#Soylent | Logs for 2015-07-08

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[00:02:20] <cmn32480> is it wrong that I am thinking about saying screw it and going to bed.
[00:02:24] <cmn32480> at 8pm
[00:10:48] <paulej72> I have done that in the past
[00:24:37] <eaten> I do that all the time.
[00:24:49] <eaten> You shouldn't let the world win, though.
[00:24:53] <eaten> Fight it
[00:25:23] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@Soylent/Users/656/SpallsHurgenson] has joined #Soylent
[00:30:39] <cmn32480> screw it. night everybody! bed time
[00:31:17] * SpallsHurgenson wakes up excitedly, "Did somebody mention bed?"
[00:32:50] <BadCoderFinger> Dude, you're pantsless; you've eliminated the pre-bed prep work!
[00:33:32] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480_sleepin
[00:33:34] <SpallsHurgenson> http://videosift.com
[00:33:39] <exec> └─ 13The Mechanics of the Film Projector
[00:38:38] -!- kadal [kadal!~kadal@soycow/kadal] has joined #Soylent
[00:40:29] <SpallsHurgenson> http://arstechnica.com
[00:40:32] <exec> └─ 13Appeals judges hear about Prince’s takedown of “Dancing Baby” YouTube vid | Ars Technica
[00:41:28] <SpallsHurgenson> making companies pay for wrongful copyright violations? in America? what sort of communist would support that sort of thing?
[00:41:51] <BadCoderFinger> Certainly not any elected official.
[00:42:29] <BadCoderFinger> Oh hey, I have an idea for a white house petition: Change the country's name to "United Corporations of America"
[00:43:00] <SpallsHurgenson> its too early for that; the frog isn't fully boiled yet
[00:43:22] <BadCoderFinger> Really? I rather feel my vote is completely ignored.
[00:43:46] <BadCoderFinger> My frog is well done.
[00:44:08] <SpallsHurgenson> that's 'cause you keep voting for the same two boobs. Always vote for the third boob :)
[00:44:44] <BadCoderFinger> I voted Green Party last election.
[00:44:56] <BadCoderFinger> I'm not a fan of elected lizards.
[00:45:48] <BadCoderFinger> Aha! Fetching a new one! There has been an update!
[00:46:06] <SpallsHurgenson> an update! an update! Where is this update! tell us more of this update!
[00:46:13] <SpallsHurgenson> hey everyone, gather 'round, there's been an update!
[00:46:14] <BadCoderFinger> Heh
[00:46:21] * SpallsHurgenson waits excitedly for news on the update
[00:46:22] <BadCoderFinger> package update.
[00:46:26] <SpallsHurgenson> could we get an update on this update?
[00:46:31] <SpallsHurgenson> (and so on and so forth)
[00:50:16] <SpallsHurgenson> I hate people who refuse to vote third-party because "it's throwing their vote away". I think I be legally permitted to smack those people
[00:50:43] <BadCoderFinger> I'm with you there.
[00:51:11] <SpallsHurgenson> then again, there are a lot of situations where I think I should legally be allowed to smack people :)
[00:51:43] <BadCoderFinger> You should make a list, then put it on the wall when they serve the warrant.
[00:52:52] <SpallsHurgenson> trying to serve me a warrant or subpoena is one of those situations, actually :)
[00:54:33] <BadCoderFinger> HA!
[00:55:15] <BadCoderFinger> Your subversive and violent tendencies have been noted, recent ex-citizen.
[00:55:37] <SpallsHurgenson> I hope so :)
[01:02:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Race to Build a Real-Life Version of the “Star Trek” Tricorder - http://sylnt.us - would-McCoy-approve?
[01:03:35] <SpallsHurgenson> if it doesn't make that woobling-chirping-beeping noise of a real tricorder, then I'm not interested :)
[01:10:23] <SpallsHurgenson> also, it needs the special magic wand adapter that you point at wounds and they slowly disappear :)
[01:10:52] <SpallsHurgenson> also also, it needs to come standar with the female nurse in the short skirt :)
[01:12:15] <SpallsHurgenson> standard, even!
[01:16:03] <paulej72> hola amigos
[01:16:56] <SpallsHurgenson> !translate paulej72 to American
[01:17:03] <SpallsHurgenson> hrmph, stupid bot :)
[01:17:43] <paulej72> SpallsHurgenson: translation complete: hola amigos
[01:18:55] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: https://www.youtube.com
[01:18:57] <paulej72> now if you wanted murican, it would be yo dudes!
[01:18:58] <exec> └─ 13Galaxy Quest (7/9) Movie CLIP - Beaming Up a Pig Lizard (1999) HD - YouTube
[01:26:12] <paulej72> kkkkads;lfkaldkfl;ak;lfkdasl;fk;lakf;lka;lskf;ladjksf;lajdl;fjq48hq0843h0[iongqfv0[n4[390ghn094hi3g9-4h290-hg42
[01:26:36] <BadCoderFinger> Hey, look at that, paulej72 stole Spalls' cat!
[01:27:08] <SpallsHurgenson> can't be, its not peeing everywhere
[01:27:36] <BadCoderFinger> It may have just peed on paulej72's keyboard.
[01:27:49] <paulej72> maybe I did?
[01:28:49] <BadCoderFinger> That sounds like the kind of condition that you'd keep a secret.
[01:29:07] <SpallsHurgenson> lets not be too hasty!
[01:29:55] <paulej72> nah, i would pee in a cup before peeing on my laptop
[01:30:31] * BadCoderFinger eyes the cups on his desk with suspicion...
[01:31:20] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm going to get teased about this one but...
[01:31:31] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm upset that iTunes 12 doesn't support Windows Vista
[01:32:28] -!- marco_trunks has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[01:41:42] <BadCoderFinger> Wow. So much in just one sentence.
[01:43:05] <SpallsHurgenson> I use it to keep track of music on my zune :)
[01:45:09] <BadCoderFinger> Dear $DEITY! Have you gone mad?
[01:48:23] <SpallsHurgenson> now, now; do I seem crazy to you butterfly butterfly beezleburp kersprang!
[01:51:39] -!- mythterj has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[01:56:39] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: That's hilarious :D
[01:59:09] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: http://i.imgur.com
[02:00:40] <JamesNZ> Errr, yummy?
[02:00:56] <Subsentient> :^D
[02:24:41] * SpallsHurgenson fires up DOSBox
[02:36:34] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: ENOBEER]
[02:51:54] <SpallsHurgenson> my dogfighting skills really have atrophied since the '90s...
[03:03:04] -!- eaten has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[03:04:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Toshiba Develops Flash Memory Embedded Process - http://sylnt.us
[03:33:09] <takyon> test
[03:35:05] <SpallsHurgenson> C-
[03:40:00] <takyon> https://pando.com
[03:40:06] <exec> └─ 13Pando: Shillers for killers [04Pando: Shiller killers]
[03:52:49] <SpallsHurgenson> mum broke off the usb-port on her printer and was just about to buy a new printer (+toner) when I heroically pointed out that she could just use the network jack and save $500 :)
[03:54:15] <takyon> gj
[03:56:36] <SpallsHurgenson> yeah, but rather than send her some of my spare CAT5 and an extra switch, I made her buy the stuff from newegg. So I feel both awesome and sleazy :)
[03:58:15] <takyon> <takyon> EFF offered to have staff lobbying against regulation of cigarette ads on the Internet in exchange for payment of $350k
[03:58:22] <takyon> <takyon> Glenn Greenwald helped sue ABC-TV to kill a story about how tobacco companies were promoting smoking in the developing world
[03:59:16] <cmn32480_sleepin> why is it on nights when you need to sleep.. you can't?
[03:59:26] cmn32480_sleepin is now known as cmn32480
[04:00:02] <takyon> insomnia
[04:00:14] <cmn32480> spallhurgenson - sleazy woudl ahve been buying it and then making a profit off her
[04:00:30] <SpallsHurgenson> I recommend turning on all the lights, cranking up the music and running through the house screaming
[04:00:31] <cmn32480> not as a chronic thign takyon
[04:00:45] <SpallsHurgenson> it won'tmake you fall asleep, but if you can't snooze there's no reason anyone else should either :)
[04:00:46] <takyon> it will only get worse cmn32480
[04:01:00] <cmn32480> but tonight... I fell asleep for about 30 minutes... and now DOING! wide awake 3 hours later
[04:01:07] <takyon> nah but I would take melatonin to fall asleep for longer
[04:01:35] <paulej72> late night naps are fun
[04:01:40] <cmn32480> I'm usually one of those peopel who fall asleep about 60 seconds after hitting the pillow
[04:02:16] <cmn32480> this sucks
[04:02:27] <cmn32480> not that you guys aren't fun... but I'd rather be sleeping
[04:02:31] <SpallsHurgenson> pillow abuse is no laughing matter. Every night millions of pillows are beaten (or "plumped", as is the popular slang) with no chance of escape.
[04:03:07] <cmn32480> and I'm still living the life of a bcahelor spalls... so there is noone else here to wake up except the cats
[04:03:14] <SpallsHurgenson> If you witness somebody hitting the pillows, call 1-800-DONTPLMP today! The pillow you save... may be your own!
[04:03:40] -!- kadal has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[04:03:54] <cmn32480> oddd.... that was the same number for when you saw a buddy making moves on a fat chick
[04:04:31] <cmn32480> not sure I see the connection
[04:04:43] <cmn32480> well... they are both soft and cuddly
[04:05:10] <SpallsHurgenson> hey, I used to be a fat chick!
[04:05:15] <SpallsHurgenson> nograb :)
[04:05:26] <cmn32480> awwwwwww
[04:05:51] <cmn32480> resemble that remark do you?
[04:06:27] <SpallsHurgenson> it was a wild summer full of experimentation and donuts :)
[04:07:04] <cmn32480> that's why spallshurgenson has such a long nick.... so nobody can type !grab spallhurgenson before he spits out nograb
[04:07:33] <SpallsHurgenson> thank god we don't have software that can autocomplete nicks for us :)
[04:07:36] <cmn32480> hehe... speaking of donuts... I told a sales rep that he coudl take a flying fuck at a rolling donut today
[04:07:58] <cmn32480> I just learned something!
[04:08:12] <cmn32480> thanks SpallsHurgenson
[04:08:39] <SpallsHurgenson> and did he?
[04:08:48] <cmn32480> he didn't know what to say
[04:08:52] <cmn32480> so I hung up
[04:09:20] <NCommander> Did SN go down or is it just me?
[04:09:26] <cmn32480> the guy works for my company, but is a total asshole
[04:09:45] <cmn32480> I think it is just you NCommander
[04:09:58] <SpallsHurgenson> this may be relevant to the conversation: http://videosift.com :)
[04:10:03] <exec> └─ 13Key & Peele - The Telemarketer
[04:10:15] <SpallsHurgenson> its just you
[04:11:14] <paulej72> NCommander are f and h both up?
[04:11:28] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[04:11:33] <cmn32480> I was going to ask if you could get to anythgin else on the internet... but well... duh?
[04:12:07] <SpallsHurgenson> wait... IRC is on the Internet now?
[04:12:26] <cmn32480> apparently... but I'm pretty nre to the whole IRC thing.. so I'm not really suire
[04:12:32] <paulej72> i am up here but i think i have been on fluorine
[04:14:00] <cmn32480> any way to tell which one you are on paulej72?
[04:14:22] <paulej72> no
[04:14:45] <cmn32480> then I will sit here quietly for a change as I can (as usual) be no help.
[04:14:59] <paulej72> other than looking at access logs on the server
[04:15:12] <takyon> I use a neutrino-based IRC client
[04:15:23] <cmn32480> i am but a lowly editor, sir, and do not have access to such thigns
[04:15:58] <takyon> cmn32480 would you like a smoke?
[04:16:10] <cmn32480> depends which kind
[04:16:20] <takyon> whacky tobaccky
[04:16:30] <cmn32480> can't
[04:16:41] <cmn32480> jobs has mandatory testing
[04:16:49] <takyon> actually its regular tobacco. head over to #ed for a #longread if you still can't sleep
[04:16:52] <takyon> it's the pando article
[04:17:15] <cmn32480> soon as I toss this Hugh Pickens in the grinder
[04:17:32] <takyon> I'm going to condense the relevant bits into bite sized chunks, and then search the online database to see if I can find anything unreported
[04:25:49] <cmn32480> ok.. time to dig into the secret stash of little debbies
[04:26:07] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:27:39] <SpallsHurgenson> and he ain't talkin' cupcakes!
[04:28:07] <cmn32480> no.. swiss rolls
[04:29:20] <SpallsHurgenson> has anyone ever noticed how much windows8 SUCKS?
[04:29:38] <cmn32480> you odn't get out much do you Spalls?
[04:30:03] <SpallsHurgenson> no, there's too much screaming and gunfire when I do
[04:30:06] <cmn32480> i think there was an article or two about it in the last few years
[04:30:31] <cmn32480> check gewg_'s submission history... you might find every one of them there
[04:31:28] <SpallsHurgenson> huh, so it was unpopular?
[04:31:46] <cmn32480> there were a few minor interface hiccups
[04:32:03] <SpallsHurgenson> well, I'm not surprised. But if it got all that bad press then at least one good thing came out of the debacle: Microsoft won't be making THAT mistake again
[04:32:26] <cmn32480> yeah..... <sigh>
[04:32:38] <cmn32480> http://m.theregister.co.uk
[04:32:42] <exec> └─ 13We tried using Windows 10 for real work and ... oh, the HORRORS • The Register
[04:33:25] <cmn32480> I'm reading it now... and from the sound of it, it is not reasy for prime time
[04:34:46] <SpallsHurgenson> I've got it on a VM and while it has generally improved over the last few months, it is still a terrible experience.
[04:35:26] <cmn32480> i haven't had time to get it up on a VM. gotta wait for it to come out then install off one of the corporate licenses
[04:35:57] <NCommander> paulej72, I think so
[04:36:02] <NCommander> paulej72, I'm having connectivity issues it seems
[04:36:04] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[04:36:54] <SpallsHurgenson> its still metrofied, it still is a kludge between old and new UI metaphors, it hides or removes vital configuration tools, you have no control over updates, it harvests personal information and it is too pushy with microsoft online services
[04:37:24] <cmn32480> I think the harvesting personal info is the one that I worry about the most
[04:39:05] <SpallsHurgenson> to be fair, they seem to have fixed the bug where you couldn't turn off the "always search the internet" option... but that feature will only be in Win10 pro anyway
[04:39:36] <cmn32480> the ability to turn it off will only be in pro?
[04:39:41] <SpallsHurgenson> so if you are a home user, anytime you search for a file on your PC it will be sending that search to Bing too
[04:40:09] <takyon> here's my draft: http://puu.sh
[04:40:40] <cmn32480> Killers in the first line needs a cap
[04:40:42] <SpallsHurgenson> well, technically it should be possible to disable it in the home versions... but it requires specific registry hacks. in the pro version you just use the group policy editor
[04:41:13] <SpallsHurgenson> ow, green on black. I think I'm having 1981 flashbacks
[04:41:22] <SpallsHurgenson> "My god, the hair!"
[04:41:30] <takyon> that's how it's spelled on pando
[04:42:00] <cmn32480> you are correct. I looked at it twice and still saw a cap
[04:42:37] <takyon> changed tobacco -> tobacco company
[04:43:14] <takyon> I forgot to mention that the reason the TV stations were intimidated legally was because they were reporting on a tobacco industry whisteblower's documents
[04:43:15] <cmn32480> very cool
[04:43:31] <cmn32480> you sub it I will put it out
[04:44:46] <takyon> I doubt I'm gonna sub it just yet, I'm going to read the actual source documents
[04:44:52] <cmn32480> then I am gonna try going to bed again
[04:44:56] <takyon> need to zip this up since the Pando article will be paywalled
[04:45:02] <takyon> good luck
[04:45:05] <cmn32480> okie
[04:45:08] <cmn32480> thanks
[04:45:14] <cmn32480> need all the help I cang et at this point
[04:45:31] <cmn32480> I shoudl have done what I thoguht of at 9pm
[04:45:36] <cmn32480> 2 benedryl
[04:46:03] <cmn32480> ok gents
[04:46:10] <cmn32480> goodnight, again
[04:46:39] cmn32480 is now known as zz_cmn32480
[04:47:04] <zz_cmn32480> !weather baltimore, MD
[04:47:12] <zz_cmn32480> ~weather baltimore, MD
[04:47:14] <exec> 03Baltimore, MD, USA - currently 80°F / 27°C, clear, wind S at 4 mph, humidity 73% - Tuesday partly cloudy (75°F-88°F / 24°C-31°C), Wednesday scattered thunderstorms (73°F-86°F / 23°C-30°C), Thursday mostly cloudy (73°F-90°F / 23°C-32°C), Friday sunny (69°F-85°F / 21°C-29°C)
[04:48:01] <SpallsHurgenson> I'd have thought the weather report from baltimore would include probability of gunfire :)
[04:48:23] <takyon> #shotsfired
[04:51:56] <SpallsHurgenson> gee, and I'm not even outside yet
[04:53:35] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[04:53:35] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[04:57:49] <JamesNZ> Yet? You mean you're going outside at some point?
[04:58:32] <NCommander> w00t
[04:58:39] * NCommander has all the data migrated out of LDAP and can burn it to the ground
[04:58:41] <NCommander> hey mechanicjay
[04:58:53] <NCommander> mechanicjay, you're just in time for me to burn slapd to the ground :)
[05:05:36] * Gravis slaps NCommander
[05:05:50] <Gravis> hmm... guess it's still running
[05:05:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Giving $500,000 to Academia to Develop HoloLens Apps - http://sylnt.us - I-see-what-they-did-there
[05:09:22] <NCommander> Gravis, slapd == openldap
[05:09:28] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: Oh! It's Godzilla!]
[05:09:46] * Gravis slaps NCommander
[05:09:57] <Gravis> NCommander: i dont get it
[05:09:58] <Gravis> ;P
[05:14:31] <mechanicjay> NCommander: Burn baby burn ; LDAP inferno!
[05:15:42] <NCommander> mechanicjay, hydrogen and lithium have been deLDAPed
[05:15:48] <NCommander> mechanicjay, stuffing SSH keys in DNS was a pain though
[05:17:28] -!- rune has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[05:17:58] <NCommander> mechanicjay, check out the zone file on helium if you want to see my handywork
[05:19:03] -!- rune [rune!~rune@2605:e000:jvkm:qqpv::p] has joined #Soylent
[05:19:11] * NCommander tries to debug hydrogen
[05:19:13] * Gravis slaps NCommander
[05:19:16] <NCommander> Apache won't start
[05:19:48] <Gravis> NCommander: i thought you were going to stop being slapd
[05:21:27] <Gravis> btw... if you are interested in the Hacking Team data: http://ht.transparencytoolkit.org
[05:21:29] <exec> └─ 13Just a moment...
[05:22:17] <NCommander> Gravis, what am I looking at?
[05:22:19] <NCommander> hey rune
[05:22:31] <rune> NCommander, sup buddy
[05:22:41] <Gravis> NCommander: did Hacking Team data
[05:22:43] <Gravis> err
[05:22:48] <Gravis> NCommander: the Hacking Team data
[05:23:22] <takyon> 400 GB of pain for Hacking Team
[05:23:28] <NCommander> rune, making OpenLDAP a distant memory :)
[05:23:30] <takyon> about to do some original reporting?
[05:23:34] * NCommander found hydrogen's problem. Bloody apparmor
[05:23:36] <rune> NCommander, good man :D
[05:23:41] <NCommander> takyon, I might
[05:23:42] <Gravis> what's funny is one of the passwords he uses the most is "Passw0rd"
[05:23:56] <rune> Gravis, oh shit, other people use that?
[05:24:04] <Gravis> ;)
[05:24:16] <mechanicjay> the funny part is that Pa$$w0rd passes most complexity requirements
[05:24:26] <takyon> http://puu.sh
[05:24:40] <takyon> hey, that's my password!
[05:24:48] <rune> NCommander, any word on what we talked about before?
[05:24:59] <NCommander> rune, ugh, I've been stupid busy
[05:25:24] <rune> NCommander, no worries dude, it's a low priority.
[05:25:26] <takyon> you type really fast NCommander
[05:25:31] <rune> Please don't feel stressed about it.
[05:25:40] <rune> takyon, most sysadmins I know type fast.
[05:25:41] <NCommander> takyon, thanks
[05:25:52] <NCommander> rune, what was needed to setup the NRPE stuff?
[05:25:54] <Gravis> i type HARD. ;)
[05:26:19] <takyon> Gravis, not enough information
[05:26:29] <rune> NCommander, Setup NRPE, and then setup an add'l app that basically is it's own cron/updater for tasks if we're doing async comm
[05:26:42] <Gravis> takyon: i type like i fuck: hard.
[05:26:50] <NCommander> rune, got an ubuntu package or something similar?
[05:26:55] <rune> That part is still in it's final tweaks.
[05:27:06] <rune> NCommander, No, it will be a couple of python scripts.
[05:27:17] <NCommander> rune, we have quite a few services to monitor :/
[05:27:17] <Gravis> funny passwords: http://ht.transparencytoolkit.org
[05:27:19] <rune> I can make a bash 'installer'
[05:27:21] <exec> └─ 13Just a moment...
[05:27:39] <rune> NCommander, That's fine.
[05:27:56] <rune> NCommander, One company I'm watching 160 servers w/ almost 3k services
[05:28:13] <Gravis> he also seems to use the alias "dottorkame"
[05:28:14] <rune> most other shops are just one box
[05:29:33] <NCommander> rune, I'm tempted to give you access to lithium (the dev box), and let you take a look at the insanity offhand
[05:30:00] <rune> NCommander, You can give me a non priv'd acct and also whitelist runeg.net as the IP
[05:30:19] <rune> That way it's easy to lock up after.
[05:30:23] <NCommander> rune, lithium is fairly well isolated from pretty much everything ... except the cluster ...
[05:30:30] <takyon> I wish there was a highlighter tag for submissions/articles. maybe time for a feature request
[05:30:38] <rune> We can do a screen -x and you can watch me ls around
[05:30:43] <Gravis> rune: "Whatever you do, be happy."? DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
[05:30:54] <rune> Gravis, brah, live your life one way, my way
[05:30:57] <NCommander> rune, got an SSH key?
[05:31:08] <rune> da, will pm the public
[05:31:18] <NCommander> rune, pastebin it, its easier that way
[05:31:27] <NCommander> I have to run it through a script to generate a hesiod entry
[05:31:37] <rune> copy that
[05:32:27] -!- MrPlow has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:32:28] <NCommander> rune, the firewall is rebooting so its going to take a moment
[05:32:35] <Gravis> rune: in a word: http://i.kinja-img.com
[05:32:36] <rune> Reboot it 3 times to make sure
[05:32:43] <rune> Gravis, ha
[05:40:52] -!- Gravis has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[05:41:17] -!- Gravis [Gravis!~gravis@oi34-126-749-33.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[06:24:51] <NCommander> FUck this bug
[06:24:55] * NCommander hates NSS
[06:29:44] <arti> Nubile Swedish Skittles
[06:30:02] <arti> putting the u in yum.
[06:30:25] <rune> night ya'll
[06:30:29] <arti> nite rune
[06:37:12] <NCommander> woohoo
[06:37:15] <NCommander> Figured out how to fix it
[06:37:19] <NCommander> Obsecure hacks for the win
[06:37:31] <takyon> +1
[07:06:17] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:06:25] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Changing host]
[07:06:25] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[07:07:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ask Soylent: Payroll Software on Linux - http://sylnt.us - give-me-the-money
[07:07:54] <Ethanol-fueled> People who use Linux have money for payroll...Bah!
[07:12:02] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[08:08:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - BBC Micro:bit Design Finalized - http://sylnt.us - supports-5p-video
[08:16:16] -!- SoyGuest99891 has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[10:40:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Moves into Uber Territory with Pilot Carpooling Service - http://sylnt.us
[11:10:03] zz_cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480
[11:14:43] -!- eaten [eaten!~eaten@64-245-877-217.cm.mhcable.com] has joined #Soylent
[11:27:40] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:11:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Code Specialists Oppose Government Access to Encrypted Communication - http://sylnt.us - the-truth-hurts
[12:39:14] <crutchy> ++coffee
[12:39:14] <crutchy> coffee++
[12:39:14] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1494
[12:44:04] <cmn32480> amen crutchy
[12:44:08] <cmn32480> coffee++
[12:44:08] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1495
[12:59:12] <paulej72> i hr bike ride followed by 30 min of pushing the lawn mower
[13:01:35] <cmn32480> did you at least cut the grass while pushing the mower? or were you jsut pushing it for exercise
[13:02:58] <paulej72> i did the edges, my dad had just finished with the rider.
[13:04:37] zz_janrinok is now known as janrinok
[13:04:45] <janrinok> hi guys
[13:05:03] <cmn32480> morning sir
[13:05:09] <janrinok> paulej72, you fixed the commenting on the subs page - thanks very much for that!
[13:05:16] <janrinok> cmn32480, !!
[13:05:25] <cmn32480> janrinok !!
[13:06:05] <janrinok> cmn32480, how's things, you pseudo bachelor, you
[13:06:08] <paulej72> well i think i did, you might have just connected to working frontend
[13:06:19] <janrinok> paulej72, well it did the job!
[13:06:52] <cmn32480> they'll be home either tonight or tomorrow, depending on how my sister is
[13:07:20] <janrinok> is that the same as whether she can cope with them for another 24 hours?
[13:07:21] <cmn32480> my wife got an inkling that they were not going to be staying the night at her place tonight as had been previously discussed
[13:07:41] <janrinok> ah, OKJ
[13:07:55] <cmn32480> they were with friends all last week.... my sister and her kids are on the way home (5-6 hours south of my house)
[13:12:01] <CoolHand> janrinok !!
[13:34:37] -!- kadal [kadal!~kadal@soycow/kadal] has joined #Soylent
[13:42:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Twisting Graphene Alters Its Electrical Properties - http://sylnt.us - graph-this-suckers
[13:49:52] -!- kadal has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[14:29:36] <Gravis> thinking--
[14:29:36] <Bender> karma - thinking: -6
[14:31:20] -!- kadal [kadal!~kadal@soycow/kadal] has joined #Soylent
[14:32:41] <Leebert> At a NIST conference... One of the folks on this plenary session is named "John Connor". Waiting for a terminator to show up.
[15:39:00] janrinok is now known as janrinok_afk
[15:44:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Mozilla's 18-Week Release Cycle is Too Slow, and Other Browser News - http://sylnt.us - just-release-nightly-builds-oh-wait
[15:45:57] <Gravis> thinking--
[15:45:57] <Bender> karma - thinking: -7
[15:57:01] <Gravis> Cats enjoy outdoor activities: http://media.riemurasia.net
[15:59:13] <AndyTheAbsurd> cats are miniature bundles of murder and hatred
[16:44:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Twisting Graphene Alters its Electrical Properties - http://sylnt.us - graph-this-suckers
[17:15:10] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Mozilla's 18-Week Release Cycle is Too Slow and Other Browser News - http://sylnt.us - just-release-nightly-builds-oh-wait || Major Job Cuts Expected at Microsoft - http://sylnt.us - how-the-mighty-have-fallen
[17:27:26] -!- Alberto [Alberto!~Alberto@Soylent/Users/3580/barrahome] has joined #Soylent
[17:45:42] <Gravis> what about the forests?
[17:54:40] <Gravis> AndyTheAbsurd: well?
[17:54:52] <AndyTheAbsurd> huh?
[17:57:06] <AndyTheAbsurd> are you asking me to define "forests" in a similarly amusing way to how I've defined "cats", in the hopes that I'll use a description that applies equally well to a bundle of sticks, which can also be referred to as a "faggot", which is also a term for a male homosexual, and then make some reference to my supposed homosexuality? Because if so, I've got your number, mister! It's 42.5.
[17:57:07] <Gravis> AndyTheAbsurd: I'm sorry but the individual named "Gravis" has been terminated due to insufficient funds.
[17:57:41] <AndyTheAbsurd> his/her bank probably charged him/her money for not having enough money
[17:57:57] <AndyTheAbsurd> (because that's a system that *always* works out well for *everybody*)
[17:58:12] -!- Alberto has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:58:39] * paulej72 works well for the banks
[17:59:01] <AndyTheAbsurd> I used to work well for a bank too
[17:59:19] <AndyTheAbsurd> then they started replacing everyone around me with outsourced labor
[17:59:28] <AndyTheAbsurd> so I left before they had a chance to lay me off
[17:59:32] <paulej72> atms
[17:59:38] <Gravis> atoms
[17:59:47] <AndyTheAbsurd> ATMOS.
[18:00:14] <AndyTheAbsurd> for reference: http://tardis.wikia.com
[18:00:16] <exec> └─ 13Atmospheric Omission System - Tardis Data Core, the Doctor Who Wiki
[18:00:21] <Gravis> DETONATE!
[18:01:07] <Gravis> Gravis: I'm sorry but you have insuffiencient funds to detonate
[18:01:25] <Gravis> this really isn't my day.
[18:03:21] <AndyTheAbsurd> best go turn yourself in at debtor's prison, before they charge you a debtor apprehension fee. I hope you get wifi there so you can continue to play multi-player Notepad with us.
[18:11:56] <Gravis> Notepad? what do you take me for a fool? no sane person would willingly use software written by Microsoft
[18:12:21] <everdred> Notepad++
[18:12:21] <Bender> karma - notepad: 2
[18:12:30] <Gravis> Notepad--
[18:12:30] <Bender> karma - notepad: 1
[18:12:31] <Gravis> Notepad--
[18:12:31] <Bender> karma - notepad: 0
[18:12:42] <Gravis> vim++
[18:12:42] <Bender> karma - vim: 5
[18:12:45] <Gravis> :)
[18:12:52] <CoolHand> neovim++
[18:12:52] <Bender> karma - neovim: 1
[18:13:01] <everdred> Or should I say, Notepad++++
[18:13:19] <Gravis> everdred: no, you should not. ;)
[18:14:56] <Gravis> everdred: Portable Executables are icky! >:(
[18:17:17] <Gravis> LOL oh reddit users post the darndest things: http://i.imgur.com
[18:18:38] <everdred> Nice.
[18:19:05] <NCommander> Gravis, there are binary formats far worse than PE
[18:19:22] <Gravis> NCommander: agreed.
[18:19:43] <NCommander> Gravis, mach-o, XOM, PEF (points if you know what this is from), the linux a.out format
[18:20:50] <Gravis> NCommander: not a fan of fatELF. it seemed like a bad idea to start with
[18:21:15] <NCommander> Gravis, that one didn't really go anywhere. Honestly, it was basically standard ELF with more tables
[18:21:38] <Gravis> NCommander: of course it didnt, it was too fat!
[18:21:51] <Gravis> NCommander: what kills me is that the NT loader doesnt even properly read the PE header
[18:22:28] <Gravis> which is why you can do crazy shit
[18:23:24] <Gravis> if there is one company who knows how to fuck shit up, it's Microsoft.
[18:23:37] <NCommander> Gravis, go play with UEFI, and get back to me on fucked up loaders
[18:24:00] <NCommander> I'm fairly sure I could craft a file that would be a valid ELF file that UEFI could load (possibly excluding the magic bits)
[18:24:28] <Gravis> UEFI is a disaster waiting to happen
[18:24:56] <NCommander> Gravis, honestly, and I say this with a straight face, its better than the alternatives
[18:25:29] <Gravis> NCommander: i disagree.
[18:25:42] <Gravis> BIOS is the way to go
[18:25:46] <NCommander> Gravis, I'm going to note for the record I worked professionally with both OpenFirmware and UEFI
[18:25:52] <NCommander> and BIOS
[18:26:15] <Gravis> though SSDs/HDDs are a disaster that are currently happening
[18:26:18] <NCommander> Gravis, from a boot perspective, BIOS requires constant 16-bit mode thunks, and archane hacks to keep running.
[18:26:20] <Gravis> 0 security
[18:27:03] <Gravis> NCommander: yeah, x86 is bad. :(
[18:27:26] <NCommander> BIOS has no sane way to extend it ina cross-platform matter. I can't slot in a new boot protocol, or take advantage of new hardware except by option ROMs which have even more strings attached
[18:27:35] * NCommander has had to deal with a option rom conflict, its *not* fun
[18:27:48] <NCommander> UEFI is essentially cross-platform firmware-based DOS
[18:27:57] <NCommander> As far as boot platforms go, that's not a bad place to be
[18:28:17] <NCommander> I could easily write a driver for UEFI to give it native ext2fs functionality if I wanted to rip my eyes out on filesystem code
[18:28:31] <Gravis> das u-boot is a better way to go
[18:28:42] <NCommander> Gravis, gah. no
[18:28:48] <NCommander> No, just, no.
[18:28:56] * NCommander shivers
[18:28:58] <NCommander> Bad job memories
[18:29:43] <NCommander> You can do some nifty things with hush, but u-boot has no standardization across platforms, or easy way to implement things like boot order, memory table passing, hardware probing, etc.
[18:30:19] <Gravis> NCommander: currently or last time you worked with it?
[18:30:45] <NCommander> Gravis, multiple times I worked with it. OMAP3, OMAP4, several vendor implementations, upstream
[18:31:51] <Gravis> yeah... ARM wasn't even standardized in the kernel back then
[18:32:34] <NCommander> Gravis, the stories I could tell
[18:32:42] * NCommander worked for Canonical on multiple ARM projects, and later Linaro
[18:32:47] <Gravis> NCommander: would bore normal folk? :P
[18:33:13] <NCommander> Gravis, the type that would get me sued. NDA expires relatively soon, but I probably won't write a novel until a few years later.
[18:34:19] <Gravis> NCommander: then you won't write a novel.
[18:34:52] <NCommander> Gravis, obviously you haven't seen my posts on SoylentNews :)
[18:35:11] <Gravis> ha
[18:35:25] * NCommander is fairly sure janrinok_afk, takyon, Azrael, juggs, and mrcoolbp cringe in fear when I say "I'm going to make a post"
[18:36:30] <Gravis> cmn32480: you are the weakest link. GOODBYE!
[18:36:44] <NCommander> cmn32480, you weren't there in real life when mrcoolbp got to watch me crap one out in RL
[18:36:58] <NCommander> He was on the phone ordering pizza. By time I was done, boom, 3k words :)
[18:37:01] <NCommander> *he was
[18:37:12] <cmn32480> NCommander says he is gonna post, we all start talking about taking a vacation.
[18:37:29] <Gravis> lol
[18:37:46] <NCommander> cmn32480, I'm fairly sure I'm the most determental aspect of mrcoolbp's recruiting efforts. Either I drop a shitpost, or I break dev
[18:37:47] <NCommander> Or both
[18:38:05] <cmn32480> You must type exceptionally fast NCommander
[18:38:15] <cmn32480> or it was a REALLY copmlex pizza order
[18:38:26] <cmn32480> or both
[18:38:50] <NCommander> cmn32480, it was likely slightly longer than that, but ask mrcoolbp or matt
[18:38:55] <Gravis> cmn32480: it was this call: https://www.youtube.com
[18:38:58] <exec> └─ 13Key & Peele - Pizza Order - YouTube
[18:39:30] <NCommander> Gravis, I more think of the telemarker who called a guy who pranked them in thinking they called a crime scene
[18:40:04] <cmn32480> we all cringe a little when you drop another chapter, yet we all take a swipe at editing it.
[18:41:30] <Gravis> well fuck... now i want pizza
[18:41:50] <NCommander> cmn32480, *cough*, I've gotten better
[18:41:52] <cmn32480> excellent.. now I know what I want for dinner. Thanks Ncommander!
[18:41:56] <NCommander> I think the record is 5k
[18:42:10] <cmn32480> shoot, I cringed when I read that one prior t5o being on staff
[18:42:48] <NCommander> cmn32480, you know, sometimes I'm amazed the editoral team hasn't tried to oust me on the grounds of cruel and unusual punishment
[18:43:49] * NCommander notes the very first quote in the quotes DB, going back from last year
[18:43:50] <NCommander> <Bender> Quote 0 - <NCommander> mattie_p, I dunno, are you going to mail me an explosive device if I have you edit ANOTHER 3k novel?
[18:43:59] <cmn32480> truth be told, your stuff is usually pretty well written, few typos, some punctuation issues, but before you release us on it, you seem to go over it pretty thoroughly.
[18:44:07] <cmn32480> And we appreciate that NCommander
[18:44:32] <NCommander> cmn32480, usually. I've learned not to drink and post
[18:45:29] <cmn32480> NCommander: a fair lesson. just remember, the 3k novel is not what we generally have to edit. The VAST majority is 500 words or less.
[18:46:05] <NCommander> !quote NCommander
[18:46:05] <Bender> Quote 1 - <NCommander> DarkMorph, because whenever I have to touch hashref's I want to stab my eyes out
[18:46:09] <Bender> Also in quotes: 7, 53, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 97, 106, 111, 114, 138, 147, 153, 156, 157, 158, 169, 171, 211, 212, 222, 255, 415, 458, 459, 516, 518, 540
[18:46:27] <NCommander> cmn32480, if you want words of wisdom, go to #staff and then run !quote NCommander
[18:46:30] <NCommander> !quote 459
[18:46:30] <Bender> Quote 459 - <NCommander> WOn't break anything
[18:46:43] <NCommander> .oO(please tell me I didn't say that about the last site upgrade)
[18:47:04] <NCommander> !quote 222
[18:47:04] <Bender> Quote 222 - <TheMightyLaptop> honestly, we generally don't get rid of anything. NCommander loves doing it so much it's a shame to disappoint him by taking his fun.
[18:47:13] <NCommander> !quote 223
[18:47:13] <Bender> Quote 223 - <Ethanol-fueled> Biting your momma's nipples.
[18:47:17] <NCommander> !quote 211
[18:47:17] <Bender> Quote 211 - <NCommander> Shit shit shit
[18:47:25] <NCommander> That sounds like our last upgrade :)
[18:47:27] <NCommander> !quote 540
[18:47:27] <Bender> Quote 540 - <NCommander> Trust me, I know what I'm getting into
[18:47:54] <NCommander> Memo to past me: DON'T TEMPT FATE YOU IDIOT
[18:49:15] <paulej72> NCommander has gone quote happy again
[18:49:18] <Gravis> NCommander: yeah, it looks like they have sorted out the issues with u-boot. now they support a HUGE amount of boards and processors
[18:50:51] <NCommander> paulej72, don't tell anyone. I'm a serial quoter
[18:51:15] <paulej72> :)
[18:57:00] <Azrael> NCommander: I'm already cringing
[19:12:34] <cmn32480> !quote 540
[19:12:34] <Bender> Quote 540 - <NCommander> Trust me, I know what I'm getting into
[19:12:50] <cmn32480> I think he said this when he was asked about getting slash running in the beginning too
[19:16:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Time Warner Cable Must Pay $229,500 to One Woman for Excessive Robocalling - http://sylnt.us - fighting-the-most-hated-industry
[19:19:45] <AndyTheAbsurd> so a friend of mine just pointed out to me that currently, putting a SN link on Facebook generates no preview
[19:19:57] <AndyTheAbsurd> is that intentional? or should it be fixed?
[19:20:09] <AndyTheAbsurd> (do we care enough about people who use facebook to fix it?)
[19:21:08] <AndyTheAbsurd> [15:20:43] < lTSoTD5Ts> So I delete the link, re paste, still nothing. ctrl-f5 refresh, repaste the link. Still nothing. Repeat. Finally follow the in story link to the original article and paste that. Sometimes it's better to use the original article, but often Soylent has a shorter summary that gets right to the meat of things.
[20:01:12] <Bytram> !uid
[20:01:13] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 5656, owned by NON
[20:01:16] <Bytram> ~weather boston, ma
[20:01:19] <exec> 03Boston, MA, USA - currently 85°F, mostly cloudy, wind NW at 12 mph, humidity 60% - Wednesday mostly cloudy (65°F-87°F), Thursday cloudy (63°F-71°F), Friday sunny (64°F-82°F), Saturday mostly sunny (66°F-86°F)
[20:01:21] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[20:01:23] <exec> 03Portland, ME, USA - currently 80°F, mostly cloudy, wind N at 6 mph, humidity 57% - Wednesday partly cloudy (59°F-83°F), Thursday mostly cloudy (58°F-72°F), Friday mostly sunny (61°F-83°F), Saturday mostly sunny (63°F-81°F)
[20:01:25] <Bytram> ~weather presque isle
[20:01:28] <exec> 03Presque Isle, ME, USA - currently 72°F, partly cloudy, wind NW at 18 mph, humidity 44% - Wednesday clear with periodic clouds (48°F-72°F), Thursday partly cloudy (53°F-79°F), Friday mostly sunny (55°F-81°F), Saturday partly cloudy (55°F-79°F)
[20:01:29] <Bytram> ~weather mcmurdo
[20:01:31] <exec> 03McMurdo, Antarctica - currently -18°F, snow showers, wind E at 17 mph, humidity 28% - Thursday snow showers (-24°F--16°F), Friday partly cloudy (-18°F--15°F), Saturday mostly cloudy (-17°F--14°F), Sunday partly cloudy (-30°F--10°F)
[20:01:34] <Bytram> ~weather rihad
[20:01:37] <exec> 03Riyadh Saudi Arabia - currently 97°F, clear, wind N at 6 mph, humidity 9% - Wednesday clear (84°F-111°F), Thursday sunny (82°F-113°F), Friday sunny (82°F-111°F), Saturday sunny (81°F-110°F)
[20:01:52] <Bytram> ~weather bangalore
[20:01:54] <exec> 03Bengaluru, Karnataka, India - currently 79°F, partly cloudy, wind W at 13 mph, humidity 83% - Wednesday mostly cloudy (69°F-84°F), Thursday mostly cloudy (72°F-90°F), Friday scattered thunderstorms (71°F-88°F), Saturday mostly cloudy (69°F-90°F)
[20:02:16] <Bytram> ~weather delhi
[20:02:17] <exec> 03New Delhi, Delhi, India - currently 86°F, haze, wind S at 0 mph, humidity 66% - Wednesday partly cloudy (80°F-91°F), Thursday scattered thunderstorms (80°F-90°F), Friday thunderstorm (77°F-88°F), Saturday thunderstorm (77°F-83°F)
[20:04:26] <Bytram> time for a nap
[20:04:35] Bytram is now known as Bytram|afk
[20:14:13] <takyon> wow another republican joins the race
[20:14:19] janrinok_afk is now known as zz_janrinok_afk
[20:15:39] <takyon> http://www.tomshardware.com
[20:15:42] <exec> └─ 13FCC Reviewing Proposed Charter, Bright House, Time Warner Merger
[20:18:19] <takyon> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[20:18:23] <exec> └─ 13Lizard Squad teen who hacked 50 THOUSAND computers walks free • The Register
[20:18:35] <takyon> https://firstlook.org
[20:18:38] <exec> └─ 13Cyberpoint's Paul Kurtz, Linked to Spy Tech, Advises NYU in Abu Dhabi
[20:27:23] <CoolHand> ~weather indy
[20:27:25] <exec> 03Indianapolis, IN, USA - currently 65°F / 18°C, rain showers, wind S at 3 mph, humidity 94% - Wednesday thunderstorm (66°F-67°F / 19°C-19°C), Thursday cloudy (62°F-74°F / 17°C-23°C), Friday scattered thunderstorms (66°F-81°F / 19°C-27°C), Saturday partly cloudy (71°F-87°F / 22°C-31°C)
[20:29:38] <Gravis> ~weather hell
[20:29:40] <exec> 03Washington - currently 87°F / 31°C, cloudy, wind NW at 5 mph, humidity 62% - Wednesday isolated thunderstorms (72°F-89°F / 22°C-32°C), Thursday partly cloudy (72°F-92°F / 22°C-33°C), Friday mostly sunny (68°F-86°F / 20°C-30°C), Saturday mostly sunny (69°F-89°F / 21°C-32°C)
[20:30:26] <CoolHand> haha
[20:31:34] <cmn32480> Coolhand: Have you ever seen a more wretched hive of scum and villany?
[20:32:00] <cmn32480> ~weather heaven
[20:32:02] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[20:32:06] <cmn32480> booooooO!
[20:32:15] <CoolHand> well, I think a lot of national capitols could vie for the honor, but, I get ur pt
[20:33:37] <paulej72> ~weather
[20:33:39] <exec> 03Princeton, NJ, USA - currently 87°F / 31°C, cloudy, wind W at 8 mph, humidity 55% - Wednesday mostly cloudy (68°F-86°F / 20°C-30°C), Thursday scattered thunderstorms (67°F-87°F / 19°C-31°C), Friday partly cloudy (65°F-86°F / 18°C-30°C), Saturday mostly sunny (67°F-89°F / 19°C-32°C)
[20:34:02] <Gravis> ~weather Jersey
[20:34:04] <exec> 03Jersey - currently 59°F / 15°C, sunny, wind W at 17 mph, humidity 86% - Wednesday clear with periodic clouds (56°F-64°F / 13°C-18°C), Thursday sunny (55°F-67°F / 13°C-19°C), Friday sunny (58°F-74°F / 14°C-23°C), Saturday mostly sunny (56°F-67°F / 13°C-19°C)
[20:34:08] <cmn32480> see... now that ought to coome up if you say ~weather armpit
[20:34:14] <Gravis> ~weather New Jersey
[20:34:16] <exec> 03New Jersey, USA - currently 89°F / 32°C, partly cloudy, wind SW at 6 mph, humidity 54% - Wednesday isolated thunderstorms (68°F-88°F / 20°C-31°C), Thursday scattered thunderstorms (67°F-87°F / 19°C-31°C), Friday partly cloudy (64°F-86°F / 18°C-30°C), Saturday mostly sunny (66°F-88°F / 19°C-31°C)
[20:34:25] <cmn32480> ~weather armpit
[20:34:27] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[20:34:37] <Gravis> so wtf is Washington?
[20:34:39] <cmn32480> see.. nwo that ought to have given me New Jersey
[20:34:45] <cmn32480> Washignton DC
[20:34:58] <Gravis> wouldnt it have listed it as such?
[20:35:04] <cmn32480> ~weather hell
[20:35:06] <exec> 03Washington - currently 87°F / 31°C, cloudy, wind NW at 5 mph, humidity 62% - Wednesday isolated thunderstorms (72°F-89°F / 22°C-32°C), Thursday partly cloudy (72°F-92°F / 22°C-33°C), Friday mostly sunny (68°F-86°F / 20°C-30°C), Saturday mostly sunny (69°F-89°F / 21°C-32°C)
[20:35:25] <Gravis> ~weather DC
[20:35:26] <exec> 03Washington - currently 87°F / 31°C, cloudy, wind NW at 5 mph, humidity 62% - Wednesday isolated thunderstorms (72°F-89°F / 22°C-32°C), Thursday partly cloudy (72°F-92°F / 22°C-33°C), Friday mostly sunny (68°F-86°F / 20°C-30°C), Saturday mostly sunny (69°F-89°F / 21°C-32°C)
[20:35:36] <cmn32480> I think that woudl be more like the asshole fo the country, seeing as that is where all the shit comes from
[20:35:38] <Gravis> touche
[20:36:06] <cmn32480> ~weather
[20:36:07] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[20:36:20] <cmn32480> only PJ is special, apparently
[20:47:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Jolla Announces Restructuring - http://sylnt.us - 'holla'-or-'yolla'-or-'hoya'-or-???
[20:56:24] <Gravis> NCommander: you gotta add the ability to show/hide specific boxes on the page in the preferences.
[20:56:45] <Gravis> NCommander: the "less" or "none" isn't cutting it!
[21:17:42] <cmn32480> who the f**k schedules a 5pm conference call?
[21:18:48] <Subsentient> Starting to think that it'd be good if we could delete comments that are advertisement spam.
[21:19:10] <cmn32480> what si the link subsentient?
[21:19:42] <Subsentient> cmn32480: https://soylentnews.org
[21:19:47] <exec> └─ 13SoylentNews Comments | Ask Soylent: Alternatives to GoToMyPC with a Linux Friendly Client
[21:26:40] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480|afk
[21:31:33] <paulej72> ~weather-add
[21:31:34] <exec> syntax: ~weather-add name location (name cannot contain spaces but location can contain spaces)
[21:33:14] <paulej72> ~weather-add armpit Camden, New Jersey
[21:33:16] <exec> name "armpit" set for location "Camden, New Jersey"
[21:33:35] <paulej72> ~weather armpit
[21:33:36] <exec> 03Camden, NJ, USA - currently 82°F / 28°C, cloudy, wind W at 8 mph, humidity 69% - Wednesday partly cloudy (71°F-77°F / 22°C-25°C), Thursday mostly cloudy (70°F-90°F / 21°C-32°C), Friday partly cloudy (67°F-88°F / 19°C-31°C), Saturday partly cloudy (68°F-89°F / 20°C-32°C)
[21:33:55] <Cyprus> yay you fixed your unauthorized scraping =)
[21:35:07] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~weather-add wang Orlando, FL
[21:35:09] <exec> name "wang" set for location "Orlando, FL"
[21:35:23] <AndyTheAbsurd> Florida is America's wang.
[21:35:54] <paulej72> and orlando is the genital wart
[21:36:09] <AndyTheAbsurd> well, one of them.
[21:36:22] <AndyTheAbsurd> Miami and Daytona also qualify as warts.
[21:37:55] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[21:37:57] <AndyTheAbsurd> Wow, even trippier than normal DeepDream results; also NSFW: http://motherboard.vice.com
[22:02:27] -!- alberto [alberto!~alberto@Soylent/Users/3580/barrahome] has joined #Soylent
[22:13:52] -!- kadal has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[22:16:32] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!~Tachyon@naq-vpj-43-7.cust.vodafone.cz] has joined #Soylent
[22:18:04] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[22:29:11] <cmn32480|afk> since I'm not at work anymore, that makes it safe right>
[22:32:52] cmn32480|afk is now known as cmn32480
[22:42:40] <takyon> http://www.slate.com
[22:49:24] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - What Distro Do Soylentils Use? - http://sylnt.us - get-the-fire-extinguisher-ready...
[23:11:03] <takyon> http://www.marketwatch.com
[23:11:06] <exec> └─ 13OPM hack may have affected 32 million government employees - MarketWatch
[23:11:10] <takyon> it's going exponential!
[23:16:36] -!- crutchy_ [crutchy_!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:17:07] -!- alberto has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:37:27] <takyon> http://hplusmagazine.com
[23:37:31] <exec> └─ 13How Old Are You Really? - h+ Mediah+ Media
[23:40:36] -!- Tachyon__ [Tachyon__!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
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[23:55:28] -!- marco_trunks [marco_trunks!~marco_tru@argh-26-554-173-22.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent