] <SpallsHurgenson> time for the next - and incompatible - version of Winphone OS then!
[01:31:24] <SpallsHurgenson> that seems to be microsoft's usual "solution" to the problem :)
[01:31:40] <takyon> how many phones are sold per year--- about 200 million? so they have just 5-6 million phones sold each year
[01:33:32] <SpallsHurgenson> remember, if you are in a hole... keep digging!
[01:37:32] cmn32480|drivin is now known as cmn32480
[01:49:18] <takyon> http://www.npr.org
[01:49:19] <Schwifty> ^ 03United Airlines CEO, Other Senior Executives Resign Amid Investigations : The Two-Way : NPR
[01:51:08] <SpallsHurgenson> airlines suck. go trebuchet.
[01:52:26] <takyon> http://thediplomat.com
[01:52:27] <Schwifty> ^ 03Pakistan Uses Indigenous Drone to Strike Terrorists | The Diplomat
[01:54:05] <SpallsHurgenson> watch out for ground-to-air trebuchet fire
[01:54:39] <cmn32480> it is the big batches of small stones that you gotta be really careful of
[01:55:30] <SpallsHurgenson> we're working on air-to-ground trebuchets but so far no vehicle can handle the sheer MIGHT and POWER of the trebuchet weaponry :)
[01:56:24] <cmn32480> methinks it is that sudden shift of weight that might be the problem.
[01:56:32] <cmn32480> perhaps low earth orbit?
[01:56:54] <SpallsHurgenson> we're betting on space-elevators :)
[01:57:07] <SpallsHurgenson> the counterweight will be a useful source of ammunition too :)
[01:57:27] <cmn32480> interesting idea....
[01:59:49] <SpallsHurgenson> reminds me of an old sci-fi story all aliens that discovered antigravity and FTL early in their development, so they took to the stars in wooden ships armed with swords and bows... which worked great until they met humanity, who HADN'T discovered the trick of antigravity and so had to do everything the hard way... right up to nuclear weapons :)
[02:07:08] <crutchy> .g fart
[02:07:25] <crutchy> ~g fart
[02:07:28] <exec> [google] https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:15:05] <cmn32480> ~g crutchy
[02:15:08] <exec> [google] www.imdb.com/character/ch0020941/
[02:15:27] <cmn32480> ~g fartface
[02:15:29] <exec> [google] www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6hEfK5C-Sg
[02:15:36] <cmn32480> I knew it was gonna be youtube!
[02:16:10] <cmn32480> BOOOO Not available in my country
[02:16:22] <cmn32480> how goes it crutchy?
[02:22:46] <takyon> just use the antigravity to repel the nukes
[02:31:55] <crutchy> not too bad. just on my lunch break at work, though i gotta duck out to the chemist
[02:31:57] <crutchy> brb
[02:59:52] <crutchy> coffee++
[02:59:52] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1634
[03:03:11] <cmn32480> amen!!
[03:03:13] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[03:05:09] <crutchy> back to the grindstone :/
[03:05:14] <crutchy> till later
[03:05:29] <cmn32480> at least that'll keep you nose clean crutchy
[03:50:27] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480|sleepin
[05:01:52] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[05:02:28] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
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[05:43:08] <SirFinkus> oi lentils
[07:51:40] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
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[08:40:52] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
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[08:48:16] IAmWease is now known as Playmate
[08:48:16] cherri is now known as Michele
[08:48:16] NYRDivx is now known as bigcatpa
[08:48:16] vector is now known as yohaira
[08:48:16] Alpha is now known as Dionna
[08:48:16] ANETA is now known as cdexter
[08:48:16] horny is now known as Bashful
[08:48:16] BlueAppl is now known as Ashley
[08:48:16] Mupeng is now known as snipas
[08:48:16] billabon is now known as GOGETTER
[08:48:16] suzie is now known as marissan
[08:48:16] calman is now known as [CFLeX]
[08:48:16] si[]a is now known as girlfun
[08:48:16] ALP is now known as SweetLov
[08:48:16] Meils is now known as xtai
[08:48:16] RAEMO is now known as Steve
[08:48:16] seba is now known as swedengi
[08:48:16] blueboy is now known as pyerinoa
[08:48:16] sherm179 is now known as sure-sho
[08:48:16] mario is now known as Filip20
[08:48:16] Tracy is now known as reza911
[08:48:16] Dexxa is now known as green1
[08:48:16] pivo is now known as A_FOXY_B
[08:48:17] ReonVati is now known as Rick
[08:48:17] varun2 is now known as veryvery
[08:48:17] ^Tbabe is now known as Jayla
[08:48:17] Dragon is now known as Judy^
[08:48:17] Wanna-Sk is now known as loconin
[08:48:17] GNUbie is now known as Rawls
[08:48:17] [ToXiC] is now known as Ripple
[08:48:17] Male45 is now known as si[]a
[08:48:17] lovebird is now known as staryeye
[08:48:17] Acrus is now known as Holybull
[08:48:17] HARDON is now known as BlueAppl
[08:48:17] mouse is now known as billabon
[08:48:17] Flower is now known as KOTA
[08:48:17] Picard is now known as RobotHac
[08:48:17] Yelda is now known as Squid_ma
[08:48:17] thebrick is now known as TallGuy
[08:48:17] aamaan is now known as IPTF
[08:48:17] clain is now known as Seminole
[08:48:17] Sue is now known as VashTS
[08:48:17] vorchex is now known as Jelly
[08:48:17] dalsf is now known as Mupeng
[08:48:17] iphantom is now known as ^TwInNiE
[08:48:17] aish is now known as marc
[08:48:17] sweeteem is now known as Astanix-
[08:48:17] Terence is now known as BABBYDOL
[08:48:17] carebea1 is now known as ranalama
[08:48:17] ask-iksi is now known as Anthonio
[08:48:17] cuteguy is now known as brabbl
[08:48:17] [SoM] is now known as Lisa_312
[08:48:17] trueone is now known as Tripwire
[08:48:17] Psion is now known as lub
[08:48:17] AADONIS is now known as hot
[08:48:17] linda26k is now known as Cerberus
[08:48:17] hamlet is now known as Crazyfo
[08:48:17] ansh is now known as rhdsklek
[08:48:17] justice is now known as SEVTAPpP
[08:48:17] slonty is now known as bunty
[08:48:17] Braves is now known as ISmokeCr
[08:48:17] coolguy is now known as male
[08:48:17] MKluiver is now known as cifchamp
[08:48:17] ToOTHroT is now known as Caffeine
[08:48:17] djcoby is now known as nymphoma
[08:48:17] kidDX is now known as jlxj15
[08:48:17] Bo[A]rDW is now known as wOmanOth
[08:48:17] msmermai is now known as DragonFl
[08:48:17] crimsont is now known as goodnach
[08:48:17] Lolligop is now known as Hawaiian
[08:48:17] clyde is now known as eagle
[08:48:17] Kalyka is now known as Naturel
[08:48:17] Fallman is now known as ^Tbabe
[08:48:17] Bubashot is now known as singlew
[08:48:17] jughead is now known as bobb
[08:48:17] troller is now known as Wetkiss
[08:48:17] Ace_of_H is now known as wesha
[08:48:17] db is now known as jerseyje
[08:48:17] ^^Tolgah is now known as shopgirl
[08:48:17] Evangeli is now known as [RS]Murd
[08:48:17] janno is now known as MC
[08:48:17] jigganut is now known as MrZoneBo
[08:48:17] Delvita is now known as ButUglyG
[08:48:17] Zakathaz is now known as GuestMal
[08:48:17] jbaruch7 is now known as harnie-f
[08:48:17] goodgirl is now known as leggs
[08:48:17] nemirr is now known as pixy1
[08:48:17] gokhan30 is now known as cassey
[08:48:17] RussianG is now known as {Johnny5
[08:48:17] elidion is now known as cme
[08:48:17] DrDeagle is now known as Julia
[08:48:17] |AnGeLuS is now known as tomahill
[08:48:17] JadeKho is now known as toffie
[08:48:17] Beastmas is now known as Energize
[08:48:17] Spawn_60 is now known as MRCHATS
[08:48:17] Banucan is now known as Tyr0ne
[08:48:17] vogel18 is now known as VioLeNT-
[08:48:17] CANDY is now known as cuteguy
[08:48:17] BostonIr is now known as maro
[08:48:17] theagent is now known as dtran01[
[08:48:17] King_Jon is now known as love-to-
[08:48:17] Nygirl is now known as DE-cYpHe
[08:48:17] Elconejo is now known as sherm179
[08:48:17] Lisa25 is now known as Zelgadis
[08:48:17] crazY-bo is now known as cranky
[08:48:17] NEO2138 is now known as Surfski
[08:48:17] kermit is now known as cspyn
[08:48:17] sue36msi is now known as AADONIS
[08:48:17] EdmanMMw is now known as DrDeath
[08:48:17] Ch|no is now known as ExisTanC
[08:48:17] wrighty is now known as beaner
[08:48:17] Triquetr is now known as singh
[08:48:17] H|GHcam is now known as zipper
[08:48:17] KillingH is now known as fmonster
[08:48:17] FAIZUU is now known as Guest_Da
[08:48:17] blondebl is now known as teagan
[08:48:17] Trickych is now known as Greeneye
[08:48:17] Vesper is now known as Scorpyo
[08:48:17] _super_g is now known as GotemBoo
[08:48:17] matrx4u is now known as hugosyd
[08:48:17] CannonHa is now known as IrYsHs
[08:48:17] manee is now known as evangeli
[08:48:17] Laila is now known as hexcite
[08:48:17] Rope is now known as Karu-su7
[08:48:17] force is now known as lenM42
[08:48:17] LifeX is now known as kitten
[08:48:17] dewdrops is now known as Tota|Evi
[08:48:17] vernonia is now known as Omear
[08:48:17] HOTTIE is now known as PLaToonA
[08:48:17] berrin is now known as Im4u
[08:48:17] NoMoRe is now known as blowmeup
[08:48:17] jhoy is now known as migoi
[08:48:17] onehorny is now known as E-Male
[08:48:17] bris is now known as funny7
[08:48:17] snake is now known as sal
[08:48:17] hornymal is now known as T4K
[08:48:17] Mr-Coool is now known as shady
[08:48:17] Simba is now known as ghirw
[08:48:17] Knight is now known as rimpy
[08:48:17] nutcha12 is now known as ^mac1^
[08:48:17] clairin is now known as GrimnirA
[08:48:18] Ivy is now known as |AnGeLuS
[08:48:18] LOLa is now known as darkerth
[08:48:18] Superchu is now known as wrighty
[08:48:18] Holybull is now known as m46
[08:48:18] bigcatpa is now known as kuzgun
[08:48:18] yohaira is now known as Spider
[08:48:18] Michele is now known as Guest
[08:48:18] RobotHac is now known as Agus24
[08:48:18] Dionna is now known as Jon
[08:48:18] cdexter is now known as kitos
[08:48:18] Playmate is now known as koolkatz
[08:48:18] wesha is now known as draven
[08:48:18] Bashful is now known as fido
[08:48:18] Ashley is now known as SieK
[08:48:18] snipas is now known as EsD
[08:48:18] girlfun is now known as tribute
[08:48:18] pyerinoa is now known as tina
[08:48:18] beaner is now known as Fifthcor
[08:48:18] swedengi is now known as IAMCANAD
[08:48:18] Steve is now known as Telluur
[08:48:18] xtai is now known as b|e|-|
[08:48:18] Greeneye is now known as Canadian
[08:48:18] SweetLov is now known as madz24f
[08:48:18] Filip20 is now known as WHISKEY
[08:48:18] A_FOXY_B is now known as PetrFire
[08:48:18] green1 is now known as steph_
[08:48:18] veryvery is now known as JohnDoe9
[08:48:18] Jayla is now known as ANETA
[08:48:18] Rick is now known as shakry
[08:48:18] Judy^ is now known as flobbled
[08:48:18] loconin is now known as pyerinoa
[08:48:18] hugosyd is now known as bocko
[08:48:18] Rawls is now known as jazz
[08:48:18] si[]a is now known as GAME
[08:48:18] staryeye is now known as dark
[08:48:18] billabon is now known as stallian
[08:48:18] KOTA is now known as Scope666
[08:48:18] Squid_ma is now known as nutcha12
[08:48:18] Seminole is now known as gundee
[08:48:18] VashTS is now known as otcbb
[08:48:18] ranalama is now known as Jayla
[08:48:18] Anthonio is now known as nick123
[08:48:18] Mupeng is now known as Valeria
[08:48:18] Lisa_312 is now known as jud
[08:48:18] marc is now known as MonkeySp
[08:48:18] Astanix- is now known as tiburcia
[08:48:18] Ripple is now known as AnaRcHy-
[08:48:18] BlueAppl is now known as Mr-Coool
[08:48:18] sal is now known as iftekhar
[08:48:18] hexcite is now known as howell
[08:48:18] lub is now known as GaVa
[08:48:18] brabbl is now known as Lonely_L
[08:48:18] Cerberus is now known as Flower
[08:48:18] Crazyfo is now known as seba
[08:48:18] rhdsklek is now known as fred
[08:48:18] bunty is now known as ___Alfre
[08:48:18] wOmanOth is now known as Mp3Dream
[08:48:18] SEVTAPpP is now known as queite
[08:48:18] Tota|Evi is now known as clairin
[08:48:18] DragonFl is now known as Rope
[08:48:18] Omear is now known as U2_one
[08:48:18] Im4u is now known as relo
[08:48:18] ISmokeCr is now known as midwestg
[08:48:18] cifchamp is now known as LOLa
[08:48:18] nymphoma is now known as Rebelle
[08:48:18] Naturel is now known as FlordiaD
[08:48:18] ^Tbabe is now known as niki
[08:48:18] bobb is now known as Voodoo`C
[08:48:18] eagle is now known as ro[]V[]e
[08:48:18] singlew is now known as Terence
[08:48:18] Wetkiss is now known as JO-TEI
[08:48:18] jerseyje is now known as vogel18
[08:48:18] shopgirl is now known as kim18fem
[08:48:18] [RS]Murd is now known as coolguy
[08:48:18] MC is now known as Derj
[08:48:18] MrZoneBo is now known as girlfun
[08:48:18] migoi is now known as Yelda
[08:48:18] GuestMal is now known as farooq
[08:48:18] harnie-f is now known as henryx
[08:48:18] E-Male is now known as Okili
[08:48:19] darkerth is now known as CHoSeNGu
[08:48:19] ButUglyG is now known as Gigabit
[08:48:19] wrighty is now known as Rick
[08:48:19] pixy1 is now known as Zakathaz
[08:48:19] funny7 is now known as SakuraSe
[08:48:19] cme is now known as Laila
[08:48:19] cassey is now known as Tom
[08:48:19] {Johnny5 is now known as bler
[08:48:19] Julia is now known as Paradidd
[08:48:19] toffie is now known as SEVTAPpP
[08:48:19] cuteguy is now known as FlashGur
[08:48:19] Energize is now known as eli1
[08:48:19] Tyr0ne is now known as [RS]Murd
[08:48:19] LamePoss is now known as thebrick
[08:48:19] sherm179 is now known as Kuzey
[08:48:19] Surfski is now known as HovaThaG
[08:48:19] zipper is now known as Iz
[08:48:19] love-to- is now known as Ultramac
[08:48:19] GrimnirA is now known as zorprime
[08:48:19] AADONIS is now known as lovebird
[08:48:19] cranky is now known as kamael
[08:48:19] DrDeath is now known as bris
[08:48:19] Zelgadis is now known as maddog
[08:48:19] maro is now known as power
[08:48:19] cspyn is now known as ken
[08:48:19] GOGETTER is now known as jemi
[08:48:19] |AnGeLuS is now known as Elconejo
[08:48:19] Scorpyo is now known as troller
[08:48:19] ExisTanC is now known as smike
[08:48:19] singh is now known as flexster
[08:48:19] teagan is now known as CAMEL
[08:48:19] [CFLeX] is now known as doctor
[08:48:19] marissan is now known as LiMp
[08:48:19] fmonster is now known as BaR
[08:48:19] sure-sho is now known as Availabl
[08:48:19] reza911 is now known as A_FOXY_B
[08:48:19] IrYsHs is now known as Naughty_
[08:48:19] ferns is now known as ACE
[08:48:19] GotemBoo is now known as bernardj
[08:48:19] Guest_Da is now known as shybabe
[08:48:19] hot is now known as ghexiter
[08:48:19] jlxj15 is now known as DiEsElBo
[08:48:19] T4K is now known as lonely_m
[08:48:19] TallGuy is now known as Nitehawk
[08:48:19] BABBYDOL is now known as Velas
[08:48:19] Karu-su7 is now known as StUcK2[S
[08:48:19] evangeli is now known as LadySemi
[08:48:19] thebrick is now known as beaner
[08:48:19] PLaToonA is now known as love-to-
[08:48:19] male is now known as scorpion
[08:48:19] Hawaiian is now known as Bird000
[08:48:19] Caffeine is now known as vernonia
[08:48:19] goodnach is now known as madzero
[08:48:19] blowmeup is now known as Bubashot
[08:48:19] leggs is now known as Milldawg
[08:48:19] Tripwire is now known as |DADE|
[08:48:19] dtran01[ is now known as Chicho
[08:48:19] IPTF is now known as KiNg-OfL
[08:48:19] rimpy is now known as silver
[08:48:19] tomahill is now known as wild_sid
[08:48:19] Jelly is now known as Kencing
[08:48:19] kitten is now known as Nicho
[08:48:19] ACE is now known as trueone
[08:48:19] MRCHATS is now known as ressam
[08:48:20] GeMbLoNg is now known as MISSLONL
[08:48:20] F1 is now known as girlee
[08:48:20] lenM42 is now known as nastysha
[08:48:20] shady is now known as fareena
[08:48:20] ghirw is now known as KungFu
[08:48:20] DE-cYpHe is now known as ruedog
[08:48:20] VioLeNT- is now known as goodgirl
[08:48:20] MISSLONL is now known as raggie
[08:48:20] girlee is now known as Teldin
[08:48:21] koolkatz is now known as Natalie
[08:48:21] DiEsElBo is now known as rough
[08:48:21] shybabe is now known as ShadySli
[08:48:21] lonely_m is now known as l0v3LyG4
[08:48:21] ghexiter is now known as GeMbLoNg
[08:48:21] m46 is now known as B0Tmode
[08:48:21] Guest is now known as jaguarpr
[08:48:21] Agus24 is now known as Miriam
[08:48:21] kitos is now known as ALP
[08:48:21] draven is now known as JadeKho
[08:48:21] fido is now known as Misty
[08:48:21] Jon is now known as certz
[08:48:21] SieK is now known as Shady
[08:48:21] EsD is now known as Radish
[08:48:22] LiMp is now known as [CFLeX]
[08:48:22] jemi is now known as thebrick
[08:48:22] doctor is now known as shadyK
[08:48:22] Canadian is now known as dinosuca
[08:48:22] IAMCANAD is now known as Cindy
[08:48:22] b|e|-| is now known as Ch|no
[08:48:22] Telluur is now known as tattooed
[08:48:22] Fifthcor is now known as Nasum
[08:48:22] madz24f is now known as clyde
[08:48:22] tina is now known as Defco
[08:48:22] Availabl is now known as NightSon
[08:48:22] WHISKEY is now known as eSraaa
[08:48:22] A_FOXY_B is now known as dave
[08:48:22] steph_ is now known as {Johnny5
[08:48:22] shakry is now known as CAGIRL
[08:48:22] ANETA is now known as PATTY
[08:48:22] JohnDoe9 is now known as mandolin
[08:48:22] flobbled is now known as shandy
[08:48:22] bocko is now known as ExisTanC
[08:48:22] AnaRcHy- is now known as diann
[08:48:22] kuzgun is now known as pattywac
[08:48:22] dark is now known as Shokapik
[08:48:22] Mr-Coool is now known as BABBYDOL
[08:48:22] stallian is now known as Hmmm
[08:48:22] Scope666 is now known as kitten
[08:48:22] GAME is now known as Squid_ma
[08:48:22] nutcha12 is now known as lilber
[08:48:22] Valeria is now known as ROXYFOXY
[08:48:22] Nitehawk is now known as candy
[08:48:22] Lonely_L is now known as Judy^
[08:48:22] nick123 is now known as wrighty
[08:48:22] otcbb is now known as Dawna
[08:48:22] jud is now known as ice39
[08:48:22] tiburcia is now known as holden
[08:48:22] KiNg-OfL is now known as W0lfy
[08:48:22] Jayla is now known as Zelgadis
[08:48:22] gundee is now known as lemmingv
[08:48:22] iftekhar is now known as coco-e
[08:48:22] Velas is now known as phuhqu
[08:48:22] GaVa is now known as Nygirl
[08:48:22] howell is now known as F1
[08:48:22] |DADE| is now known as KimPhilb
[08:48:22] Flower is now known as yakkow
[08:48:22] queite is now known as MaGuK
[08:48:22] seba is now known as GOGETTER
[08:48:22] fred is now known as singlew
[08:48:22] scorpion is now known as CrEEp
[08:48:22] vernonia is now known as carie
[08:48:22] Rebelle is now known as NixName
[08:48:22] clairin is now known as ayca
[08:48:22] Mp3Dream is now known as carebea1
[08:48:22] love-to- is now known as matrx4u
[08:48:22] Rope is now known as DABRAT
[08:48:22] U2_one is now known as MentoZ
[08:48:22] relo is now known as gboy
[08:48:22] FlordiaD is now known as msmermai
[08:48:22] Bubashot is now known as toffie
[08:48:22] ro[]V[]e is now known as OPleybob
[08:48:22] Terence is now known as jason7
[08:48:22] kim18fem is now known as db
[08:48:22] Derj is now known as elidion
[08:48:22] coolguy is now known as marissan
[08:48:22] ^mac1^ is now known as Ripple
[08:48:22] girlfun is now known as TrUeXeNo
[08:48:22] niki is now known as paladin
[08:48:22] Voodoo`C is now known as jabea
[08:48:22] Yelda is now known as Shadey69
[08:48:22] Gigabit is now known as evangeli
[08:48:22] Rick is now known as Queen_wh
[08:48:22] henryx is now known as bobb
[08:48:22] Laila is now known as Canadian
[08:48:22] bler is now known as djcoby
[08:48:22] Paradidd is now known as marcus
[08:48:22] Tom is now known as s0lamnia
[08:48:22] wild_sid is now known as Blownose
[08:48:22] SEVTAPpP is now known as rhdsklek
[08:48:22] eli1 is now known as chicoric
[08:48:22] [RS]Murd is now known as GojaruAw
[08:48:22] Milldawg is now known as SweetLov
[08:48:22] power is now known as NoMoRe
[08:48:22] farooq is now known as QueenSor
[08:48:22] SakuraSe is now known as jamesbon
[08:48:22] Ultramac is now known as ripper
[08:48:22] zorprime is now known as juanpaco
[08:48:22] ruedog is now known as H|GHcam
[08:48:22] maddog is now known as Rayliang
[08:48:22] goodgirl is now known as feedick
[08:48:22] HovaThaG is now known as ask-iksi
[08:48:22] kamael is now known as cicikizl
[08:48:22] FlashGur is now known as slonty
[08:48:22] Kuzey is now known as poison
[08:48:22] Iz is now known as goodnach
[08:48:22] lovebird is now known as HABAIBNA
[08:48:22] tribute is now known as Terence
[08:48:22] ken is now known as gokhan30
[08:48:22] smike is now known as Caffeine
[08:48:22] flexster is now known as rainkiss
[08:48:22] troller is now known as animal
[08:48:22] BaR is now known as Tina
[08:48:22] bris is now known as darkerth
[08:48:22] PetrFire is now known as HARDER
[08:48:22] Spider is now known as vector
[08:48:22] Naughty_ is now known as ghexiter
[08:48:22] raggie is now known as iron
[08:48:22] silver is now known as Fallman
[08:48:22] nastysha is now known as Naturel
[08:48:22] pyerinoa is now known as CEdWEax-
[08:48:22] jazz is now known as Tornado
[08:48:22] ___Alfre is now known as GNUbie
[08:48:22] Nicho is now known as Voz
[08:48:22] Kencing is now known as DAdd
[08:48:22] LadySemi is now known as veryvery
[08:48:22] Ripple is now known as T4K
[08:48:22] StUcK2[S is now known as sue36msi
[08:48:22] midwestg is now known as Lean
[08:48:22] Bird000 is now known as jbaruch7
[08:48:22] LOLa is now known as reed
[08:48:22] JO-TEI is now known as nWo
[08:48:22] madzero is now known as NYRDivx
[08:48:22] CAMEL is now known as {Azrael}
[08:48:22] ressam is now known as Mr-Coool
[08:48:22] Okili is now known as siryn
[08:48:22] Chicho is now known as ^mac1^
[08:48:22] MonkeySp is now known as conan
[08:48:22] bernardj is now known as Krings
[08:48:22] trueone is now known as jazz
[08:48:22] Zakathaz is now known as RadioKen
[08:48:22] CHoSeNGu is now known as an0maly
[08:48:23] beaner is now known as brendale
[08:48:23] vogel18 is now known as salmankh
[08:48:23] KungFu is now known as Playmate
[08:48:23] Teldin is now known as ranalama
[08:48:24] fareena is now known as MRCHATS
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