#Soylent | Logs for 2014-03-10 - Select a date
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[00:00:07] <mattie_p> sounds like fun though
[00:00:57] <BadCoderFinger> I bet his parties are all, "Bring your own painkillers."
[00:03:33] <mattie_p> That's ... not a bad party theme actually
[00:04:13] <BadCoderFinger> It is if "painkiller" isn't a euphemism.
[00:04:20] <pbnjoe> ^
[00:04:23] <mattie_p> I just assumed it was
[00:04:28] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[00:04:35] <mattie_p> better that way for all involved
[00:05:44] <BadCoderFinger> In the immortal words of Daffy Duck, "I don't like pain, it hurts me."
[00:06:23] <pbnjoe> :)
[00:06:40] <mattie_p> gotta go clean the grill, back in a while\
[00:07:13] * artificial imagines mattie with one of those bling grills
[00:07:31] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v artificial] by BaconTree
[00:07:33] <BadCoderFinger> Man, a well done cheeseburger sounds great.
[00:08:14] <pbnjoe> so essentially mattie's off to brush his teeth then artificial, ? :P
[00:08:21] <artificial> sounds like it :P
[00:08:33] <pbnjoe> s/then artificial, ?/then, artificial?/
[00:08:33] <SedBot> <pbnjoe> so essentially mattie's off to brush his teeth then, artificial?? :P
[00:08:40] <pbnjoe> screw it
[00:08:44] <pbnjoe> I give up on the punctuation
[00:08:50] <artificial> full stop.
[00:08:59] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[00:09:41] <kobach> mattie_p: sweet potato fries, dear jesus
[00:09:51] <kobach> i LOVE sweet potato fries
[00:09:54] <FoobarBazbot_> pbnjoe: ? in the search side means the preceding element (space in your case) may be present or not
[00:10:16] <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - Pregnancy Advisor Fined for Data Breach - http://sylnt.us - and-somewhere-a-web-designer-shrugs-his-shoulders
[00:10:40] <pbnjoe> oh, ok, thanks :)
[00:11:16] <kobach> mattie_p: ever make maple butter dip to dip them in
[00:11:28] <FoobarBazbot_> In that case, you could have just left it out of both, but if you _need_ to match a ?, use \?
[00:12:43] <mattie_p> kobach I need to try that
[00:12:45] <kobach> i _think_ this is the recipe http://www.food.com
[00:12:57] <mattie_p> I've done honey butter with cinnamon
[00:13:00] <kobach> ive only had it at a restraunt so im not sure how close that is
[00:13:01] <pbnjoe> FoobarBazbot_, noted.
[00:13:03] <mattie_p> but not maple
[00:13:21] <mattie_p> sweetpotatofries
[00:13:24] <mattie_p> sweetpotatofries++
[00:13:25] <Juggalo> karma - sweetpotatofries: 1
[00:14:06] <BadCoderFinger> Nice!
[00:14:16] <pbnjoe> yumm
[00:14:25] <kobach> yea i found another recipe saying pretty much the same thing, mayo and maple
[00:15:50] <kobach> brb
[00:16:27] -!- MrBluze has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[00:19:44] FoobarBazbot is now known as FoobarBazbot|afk
[00:20:21] FoobarBazbot|afk is now known as FoobarBazbot
[00:21:48] -!- anthem has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[00:22:10] <Khyber> I take sweet potato fries, coat with olive oil, sea salt, and cayenne. Bake and eat
[00:23:45] -!- robind [robind!~robind@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/robind] has joined #Soylent
[00:23:45] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v robind] by BaconTree
[00:26:48] -!- dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[00:27:17] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #Soylent
[00:27:17] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v MrBluze] by BaconTree
[00:27:50] <crutchy> hi mrbluze
[00:27:55] <crutchy> hi everyone
[00:28:06] <BadCoderFinger> Hey crutchy
[00:29:29] <pbnjoe> hey crutchy
[00:30:12] <crutchy> got a collapsible comments thing sorta working last night
[00:30:37] <pbnjoe> That's sorta nice
[00:30:39] <pbnjoe> :P
[00:30:51] <pbnjoe> But actually, cool.
[00:31:44] <BadCoderFinger> Bit of javascript?
[00:32:39] -!- Schafer2 [Schafer2!~doug@51-354-97-921.dhcp.malb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[00:32:49] FoobarBazbot is now known as FoobarBazbot|afk
[00:32:51] <crutchy> yeah
[00:32:56] <crutchy> just a smidgin though
[00:33:07] <crutchy> it's a bit of a hack
[00:33:18] <crutchy> prolly won't even get merged
[00:33:45] <crutchy> i'm starting to figure out this template engine thing a bit more though
[00:33:47] <BadCoderFinger> It's a good feature.
[00:34:41] <pbnjoe> Agreed
[00:34:46] <crutchy> haven't figured out why it needs copies of templates in files and in a database, and the need to restart apache after updating the database
[00:35:00] <crutchy> but it's old i guess
[00:36:00] <BadCoderFinger> Probably just bit-rot.
[00:36:14] FoobarBazbot|afk is now known as FoobarBazbot
[00:36:26] -!- WrongTurnAhead [WrongTurnAhead!~WrongTurn@76-646-630-739.evrt.wa.frontiernet.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:36:40] <crutchy> but anyway, the pull request is there :-)
[00:36:43] FoobarBazbot is now known as FoobarBazbot|afk
[00:36:52] FoobarBazbot|afk is now known as FoobarBazbot
[00:38:13] <Juggalo> [poutine] https://soylentnews.org
[00:38:26] <Juggalo> [poutine] Ok that's a little dishonest
[00:38:29] <Juggalo> [poutine] you guys did not author slashcode
[00:38:35] <Juggalo> [poutine] nor the articles that pass through SN
[00:40:01] * crutchy whispers: bender's gone crazy
[00:40:11] <FoobarBazbot> Juggalo: s/e/g/
[00:40:11] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <Juggalo> [pouting] nor the articles that pass through SN
[00:41:20] -!- MrBluze has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[00:42:27] <pbnjoe> heheheh
[00:43:01] <BadCoderFinger> FoobarBazbot: You win the internet!
[00:43:13] <BadCoderFinger> FoobarBazbot++
[00:43:13] <Juggalo> karma - foobarbazbot: 5
[00:43:42] <pbnjoe> *party horn, confetti rains down*
[00:45:03] <FoobarBazbot> Eh, can't take credit, I stole that from MrBluze
[00:45:25] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, but timing is everything.
[00:46:07] <Juggalo> [poutine] I guess you guys haven't ever seen a regular expression
[00:46:21] <Juggalo> [poutine] easily impressed
[00:47:05] <BadCoderFinger> Amused more than impressed. Amusement counts for a lot.
[00:47:18] <FoobarBazbot> Juggalo: s/ea.*/whinge whinge whinge/
[00:47:19] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <Juggalo> [poutine] whinge whinge whinge
[00:49:19] <crutchy> juggalo: are you drunk?
[00:52:08] <crutchy> SN needs a new poll... badly
[00:52:37] <BadCoderFinger> How about "Most desired feature?"
[00:52:59] <crutchy> how about "which way would you do natalie portman?"
[00:53:12] <Juggalo> [poutine] SN needs to get rid of the poll, slashdot wore the novelty off it quite quickly
[00:53:23] <crutchy> polls are good, mkay
[00:53:38] <pbnjoe> "Most desired feature of Natalie Portman?"
[00:53:54] <BadCoderFinger> "Best Big Lebowski Quote?"
[00:54:04] <crutchy> ooh that might be interesting, if not a little predictable
[00:54:12] <crutchy> pbnjoe
[00:54:19] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[00:54:21] <pbnjoe> ;)
[00:54:23] * crutchy googles lebowski
[00:55:07] -!- Schafer2 has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
[00:55:18] <BadCoderFinger> crutchy: Just rent "The Big Lebowski" and watch it. It's better if you don't know.
[00:55:39] <crutchy> looks kinda boring but only by the cover and list of cast
[00:56:00] <crutchy> i'm not big on movies though
[00:56:06] <FoobarBazbot> BadCoderFinger: s/ / tor/2
[00:56:06] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <BadCoderFinger> crutchy: Just torrent "The Big Lebowski" and watch it. It's better if you don't know.
[00:56:19] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[00:56:19] <crutchy> lol
[00:56:25] * pbnjoe was gonna say the same
[00:56:38] <FoobarBazbot> ooh, look at BadCoderFinger, advocating copyright infringement...
[00:56:49] <FoobarBazbot> you're lucky I don't call the MPAA on you.
[00:56:52] <BadCoderFinger> I know, I'm terrible.
[00:56:53] * crutchy is wary of torrents cos of tracking by MPAA etc
[00:57:18] * BadCoderFinger repents.
[00:57:35] <BadCoderFinger> Almost convincingly.
[00:57:49] <crutchy> some smart cookie needs to invent bit-torrent... bitcoin security in a torrent
[00:57:58] <crutchy> or is that tor?
[00:58:05] * pbnjoe for sure doesn't tell anyone to get Peerblock or Linux equiv. not at all
[00:58:08] <crutchy> i dunno all this new fnagled shit
[00:58:21] <BadCoderFinger> Somebody has, but I can't remember the name of it.
[00:58:45] <FoobarBazbot> bit-tor-rent: a new service that lets you use bitcoins to securely rent a video over tor. Using bittorrent.
[00:59:21] <crutchy> you should patent that :-P
[00:59:25] * FoobarBazbot runs to register domain name
[00:59:49] <FoobarBazbot> I'm gonna get rich off ad money.
[00:59:50] <Juggalo> [poutine] ITC: people who don't understand what patents are
[00:59:57] <crutchy> don't forget bittorrent.sex
[01:00:12] <FoobarBazbot> Because /. is gonna link to bit-tor-rent in 3 out of 5 articles!
[01:00:38] <crutchy> USPTO: people who don't understand what patents are
[01:00:51] <FoobarBazbot> lol
[01:01:37] * crutchy could have used sedbot for that *slaps self*
[01:01:51] * crutchy would have forgotten trailing / anyway :-P
[01:02:22] * pbnjoe slaps crutchy with a /
[01:02:29] <pbnjoe> :P
[01:02:49] <pbnjoe> good sedbot impression?
[01:03:08] <crutchy> hmm maybe an upgrade FoobarBazbot?
[01:03:16] <crutchy> give sedbot some attitude?
[01:03:47] <pbnjoe> he already has; sedbot throws them sometimes or gets angry
[01:03:48] <crutchy> sedbot bitchslaps yo ass with a motherfuckin /
[01:03:48] * SedBot is a 53-line awk script, https://github.com
[01:04:03] <pbnjoe> oh, that kind of attitude
[01:04:05] <FoobarBazbot> I honestly thought people would trigger that more often. It has some more attitudeful variants, but they happen rarely
[01:04:10] <BadCoderFinger> crutchy: s/sedbot/sedbot, beeotch!/
[01:04:10] <SedBot> <BadCoderFinger> <crutchy> sedbot, beeotch! bitchslaps yo ass with a motherfuckin /
[01:04:14] <crutchy> lol
[01:04:17] <kobach> bacon++
[01:04:17] <Juggalo> karma - bacon: 136
[01:04:25] <crutchy> furburgers are good
[01:04:30] * pbnjoe is jealous
[01:04:34] <pbnjoe> bacon++
[01:04:34] <Juggalo> karma - bacon: 137
[01:04:46] <kobach> bacon wrapped grassfed ground beef
[01:04:52] <FoobarBazbot> Haven't seen the angriest one yet (outside of #test), it happens like once in 30 times
[01:05:08] <crutchy> ooh can we test it?
[01:05:22] <kobach> yup, #test
[01:05:43] <crutchy> you can call it sedbot_darksideoftheforce_edition
[01:06:00] <kobach> just call it asspiss
[01:06:06] <crutchy> lol or that
[01:06:15] <kobach> shorter name
[01:06:25] <crutchy> frosty
[01:06:38] <kobach> no
[01:06:41] <kobach> asspiss
[01:06:50] <kobach> #7 on the bristol stool scale
[01:06:58] <FoobarBazbot> crutchy: by all means, go to #test and provoke it. Do note that it will taunt you with vowel replacement for 1.5 replies each time you get it wrong.
[01:07:01] <crutchy> what's #1
[01:07:08] <kobach> rockies
[01:07:17] <kobach> gravel shit
[01:07:19] <crutchy> lol it keeps calling me crotchy
[01:07:21] <crutchy> :-P
[01:07:28] <kobach> rofl
[01:07:30] <FoobarBazbot> It's cumulative, and spends one of them replying with "/me hurls a / at cratchy" or similar.
[01:08:10] <FoobarBazbot> so, if you deliberately fail it 30 times, the next 15 correct expressions, it will still mangle your name.
[01:08:13] <crutchy> i mean i know i'm well hung, but it's just too flattering
[01:08:15] <crutchy> :-P
[01:08:24] <FoobarBazbot> Because it remembers you.
[01:08:36] <crutchy> it likes me
[01:08:46] * crutchy is disturbed by that thought
[01:09:48] <crutchy> sedbot can go have intimate relations with crutchy-log
[01:09:48] * SedBot is a 53-line awk script, https://github.com
[01:09:51] * SedBot violates crotchy with a /
[01:09:56] <crutchy> lol
[01:10:01] <crutchy> kinky
[01:11:02] <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - No Evidence for 'Planet X', says NASA - http://sylnt.us - who-keeps-atlantis-off-the-maps
[01:12:16] <crutchy> Juggalo: s/'Planet X'/us doing anything useful lately/
[01:12:16] <SedBot> <crutchy> <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - No Evidence for us doing anything useful lately, says NASA - http://sylnt.us - who-keeps-atlantis-off-the-maps
[01:13:53] <BadCoderFinger> Well, Curiosity is pretty cool. Plus they have no budget.
[01:14:06] <FoobarBazbot> Juggalo: s/A//
[01:14:06] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - No Evidence for 'Planet X', says NSA - http://sylnt.us - who-keeps-atlantis-off-the-maps
[01:14:19] <kobach> lol
[01:14:20] <pbnjoe> ha
[01:14:22] <FoobarBazbot> They'd be more likely to know...
[01:14:23] <crutchy> hahahaha
[01:15:00] -!- martyb [martyb!~a6b503b1@Soylent/Volunteer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[01:15:00] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v martyb] by BaconTree
[01:15:11] <FoobarBazbot> They hear all the results from NASA, ESA, JAXA, etc., *and* can turn their own spy sats outward if they get bored.
[01:15:12] <kobach> hi martyb
[01:15:30] <martyb> kobach: hi!
[01:15:36] <crutchy> Juggalo: s/NASA/Jedi/
[01:15:36] <SedBot> <crutchy> <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - No Evidence for 'Planet X', says Jedi - http://sylnt.us - who-keeps-atlantis-off-the-maps
[01:16:18] <kobach> Juggalo: s/Planet X/your mom/
[01:16:18] <SedBot> <kobach> <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - No Evidence for 'your mom', says NASA - http://sylnt.us - who-keeps-atlantis-off-the-maps
[01:17:05] <pbnjoe> Juggalo: s/'Planet X'/this ever getting old/
[01:17:05] <SedBot> <pbnjoe> <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - No Evidence for this ever getting old, says NASA - http://sylnt.us - who-keeps-atlantis-off-the-maps
[01:17:09] -!- sgleysti [sgleysti!~name@gpr-22-76-267-735.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[01:17:10] -!- sgleysti has quit [Client Quit]
[01:17:15] <FatPhil> No evidence for 'kobach', says SedBot
[01:17:22] <kobach> facepalm.jpg
[01:17:34] <crutchy> start natalieportman.exe
[01:17:46] <kobach> DCC SEND "STARTKEYLOGGER.EXE" 0 0 0
[01:17:58] <kobach> ok good, nobody has an oldass router
[01:18:14] <kobach> brb, doing that in #altrock on efnet
[01:18:23] <crutchy> if you send enough of them they might clog up the tubes
[01:18:26] <FatPhil> I'll happily send you all my keypresses - have you seen what crap I type?!??!
[01:18:31] <FoobarBazbot> Juggalo: s/N[^S]*/Hey, we got evidence of 'your mom' from last night, says N/
[01:18:31] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <Juggalo> [SoylentHey, we got evidence of 'your mom' from last night, says NSA - http://sylnt.us - who-keeps-atlantis-off-the-maps
[01:18:47] * FoobarBazbot hangs head
[01:18:55] <pbnjoe> Aww
[01:19:01] <pbnjoe> Don't feel too bad
[01:19:01] <crutchy> lol
[01:19:01] <FoobarBazbot> Juggalo: s/ N[^S]*/Hey, we got evidence of 'your mom' from last night, says N/
[01:19:02] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] -Hey, we got evidence of 'your mom' from last night, says NSA - http://sylnt.us - who-keeps-atlantis-off-the-maps
[01:19:22] * crutchy likes the first bolded one :-P
[01:19:40] <kobach> rofl
[01:19:46] <pbnjoe> It's more like a yell
[01:20:03] <FoobarBazbot> lol, my client doesn't do bold, but I guess I ate the closing there..
[01:20:40] <crutchy> Juggalo: s/No Evidence for 'Planet X', says NASA/Hey Terrance, pull my finder!/
[01:20:40] <SedBot> <crutchy> <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - Hey Terrance, pull my finder! - http://sylnt.us - who-keeps-atlantis-off-the-maps
[01:20:45] <kobach> oh my
[01:20:50] <crutchy> lol facepalm.exe
[01:21:04] <FoobarBazbot> Juggalo: s/\2//2
[01:21:04] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - No Evidence for 'Planet X', says NASA - http://sylnt.us - who-keeps-atlantis-off-the-maps
[01:21:15] <FoobarBazbot> that do what I think it did? :)
[01:21:26] <pbnjoe> bolded it all?
[01:21:27] <pbnjoe> yes
[01:21:31] <crutchy> i think it tried to have initimate relations with uranus
[01:22:13] <kobach> oh my
[01:22:15] <kobach> oh my
[01:22:20] <kobach> oh my
[01:22:23] <kobach> such explicit text
[01:22:31] <crutchy> poor pluto is next!
[01:22:31] <kobach> my young eyes cant take it, i must depart
[01:22:41] <kobach> bbl, youtube
[01:22:48] <pbnjoe> kobach, I can't help but read your "oh my"s with the cheesiest Posh Brit accent ever
[01:22:48] <kobach> cya crutchy pbnjoe FoobarBazbot
[01:22:54] <crutchy> cya
[01:22:57] <FoobarBazbot> cya
[01:22:58] <pbnjoe> cya
[01:22:59] <kobach> pbnjoe: thats about how theyre supposed to be read
[01:23:03] <pbnjoe> good
[01:23:05] <pbnjoe> funnier that way
[01:23:10] <pbnjoe> bye :)
[01:23:13] <crutchy> lions and tigers and bears
[01:23:16] <kobach> ^
[01:23:18] <BadCoderFinger> Later!
[01:23:24] <kobach> CYA BADCODERFINGER
[01:23:28] <FatPhil> Who thinks that there should be a correlation between the magnitude of the (random number) victory in irpg, and the gain/loss of time?
[01:23:43] <kobach> FatPhil: yes
[01:23:56] <kobach> anyway afk
[01:23:59] <FoobarBazbot> FatPhil: sounds good...
[01:24:00] <kobach> documentaries await
[01:24:10] <BadCoderFinger> FatPhil: wouldn't that remove the 'random' part?
[01:24:12] <crutchy> about uranus?
[01:24:31] <FatPhil> the two random numbers are the random part
[01:24:50] <FatPhil> FatPhil is +1 insightful tonight
[01:25:01] <FoobarBazbot> But when a low-level character and a high-level character fight, there can be a much huger difference one way than the other...
[01:25:30] <FatPhil> until you consider it scaled relative to the victor's score
[01:25:37] * FoobarBazbot isn't sure whether that's a good thing, bad thing, or what
[01:25:47] * FatPhil has been playing with gnuplot this evening
[01:26:00] <FatPhil> That's what the test channel's for, of course.
[01:26:09] * FoobarBazbot hasn't looked at the code, doesn't know what it currently does.
[01:26:12] <FatPhil> I hope you've noticed how much chaos and randomness has been taking place!
[01:26:26] * FatPhil has spent 3 years looking at the code
[01:26:34] <FoobarBazbot> Uh, yeah, slightly noticed a bit of chaos there.
[01:26:34] * crutchy likes madness
[01:26:36] <FatPhil> but still doesn't know what it does
[01:27:21] <FatPhil> Yeah, the feature I was testing was more of a "satisfy phil's need for symmetry" investigation
[01:28:08] <FatPhil> All battles are currently inherently asymetric. One player instigates, and it is he/she/it who either gains or loses in time
[01:28:19] <crutchy> https://www.youtube.com
[01:28:42] <FatPhil> I was thinking that it might be nice to introduce some symmetry. Two players fight, and the winner gets the boost.
[01:28:57] <FoobarBazbot> yeah, I noticed that. Although doesn't the critical strike thing go both ways?
[01:29:24] <FatPhil> critical strikes kinda restore some "both parties can be affected" to it, yes
[01:29:28] <FoobarBazbot> part-assymetric, part-symetric is just wierd.
[01:29:46] <FatPhil> Yeah, I don't think I'll mix the two.
[01:30:14] <crutchy> you two are both green... things are getting very greenish
[01:30:43] <FoobarBazbot> crutchy: it ain't easy.
[01:30:57] <FatPhil> I've parametrised the battle function with a flag that can be "there can only be a time bonuses" / "instigator takes the change, either way" / "there can only be a slowing down"
[01:31:22] <FatPhil> At the moment, critical strikes and weapon swaps only occur with the middle
[01:31:23] <crutchy> ^^^sounds like a line from star trek
[01:31:27] <crutchy> :-P
[01:31:59] * FatPhil is finding it quite hard to write a star trek-themed IdleRPG
[01:32:31] <crutchy> you just need to randomly append ", Scotty" to things
[01:32:40] <FatPhil> I have lots of events (making reference to TOS and TNG), but the items are hard. I have 7 so far...
[01:32:58] <FatPhil> "invented in Russia"
[01:33:18] <FatPhil> Such as Scotch whisky
[01:33:30] <crutchy> or "we are borg!"
[01:33:49] <FatPhil> There will indeed be "Klingons on the starboard bow, this calamity sets you back..."
[01:34:32] <crutchy> initiate klingon scraping function
[01:35:18] <FatPhil> "Bones is only a Doctor, not a bricklayer/..., this calamity sets you back..."
[01:35:42] <crutchy> Klingons found orbiting Uranus... this calamity...
[01:36:16] <crutchy> hmm... sounds like a good poll question
[01:36:36] <crutchy> how should an idlerpg calamity set you back
[01:36:47] <crutchy> or in what manner
[01:39:47] <FatPhil> due to how the code was originally written, there are two types of calamity that are confused with each other
[01:39:59] <FatPhil> One affects an item you own
[01:40:31] <FatPhil> The other pushes you away from your next target level
[01:41:10] <FatPhil> OK, I've seen wins and losses, I think I'll commit my latest patch
[01:41:44] <FatPhil> I like patches like this one:
[01:41:45] <FatPhil> bot.pl | 30 +++---------------------------
[01:41:45] <FatPhil> 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
[01:41:50] <FatPhil> less is more
[01:47:24] <Juggalo> [poutine] https://github.com
[01:48:03] <crutchy> gitporn
[01:48:08] <crutchy> that's new
[01:50:09] <crutchy> or gitpr0n
[01:50:22] -!- SoyCow1220 [SoyCow1220!~465277b1@kwakkkxhex524.566-72-39.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #Soylent
[01:50:30] <Juggalo> [poutine] I forged the timestamps of my commits to draw a penis
[01:50:36] <Juggalo> [poutine] the penis is also cumming
[01:50:50] <crutchy> re timestamps: yeah i figured
[01:52:03] <Juggalo> [poutine] http://pastebin.ca
[01:52:08] <Juggalo> [poutine] That's the source
[01:52:11] <Juggalo> [poutine] for what I did it with
[01:52:14] <Juggalo> [poutine] but can easily be done in sh
[01:55:01] -!- SoyCow1220 [SoyCow1220!~465277b1@kwakkkxhex524.566-72-39.mc.videotron.ca] has parted #Soylent
[01:55:36] <Juggalo> [poutine] I had a version where I could draw in 4-5 different shades
[01:55:38] <Juggalo> [poutine] but I lost it
[01:56:05] <FatPhil> my god, that's a horrifically narrow peen
[01:56:31] <FatPhil> poutine--
[01:56:31] <Juggalo> karma - poutine: -259
[01:56:36] <FatPhil> now I understand
[01:56:37] <FatPhil> poutine--
[01:56:37] <Juggalo> karma - poutine: -260
[01:56:40] <FatPhil> poutine--
[01:56:40] <Juggalo> karma - poutine: -261
[01:56:41] <FatPhil> poutine--
[01:56:41] <Juggalo> karma - poutine: -262
[01:56:41] <FatPhil> poutine--
[01:56:41] <Juggalo> karma - poutine: -263
[01:57:02] <FoobarBazbot> poutine--
[01:57:02] <Juggalo> karma - poutine: -264
[01:57:25] <FatPhil> ANyone who thought I was poutine 2 weeks ago - fuck you!
[01:57:45] <FatPhil> but all's forgiven
[01:58:28] <Juggalo> [poutine] I feel very privileged to be me
[01:58:29] <swiss> poutine--
[01:58:29] <Juggalo> karma - poutine: -265
[02:00:11] <FatPhil> jesus, I thought the fucknuts in the browser team in nokia wrote shitty code - that PHP defies pigeonholing it's so bad
[02:00:22] <FatPhil> nokia_browser_team--
[02:00:22] <Juggalo> karma - nokia_browser_team: -1
[02:01:29] <FatPhil> I had to do a technical interview of a guy from the browser team in my next job. He was so stupid he couldn't remember me or how many times I had insulted him over the last 4 years.
[02:01:35] <FatPhil> we didn't offer him the job
[02:02:20] <BadCoderFinger> Can't say that I blame you.
[02:02:54] <artificial> maybe he purges his work cache with alcohol
[02:03:34] <Juggalo> [dequeued] hey
[02:05:47] <FatPhil> don't malign alcohol! My Ballmer Peak's about 200ml wide
[02:05:56] <FoobarBazbot> 3. But whatever explains the choice of PHP may also explain the badness of it.
[02:06:01] <FoobarBazbot> 1. despite poutine having (AFAIK) originated, that's... actually a pretty neat idea. You know, start a new project with a forged-date rendering of your logo or whatever, then start the legit stuff.
[02:06:04] <FoobarBazbot> 2. I have no clue what would make someone write that in PHP.
[02:06:16] <FoobarBazbot> oops.
[02:06:31] <Juggalo> [poutine] I did write that
[02:06:44] <FoobarBazbot> he confesses!
[02:07:02] <Juggalo> [poutine] Foobarbazbot, You could easily take an existing git repo, and have it modify the timestamps of legit commits to match the penis lines
[02:07:15] <Juggalo> [poutine] based on the closest penis value
[02:07:19] <Juggalo> [poutine] penis vector value whatever
[02:07:53] <Juggalo> [poutine] Also date math is easy in PHP
[02:08:19] <Juggalo> [poutine] I don't know of many programming languages with such exhaustive strtotime functionality
[02:11:10] <FoobarBazbot_> But you're not even doing anything hard with dates! (example: 1 month forward)
[02:11:25] <FoobarBazbot_> It's all strict 24-hour increments!
[02:12:20] <FoobarBazbot_> date -d sunday +%s, then subtract days*24*60*60
[02:12:32] <Juggalo> [poutine] that's not always true
[02:13:33] <Juggalo> [poutine] Ok nothing is untrue about what you said
[02:13:46] <FoobarBazbot_> eh, I suppose, thinking a bit, you might want 12:00\ sunday
[02:14:04] <FoobarBazbot_> to stay clear away from DST, if your local time has those.
[02:16:40] <Juggalo> [poutine] Ok well to be sure, my goal was to draw a penis on github, I accomplished that goal with flying colors in a small amount of time, with little effort
[02:17:08] <FoobarBazbot_> Juggalo: s/$/ and shitty PHP/
[02:17:08] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot_> <Juggalo> [poutine] Ok well to be sure, my goal was to draw a penis on github, I accomplished that goal with flying colors in a small amount of time, with little effort and shitty PHP
[02:17:23] <Juggalo> [poutine] I even had shading working
[02:17:24] <Juggalo> [poutine] https://github.com
[02:17:26] <Juggalo> [poutine] ^ Evidence
[02:17:32] <Juggalo> [poutine] but I lost the source for that
[02:17:39] <Juggalo> [poutine] and lost interest in redoing it
[02:18:52] <FoobarBazbot_> And _that_, ladies and gentlemen, is the clown suggesting that the SN crew took way too long bringing slashcode up, and are doing way too bad a job at it.
[02:19:22] <Juggalo> [poutine] https://github.com
[02:19:23] <Juggalo> [poutine] heh
[02:21:27] <andrew> poutine++
[02:21:27] <Juggalo> karma - poutine: -264
[02:23:20] <Juggalo> [poutine] FoobarBazbot_, to be sure, were you involved in getting it up at all? Did you have any involvement? Also, you do realize they did not make slashcode, they just managed to get an open source project, which has been used by dozens of other sites over time, running... I'm sorry if I'm not sitting here in awe of their accomplishments
[02:23:52] <Juggalo> [poutine] Have you ever ran a MUD?
[02:24:27] <FoobarBazbot_> Yeah, and we all know, if one is not sitting in awe of something, one must be crapping all over it. There's *nothing* in the middle. Shut up.
[02:24:36] <FoobarBazbot_> poutine--
[02:24:37] <Juggalo> karma - poutine: -265
[02:25:24] <Juggalo> [poutine] if you ask me, the pipedot.org people are more impressive
[02:25:27] <Juggalo> [poutine] they built that from nothing
[02:26:00] <Juggalo> [poutine] They just chose a rather unfortunate name
[02:26:39] <FoobarBazbot_> poutine, you need to contact dice's lawyers and tell them to get those C&D letters out.
[02:26:40] <Juggalo> [poutine] and borrow a few too many aspects of a theme they are not licensed to use
[02:26:53] <FoobarBazbot_> Because it looks like Dice forgot to.
[02:26:59] <Juggalo> [poutine] I know Steve over in the legal department quite well
[02:27:17] <FoobarBazbot_> He admits it, he's a dice crony!
[02:28:41] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[02:32:38] -!- levitude [levitude!~484fccfd@wjlm-86-95-270-274.spfdma.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:33:13] <Juggalo> [poutine] guess how many resignations and drama pipedot has had?
[02:33:43] <andrew> over 9000
[02:34:10] <levitude> less than 12
[02:34:19] <FoobarBazbot_> poutine: pipedot is one guy.
[02:34:27] <FoobarBazbot_> So I'm gonna say, no more than one?
[02:35:04] <BadCoderFinger> That's your yardstick of quality?
[02:40:38] <Juggalo> [poutine] It's an indicator badcoderfinger
[02:43:10] <BadCoderFinger> A rather poor one.
[02:43:46] <Juggalo> [poutine] if you say so
[02:44:52] -!- robind has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[02:45:01] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8e7@on71-459-533-019.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:45:27] <Ethanol-fueled> Sup fellas, got a question - what is the achievement "the maker" for? I had it at the other site and have no idea what it's for.
[02:45:56] <artificial> i think it's for thanking "the maker" 3po style
[02:46:02] * artificial shows himself out
[02:46:16] <Ethanol-fueled> artificial: What's that mean in plain English?
[02:46:44] <artificial> i have no idea :(
[02:46:47] <FoobarBazbot_> means artificial watched too much star wars
[02:46:54] <artificial> as if you could
[02:47:01] * artificial carves padame's name into his arm
[02:48:14] <FoobarBazbot_> artificial: s/me/wan/
[02:48:14] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot_> <artificial> carves padawan's name into his arm
[02:48:40] <artificial> mmm younglings
[02:49:12] <Juggalo> [poutine] the maker is the sandworms in dune eh
[02:49:44] <Juggalo> [poutine] the makers are the sandworms in dune I meant
[02:49:58] <artificial> the walter whites of the desert
[02:50:13] <artificial> errbody gets a heart plug
[02:51:57] <Ethanol-fueled> Is that where they got the idea of "blue" meth?
[02:52:06] <Ethanol-fueled> The spice Melange
[02:52:06] <artificial> was spice blue?
[02:52:52] * Ethanol-fueled gets a rimjob from Jar-Jar Binks
[02:53:09] <Ethanol-fueled> artificial: I don't remember, but it made their eyes turn blue
[02:53:15] <artificial> he has that long giraffe tongue
[02:53:42] <levitude> Anteater tungue?
[02:53:46] <artificial> getting a jeoffre
[02:53:52] <artificial> jeffrey*
[02:54:21] <Ethanol-fueled> The following link is not suitable for work:
[02:54:22] <Ethanol-fueled> http://www.meh.ro
[02:55:13] * artificial spys a good avatar picture
[02:55:18] * artificial points at 3po
[02:58:04] <levitude> yeay for "fan-art" ??
[02:59:14] <Ethanol-fueled> C3P0 from Star Wars Gangsta Rap II: " Oh, my, goodness-gracious me! I'm a gay man's golden fantasy! Pro-grammed, for homo ecstasy, ten-million forms of gay positioning! ...
[02:59:44] <Ethanol-fueled> ...for my golden shower, you must pay a fee, but R2-D2 gives it up for free! R2-D2, watch your language, always having sex wtih robotic strangers! "
[03:00:28] <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - World Wide Web Turns 25 years Old - http://sylnt.us - happy-birthday-to-you
[03:01:31] <BadCoderFinger> Ethanol-fueled: Funny, but man that's going to haunt me for a while...
[03:04:39] <Ethanol-fueled> BadCoderFinger: Yeah, they could have picked a more masculine character as the "top."
[03:04:57] <Ethanol-fueled> Some space-women have no self-respect. Too bad, so sad.
[03:05:03] -!- opie has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[03:05:07] <Ethanol-fueled> She could do better...much better.
[03:16:43] -!- andrew has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:22:20] <BadCoderFinger> Well lads, I'm off to watch Red Dwarf reruns. Catch you later!
[03:22:23] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[03:22:28] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: leaving]
[03:23:24] <crutchy> so poutine is a dice crony
[03:25:06] <pbnjoe> ding ding
[03:25:11] <pbnjoe> or at least a sympathiser
[03:25:13] <pbnjoe> :P
[03:26:16] juggs|afk is now known as juggs
[03:27:14] <crutchy> poutine--
[03:27:14] <Juggalo> karma - poutine: -266
[03:27:19] <crutchy> poutine--
[03:27:19] <Juggalo> karma - poutine: -267
[03:30:11] <juggs> hola lentils \o - idiot in da house!
[03:30:23] <pbnjoe> hey juggs
[03:35:19] -!- anthem [anthem!~textual@83-09-48-934-oi-qbcjay.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:36:36] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[03:36:36] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp] by BaconTree
[03:36:47] -!- willyg_cos [willyg_cos!~joeuser@06-377-63-214.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:41:21] <crutchy> hi mrcoolbp
[03:44:49] <mrcoolbp> hey crutchy
[03:44:51] <mrcoolbp> how goes it?
[03:44:56] <mrcoolbp> (slow in here tonight...)
[03:46:11] <pbnjoe> Eh, slow is probably better than the convo that took place prior to your arrival
[03:46:51] pbnjoe is now known as pbnjoe|afk
[03:47:26] <pbnjoe|afk> ah crap, I forgot the punishment on irpg for that
[03:47:46] <juggs> I'm glad I only have 50 lines of scrollback on my bouncer when I go afk. Just enough to know what is current without overloading with hours of reading up.
[03:47:57] <Konomi> who reads up
[03:48:19] * FoobarBazbot has 2000 lines, because 50 is too short
[03:48:35] <FoobarBazbot> Turns out 2000 is _way_ too long, but I haven't got around to adjusting it yet
[03:54:56] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[03:54:56] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:55:57] <juggs> Konomi, it can be useful to read up 50 lines or so just to get a flavour for what is currently being discussed without spending hours trawling through catchup for no real purpose. I think the number of lines needs tuning to each channel a bouncer sits in dependant on the general activity level. 50 lines here seems to equate to 30 minutes. Popping up and saying something relevant to a discussion 6 hours ago seems a fruitless exercise. Interesting how
[03:55:58] <juggs> irc usage has changed over the years, it seems much more in the moment now.
[03:56:05] <juggs> woah - and there I go again.
[03:56:18] <Konomi> if it's you I'll just need 5 lines
[03:56:20] * Konomi hides
[03:57:53] * FoobarBazbot_ likes to skim for SedBot activity, and see it in context, whether it's being useful, whether somebody's said "I wish it could $foo", etc.
[03:58:10] <crutchy> bots make us lazy
[03:58:11] <FoobarBazbot_> I have logs, but the IRC client makes things pretty colors
[03:58:27] <crutchy> yeah
[03:58:48] * FoobarBazbot_ should really write a log-colorizing filter for less...
[03:59:26] <pbnjoe|afk> I wish sedbot could have a small chance of giving us bacon for correct usage ;P
[03:59:48] <crutchy> isn't there one for logs.irc.soylent.news.com.org.edu.goat.cx already
[03:59:54] <crutchy> sorry couldn't remember the url
[04:00:08] <crutchy> lol @ pbnjoe
[04:00:26] <FoobarBazbot_> pbnjoe: noted
[04:00:35] <pbnjoe|afk> :D
[04:00:58] <pbnjoe|afk> like 1/50 because we use it so much
[04:01:08] LaminatorX|afk is now known as LaminatorX
[04:01:34] <crutchy> pbnjoe|afk: s/50/2/
[04:01:35] <SedBot> <crutchy> <pbnjoe|afk> like 1/2 because we use it so much
[04:01:45] <pbnjoe|afk> ha
[04:03:23] <crutchy> do you run sedbot in a terminal foobar?
[04:03:34] <crutchy> prolly a dum question
[04:03:42] <pbnjoe|afk> bacon++
[04:03:42] <Juggalo> karma - bacon: 138
[04:03:45] <FoobarBazbot_> in a screen session
[04:04:44] <crutchy> gnu screen
[04:04:44] <crutchy> ?
[04:04:55] <FoobarBazbot_> yes
[04:05:18] <crutchy> bugger. i gotta stop doing that. stats is already lying about my #soylent usage
[04:05:27] <Konomi> tmux vs screen
[04:05:28] <Konomi> go
[04:05:30] <FoobarBazbot_> !stats
[04:05:30] <Juggalo> creating stats for channel #Soylent (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
[04:05:38] <Juggalo> stat results for #Soylent: xlefay: 5495, kobach: 5027, crutchy: 4671, unknown: 3001, hax0rz: 2675, MrBluze: 2660, arti: 2584, Khyber: 1969, Landon: 1934, mattie_p: 1631, Konomi: 1601, janrinok: 1416, Guardian452: 1407, Bender: 1246, stderr: 1207, FatPhil: 1006, n1: 992, NCommander: 966, swisskid: 966, martyb: 925, mrcoolbp: 912, auto_def: 905, weilawei: 769, pbnjoe: 650, Popeidol: 632, useless: 632, juggs: 619, TheMightyBuzzard: 574, Ethanol-fueled:
[04:06:10] * FoobarBazbot_ likes tmux better, overall, but I have some niceish scripts built around screen that are helpful for this sort of thing.
[04:06:10] <crutchy> !current-uid
[04:06:10] <Juggalo> The current maximum UID is 3726, owned by hazel
[04:06:36] <FoobarBazbot_> I could redo them for tmux, but that'd be work.
[04:07:47] <NCommander> What are those stats?
[04:07:53] <NCommander> Like number of times spoke?
[04:08:00] <FoobarBazbot_> how many lines in this channel
[04:08:16] <crutchy> i think it's the number of times we go to the crapper every day
[04:08:20] <FoobarBazbot_> I heard "short" lines don't count, but I'm not sure how short that is
[04:08:34] * pbnjoe|afk bites the bullet for the impending irpg punishment
[04:08:39] pbnjoe|afk is now known as pbnjoe
[04:08:47] * FoobarBazbot_ ducks off to #test
[04:08:50] <crutchy> i know i'm full of shit but i think stats isn't being fair to me :-P
[04:09:13] <juggs> do you care?
[04:09:15] <pbnjoe> You think you've said *more* than 4670+ lines?
[04:09:20] <pbnjoe> also ^
[04:09:27] <FoobarBazbot_> Hmmm..., doesn't work in #test
[04:09:29] <Konomi> I wonder when stats will learn to tell the time
[04:09:53] <pbnjoe> FoobarBazbot_ has anyone said more than 300 lines in #test?
[04:10:18] <crutchy> crutchy-log might have :-)
[04:10:31] <crutchy> it's been booted for flooding a couple of times
[04:10:37] <pbnjoe> ah :P
[04:10:39] * FoobarBazbot goes off to check #test logs...
[04:10:49] <juggs> And it it even lines or 'posts'. Did my previous wall count as 1 for stats or 12. Actually I don't give a damn.
[04:11:05] <pbnjoe> it is every line you've written that consists of 7 characters or more
[04:11:17] <pbnjoe> ok, line meaning post
[04:11:21] <pbnjoe> didn't really clarify there
[04:11:24] * crutchy wonders if these lines count
[04:11:37] <FoobarBazbot> juggs: 2, I think...
[04:12:19] <pbnjoe> isn't it one per message?
[04:12:22] <pbnjoe> idk
[04:12:37] <pbnjoe> anyway, I'm going to use the Away feature now instead of changing my nick
[04:12:38] <pbnjoe> back later
[04:12:44] <crutchy> what did you find in #test logs foobar?
[04:12:59] <FoobarBazbot> crutchy, still poking at them
[04:13:18] -!- martyb [martyb!~a6b503b1@Soylent/Volunteer/martyb] has parted #Soylent
[04:13:33] <crutchy> i was working on crutchy-bot a few days ago
[04:13:51] <crutchy> 5-march
[04:14:11] <crutchy> crutchy-log i mean
[04:14:31] <crutchy> actually might have had a different nick
[04:14:46] <crutchy> log-bot or something
[04:15:43] <crutchy> i was kinda learning bash programming as i went so i spent couple of hours bumbling :-P
[04:18:01] <FoobarBazbot> 36 <xlefay>
[04:18:03] <FoobarBazbot> 53 <crutchy>
[04:18:05] <FoobarBazbot> 90 <pbnjoe>
[04:18:10] <FoobarBazbot> 329 <FoobarBazbot>
[04:18:13] <FoobarBazbot> 355 <SedBot>
[04:18:44] <crutchy> pretty warm here today. about 34 deg
[04:18:45] <FoobarBazbot> So yeah, someone has said more than 300 lines
[04:18:57] <crutchy> what does 300+ lines mean?
[04:19:15] <crutchy> is that when the bombs are dropped?
[04:19:15] <FoobarBazbot> dunno... pbnjoe asked.
[04:25:15] -!- robind [robind!~robind@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/robind] has joined #Soylent
[04:25:15] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v robind] by BaconTree
[04:26:03] <Landon> this michaeldavidcrawford guy cracks me up
[04:30:21] <juggs> he does ramble on
[04:30:52] LaminatorX is now known as LaminatorX|zzzzzzz
[04:31:17] <crutchy> night time in america?
[04:31:24] -!- robind has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[04:31:38] <juggs> more or less crutchy
[04:33:55] <crutchy> back onto my php stuff atm
[04:40:55] -!- robind [robind!~robind@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/robind] has joined #Soylent
[04:40:55] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v robind] by BaconTree
[04:45:51] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[04:47:50] -!- anthem has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[04:52:04] -!- mrcoolbp has quit []
[04:57:00] -!- paulej72 has quit [Quit: paulej72]
[05:14:29] -!- anthem [anthem!~textual@c-57-259-236-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[05:17:31] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8e7@on71-459-533-019.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[05:18:11] -!- robind has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[05:18:34] -!- robind [robind!~robind@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/robind] has joined #Soylent
[05:18:34] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v robind] by BaconTree
[05:19:03] <Khyber> mmm beef stroganoff
[05:19:23] <mattie_p> I just ate more than 1 lb of all-beef burgers and I feel pretty good about that.
[05:19:34] <juggs> slow cooked and well reduced I hope Khyber ?
[05:20:04] <Khyber> of course. With mustard.
[05:20:14] <Khyber> and sour cream and mushrooms
[05:20:19] <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - 100 Year-Old WW1 Photographs Discovered - http://sylnt.us - war-to-end-all-wars
[05:27:45] -!- willyg_cos has quit [Quit: Gone...]
[05:31:10] <juggs> Khyber, sounds good. I recently had the misfortune of going to a friend's dinner party where they elected to use chunks of filet mignon in their strog abomination, simply because it was "the best they could buy" (based purely on price of course). Utterly clueless. It was of course accompanied by a rather overpriced chateauneuf de pape. ~le sigh~
[05:31:42] <juggs> s/de/du
[05:31:42] * SedBot offers juggs a /
[05:31:45] <Khyber> idiots
[05:31:59] <Khyber> Stripped chuck roast or flank steak
[05:32:02] <Khyber> or ground beef
[05:32:22] <FoobarBazbot_> tjuggs: s/de/du/
[05:32:33] <FoobarBazbot_> juggs: s/de/du/
[05:32:33] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot_> <juggs> sounds good. I recently had the misfortune of going to a friend's dinner party where they elected to use chunks of filet mignon in their strog abomination, simply because it was "the best they could buy" (based purely on price of course). Utterly clueless. It was of course accompanied by a rather overpriced chateauneuf du pape. ~le sigh~
[05:32:40] <FoobarBazbot_> :p
[05:32:54] <juggs> feck you too :P
[05:33:05] <juggs> and thanks
[05:33:41] * FoobarBazbot_ hates random letters hanging around in his input buffer
[05:33:53] <Khyber> or, in my prior attempt, ground beef and pork sausage stroganoff
[05:34:31] <juggs> Khyber, ground beef in a strog? that doesn't sound kosher.
[05:35:38] <Khyber> Better than using beef strips and adding butter and doubling your fat content.
[05:35:48] * Khyber plans to not die of a heart attack any time soon
[05:36:24] <Ethanol-fueled> beef strokenoff?
[05:36:55] <Ethanol-fueled> mattie: you'll wake up smelling like 2 day-old bacon.
[05:37:14] <Ethanol-fueled> that better had been 80-20 beef, bwahahaha.
[05:41:38] <Khyber> 90/10
[05:41:47] <Khyber> I don't get fat-laden beef except for chili
[05:41:48] <juggs> lol that does make laugh. I see people buy the ultra-lean mince / ground beef then hitting the pan with half a gallon of oil to fry it in. Shame those unsaturated or poly fats become saturated at ,eat browning temperatures. Or is that a myth >.>
[05:42:48] <juggs> 85/15 here for chili. Lean is 95/5.
[05:43:03] <juggs> meat*
[05:49:35] <juggs> Speaking of chillies - does anyone else find scotch bonnets seem to lose their heat after an hour or so of stewing? Chuck them in - 20 minutes later, eyewateing heat. 2 hours of slow cook.... heat gone.
[05:50:18] <juggs> hmm... we need a soylent-food channel.
[05:52:19] <Ethanol-fueled> khyber: That's for people who pan-cook their beef on a rangetop
[05:52:58] <Ethanol-fueled> huggs: that's the point. Some harsh foods mellow under high heat, you have to make them palatable for the plebes.
[05:53:36] <Ethanol-fueled> Fried zuchhin, green olives, most peppers mellow considerably and deliciously under heat.
[05:53:39] <juggs> may as well use minced turkey for a rangetop rapid cook.
[05:54:12] <Ethanol-fueled> try to feed an uncooked habanero to a plebe.
[05:54:34] <Ethanol-fueled> better yet, dare the sonofabitch to chew and swallow the whole thing.
[05:55:55] <Khyber> Psssht
[05:56:05] <Khyber> I grow habaneros. I pull them right off the bush and eat
[05:56:11] <Khyber> ditto bhut jolokias
[05:56:14] <juggs> Ethanol-fueled, quite agree - scotch bonnets have a lovely fruity flavour and then kick you in the back of the head with the afterburner a minute or so later. It's an experience that builds with time.
[05:56:14] <Khyber> naga jolokias
[05:56:18] <Khyber> trinidad scorpions
[05:56:19] <Ethanol-fueled> khyber: I believe the second part, not the first.
[05:56:35] <Khyber> ethanol: I drink bottles of hot sauce. One habanero ain't jack.
[05:56:39] <Ethanol-fueled> no, the first, no tthe second.
[05:56:49] <Ethanol-fueled> khyber: bullshit.
[05:57:27] <Ethanol-fueled> juggs: scotch bonnets are awesome once you separate the raw heat from the flavor.
[05:57:29] <Khyber> Ethanol: I've been growing and eating hot peppers since a young child.
[05:57:49] <Ethanol-fueled> what peps you have growin;?
[05:58:01] <Khyber> Right now? Trinidad Scorpions.
[05:58:19] <Khyber> Next batch will be a new hybrid habanero-medusa pepper
[05:58:51] <Ethanol-fueled> khyber: and what do you actually do with those, other than have a fetish for burned asshole?
[05:59:47] <Khyber> I have a cast iron stomach so that doesn't happen. I do al sorts of things. Make capsaicin-filled paintballs for animal deterrent when I'm hiking. Chili. pest repellent in conjunction with rosemary and thyme oil for my outdoor crops.
[06:01:47] <Ethanol-fueled> khyber, wanna sell some of those pepper balls?
[06:02:11] <Ethanol-fueled> I have some non-lethal assignments I need to take care of.
[06:02:38] <Khyber> http://www.paintballonline.co.za
[06:02:46] <Khyber> go order from there!
[06:02:51] <juggs> Ethanol-fueled, Khyber, chillies are truely nuanced in how they deliver flavour vs. raw scovilles. Some just seem to right out punch you in the face with hot acid, some deliver flavour and then develop to insane heat levels. I prefer the latter - give me some flavour before giving me palpitations. I do wonder how that works, how some peppers can deliver insane heat gradually - the heat is the same acidic compound but what encapsulates it to deliver
[06:02:51] <juggs> a building temp. /hmm
[06:06:39] <Ethanol-fueled> I don't know shit about cooking.
[06:07:36] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[06:09:28] <Khyber> the trick is bioavailability
[06:11:29] <Khyber> depending upon what the capsaicin has bound with, favors might hit you before the capsaicin does
[06:19:33] <juggs> Khyber, seems to be my experience at least. Finger and bird's eye chillis seem to deliver heat with no noticeable effect on a dish's flavour. Scotch Bonnets seem to add a fruity flavour an then a real kick in the head some minutes later. Naga variants, just seem to add a rather rancid taste to cooked dishes without contributing heat - although I have no doubt they are ferocious in the raw. Don't go pee after chopping a naga.. that's a regretable exp
[06:19:33] <juggs> erience. I just find it interesting.
[06:20:26] <juggs> And slow cooking seems to diminish heat of all chillis.
[06:26:02] <mattie_p> juggs: that's why I always top off my chili for personal consumption with a sauce of the heat level I desire for that meal
[06:26:39] <Landon> I'm not allowed to put peppers or sauce in the base chili :(
[06:26:40] <mattie_p> I keep at least three sauces on hand, franks, tabasco, siracha, plus a personal concoction that I re-make when I run low that blows them all away
[06:26:51] <Landon> I have to mix it on a bowl by bowl basis
[06:27:18] <mattie_p> lol @ Landon
[06:27:19] <Khyber> lol tabasco
[06:27:30] <Khyber> there's a video floating around somewhere of me chugging down a bottle of that like nothing
[06:27:31] <Landon> there was an incident with 3 carolina reapers in a quart of homemade salsa....
[06:27:55] <mattie_p> Khyber that is mostly for the kids. I sometimes use it to sweeten a taco I'm eating :)
[06:27:58] <Landon> and basically every pizza night where I got some dave's insanity on my wife's side of the pizza
[06:28:07] <Khyber> mmmm daves
[06:28:27] <Khyber> protip: Move her half of the pizza to another plate first :D
[06:28:31] <Landon> hehe
[06:28:36] <Landon> I like to bake the sauce in though
[06:28:38] <juggs> mattie_p, likewise - I tend to slow cook then chuck in my bonnets in during a 20 - 30 minute reheat on the stove. I also keep a bottle of Encona around.
[06:29:14] -!- GungnirSniper [GungnirSniper!~GungnirSn@btkp-575-88-389-761.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[06:29:27] <Khyber> That reminds me, I need to get some cultured acetobacter and prepare to ferment these chile pequins
[06:29:39] -!- GungnirSniper has quit [Client Quit]
[06:29:52] <Khyber> The convo was so hot Gungnir had to get the fuck out
[06:30:05] <juggs> does Chile have penguins?
[06:30:11] <juggs> o.O
[06:30:23] <Khyber> o.o
[06:30:33] <mattie_p> I honestly make my own - current hot sauce blend has carrots for a little sweet, roasted red peppers for roundness, rehydrated red chilis for base heat, habaneros for kick, and ghost pepper flakes for zest
[06:30:36] <Khyber> Pequin is a spanish word
[06:31:19] <Khyber> pretty much the whole name means tiny pepper
[06:31:27] <Khyber> which is exactly what it is, a tiny little pepper
[06:32:49] <juggs> mattie_p, you hit on a point there. The Bangladeshi crushed n dried red chillis we get here seem to retain their heat through a slow cook much better than fresh.
[06:33:46] <mattie_p> I feel adding layers of flavor is better than just adding some incredibly hot peppers. I can blend them all into a sauce of beauty
[06:34:49] <mattie_p> also, add a bottle of beer to your slow cook chili if you don't already. It helps disolve some of those non-water soluble flavor compounds and deliver it better
[06:35:06] <mattie_p> beer++
[06:35:07] <Juggalo> karma - beer: 5
[06:35:43] <juggs> Indeed so, and I am not an addict of stupidly hot for the sake of it. A lot of dishes do benefit from some piquance though.
[06:36:26] <juggs> A little sprinkle of paprika or cayenne can really lift a dish.
[06:37:39] <mattie_p> I need to make some more hot sauce, I'm running low anyway
[06:38:17] <juggs> mattie_p, I find a good glug of red wine works well with stewing beef.
[06:38:38] <mattie_p> I've been adding red wine to chili as well, lately.
[06:39:00] <Khyber> you should add anchovies
[06:39:02] <mattie_p> I brown the beef, then deglaze with the wine
[06:39:12] -!- drgibbon [drgibbon!~gibblets@100.percent.pure.coconut.water] has joined #Soylent
[06:39:37] <Khyber> anchovy hormones boost the hell out of beef flavor
[06:39:58] <Khyber> three or four fillets in a gallon or so of chili, fuckyea
[06:40:17] <mattie_p> I'd have to sneak it it. I'm all up for that but my family is snobs like that
[06:40:31] <Khyber> They'd never taste it once it dissolved in the chili
[06:40:39] <Khyber> al they'd taste is this intense beef flavor
[06:40:47] <mattie_p> ok, so food conversations we've had on this project: Bread (original food, on freenode), bacon (always and perpetual) chili
[06:41:15] <mattie_p> although, my wife can't eat beef, so I can do it to my own ...
[06:41:21] <FoobarBazbot_> mattie_p: also french fries with gravy and cheese curds...
[06:41:25] <Khyber> why no beef
[06:41:30] <Khyber> poutine--
[06:41:30] <Juggalo> karma - poutine: -268
[06:41:31] <juggs> I find myself adding more and more beans and veg to my chilis. Cannelini, haricot - chuck them in. Got some spuds, cauliflower - chuck them in. They sop up flavour like a mofo.
[06:41:37] <mattie_p> dietary whatever, I blame poutine
[06:41:50] <Khyber> sux
[06:41:57] <mattie_p> yeah, no kidding
[06:42:17] <mattie_p> we made some beautiful t-bones the other night, me and my daughter nommed like there was no tomorrow
[06:42:40] <mattie_p> and she was eating a pork chop. Nothing wrong with pork, I love that too, but not a 1" thick tbone
[06:42:59] <mattie_p> diets--
[06:42:59] <Juggalo> karma - diets: -1
[06:43:54] <Khyber> yea diets suck
[06:44:26] <juggs> diets are not necessary if one eats well
[06:44:45] <juggs> and stays relatively active
[06:44:57] <mattie_p> but if there are medical reasons and conditions for a diet, then they are necessary
[06:45:07] <juggs> granted
[06:45:10] <mattie_p> eating well is, in fact, a diet
[06:45:14] <mattie_p> :)
[06:45:36] <mattie_p> but seriously, she has medical reasons she can't eat beef, or processed sugar, or gluten
[06:45:58] <juggs> common sense?
[06:46:06] <mattie_p> makes family meal planning a challenge, because my daughter also has a medical diet, but with different restrictions
[06:46:26] <mattie_p> gluten-free isn't "common sense" for the developed world.
[06:46:39] <mattie_p> please try finding bread - really hard
[06:46:52] <mattie_p> its possible, but difficult
[06:47:24] <mattie_p> or make your own. but we live at ~5000 feet, so we have to find gluten-free recipes that work at high altitude.
[06:47:56] <mattie_p> she cannot eat pasta any longer. And she's Italian. (she has a huge sad at that)
[06:49:12] <mattie_p> </rant>
[06:57:12] <Khyber> :<
[06:57:53] <Khyber> Well, daylight wasting time is upon us. I must sleep while I can, because in reality, I'm only getting 4 hours as of this moment.
[06:58:10] <juggs> I have to wonder how many of these dietary sensitivities are due to over-exposure to near mono-cultures in developed nations. We maybe omnivores, but are we yet suited to exist on a starch that comes from only one plant?
[06:58:14] <Khyber> but I woke from a 2 hour nap about 3 hours ago
[06:58:39] <Khyber> Well, you odn't typically see alergies in third world countries.
[06:59:14] <Khyber> Of course, said countries don't typically have resources to handle alergy issues.
[06:59:30] <Khyber> I'm off to sleep now!
[06:59:32] <juggs> no/// you tend to see starvation and malaria and HIV
[07:00:42] <Khyber> oh, wait
[07:00:47] <Khyber> DST already happened at 2 this morning
[07:00:56] <Khyber> so I'll get 5 hours
[07:00:58] <Khyber> \o/
[07:01:23] <Khyber> such a fucking waste of effort, DST
[07:01:33] <juggs> I was merely positing a question. Is mono-culture a good thing?
[07:04:43] -!- Tachyon_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[07:06:14] <juggs> Khyber, DST has its uses in realms where people have yet to realise that hard-defined hours at a machine or desk don't directly equate to productivity. It's a throw-over from the industrial age. It will die in fire eventually.
[07:07:56] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[07:13:05] <juggs> I have a horrible feeling that in ~500 years or so, our current age will be seen as a dark age - as much as we now view children working in cotton mills 2-300 yrs as appalling.
[07:13:34] <juggs> insert ago there somewhere :D
[07:17:27] -!- amblivious has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[07:17:40] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8e7@on71-459-533-019.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:17:47] <FoobarBazbot_> I have a strong suspicion you're right, but not a "horrible feeling". The present world is what it is, and it would be much more horrible to think things _won't_ get better. Just as most people from the child-factory era thought of the pre-industrial-revolution as a dark age, because they saw the progress more than the problems, most people today think we got it pretty good, and most people in 500 years will
[07:18:10] <FoobarBazbot_> Then, if we're lucky, in another 500 years, people will be looking at _them_ as a dark age!
[07:18:10] -!- amblivious [amblivious!~rj@203.184.xn.xwy] has joined #Soylent
[07:18:40] -!- IT_freak [IT_freak!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:19:44] <FoobarBazbot_> I feel like we get a lot of progress, and a lot of problems that _could_ have been avoided, bt nobody thought to. As long as it keeps on, and we keep fixing those problems eventually (always a generation or more late, it seems, but still it gets done), we're in not-too-horrible shape.
[07:19:50] <Ethanol-fueled> what do those in the know called one-nuts and no-nuts?
[07:19:58] <Ethanol-fueled> CRYPTORCHIDS
[07:20:18] <Ethanol-fueled> that awesome Marilyn Manson song.
[07:21:55] <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - Video Game Console Industry in Crisis - http://sylnt.us - diminishing-returns
[07:28:17] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[07:51:57] * NCommander is debating if he has the stones to get on an air malyasia flight given recent events
[07:53:07] <NCommander> There's a couple of fifth freedom flights available, but they're pricey as fuck
[07:53:13] * NCommander might have to dip into the frequent flier mile piggybank
[07:53:22] <NCommander> Which is looking emptier and empiter
[08:08:24] <juggs> well until something more concrete appears NCommander - rather than than the media "must have been paedoturrwrists" knee-jerk. 777s don't have a habit of just falling out of the sky.
[08:10:44] <juggs> They've been around a fair while.
[08:11:10] -!- NC|WebChat [NC|WebChat!~db5c2231@zlx-17-22.tm.net.my] has joined #Soylent
[08:11:13] * NC|WebChat waves
[08:14:19] * NC|WebChat strongly debates going to see the LEGO movie again
[08:19:43] <mattie_p> do it now
[08:19:56] <mattie_p> you were strongly correct in your previous recommendation
[08:20:32] <juggs> how does one even debate "going to see a movie". That is some shameful shit right there.
[08:21:24] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~cb811792@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:26:45] <Konomi> yeah there's no debate just don't go
[08:30:51] <crutchy> i'd rather just get my kids lego out and make shit than see it on a movie
[08:31:20] <juggs> meh, the way I'm going I'm moving in with RMS's toenails. Something, something darkside.
[08:31:43] <crutchy> sounds... complete
[08:33:29] <juggs> rather too rapid crutchy, but I applaud your enthusiasm.
[08:36:47] <crutchy> https://www.youtube.com
[08:37:15] <juggs> ?
[08:38:34] <crutchy> i was going to post the one of r2d2 shooting out the window of the millenium falcon but this one seemed more nerdy
[08:43:55] <juggs> go you
[08:44:14] <crutchy> not much else goin on
[08:44:26] <swiss> i've heard the lego movie was good though
[08:44:35] <swiss> i heard it on kroq, must be true
[08:45:30] <swiss> fuuu i think my brother stole my phoen charger
[08:45:42] <crutchy> bastard
[08:46:46] <NC|WebChat> mattie_p: this would be the fourth time I saw it
[08:46:59] * NC|WebChat notes he saw WALL-E 14 times while it was in theathers ...
[08:47:15] <crutchy> ^that's disturbing
[08:47:23] <NC|WebChat> juggs: its more I've already seen this movie several times ...
[08:47:46] <NC|WebChat> crutchy: :-P, I might see Monuent Men instead, but TBH, everytime I watch the LEGO movie, it makes me think about it more and more
[08:48:21] <NC|WebChat> As for WALL-E, I thought it was just beautiful. I love silent films, and the entire first 1/3 of the movie is silent, and minimium dialog beyond that.
[08:48:47] * NC|WebChat notes that other PIXAR films I usually saw only once or twice at most, including Toy Story 3
[08:48:55] <NC|WebChat> TS3 was fun, but it was "saw it, good enough"
[08:49:12] <crutchy> monuments men?
[08:49:19] <crutchy> with matt damon
[08:49:23] <NC|WebChat> Yeah.
[08:49:29] <NC|WebChat> I did see Cars a couple of times though but thats because I've travelled along abandoned highways through the United States
[08:49:35] <NC|WebChat> In that case, the premise appealled to me a lot
[08:49:54] * NC|WebChat frequently used to drive 25k miles/40k kms every year
[08:50:00] <crutchy> https://www.youtube.com
[08:50:03] <NC|WebChat> My truck was litterially disassembling itself by time I sold it
[08:51:13] * NC|WebChat criss crossed the Untied States, Canada and Alaska multiple times, drove in 45 states, from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to Saint Johns, newfoundland (including the 16+ hour ferry)
[08:51:13] <juggs> NC - any chance of a mission statement? Or just some BS "I pulled slashcode out of the 80s" speech?
[08:51:38] <NC|WebChat> juggs: I've got a version for the staff mostly drafted, but thats more how we're operating, team layouts, and such
[08:51:50] <NC|WebChat> juggs: this handoff was really shitty timed on my part, I'm still in Asia, and will be for another week.
[08:51:52] <swiss> btw, where does Juggalo grab the current max uid from?
[08:52:08] <NC|WebChat> swiss: Landon, or xlefry would know
[08:52:12] * NC|WebChat honestly doesn't know
[08:52:16] <crutchy> !current-uid
[08:52:16] <Juggalo> The current maximum UID is 3727, owned by mysidia
[08:52:17] <NC|WebChat> Its not hooked into the DB AFAIK.
[08:52:43] <stdhell> It does a binary search between last known max uid and ... +100
[08:53:28] <stdhell> A binary search on URL like: http://soylentnews.org
[08:53:37] <crutchy> taking a long time (relatively) to get from 3000-4000
[08:54:00] <crutchy> signups slowing down
[08:54:32] <crutchy> maybe we need to do some more shameless /. plugs
[08:54:53] <crutchy> and some more "buck feta!!!"
[08:55:32] <stdhell> crutchy: I have already set my homepage on /. to http://stderr.dk What more do you want me to do?! :-)
[08:55:51] <crutchy> ke?
[08:56:33] <crutchy> oh you mean when people click on your /. homepage link
[08:56:35] <stdhell> Yes?
[08:56:55] <crutchy> :-P
[08:57:18] <stdhell> About half the time, they'll end up on soylentnews.
[08:57:26] <stdhell> The other half goes to pipedot.
[08:57:42] <crutchy> lol i landed on pipedot :-P
[08:57:55] <stdhell> Just try again.
[08:58:41] <crutchy> pipedot looks pretty sweet
[08:59:11] <crutchy> not much comments though
[08:59:37] <juggs> NCommander, jedi hand tricks. Publish or be damned. No-one could give a metric fuck where you are. You forced a hostile takeover and now you hide behind "well it's a bit flaky here". That's downright wrong.
[08:59:37] * crutchy wonders what version of slash he using
[09:00:06] <stdhell> crutchy: pipedot doesn't use slashcode. It's rewritten from scratch.
[09:00:14] <crutchy> wow
[09:00:23] <crutchy> diehard
[09:01:00] <crutchy> although possibly easier than dealing with slash
[09:01:03] <stdhell> BRB...
[09:02:36] <crutchy> i kinda like the templates, but seems a bit overblown
[09:12:01] juggs is now known as juggs|afk
[09:12:21] * Konomi hugs her laptop
[09:12:54] <Konomi> hmm can't remember where kde is stopping with 4.x
[09:24:44] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[09:27:34] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[09:29:29] -!- robind has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[09:31:55] <pbnjoe> barrabas has made a new journal
[09:32:15] <pbnjoe> journal post, w/e you wanna call it
[09:33:30] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #Soylent
[09:33:30] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v MrBluze] by BaconTree
[09:34:30] <pbnjoe> and as is probably expected, not the happiest one
[09:35:09] <nobbis> it isn't indeed
[09:36:05] * pbnjoe sighs
[09:38:06] <Konomi> little worrying I hope it gets sorted out
[09:38:22] <pbnjoe> same
[09:38:25] <NC|WebChat> Link please?
[09:38:48] <nobbis> http://soylentnews.org
[09:39:00] <NC|WebChat> juggs|afk: I AM writing here. I didn't have something ready to go the moment we changed over because I didn't expect it.
[09:40:45] <stdhell> What The Fuck!
[09:41:34] <KonomiNetbook> I would ask that no one overeacts and we just let NC and Barrabas sort it out ;p
[09:42:02] * NC|WebChat checks his email
[09:42:28] <NC|WebChat> Yeah
[09:42:30] <NC|WebChat> No reply
[09:42:34] * NC|WebChat swears
[09:42:54] <NC|WebChat> Who on staff is up right now?
[09:43:01] * MrBluze agrees with KonomiNetbook
[09:43:03] <MrBluze> im here
[09:43:13] <stdhell> NC|WebChat: Me.
[09:43:18] <stdhell> <- stderr
[09:43:24] <NC|WebChat> <- NCommander :-)
[09:43:32] <MrBluze> hi boss :)
[09:43:53] <KonomiNetbook> we need someone called dllhell
[09:45:13] -!- xlefay [xlefay!~xlefay@Soylent/Staff/IRC/xlefay] has joined #Soylent
[09:45:19] <xlefay> wooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo
[09:45:23] <pbnjoe> ?
[09:45:27] <stdhell> oooooooooot?
[09:45:27] <xlefay> Mornin'
[09:45:40] <pbnjoe> Mornin'
[09:45:44] <MrBluze> hi xlefay
[09:45:53] <pbnjoe> check this out
[09:45:54] <pbnjoe> http://soylentnews.org
[09:45:59] <xlefay> Hi :) How's everyone doing this arguably fine day?
[09:46:01] <KonomiNetbook> there goes his morning good work ;p
[09:46:08] <xlefay> pbnjoe: heh already did :P
[09:46:11] <pbnjoe> ok :P
[09:46:59] <xlefay> So what's up?
[09:47:56] <stdhell> "(And yes, this was an amicable transfer of power. There's no hard feelings on my side.)"
[09:48:12] <bryan> the linode charges really are a non-issue from my experience; they pro-rate everything and charge only for the days you use
[09:48:18] <xlefay> Just about to e-mail NC about a factual little error in the e-mail he mailed B
[09:48:22] <pbnjoe> watched The Triplets of Belleville, now about to sleep
[09:48:24] <pbnjoe> stupidly late here
[09:48:37] <MrBluze> NC is here xlefay - NC|WebChat
[09:48:38] <KonomiNetbook> dinner time here
[09:48:39] <xlefay> aah how late? It's 09:48 AM here and I've yet to sleep ;)
[09:48:51] <KonomiNetbook> just to prove how much of a geek I am I have my netbook at thekitchen table
[09:48:52] <KonomiNetbook> ;p
[09:49:09] <xlefay> Konomi++ haha, don't we all? :-)
[09:49:09] <Juggalo> karma - konomi: 9
[09:49:22] <xlefay> pbnjoe: sleep well then ;)
[09:49:27] <pbnjoe> night all :)
[09:49:32] <KonomiNetbook> hey if people can use their stupid phones ot facebook constantly I think I am entitled to irc ;p
[09:49:44] <xlefay> NC|WebChat: I forgot whichever e-mail your using, it ok to send to your oeboentoe mail?
[09:49:52] <xlefay> haha that's true
[09:49:59] <NC|WebChat> xlefay: which email?
[09:50:04] * NC|WebChat is just sick of this drama
[09:50:05] <xlefay> ubuntu
[09:50:22] <KonomiNetbook> not a fan of drama either hope it resolves
[09:50:24] <NC|WebChat> I don't understand what was wrong with discussing the exact totals.
[09:50:37] -!- IT_freak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[09:50:37] <xlefay> aah don't worry about the drama, just give it a day, respond, give it a few days ;)
[09:50:41] <NC|WebChat> I didn't want this public because it was an affair between me and John, not SN itself as a whole.
[09:51:02] <KonomiNetbook> hopefully not much will come of it
[09:51:10] <KonomiNetbook> jouranls don't get much attention
[09:51:10] <xlefay> I can tell you why he made this public since it's pretty obvious, even to me
[09:51:22] <xlefay> B's journal does
[09:51:26] <NC|WebChat> xlefay: clue me in?
[09:51:27] <KonomiNetbook> cause NC|WebChat is the second coming of santa I presume!?
[09:51:30] * KonomiNetbook hides
[09:51:41] <KonomiNetbook> I meant to say satan oh well ;p
[09:51:42] * NC|WebChat gives KonomiNetbook a SCO UNIX CD for christmas
[09:51:46] <KonomiNetbook> ha xD
[09:51:47] <NC|WebChat> ....
[09:52:03] <KonomiNetbook> santa satan same thing
[09:52:09] <NC|WebChat> KonomiNetbook: if I was satan, you should be in fear of your immortal soul :-P
[09:52:10] * KonomiNetbook hides
[09:52:19] <stdhell> Robot-Santa from Futurama?
[09:52:23] <KonomiNetbook> I sold it when I went BI so you're late ~
[09:52:23] <NC|WebChat> I can be scary, but not THAT scary
[09:52:29] <NC|WebChat> KonomiNetbook: BI?
[09:52:38] <NC|WebChat> oh
[09:52:39] * NC|WebChat rereads
[09:52:42] <KonomiNetbook> I like doods and girls
[09:52:44] <NC|WebChat> Christ, I'm more tired than I realize
[09:52:55] <KonomiNetbook> more iffy on guys though ;p
[09:52:56] <MrBluze> tbh NCommander I don't think anyone much cares about the B matter
[09:53:02] <MrBluze> it's just eye rolling stuff
[09:53:11] <NC|WebChat> KonomiNetbook: eh, my roommates used to be a lesbian couple. I'm probably going to hell anyway cause I approved of that :-P
[09:53:15] <MrBluze> but of course it needs sorting out and all that
[09:53:22] <KonomiNetbook> awesome ;p
[09:53:37] <NC|WebChat> KonomiNetbook: my mom used to joke that my RL was Three Is Company in reverse
[09:54:00] * MrBluze grins
[09:54:08] <KonomiNetbook> ;p
[09:54:08] <MrBluze> everyone has a place in the sun
[09:54:13] <NC|WebChat> Learned one important lesson there
[09:54:22] <KonomiNetbook> now if only I could send them to the sun
[09:54:23] <NC|WebChat> make sure if you live with a lesbian couple, you have thick walls.
[09:54:37] <stdhell> I can understand why NCommander doesn't want SN or himself to pay for something we never needed or wanted.
[09:54:40] <NC|WebChat> ^- sage life advice
[09:54:46] <KonomiNetbook> I am kinda noisey so I can agree with that
[09:54:49] <NC|WebChat> stdhell: the issue is somewhat more complicated than that.
[09:55:21] <MrBluze> well as long as nobody is being fraudulent I am sure it will be sorted out
[09:55:29] <NC|WebChat> stdhell: this boils down to the entire issue that lead up to the bring up, and how nothing was being discussed in public
[09:55:32] <stdhell> The list of expences on the wiki also seems "odd"...
[09:55:46] <xlefay> NC|WebChat: if you read that IRC excerpt, it's missing one vital line in which you stated you wanted to discuss what you were paying for and such. Without that line it does seem you're arguing your way out of costs which seems odd (although, we here all know those services weren't even used)
[09:55:57] <xlefay> Also that MP3 player reimbursement is just sad.
[09:56:30] <NC|WebChat> xlefay: not just that, three levels of Pimisur Spanish
[09:56:31] <bryan> maybe you need to add a Pimsleur Learn to Speak Japanese (for the soylentnews.jp domain name)
[09:56:34] <NC|WebChat> aka $500 dollars
[09:56:38] <xlefay> ^ that's what he's trying to do with his journal entry.
[09:56:46] <xlefay> heh... /facepalms
[09:56:59] <xlefay> He gives you four gifts and wants you to pay for it yourself? LOL
[09:57:09] <NC|WebChat> xlefay: four gifts that TBH, I'm not sure I'd use
[09:57:26] <xlefay> Damn man, I haven't been going around gifts right it seems
[09:57:32] <xlefay> giving gifts*
[09:58:02] <xlefay> Exactly so, what... ~600 for stuff you won't even use and he wants you to pay for
[09:58:41] <xlefay> heh.. so my mail client spell checker doesn't know Circle but it does know XKCD, I'm calling that a WIN.
[09:59:17] <NC|WebChat> xlefay: the only point I'm consesting is Bluehost. Linode we need to get that credit somewhere usable
[09:59:23] <NC|WebChat> or a refund if possible
[09:59:38] * NC|WebChat bangs his head against a wall repeatively
[09:59:56] <MrBluze> if it can be mitigated to pro-rata it might be easier to just wear that
[10:00:05] <MrBluze> but if it's a whole year of unused shit, it's his bad judgment
[10:00:20] <MrBluze> pardon the lingo
[10:00:28] <xlefay> bryan: seems to have experience with that. I'm guessing he's right. As for Bluehost.. that's just BS
[10:01:14] <MrBluze> bluehost could be argued to not be part of SN because it was bought before any official decision to do the job?
[10:01:36] <xlefay> Meh. NC, just send him a check to the amount you think is valid when you can, if by that point B hasn't proved his point regarding other costs that is.
[10:01:59] <MrBluze> .. pay what is obviously payable, and agree to the rest pending receipts and showing cause
[10:02:18] <xlefay> The costs for BH are ridiculous. anyhow
[10:02:25] <MrBluze> yep
[10:02:32] * xlefay came to enjoy himself here not talk about stupid journal entries
[10:02:37] <xlefay> !woop
[10:02:37] <Juggalo> woop woop woop (\/) (;,,;) (\/)
[10:02:38] <xlefay> !!
[10:02:45] <xlefay> whatcha eating KonomiNetbook?
[10:02:47] <MrBluze> well u can't pay for things that were bought before a group was convened
[10:03:12] <xlefay> agreed, but w/e it's pointless to argue about stupid things like this
[10:03:36] <nobbis> whatever the rights and wrongs this needs to be settled, if this bickering drags on it will cause harm
[10:03:59] <nobbis> it wastes everyone's energy
[10:04:06] <Konomi> xlefay: fish and chips
[10:04:25] <xlefay> I see, I'm sorry I asked! Enjoy tho ;)
[10:04:42] <xlefay> nobbis: yep!
[10:04:56] <xlefay> Anyone read about that trip to Europe they want?
[10:06:28] <xlefay> stdhell: your vacation over?
[10:06:43] <stdhell> xlefay: Yes. :-(
[10:06:52] <xlefay> thought you had two weeks off?
[10:07:18] <stdhell> Nope, just one.
[10:07:27] * xlefay notes his sense of time is way off..
[10:07:39] <xlefay> oh.. I see. That sucks man.
[10:08:02] <stdhell> NC|WebChat: If it's not already on the list, I think there's one more thing B wants you to pay... A keychain...
[10:08:11] <xlefay> heh?
[10:08:34] <xlefay> You're not serious, are you stdhell?
[10:08:37] <stdhell> Mar 05 01:46:44 <Barrabas> I actually bought a keychain for mrcoolbp, it hasn't arrived yet.
[10:08:37] <stdhell> Mar 05 01:46:54 <NCommander> Barrabas, I feel the USPS hates you
[10:08:37] <stdhell> Mar 05 01:46:55 <Barrabas> (To be fair, it's a "video recorder" keychain.)
[10:08:52] <MrBluze> keychains cost money?
[10:08:54] * xlefay notes this is getting more ridiculous every minute.
[10:09:20] <stdhell> xlefay: You're right...
[10:09:32] <MrBluze> so like I can start a project, buy a lamborghini, and then throw in the towel and the guy who takes over has to pay?
[10:09:57] <xlefay> MrBluze: or you simply buy B a gift and let him pay it back to you.
[10:10:12] <stdhell> I don't even get why B is writing NC about getting the money back now. On the 5th NC told B he couldn't do anything until he was back.
[10:10:38] <stdhell> Mar 05 01:45:33 <NCommander> Barrabas, lets wait until stateside again to deal with it. I'll trade you a check for your packages :-)
[10:10:46] <MrBluze> i don't get why there must be a scandal about this, why journal posts? its unprofessional
[10:11:03] <xlefay> Really, come on. B's trying to discredit NC. He wants back in.
[10:11:05] * NC|WebChat notes his banks physically don't exist in this country, and I can't get a check written even if I wanted to right now
[10:11:17] <NC|WebChat> I don't carry blanks on me
[10:11:28] <MrBluze> my bank lets me order cheques online
[10:11:29] <NC|WebChat> and if he needed the money NOW, I can western union
[10:11:36] <MrBluze> but it's expensive as fluke
[10:11:39] <NC|WebChat> MrBluze: yeah, that's what I did, and they're waiting at my US address
[10:11:58] <MrBluze> well he can wait, endosaurus
[10:12:03] <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - Total Information Awareness a Reality Soon - http://sylnt.us - NSA-knew-you-would-say-that
[10:12:04] <NC|WebChat> But I'm mobile on an iterinary that was semi-fixed two months before AltSlash even got started
[10:12:27] <MrBluze> i wouldn't worry about it
[10:12:31] -!- nobbis [nobbis!~pi@xioxgm-40-96-4-849.oxfd.adsl.virginm.net] has parted #Soylent
[10:12:36] <MrBluze> this is not reasonable, it wouldn't stand up on judge judy
[10:12:43] <NC|WebChat> MrBluze: he controls the DNS registar still. If he wants to, he could offline the site in three clicks*
[10:12:46] <MrBluze> or ricki lake
[10:12:52] <NC|WebChat> * - we set teh TTL to 4 weeks to prevent exactly this, but still.
[10:13:08] <xlefay> eh, how high is the TTL for the IRC A record??
[10:13:22] * xlefay hopes not to high since one server is set to expire soon...
[10:13:28] <NC|WebChat> xlefay: I believe all the records are set that high. mechanicjay had an oh crap moment
[10:13:51] <xlefay> Ok, I'll renew that server for a month. I'll have to get in touch with MJ to remove that record
[10:13:56] <xlefay> one of those anyway
[10:13:58] <stdhell> xlefay: Is it "irc" (300s) or "chat" (a long, long time)?
[10:14:05] <NC|WebChat> xlefay: send me a reciept, I'll get it re-imbursed when I can
[10:14:16] <xlefay> stdhell: irc. only 300s?
[10:14:36] <stdhell> irc.soylentnews.org. 300 IN A
[10:14:36] <stdhell> irc.soylentnews.org. 300 IN A
[10:14:42] <xlefay> NC|WebChat: That won't be necessary.
[10:14:45] <NC|WebChat> stdhell: what's wiki and forums for yuo
[10:15:30] <stdhell> 320k seconds.
[10:15:58] <xlefay> But thank you for offering tho ;)
[10:16:11] <NC|WebChat> stdhell: right, 4 weeks
[10:16:12] <NC|WebChat> yay
[10:16:15] * NC|WebChat facepalms
[10:16:17] <stdhell> NC|WebChat: On ns1.linode.com it's only 300s.
[10:16:24] <xlefay> 92.63... will be gone soon
[10:16:26] <NC|WebChat> stdhell: yeah, but we had it set for 4 weeks for awhile
[10:16:31] <MrBluze> hmm
[10:16:31] * NC|WebChat facepalms more
[10:16:41] <stdhell> I know. I got it cached while it was that high...
[10:16:43] * Konomi hugs NC|WebChat
[10:16:54] * NC|WebChat gets hugged
[10:17:04] <Konomi> getting hugged it'sbetter than getting bugged ~
[10:17:50] <MrBluze> or buggered
[10:18:00] <xlefay> or muggered
[10:18:04] <Konomi> speaking of buggered
[10:18:13] <MrBluze> its 8pm too early for that
[10:18:23] * NC|WebChat says fuck it, going to go to a movie
[10:18:26] <MrBluze> ok so if the DNS gets pulled out from under us
[10:18:33] <xlefay> Enjoy NC. :)
[10:18:44] <NC|WebChat> MrBluze: I've got total control of the DB server. I can spam every email with what happened in under an hour
[10:18:57] <MrBluze> that's good
[10:18:57] <stdhell> I thought we had moved the DNS? Didn't we get the password?
[10:19:13] <NC|WebChat> stdhell: we did, then the password magicially changed, and John said we weren't trusting him
[10:19:15] <MrBluze> so as it stands B still 'owns' the name?
[10:19:18] <NC|WebChat> I asked mattie_p to resolve it
[10:19:32] <stdhell> NC|WebChat: I wonder why we don't trust him...
[10:19:45] * NC|WebChat doesn't comment
[10:19:50] * MrBluze doesn't comment either
[10:19:58] <Konomi> best not to go there ;p
[10:20:08] <Konomi> also
[10:20:09] <Konomi> http://boingboing.net
[10:20:09] <xlefay> we already did a week or so ago
[10:20:13] <Konomi> re buggered ;p
[10:20:17] <xlefay> heh
[10:20:20] <MrBluze> lol nasty
[10:20:31] <stdhell> That was a rhetorical question...
[10:20:32] <xlefay> That looks kinky and nasty at the same time..
[10:20:33] * MrBluze will plan contingencies
[10:20:36] <MrBluze> if that's ok with u NC
[10:22:18] <xlefay> Or we could just throw out the name vote... and get a real name for a change.
[10:22:43] * xlefay notes it's still _way_ to late to do that but.. w/e
[10:22:48] <NC|WebChat> You know what, at this point
[10:23:01] <NC|WebChat> I have absolutely no issue with chucking the name.
[10:23:41] <NC|WebChat> Especially if that gets us free of this drama. I'll still work something out w/ B if possible, but I don't want our balls in a vice because he's not happy.
[10:23:43] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~Brylarke@73-51-404-28.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #Soylent
[10:23:45] <xlefay> Then let's set up a vote and hopefully get it sorted before such time the domain gets janked away
[10:24:10] <stdhell> A few days ago, I was all for keeping the name, logo and everything, but I more and more want a new name too.
[10:24:12] <MrBluze> xlefay: we have to solve this initially in #staff for obvious reasons
[10:24:26] <xlefay> MrBluze: I'm not sure about the obvious reasons, enlighten me
[10:24:31] <MrBluze> as we need to pre-buy the names
[10:24:33] <stdhell> FuckB.org ? (The B is for Beta... Or something else... That's up to you to decide...)
[10:24:38] <MrBluze> otherwise we can end up with balls in someone else's vice
[10:24:59] <xlefay> This is all so stupid imo
[10:25:14] <xlefay> Let's say, we get 100 name suggestions, that's frikkin' a lot to pay for
[10:25:52] <xlefay> I vote everyone that's serious about entering a suggestion registers it him/herself, if they fail to transfer it at our cost, they'll be publicly shamed (as that's what they would have agreed to)
[10:25:56] <xlefay> ^ my two cents.
[10:26:23] <NC|WebChat> xlefay: that's my vote as well, and what I'm going to have MrBluze and mrcoolbp work to organize
[10:26:40] <MrBluze> right
[10:26:44] <MrBluze> xlefay: agreed
[10:26:59] <stdhell> xlefay: I don't know about .org domains, but I know for .dk you can have one owner and someone else who pays.
[10:27:03] <MrBluze> but as a contingency i will semi-privately organize 6 or so names
[10:27:05] <xlefay> Let's please just all get this stupid shit out of the way.
[10:27:19] <MrBluze> we will, its no big deal
[10:27:30] <MrBluze> all you need is a plan, and then just calmly carry it out - and that's it
[10:27:36] * Konomi agrees
[10:27:44] <bryan> hell, you guys could have fuckbeta.org if you wanted it
[10:27:45] <bryan> doubt i'll use it that much
[10:27:46] <stdhell> Let the owner be "NC" or whatever, but let people pay for the first year, if it's a serious suggestion.
[10:28:18] <stdhell> bryan: Can we have the-site-formally-know-as-soylentnews.pipedot.org ? :-)
[10:28:58] <bryan> stdhell: if you register on the site with the name "the-site-formally-know-as-soylentnews" you could have it in about 5 secs
[10:29:07] <bryan> as that is your user-homepage
[10:29:17] <xlefay> NC|WebChat: my other two cents, send him a check of the amount you think right, write up why for the public to see, and let B dispute it publicly if he deems that right. Try to avoid the private communications because honestly, B has already shown he likes to omit things.
[10:29:31] <stdhell> bryan: But will the A-record point to our site?
[10:29:31] <xlefay> That's the quickest and easiest way I see this matter resolved, just my two other cents.
[10:30:23] <xlefay> and why are you on the web chat?
[10:30:25] <bryan> stdhell: 'tis a silly question, you guys would really want a full real domain :P
[10:30:28] <stdhell> I was going to comment on B journal, but will wait till I get home in about 7-8 hours
[10:30:47] <MrBluze> i will spend some time domain name fishing
[10:30:50] <xlefay> BaconTree: give me bacon.
[10:30:53] <stdhell> bryan: I know... Silly is one of my middle names... std-silly-err...
[10:31:01] * BaconTree gives xlefay bacon.
[10:31:05] <stdhell> bacon++
[10:31:05] <Juggalo> karma - bacon: 139
[10:31:23] <xlefay> BaconTree: now give me chips but no fish
[10:31:28] * BaconTree gives xlefay chips but no fish
[10:31:38] <xlefay> Thank you, carry on BaconTree.
[10:32:29] <xlefay> MrBluze: did I tell you about my somewhat awesome idlerpg timeline.js idea?
[10:32:36] <MrBluze> no??
[10:32:44] <xlefay> You know timeline.js?
[10:32:54] <MrBluze> where's the cheapest place to buy domain names
[10:32:59] <xlefay> transip.eu
[10:33:02] <MrBluze> no??
[10:33:02] <xlefay> least.. it is for me
[10:33:06] <MrBluze> transip
[10:33:10] <xlefay> http://timeline.knightlab.com
[10:33:29] <stdhell> MrBluze: I buy mine at gratisdns.dk... No idea if they're the cheapest, but the DNS service is...
[10:33:30] <xlefay> but that's because I get the tax I pay back ;]
[10:33:31] * FoobarBazbot_ uses namecheap.com
[10:33:57] <bryan> there are *thousands* of registrars these days; better to look at their records for DMCA takedowns and such and not on their price
[10:34:07] <FoobarBazbot_> bryan++
[10:34:07] <Juggalo> karma - bryan: 1
[10:34:21] <MrBluze> what does 'transfer' mean .. means wait for it to be released?
[10:34:26] <bryan> for example, godaddy will drop you in the blink of an eye, while some will bend over backwards to help you out
[10:34:26] <xlefay> MrBluze: we should probably do some investigating on which registar is the best - and hopefully make it an official suggestion. Maybe poll SN to see which one they think is best and cheapest.
[10:34:39] <MrBluze> we need to move faster than that
[10:34:40] * xlefay notes with TransIP, he can "push" a domain to another TransIP customer. Which is awesome.
[10:34:40] <NC|WebChat> MrBluze: can you take charge of this for now?
[10:34:49] <MrBluze> yeah ill do my best
[10:35:28] <MrBluze> brb kids to bed
[10:35:33] <xlefay> MrBluze: I'll pitch in one that one if you like.
[10:35:36] <MrBluze> xlefay: what does 'transfer' mean on that
[10:35:43] <MrBluze> yes please xlefay it's gonna be a team job
[10:35:47] <xlefay> eh, the one about the domains not about putting kids to bed
[10:36:22] <stdhell> MrBluze: I buy a domain, but later sell it to you... We "transfer" the domain to you.
[10:36:25] <xlefay> MrBluze: it simply means transfering the domain from one customer to another without actually affecting the registration details, e.g. ownership names and stuff - that can be done separetly but is generally a fuz.
[10:36:50] <MrBluze> i see a domain, it says 8 euro and 'transfer'
[10:36:52] <xlefay> stdhell: that's the regular way, transIP has an alternative "in-house" option which has saved me a ton of money over time ;)
[10:36:54] <MrBluze> if i buy it, is it mine?
[10:37:03] -!- IT_freak [IT_freak!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[10:37:20] <xlefay> MrBluze: no. If it says transfer, the domain is already registered - in which case, if you've got a transfer token you can transfer it to your account at TransIP.
[10:37:24] <NC|WebChat> MrBluze: alright, I'm activating the Rename strikeforce. Take who you need, get it done. if you need anything from me, ask. If you need a budget, get an idea of what it costs and I'll ACK it
[10:37:26] <stdhell> MrBluze: I don't know for .org domains, but for .dk owner and pay'er it's always the same.
[10:37:49] <MrBluze> hmm ok .. confusing but .. ok
[10:38:19] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: derp]
[10:38:31] <xlefay> MrBluze: tl;dr the domain is already taken and unless the owner wants you to have it for whatever reason, you don't have the token and thus can't transfer it.
[10:38:42] <stdhell> What does a .org domain cost elsewhere? Is 16 EUR / 22 USD "ok"?
[10:39:06] <xlefay> 8 euro's here.
[10:39:11] <xlefay> 7,49 to be exact
[10:39:18] <MrBluze> hmm .. it has an .org that has transfer, and lets me pay 8 euro
[10:39:26] <MrBluze> does that mean the owner is selling it for 8 eu?
[10:39:33] <xlefay> MrBluze: no.
[10:39:42] <MrBluze> ok, i though that would have been ridiculous
[10:40:03] <xlefay> If the owner and you have an agreement, the owner can then give you a "transfer code" (token) and then you can click on "Transfer" and input that code/token.
[10:40:09] <xlefay> That's what it means
[10:40:58] <xlefay> nerd-r.us
[10:41:00] <xlefay> >.<
[10:41:11] <FoobarBazbot_> And they would charge you 8 euros to change some entries in a database, because it's about half as hard as installing firefox.
[10:41:29] <xlefay> Pretty much, yea
[10:41:39] <stdhell> xlefay: Shouldn't that be "nerds"?
[10:41:52] <xlefay> Although, when transfering the expiry date does change e.g. the domain gets renewed
[10:41:54] <xlefay> yes it should be
[10:42:16] <xlefay> MrBluze: let me tell you my awesome non-domain related plan for idlerpg
[10:42:21] * xlefay wants feedback.
[10:42:26] * kobach slaps xlefay
[10:42:34] <xlefay> kobach you douche!
[10:42:39] <kobach> looooooooool
[10:42:43] <stdhell> xlefay: It was "feedback"!!!
[10:42:48] <kobach> ^
[10:43:00] * FoobarBazbot_ cranks up the gain on xlefay's mic until the speakers yowl
[10:43:02] <xlefay> oh god.. it technically was wasn't it
[10:43:04] <FatPhil> gandi++
[10:43:04] <Juggalo> karma - gandi: 1
[10:43:16] <xlefay> feedback--
[10:43:16] <Juggalo> karma - feedback: -1
[10:43:26] <kobach> so what did i provide feedback for
[10:43:48] <FatPhil> wresting asdf.org from NS was fucking hard, they don't want to lose income strea, but I do all my domains with gandi now.
[10:43:58] <bryan> i've heard good things about easydns.com ($15/year)
[10:44:04] <FatPhil> I have friends that use gandi's hosting services too.
[10:44:05] <bryan> a .org costs me $12.05/year (at register.com)
[10:47:22] <stdhell> I'm at work, so I should probably try to look busy... See you later...
[10:47:33] <xlefay> rofl, good luck!
[10:47:39] <MrBluze> see ya stdhell
[10:47:55] <MrBluze> ppl who are staff, pls put suggestions in #staff - we might be able to buy some names
[10:47:59] <NC|WebChat> Gah
[10:48:03] * NC|WebChat just saw the time
[10:48:37] <kobach> hi NC|WebChat
[10:49:10] <MrBluze> if anyone else knows of a name that isn't taken .org, msg me
[10:49:42] <xlefay> woopwoopdatinsect.org isn't taken, fairly sure about that one
[10:49:56] <xlefay> OK.. one simply doesn't put me behind a domain search form..
[10:49:59] <kobach> LOL
[10:50:13] <kobach> asspiss.org
[10:50:17] <xlefay> oh god man
[10:50:21] <xlefay> that's yours?
[10:50:24] <kobach> no
[10:50:30] <kobach> but its probably not taken
[10:50:33] <xlefay> probably
[10:50:34] <kobach> i hope not
[10:50:48] <xlefay> NOT FOUND
[10:50:52] <kobach> BAM
[10:50:55] <kobach> i was right
[10:50:55] <xlefay> kobach: it's free for your taking
[10:50:56] <NC|WebChat> I'm out for awhile
[10:50:56] <NC|WebChat> Cya
[10:51:00] <xlefay> ciao NC|WebChat
[10:51:01] -!- NC|WebChat has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[10:51:15] <kobach> some odd people on in these morning hours
[10:51:26] <kobach> mostly foreigners i note
[10:51:31] <xlefay> rofl
[10:51:49] <kobach> hi bryan
[10:52:08] <kobach> hes not foreign
[10:52:16] <bryan> ohayou
[10:52:27] <kobach> im actually wearing a shirt from your city
[10:52:30] <FoobarBazbot_> pon.ie is available.
[10:52:36] <MrBluze> pon.ie lol nice
[10:52:36] <FoobarBazbot_> so it could be omg.pon.ie
[10:52:36] <xlefay> omg
[10:52:44] <xlefay> I'm sold.
[10:52:49] <kobach> planet hollywood san antonio
[10:52:58] <bryan> ah, nice
[10:53:08] <xlefay> how about 'poni.es' ?
[10:53:14] <kobach> im also rather fond of SH-130
[10:53:19] <MrBluze> pon.gy is also
[10:53:23] <kobach> since im out of state and dont pay shit for tolls
[10:53:35] <FoobarBazbot_> xlefay, you think I didn't check that first?
[10:53:37] * xlefay notes .es whois lookup takes a long time
[10:53:38] <xlefay> >.<
[10:53:41] <MrBluze> poni.es taken
[10:53:44] <kobach> been almost a year still have yet to receive a bill from TXDOT
[10:53:47] <kobach> :D
[10:53:51] <xlefay> FoobarBazbot_: yes I did :<
[10:54:10] <xlefay> but you can't blame a guy for hoping you didn't and it'd still be free
[10:55:15] <kobach> ahh, FoobarBazbot_ is semi-close, if he takes the train
[10:55:21] <kobach> or his proxy is at least
[10:55:45] <FoobarBazbot_> omgponi.es is taken, as is omg-poni.es
[10:55:56] <FoobarBazbot_> but omgwtfponi.es is available!
[10:56:09] <bryan> lol
[10:56:14] <xlefay> :O
[10:56:19] <kobach> lol
[11:00:39] <FatPhil> omglolw.tf
[11:01:17] <MrBluze> omglolwtf
[11:02:24] <MrBluze> ohmyb.org
[11:02:27] <FoobarBazbot_> ooh, lolponi.es is available.
[11:13:59] -!- TME520 [TME520!~TME520@46.218.zuj.gm] has joined #Soylent
[11:14:19] <TME520> Good (ugt) morning
[11:14:29] <xlefay> Good UGT!
[11:14:33] <xlefay> How are ya today?
[11:16:03] <TME520> I received the "Captain Jack" mug I ordered a few days ago on SpreadShirt. It was broken. In what kind of world are we living ?!
[11:16:13] <xlefay> oh my
[11:17:15] <TME520> I tried to ignore the problem, drinkind coffee from this mug...it was not pretty...
[11:17:32] <xlefay> lol!
[11:18:21] <Konomi> http://scdn-discourse.r.worldssl.net possibly not safe for work
[11:18:24] <Konomi> what x.x
[11:18:37] <xlefay> heh
[11:19:10] -!- IT_freak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:19:15] <TME520> I ended up shirtless at work, with my feets in a gigantic pool of coffee...
[11:19:25] <TME520> And my keyboard is ruined.
[11:28:10] <FoobarBazbot_> wtf? how is goatse.xxx not registered?
[11:28:19] <xlefay> LOL
[11:28:31] <FoobarBazbot_> no troll has $80 to spare on that?
[11:28:38] <MrBluze> haha
[11:28:41] <MrBluze> its nearly worth it
[11:31:02] <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - Mordor's Military Structure - http://sylnt.us - And-on-the-org-chart-bind-them
[11:34:31] <FoobarBazbot_> Oh, another journal: http://soylentnews.org
[11:34:40] <FoobarBazbot_> "if anyone wants it $2K takes it. All of it: registrar, name, linodes - the works. E-mail me and I'll accept the first person who offers to send me a check. If worst comes to worst, I'll shutter the site on Friday and eat the loss."
[11:35:19] <xlefay> I've had my fill of bullshit and politics and emotionalism and immaturity. The site's trashed due to the palace revolt, but if anyone wants it $2K takes it. All of it: registrar, name, linodes - the works. E-mail me and I'll accept the first person who offers to send me a check. If worst comes to worst, I'll shutter the site on Friday and eat the loss. Not spending another minute dealing with rotten people will be worth it.
[11:35:21] <xlefay> dafuq
[11:35:40] <xlefay> Has he lost his mind?
[11:35:57] <kobach> lol what
[11:36:29] <FoobarBazbot_> Can he see or is he blind?
[11:36:48] <Konomi> ... >.>
[11:36:57] <xlefay> "I'm also baffled as to why the staff is being mean. Because of this I've taken back some of the account access: the registrar and my three linode accounts. I'm tired of being shat upon, and I need to look after my own interests."
[11:37:14] <xlefay> 'Shat upon' ... that's because of the things he does.. jeez get real man
[11:37:27] <Konomi> anyone have backups in case this goes very bad?
[11:37:29] <MrBluze> seriously?
[11:37:31] <xlefay> anyway lunch time
[11:37:40] <xlefay> I'd say it's already "very bad"
[11:38:06] <kobach> lol what
[11:38:23] <FoobarBazbot_> bright side: unless things change, and providing Dice/poutine-- doesn't pony up $2k, the site stays up till Friday
[11:39:00] <NCommander> well. shit
[11:39:29] <kobach> ^
[11:39:36] <xlefay> meh.. lunch time
[11:41:48] -!- the|navigator [the|navigator!navi@rna.decoding.org] has joined #Soylent
[11:43:01] <Konomi> can someone explain this "palace revolt" thing
[11:43:18] <MrBluze> poor manager, now a sore ex-manager
[11:43:21] <MrBluze> that's all
[11:43:28] <drgibbon> wow
[11:43:30] <MrBluze> and now playing dirty
[11:43:35] <drgibbon> Barrabas has lost the plot
[11:43:37] <kobach> rofl
[11:44:34] FoobarBazbot is now known as FoobarBazbot|afk
[11:44:46] <drgibbon> so what's up with this, is he controlling the servers?
[11:46:01] <MrBluze> afaik hasn't cleanly handed over the domain name
[11:46:06] <MrBluze> so is holding to randsom
[11:46:25] <MrBluze> .. afaik
[11:46:27] <drgibbon> great
[11:46:41] <MrBluze> so we are acting on this quickly
[11:46:45] <kobach> guys a fucking joke
[11:46:56] <drgibbon> "Since the change in ownership, the site worth has dropped from $2700 to $470, the stark reality of the "palace revolt"."
[11:46:57] <drgibbon> wtf
[11:47:05] <NCommander> an official response is coming. if I write it now it will only escalate matters as I can address this with a clear head
[11:47:17] <kobach> dont even bother with one, fuck him
[11:47:22] <MrBluze> right now it's contingencies
[11:47:27] <kobach> wait a day
[11:47:32] <drgibbon> very strange guy, I've got to say
[11:47:44] <kobach> take all the time in the world for the response
[11:48:10] <kobach> lol, its too early for this shit
[11:48:14] <drgibbon> "I crafted my resignation in a politically neutral manner because I was taught that it's not appropriate to say bad things in public. Michael's hit piece came as a complete shock."
[11:48:33] <drgibbon> well, Barrabas' resignation post was just bizarre
[11:48:58] <drgibbon> couple of days after "woop we're worth $2,000" to an information-free "i'm outta here"
[11:49:10] <drgibbon> at least NCommander was straight up
[11:50:06] LaminatorX|zzzzzzz is now known as LaminatorX
[11:51:58] <drgibbon> seems like John B didn't actually have much interest in community anything
[11:52:13] <MrBluze> .. that was partly the concern some ppl ha
[11:52:19] <MrBluze> but anyway
[11:52:36] <MrBluze> he only owns the name, nominally at the moment
[11:52:41] <MrBluze> by virtue of the domain name
[11:53:13] <MrBluze> the rest of the site, guts and all, is safe - its just its address
[11:53:48] <drgibbon> "If worst comes to worst, I'll shutter the site on Friday and eat the loss."
[11:53:54] <drgibbon> nothing in that threat then?
[11:54:24] <MrBluze> he will shutter the domain name
[11:54:32] <MrBluze> so he can eat the loss now
[11:54:36] <MrBluze> :P
[11:55:08] <drgibbon> :D
[11:55:13] <LaminatorX> He's threatening more than he can deliver. He only has the domain name. The rest was never his to begn with.
[11:55:27] <MrBluze> the community, basically, owns the site
[11:55:39] <MrBluze> and the staff are stewards
[11:55:47] <MrBluze> thats the situation right now until things are formalized
[11:55:48] <hka> So will continue to work?
[11:55:56] <drgibbon> he seemed to think of himself as some kind of king
[11:55:56] <MrBluze> yes
[11:56:21] -!- nobbis [nobbis!~pi@xioxgm-40-96-4-849.oxfd.adsl.virginm.net] has joined #Soylent
[11:56:29] <MrBluze> that was genius of u to note that, hka
[11:57:30] <drgibbon> well, maybe it can be changed to backslash now :P
[11:58:00] <LaminatorX> Great submissions, nobbis. Thanks.
[11:59:03] <nobbis> thx
[11:59:32] <nobbis> i noticed the queue wasn't too full
[12:00:53] <LaminatorX> Yeah, weekends seem to be lean. Good to know we all waste time at the office. :)
[12:01:19] <nobbis> hehe
[12:02:55] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~cb811792@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:05:23] <crutchy> some interesting conversation
[12:05:26] <LaminatorX> Just in case: http://li694-22.members.linode.com
[12:06:15] <NCommander> laminatorx unfortunately due to the sheer number of hardcoded shit that won't work if we loose the domain
[12:07:00] <LaminatorX> Ahh, I see all the links in page are absolute.
[12:07:53] <crutchy> surely wouldn't be too hard to search & destroy in slashcode files & database
[12:07:57] <xlefay> NCommander: technically, if we put a varnish for that URL... could it not re-write urls from that subdomain to soylentnews.org (since soylentnews.org on localhost will be recognized due to /etc/hosts)?
[12:08:48] <xlefay> It's a bad little hack.. but it could work?
[12:09:10] <crutchy> what do you mean "hardcoded' NCommander?
[12:09:41] LaminatorX is now known as LaminatorX|afk
[12:10:49] <crutchy> there's no 'soylent' in any of the slashcode files
[12:11:44] <xlefay> also note "This whole thing started because one person didn't like someone else's choice of OS, and couldn't let it go and couldn't put it off, even for 2 weeks. I've read about these types of religious wars, choice of editor being another one, but I never thought that people would go to these sorts of extremes. I wonder if "can't let it go" will be a recurring theme." that's just bullshit
[12:11:52] <xlefay> it was because of _way_ more.
[12:13:56] -!- SoyCow7322 [SoyCow7322!~c6e4c815@mdyqmpzrcz8fx678-ubk.mycingular.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:14:05] <MrBluze> xlefay: people are people
[12:14:19] <xlefay> It's just ridiculous
[12:14:20] <MrBluze> this is bigger than any one person
[12:14:21] <MrBluze> it is
[12:14:30] <MrBluze> so we are dutybound to save this beast
[12:14:53] <crutchy> i'm not dutybound to anything, and neither are you
[12:14:54] <drgibbon> honestly I had a funny feeling about this Barrabas guy from the start
[12:16:05] <crutchy> i had a funny feeling about this whole "staff" thing fairly early on. you can check the IRC logs for that
[12:16:32] <crutchy> hopefully things get better though
[12:16:43] <MrBluze> crutchy: i hope so too mate
[12:17:01] <kobach> rofl
[12:17:03] <MrBluze> we are gonna sink-proof this baby and make her properly governed
[12:17:12] -!- NC|WebChat [NC|WebChat!~af8f3f2e@175.143.ly.mi] has joined #Soylent
[12:17:16] <MrBluze> im gonna try my best at it anyway
[12:17:28] <crutchy> i'm seriously starting to think that slashcode is a bad way to go though. i haven't committed much time into understanding it, but i don't think i will either. it's a dinosaur.
[12:17:28] <NC|WebChat> Ok
[12:17:32] <NC|WebChat> I'm online from a real computer
[12:17:50] <Konomi> it's a mac right?
[12:17:51] <NC|WebChat> I'm posting an emergency response, that states facts, to be followed by a real response a few hours from now
[12:17:53] <NC|WebChat> Actually yes
[12:17:55] * Konomi hides
[12:17:56] * NC|WebChat found a Mac Store
[12:17:56] <Konomi> ._.
[12:18:01] <xlefay> LOL
[12:18:02] <NC|WebChat> Yeah
[12:18:02] <crutchy> it doesn't even run on apache2
[12:18:04] <NC|WebChat> Desperate times
[12:18:08] <Konomi> damn it
[12:18:09] <drgibbon> haha
[12:18:10] <NC|WebChat> crutchy: that's irreveleant at the moment
[12:18:13] <xlefay> wait rofl
[12:18:24] <xlefay> you bought a mac?!
[12:18:39] <crutchy> i krealise it was thrown together in a hurry, but even pipedot appears to shit all over slashcode
[12:18:57] <xlefay> crutchy: I still wonder what language it uses on the backend
[12:19:01] <crutchy> surely with a team effort we could come up with something for soylent too
[12:19:06] <NC|WebChat> just using a display mac
[12:19:09] <xlefay> ooh lol
[12:19:43] <xlefay> NC|WebChat: you do have an Ubuntu live cd with you, right?
[12:19:54] <bryan> like an internet cafe, with a more sterile look
[12:20:30] <xlefay> bryan: you're forgetting the apple fanboys that might have touched them laptops..
[12:20:44] <bryan> true, they have been know to drool a bit
[12:20:45] <kobach> lol what
[12:20:45] <xlefay> just sayin' things aren't always as they seem.
[12:21:03] <xlefay> exactly what I mean bryan, and bad kobach, I know what you were thinking there.
[12:21:06] <MrBluze> NC|WebChat: do we set a redirect immediately?
[12:21:14] <MrBluze> and an email to all membership?
[12:21:50] <crutchy> maybe we should bribe the dns host :-P
[12:22:25] <bryan> the 2k bribe that was already offered would be cheaper than that
[12:22:38] * crutchy is still trying to understand what NC means by "hardcoded shit"
[12:22:53] <kobach> HARDCODED
[12:22:54] <kobach> SHIT
[12:23:02] <crutchy> in slashcode?
[12:23:07] <kobach> yes
[12:23:10] <crutchy> where?
[12:23:10] <kobach> HARDCODED
[12:23:14] <kobach> in slashcode
[12:23:21] <kobach> idk
[12:23:32] <xlefay> how about hardcoded.org
[12:23:43] <drgibbon> what about soylent is hardcoded in slashcode though?
[12:23:43] <crutchy> sagasu doesn't find *soylent* anywhere
[12:23:49] <MrBluze> taken :(
[12:23:58] <xlefay> drgibbon: not sure exactly
[12:23:59] <MrBluze> i believe u might be right crutchy
[12:24:07] <crutchy> there is no "soylent" anywhere in the slashcode files
[12:24:33] <drgibbon> ?
[12:24:36] <xlefay> crutchy: I recall something about it being in the DB
[12:24:39] <kobach> well its soylentcode now
[12:24:45] <crutchy> i'm still trying to work out where the MySQL files are stored
[12:24:58] <kobach> idk, im not a coder
[12:25:06] * NC|WebChat is writing fast
[12:25:08] <xlefay> kobach: no, you're a baconer
[12:25:13] <xlefay> ROFL
[12:25:16] <kobach> i just cook bacon and work on diesels
[12:25:22] <kobach> dont mind me
[12:25:34] <MrBluze> NC|WebChat: 1. redirect to linode, 2: email all membership ?
[12:25:37] * xlefay is actually lmao'ing about NC being at a Mac store behind a Mac
[12:25:47] <kobach> lmao
[12:25:48] <kobach> owned
[12:25:54] <xlefay> He's probably thinking "damnit, I wish this was running Ubuntu."
[12:25:59] <kobach> loooooooooool
[12:26:10] <kobach> "this CAN run ubuntu but they dont"
[12:26:12] <xlefay> or "Oh for fuck sakes, they stole Unity and reskinned it!"
[12:26:17] <kobach> rofl
[12:26:48] <crutchy> debian++
[12:26:48] <Juggalo> karma - debian: 2
[12:26:51] <crutchy> :-P
[12:26:56] <crutchy> for what it's worth
[12:26:58] <xlefay> or "Wasn't this on the Unity design schematics I've read?"
[12:27:07] <kobach> i wish itd hurry up and warm up so i can work on my car, its still only 8
[12:27:11] <kobach> supposed to be 21 today
[12:27:14] <kobach> sweet BITCH
[12:27:21] <xlefay> oh god here kobach begins
[12:27:26] <kobach> ITS GONNA BE WARM FOR ONCE
[12:27:31] <xlefay> eh..
[12:27:33] <MrBluze> lol xlefay it could be worse
[12:27:38] <xlefay> MrBluze: how so? :P
[12:27:43] <kobach> bacon++
[12:27:43] <Juggalo> karma - bacon: 140
[12:27:46] <crutchy> there's no '
[12:27:55] <crutchy> 'soylent' in the mysql schema
[12:27:55] <xlefay> An (imaginary) cannonical built laptop with MacOSx on it?
[12:28:11] <kobach> i am quite hungry, perhaps i should make some bacon
[12:28:14] <MrBluze> yeah that'd be worse
[12:28:18] <MrBluze> that'd be sacrilege
[12:28:20] <crutchy> from the BaconTree
[12:28:33] * crutchy has no bacon
[12:28:37] <crutchy> :-(
[12:28:56] * BaconTree provides crutchy with all the bacon he'll ever needs. Enjoy your last day on earth!
[12:29:38] <NC|WebChat> Emergency response posted
[12:29:41] * crutchy crunches bacon (thanks BaconTree) while trying to figure out wtf is so hardcoded about the domain
[12:29:52] <NC|WebChat> http://soylentnews.org
[12:30:13] <NC|WebChat> I'm so sick of drama
[12:30:15] <NC|WebChat> Seriously
[12:30:21] <NC|WebChat> Please forgive me for inflicting it on the community
[12:30:33] <kobach> drgibbon: nice response, i like
[12:30:47] <xlefay> NC|WebChat: reading. Thank you. Also kudo's that you dared touching a Mac!
[12:30:57] <NC|WebChat> I'm going to be offline for the next 3-4 hours
[12:30:58] <crutchy> fuckit let's just use an ip address to be ultra nerdy... it'll just get bookmarked anyways
[12:31:06] <crutchy> soylent_ip++
[12:31:06] <Juggalo> karma - soylent_ip: 1
[12:31:14] -!- the|navigator [the|navigator!navi@rna.decoding.org] has parted #Soylent
[12:31:17] <kobach> ugh, NC|WebChat did it have to be an article, not a response ot his journal?
[12:31:17] <NC|WebChat> MrBluze is the incident commander, and should pass it off to mattie_p when he comes available, or myself until I return
[12:31:30] <drgibbon> kobach: yeah, the guy can do what he wants, no need for animosity, but he should still be called out I think
[12:31:38] <kobach> drgibbon: agreed
[12:31:40] <crutchy> quick mrbluze... call the fire department!
[12:31:43] <NC|WebChat> kobach: yes, because we're changing the site name and he might pull the plug at any moment
[12:31:48] <Juggalo> [SoylentNews] - We've Been Held Hostage - http://sylnt.us - i-am-so-fucking-sick-of-this-drama
[12:31:49] <kobach> thought so
[12:31:55] <kobach> just checking
[12:32:06] <NC|WebChat> kobach: trust me, I'm sick of this
[12:32:10] <MrBluze> lol
[12:32:10] <NC|WebChat> I won't blame our users from walking
[12:32:20] <NC|WebChat> but if the site suddenly going to poof on them, they should have some warning
[12:32:20] <MrBluze> i have about an hour left in me
[12:32:27] <kobach> i know, i was just making sure
[12:32:38] <crutchy>
[12:32:42] <NC|WebChat> I've got to go
[12:32:45] <NC|WebChat> I'm sorry
[12:32:48] <kobach> cya
[12:32:52] <NC|WebChat> MrBluze: if you have to go, hand it off to someone else who's active
[12:32:52] <NC|WebChat> Really
[12:32:53] <NC|WebChat> GTG
[12:32:53] <kobach> we'll figure it out while you're gone
[12:32:58] <kobach> getout
[12:33:01] <MrBluze> i will
[12:33:03] <MrBluze> ok
[12:33:54] <crutchy> i reckon the hardcoding shit has something to do with varnish
[12:34:02] <MrBluze> ok everyone, get to your bacon
[12:34:10] <MrBluze> it might do crutchy
[12:34:12] * BaconTree waves
[12:34:15] <MrBluze> u really should be staff mate
[12:34:17] <MrBluze> i dont get it lol
[12:34:20] <kobach> WOMEN AND BACON FIRST
[12:34:26] <xlefay> kobach: wrong order
[12:34:29] <xlefay> BACON AND WOMEN FIRST
[12:34:37] <kobach> xlefay: no, people will bitch about sexism etc
[12:34:41] <xlefay> hmm
[12:34:46] <xlefay> weird
[12:34:51] <xlefay> Let's do bacon only then
[12:34:55] <crutchy> "Varnish is a transparent, hard, protective finish or film primarily used in wood finishing but also for other materials"
[12:35:00] <crutchy> definitely something dody there
[12:35:10] <crutchy> there's some wood in the soylentnews server
[12:35:27] <crutchy> there's your problem NC
[12:35:42] <crutchy> someone poured varnish all over the damn server
[12:35:54] <crutchy> now the shit is hardcoded
[12:35:57] <xlefay> So how about "BaconNews.org"?
[12:36:07] <xlefay> err, .net as per kobach's suggestion
[12:36:13] <kobach> lol
[12:36:14] * MrBluze has bought baconnews.net / baconnews.org
[12:36:19] <xlefay> seriously? LOOOL!!!
[12:36:21] <kobach> yes
[12:36:22] <kobach> yes
[12:36:23] <MrBluze> cause we love bacon
[12:36:25] <kobach> brbbrbrbrbrbr
[12:36:31] <kobach> lololololollobacon
[12:36:35] <xlefay> HOLY SHIT he actually got the .org one
[12:36:45] <xlefay> the .net one too rof
[12:36:45] <bryan> bacon isn't vegan?
[12:36:46] <MrBluze> both org and net
[12:36:48] <xlefay> MrBluze++ !!!
[12:36:48] <Juggalo> karma - mrbluze: 10
[12:36:53] <kobach> bryan: vegan bacon is
[12:36:59] <crutchy> ew
[12:37:02] <_NSAKEY> Wait, what is this about the site worth going down?
[12:37:13] -!- NC|WebChat has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[12:37:13] <xlefay> _NSAKEY: with all B's drama, not surprising.
[12:37:13] * _NSAKEY just read the hostage story's links.
[12:37:16] <crutchy> cos you suggested vegan bacon
[12:37:21] <crutchy> now we're all bailing out
[12:37:33] <_NSAKEY> Yet the link shows that it's worth more than he's claiming...
[12:38:04] <xlefay> _NSAKEY: maybe it was worth less at the time he checked.
[12:38:11] <xlefay> or he was simply lying.
[12:38:12] <MrBluze> we can have vegan.baconnews.org for the vegans
[12:38:12] <MrBluze> and it can be green and brown color
[12:38:18] <crutchy> lol
[12:39:00] <crutchy> so problem is who's gonnu "own" the next domain to be held hostage?
[12:39:10] <_NSAKEY> Hopefully I won't lose my precious 2 digit UID in all of this drama.
[12:39:37] <crutchy> and how do we get rid of this hardcoded varnish shit?
[12:39:39] <MrBluze> u wont
[12:39:44] <drgibbon> _NSAKEY: that's all I'm concerning about ;)
[12:39:50] <MrBluze> this ship aint sinking
[12:39:54] <drgibbon> concerned even
[12:39:55] <gallondr00nk> a belt sander is good for varnish..
[12:39:59] <MrBluze> its just getting a rapid repaint and a shift 2 feet to the left
[12:40:13] <crutchy> belt_sander++
[12:40:13] <Juggalo> karma - belt_sander: 1
[12:40:21] <crutchy> needs some polish
[12:40:23] <crutchy> :-P
[12:40:27] <gallondr00nk> :)
[12:40:43] <MrBluze> bacon beats soylent
[12:40:47] <MrBluze> u can live on bacon AND be happy
[12:41:17] <gallondr00nk> and you could get a few UUIDs from people mistakenly thinking it was about bacon
[12:41:25] -!- SoyCow7322 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[12:41:49] <MrBluze> mmhmm
[12:42:06] <crutchy> apparently baconporn.net is available
[12:42:27] <xlefay> Woa.. that's too weird to register
[12:42:34] <xlefay> kobach: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[12:42:47] <crutchy> well you know sex sells :-)
[12:42:51] <crutchy> and everyone loves bacon
[12:42:59] -!- SoyCow5778 [SoyCow5778!~4c76b3cf@t-59-991-957-035.hsd4.ma.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:43:06] <xlefay> maybe B can get his $2000 from there then ;')
[12:43:33] <gallondr00nk> are the other baconporn top levels taken? .org etc
[12:44:00] <xlefay> Fairly sure they will be soon enough
[12:44:05] <MrBluze> i love it
[12:44:05] <MrBluze> that was money worth wasting for sure
[12:44:07] <gallondr00nk> if so, i really don't want to know what's on them
[12:44:10] <MrBluze> i have lag
[12:44:10] <MrBluze> lag goes well with bacon
[12:44:17] <xlefay> gallondr00nk: me neither
[12:45:03] <crutchy> hmmm
[12:45:09] <nobbis> shame that poutine--.org doesnt work
[12:45:12] <crutchy> bacongoat.cx is also available :-P
[12:45:43] <xlefay> oh god, this is getting weirder by the minute crutchy
[12:45:44] <nobbis> thanks crutchy now i've got coffee all over my keyboard
[12:45:47] <xlefay> LOL
[12:45:51] <MrBluze> lol
[12:46:01] <xlefay> nobbis: why? you kicked it over rushing to register it?
[12:46:10] <nobbis> laughing and drinking
[12:46:14] <xlefay> haha :p
[12:46:22] * xlefay is relieved to hear that
[12:46:36] <nobbis> but if it *is* available....
[12:47:02] <crutchy> http://www.instra.com
[12:47:45] <xlefay> http://soylentnews.org
[12:48:47] <xlefay> crutchy: "Christmas Island's Goatse" just makes it even weirder.
[12:48:53] <crutchy> lol
[12:48:59] <xlefay> Especially, if you add bacon to that
[12:49:06] -!- SoyCow4847 [SoyCow4847!~b2a7fe93@070.519.651.544.threembb.ie] has joined #Soylent
[12:49:15] <xlefay> .. really didn't know .cx was Christmas Island or that, that place actually existed woa.
[12:49:17] -!- oodaloop [oodaloop!~d610f802@wl7.atac.mil] has joined #Soylent
[12:49:18] <crutchy> yeah i honestly don't normally think of things like that :-P
[12:49:35] <xlefay> So, that's where Santa comes from then. I knew he wasn't a lie!
[12:49:40] -!- Hyper [Hyper!~0ecac8d0@11-109-102-605.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[12:50:10] SoyCow4847 is now known as blackest
[12:50:50] <crutchy> omfg christmas island is a territory of australia... well that explains everything
[12:50:55] <xlefay> woa
[12:50:58] <xlefay> seriously?
[12:50:59] <crutchy> http://en.wikipedia.org
[12:51:02] <xlefay> That don't make sense
[12:51:43] <crutchy> oh that's right it's where we cram all our illegals
[12:51:50] -!- SoyCow7338 [SoyCow7338!~4df33574@77.243.zo.jig] has joined #Soylent
[12:51:50] <xlefay> LOL
[12:52:02] <MrBluze> yeah merry christmas
[12:52:05] <crutchy> in dungeons with posters of gaping anuses
[12:52:06] <MrBluze> u r stuck
[12:52:10] <xlefay> heh
[12:52:52] <blackest> whats the deal with some kind of hijack of soylent?
[12:53:13] <crutchy> it's a coup... we're all going to bacongoat.cx
[12:53:17] <nobbis> fuckbeta.cx already registered
[12:53:22] <crutchy> lol
[12:53:32] <crutchy> what about buckfeta.cx?
[12:54:01] <xlefay> blackest: John's holding the domain hostage, pretty much.
[12:54:25] <FatPhil> blackest: read the journal entries
[12:54:26] <nobbis> thats available
[12:54:29] <crutchy> we're all sending his emails containing a certain image of a gaping anus in protest
[12:54:42] <MrBluze> i got baconnews.net :) :)
[12:54:44] <FatPhil> draw your own conclusions independently
[12:55:09] <crutchy> shitcan varnish and we can go anywhere
[12:55:19] <FatPhil> crutchy: I still think we should *try* to take the moral high ground.
[12:55:23] <xlefay> .set entrymsg E-mail your name suggestions to: name-suggestion@soylentnews.org
[12:55:45] -!- amblivious has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[12:55:59] <drgibbon> backslashhhhhh
[12:56:02] <drgibbon> but the domain is taken
[12:56:11] <crutchy> add an extra h
[12:56:15] <crutchy> :-)
[12:56:23] -!- Marneus68 [Marneus68!~58b2b768@iat41-60-28-718-773-799.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:56:24] <gallondr00nk> techswine.org, to keep with the bacon theme
[12:56:38] <xlefay> LOL
[12:56:51] <drgibbon> bckslashhaha
[12:56:58] <drgibbon> dunf
[12:57:07] <drgibbon> techswing yes
[12:57:07] <gallondr00nk> backslashmwhahahaha
[12:57:19] <crutchy> techswingers :-P
[12:57:32] <drgibbon> now we're onto something
[12:57:37] <nobbis> initially when we asked for name suggestions instead of solyent were there any good ones ?
[12:57:47] <drgibbon> there were a bunch on the wiki
[12:57:54] <crutchy> newsporn.net
[12:57:58] <drgibbon> haha
[12:58:14] <drgibbon> newspr0nat11.org
[12:58:36] <drgibbon> there were some decent names on there
[12:58:45] <crutchy> natalie-portman-naked-news.org
[12:59:32] <Marneus68> why not pus the new tld's to good use while we're at it ?
[12:59:39] <Marneus68> news.xxx
[12:59:45] <crutchy> goat.sex
[13:00:11] <Marneus68> that has quite a noce ring to it
[13:00:23] <MrBluze> bacon is better than spam
[13:00:23] <MrBluze> to all: if you DO have a domain name you like, and would like to be voted on, BUY IT, then suggest it with the proviso of course that you will sell it to the site when the vote is done
[13:00:23] -!- MrBluze has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:00:24] <gallondr00nk> theworstthingaboutcensorshipis.xxx
[13:00:36] -!- SoyCow9148 [SoyCow9148!~25305136@37.48.jj.ho] has joined #Soylent
[13:00:57] <crutchy> omg i think goat.sex may be available
[13:01:11] <Marneus68> buy it then
[13:01:27] -!- MrBluze_ [MrBluze_!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #Soylent
[13:01:27] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v MrBluze_] by BaconTree
[13:01:35] <MrBluze_> back .. grr
[13:01:37] <crutchy> doh already taken, just not up
[13:01:41] <Marneus68> even if it isn't voted by the comunity I'm sure anyone would pay a good fortune for it pretty soon
[13:01:43] <xlefay> .sex is an actual TLD now? I thought it was .xxx?
[13:01:58] <crutchy> http://www.uniteddomains.com
[13:02:32] -!- SoyCow7322 [SoyCow7322!~c6e4c819@ziifliqzxk9wf499-khb.mycingular.net] has joined #Soylent
[13:02:33] <Marneus68> goat.academy
[13:02:50] <drgibbon> I like goat academy
[13:02:54] -!- amblivious [amblivious!~rj@203.184.xn.xwy] has joined #Soylent
[13:02:56] <crutchy> i had to type goat.sex for the combo box on the right to work
[13:03:10] <nobbis> might have difficulty with firewalls at work with .sex sites
[13:03:42] <xlefay> heh
[13:03:44] <nobbis> try explaining that to your boss
[13:03:47] <Marneus68> ho my god, goat.farm actually exists too.
[13:03:47] <crutchy> soylentnews.xxx is available
[13:03:56] <Marneus68> damn tlds
[13:03:57] <gallondr00nk> .farm?
[13:04:01] <Marneus68> yup
[13:04:08] <crutchy> .co .info .biz etc
[13:04:16] <MrBluze_> ... .xxx would be a good spoof
[13:04:17] <gallondr00nk> pfft, tlds these days
[13:04:25] -!- SoyCow7338 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[13:04:31] <MrBluze_> we could put soylent large ladies on there
[13:04:43] <blackest> what is the problem with paying the fella his expenses ?
[13:04:59] <Marneus68> this is pretty dumb; we have academy, company, works, farm... but no "news"
[13:05:09] <Marneus68> goat.news would have been perfect
[13:05:20] <nobbis> and that ladies and gentlemen is how the nerd news website was abandoned and they setup a goat porn site instead
[13:05:36] <xlefay> !grab nobbis
[13:05:36] <Juggalo> Added quote 22
[13:05:38] <xlefay> rofl
[13:05:40] <Marneus68> brb registerring goat.farm
[13:05:46] <crutchy> soylentnews.kitchen is also available
[13:05:49] <crutchy> :-P
[13:06:13] <Marneus68> goat.technology is a thing too
[13:06:48] <MrBluze_> we are lucky this happened THIS early
[13:06:58] -!- SoyCow7322 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[13:07:07] <Konomi> ionews maybe?
[13:07:15] <xlefay> heh that's actually nice
[13:07:34] <crutchy> so why was NC is an apple store... that seemed kinda funny
[13:07:34] <Konomi> probably taken xD
[13:07:36] <xlefay> bacon seems to be prevailing tho
[13:07:41] <xlefay> crutchy: LOL exactly
[13:07:43] <MrBluze_> ionews is available
[13:07:53] <MrBluze_> .org only
[13:07:59] <MrBluze_> i like.net as it goes well with news
[13:08:00] <bryan> crutchy: i think he is in asia atm for work purposes
[13:08:06] <FatPhil> stdnews.net
[13:08:10] <crutchy> ahh
[13:08:21] <xlefay> hmm
[13:08:22] <crutchy> sexually transmitted disease news at 11!
[13:08:25] <xlefay> heh
[13:08:26] <xlefay> LOL
[13:08:29] <kobach> itd be cool if they made CFLs more fragile, brb shower
[13:08:36] <Konomi> hmm ionews might actually be free
[13:08:45] <drgibbon> not bad
[13:08:46] <xlefay> heh... kobach just swoops in and leaves lol, reminds me of someone
[13:08:59] <drgibbon> no loyalty
[13:08:59] <drgibbon> ;)
[13:09:00] <Konomi> yep no dns entry
[13:09:02] <crutchy> ionews.org++
[13:09:10] <crutchy> ionews_org++
[13:09:10] <Juggalo> karma - ionews_org: 1
[13:09:18] <drgibbon> ionews.org++
[13:09:20] <drgibbon> I can dig it Jack
[13:09:31] <Konomi> think org is taken ;-;
[13:09:32] <xlefay> ionews.net is taken though, .org is free as someone mentioned
[13:09:39] <MrBluze_> buy .org if u want
[13:09:43] <MrBluze_> and put it up for vote
[13:09:45] <drgibbon> unf
[13:09:45] <xlefay> [whois.publicinterestregistry.net]
[13:09:46] <xlefay> NOT FOUND
[13:10:02] <drgibbon> just be careful J.B. doesn't reg it first :P
[13:10:08] <Konomi> just suggestion *hides*
[13:10:08] <MrBluze_> i bought 3 names already
[13:10:09] <xlefay> "public interest registry" hmm they should have asked us to come up with a name
[13:10:11] <kobach> ATTN #SOYLENT: http://farm8.staticflickr.com
[13:10:12] <crutchy> jack black?
[13:10:15] <kobach> brb
[13:10:20] <xlefay> JEEZ kobach
[13:10:20] <crutchy> yeah he's a douche
[13:10:21] <xlefay> !!
[13:10:23] <MrBluze_> its a good suggestion Konomi
[13:10:25] <xlefay> yes he is crutchy
[13:10:46] <crutchy> fuck me drunk now that's bacon!
[13:10:50] <MrBluze_> basically, if you have a domain name that u have bought (eg: bought right now) it will go up for vote
[13:10:54] * crutchy drools
[13:11:15] <crutchy> you should post that as an article kobach
[13:11:18] <MrBluze_> that can be our logo, kobach
[13:11:27] -!- SoyCow7093 [SoyCow7093!~cabd7b44@202.189.yon.mg] has joined #Soylent
[13:11:28] <crutchy> life's never boring with bacon
[13:11:33] <crutchy> hmm nope that's taken
[13:11:42] -!- SoyCow5913 [SoyCow5913!~559df6a5@lgkc-68-480-579-943.regionline.fi] has joined #Soylent
[13:11:56] <crutchy> dammit now i wants bacon
[13:12:13] <crutchy> all i have is frosty fruits
[13:12:14] <MrBluze_> i bought some bacon domains
[13:12:16] <chromas> bac.on
[13:12:47] -!- SoyCow6714 [SoyCow6714!~95fefaef@149.254.tzl.kkj] has joined #Soylent
[13:12:57] <Marneus68> that's pretty cool but I don't really see the news in that
[13:13:09] <xlefay> Marneus68: Bacon.
[13:13:12] <crutchy> prolly not reliable enough but there's often some funky freebies @ freedns.afraid.org
[13:13:13] <Marneus68> bacon.today
[13:13:18] <xlefay> oh god
[13:13:23] <xlefay> that's an excellent suggestion
[13:13:25] <blackest> how far is it going to go if you change the name if you can't redirect from the previous site name? soylent got its start because of dice there isn't that drive to start fresh. makes soylent and its replacement look like a college project
[13:13:26] <Marneus68> there
[13:13:29] <MrBluze_> baconnews.org / baconnews.net is going up for the vote anyway
[13:13:52] <MrBluze_> 22.5 euro
[13:14:01] <crutchy> we can grovel to the pipedot guy for some attention
[13:14:10] <Marneus68> with bacon.today we have both the name and the motto
[13:14:24] <crutchy> come get your bacon.today!
[13:14:35] <crutchy> and eat it too
[13:14:39] <crutchy> :-P
[13:15:03] <Konomi> smear the bacon all over your body
[13:15:08] <crutchy> :-P~~~~
[13:15:18] <drgibbon> good luck ladies and gents
[13:15:28] -!- drgibbon has quit [Quit: I can't even afford to get my hair done!]
[13:15:36] <FatPhil> .sexy? .tattoo? .shoes?
[13:15:43] -!- SoyCow7093 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[13:15:43] <FatPhil> where's the internet I grew up with?
[13:15:46] <Marneus68> damn, bacon.today is already taken
[13:15:53] <bryan> john's journal entry seemed to imply that the "first" person to offer him $2k would get the dns passwords and such
[13:15:53] <crutchy> hmm bacon.shoes
[13:16:04] <MrBluze_> oh .. it is
[13:16:07] <bryan> rather than leave it to chance (of a nefarious person doing it first) i sent him my note, saying that i'd take him up on the offer
[13:16:09] -!- SoyCow0687 [SoyCow0687!~51930390@mkry69-425-6-422.range19-475.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[13:16:17] <Marneus68> bacon.systems isn't tho, but that doesn't make any sense
[13:16:20] <crutchy> NC said he would send john a check
[13:16:40] <crutchy> becaon never makes any sense... that's why you just eat it :-)
[13:16:52] <crutchy> s/becaon/bacon
[13:16:52] * SedBot tosses a / to crotchy
[13:16:55] <crutchy> s/becaon/bacon/
[13:16:55] <SedBot> <critchy> bacon never makes any sense... that's why you just eat it :-)
[13:16:56] <crutchy> fk
[13:17:08] -!- AndroUser [AndroUser!~androirc@202.189.yon.mg] has joined #Soylent
[13:17:10] <MrBluze_> brb 7 min
[13:17:12] <FatPhil> bacon.mx available, if you don't mind mixing your bacon
[13:17:28] <crutchy> or having it sent by email
[13:17:39] <blackest> don't you have online banking in the USA? if you have the iban and account name you can just do it as a bank transfer
[13:17:55] <Marneus68> goatbacon.today
[13:18:02] <xlefay> bryan: actually you'd be getting (as per his post) access to everything he has, which isn't of any use to SN except.. the domain (for which we, at the moment control the DNS for)
[13:18:04] <Marneus68> this one is free, and pretty dumb to
[13:18:18] <crutchy> you have to get permission from ben bernanke to engage in any kind of financial transaction in the united states
[13:18:43] <nobbis> for a non bacon theme i have registered forkbeta.org and forkbeta.net
[13:18:52] -!- SoyCow0687 has quit [Client Quit]
[13:18:58] <crutchy> nah from that meeting log it sounded like john just wanted reimbursement for the money he's spent on the project
[13:19:08] <crutchy> as if it were an 'investment'
[13:19:27] -!- AndroUser has quit [Client Quit]
[13:19:29] <xlefay> he also wants 500 - 600$ back for giving 4 gifts to NC.
[13:19:30] <Marneus68> getbacon.today is a thing. I'm so buying it right now.
[13:19:37] <FatPhil> it was speculation, not investment
[13:19:50] <crutchy> investment is speculation
[13:20:15] -!- Anon5653 [Anon5653!~androirc@202.189.yon.mg] has joined #Soylent
[13:20:35] <crutchy> anyway, where were we at with the bacon thing?
[13:20:39] <crutchy> :-)
[13:20:43] <FatPhil> bacon++
[13:20:43] <Juggalo> karma - bacon: 141
[13:20:51] <Marneus68> getbacon.today
[13:20:53] <crutchy> ah yes... kobach was teasing us with it
[13:20:54] <gallondr00nk> there won't be a bacon related domain left by tomorrow
[13:21:02] <Marneus68> or alternatively, readaboutbacon.today
[13:21:29] <crutchy> suckmybacon.org?
[13:21:29] <chromas> For a slightly religious tone, Our Daily Bacon
[13:21:47] <Marneus68> thanks doc
[13:21:49] <gallondr00nk> Sir Francis Bacon
[13:22:19] <crutchy> forgive us our swines
[13:22:48] <chromas> as we forgive our betas
[13:22:59] <gallondr00nk> we do? :)
[13:23:20] <crutchy> as we forgive those who beta against us
[13:23:39] <crutchy> lead us not into goat.cx
[13:23:56] -!- m_j_h [m_j_h!~quassel@37.139.qv.ono] has joined #Soylent
[13:24:11] <Marneus68> goat.today ?
[13:24:16] <blackest> well he put up the money, he's no longer going to be part of it, for whatever reason , pay him off or it looks like your just a bunch of teens who don't pay their debts nobody is going to give the new site any credibility or respect
[13:24:16] -!- SoyCow1530 [SoyCow1530!~c654818d@971-62-457-479.cpe.teksavvy.com] has joined #Soylent
[13:24:21] <Marneus68> damn I really like that .today tld
[13:24:26] <crutchy> meh i'm not going so well... sure we can make something of daily bacon
[13:24:27] <Marneus68> sounds nice for a news site I guess
[13:25:52] <MrBluze_> can look into it Marneus68
[13:25:54] <xlefay> blackest: actually he was going to get paid - but B declared "Personal Gifts" under SN and NC was simply discussing with him what he should and shouldn't pay. - B just decided to point a gun to our heads to try and force us. You tell me who looks like a teen now.
[13:26:12] -!- SoyCow1550 [SoyCow1550!~c36e2807@motqig6.haifa.il.ibm.com] has joined #Soylent
[13:26:15] <crutchy> blackest: i'm a freeloading foss geek... why would i pay anything for my news?
[13:26:17] <MrBluze_> dailybacon is available
[13:26:56] <Marneus68> dailybacon.today might be redundent, but I like adding .today to anything
[13:27:18] <crutchy> natalie-portman.today has a nice ring to it
[13:27:24] -!- SoyCow6714 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[13:27:33] <MrBluze_> it wont in 40 years time crutchy
[13:27:33] <nobbis> i really think it would be better to pay up , so we can move on
[13:27:39] <crutchy> natalie-portman-eating-bacon.org
[13:27:43] -!- SoyCow6214 [SoyCow6214!~516a5c33@mvv13-uiiz55-3-5-vsvl69.84-7.cable.virginm.net] has joined #Soylent
[13:27:53] SoyCow6214 is now known as dublet
[13:28:04] <Marneus68> natalie-portman-eating-goat-bacon.today
[13:28:31] -!- SoyCow9480 [SoyCow9480!~525f84b9@g15-73-960-413.adsl.xs2all.nl] has joined #Soylent
[13:28:44] <crutchy> mrbluze... you are absolutely right
[13:28:44] <Tachyon> what the fuck happend?
[13:28:51] <Hyper> goatbacon.cx then ?
[13:29:06] <nobbis> Hyper: thats my favourite
[13:29:11] <crutchy> although in 40 years she might be still alright to an old saggy fart like me
[13:29:24] <dublet> I'm confused about what's happening..
[13:29:39] <Marneus68> soylent.buzz
[13:29:45] <Marneus68> now with more buzzwords
[13:29:50] <crutchy> we're trying to shove some bacon up a goat's arse
[13:29:52] <xlefay> Tachyon: B as in Barrabas
[13:30:00] <xlefay> If only it was B as in Bacon. :'(
[13:30:36] -!- SoyCow9224 [SoyCow9224!~1826b1c5@24.38.vsu.sjs] has joined #Soylent
[13:31:01] <Marneus68> bacon.computer is a thing too. These tlds are getting really ridiculous.
[13:31:03] <crutchy> if all else fails we'll still have an ip address
[13:31:28] <crutchy> he can't take that away
[13:31:29] <xlefay> Marneus68: damn straight they are
[13:31:33] <Konomi> just type in our hexadecimal address and all is fine
[13:31:37] <xlefay> LOL
[13:31:56] <crutchy> it will be like an initiation :-P
[13:32:01] <dublet> interesting fact, if you post a hex ip address as a link in facebook, your account gets locked
[13:32:10] <xlefay> heh?
[13:32:14] <crutchy> wtf?
[13:32:23] <Tachyon> so there is an disagreement between Barrabas and NCommander ?
[13:32:29] <xlefay> facebook what is this black magic you speak of?
[13:32:35] <crutchy> they're having some kind of hissy fit
[13:32:37] <Konomi> all I read that as is being slightly more intelligent than the average facebook user gets you banned
[13:33:02] <Konomi> correction one of them is
[13:33:03] <Tachyon> and Barrabas is owner of the domain ?
[13:33:09] <dublet> some kind of anti spam thing
[13:33:49] <crutchy> ncommander and barabass: https://www.youtube.com
[13:34:12] -!- SoyCow5003 [SoyCow5003!~0264e206@mfhj-2-295-316-2.as72706.net] has joined #Soylent
[13:34:16] * Konomi tips bleech in her eyes
[13:34:47] <crutchy> mattie_p with the glasses :-P
[13:35:07] <nobbis> i've got dupenews.org and net if wanted
[13:35:16] <FatPhil> mattie_p: new irpg has newclass command
[13:36:10] <Marneus68> violentmoose.com and violentmoose.net could be valuable additions to the list of domains I own
[13:36:22] <blackest> doesn't look good on anyone to be squabling at this stage return him the money and get on with it or the site will sink like a stone. I don't think you'll have the users following to another new site and without them its just a vanity site
[13:36:50] <Konomi> I wonder if violent would get filtered in the nanny filters
[13:36:54] * nobbis agrees with blackest
[13:36:56] <crutchy> blackest kinda sounds like barrabas
[13:37:06] <xlefay> "nanny filters"?
[13:37:08] <Marneus68> Konomi: that's a good question
[13:37:17] <xlefay> that a facebook thing?
[13:37:25] -!- SoyCow1550 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[13:37:25] -!- SoyCow5629 [SoyCow5629!~ccd2ac06@204.210.xri.y] has joined #Soylent
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[13:37:53] <Marneus68> there's still flatulentmoose, but tht's kinda stretching it
[13:38:05] <crutchy> ooh maybe flatulentbacon
[13:38:27] <blackest> lol no just an old fart who read slashdot for more years than I remember , soylent is a business treat it as one .
[13:38:46] <crutchy> well if it turns out to be a business, i'ma outta here
[13:38:51] * Konomi fires all the employees
[13:38:56] <crutchy> i could have stuck with /. for business
[13:38:57] * Konomi auomated soylentnews
[13:39:01] <Konomi> automates*
[13:39:03] -!- SoyCow1335 [SoyCow1335!~7cbf4837@dev-264-236-36-71.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[13:39:10] * Konomi sells it to facebook
[13:39:13] <Konomi> like that?
[13:39:14] <nobbis> yeah doesnt have to be a business, but we need to move on
[13:39:19] -!- SoyCow9503 [SoyCow9503!~5d5cf121@93.92.xmi.xj] has joined #Soylent
[13:39:23] -!- MrBluze_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[13:40:21] <crutchy> bunch-of-teens-that-dont-pay-debts.org
[13:40:26] <crutchy> :-)
[13:40:26] -!- SoyCow5639 [SoyCow5639!~1485000d@jadjjx-jmqnl-yce2-wzy.zqwdrqsz.com] has joined #Soylent
[13:40:47] <Konomi> sell-your-body-to-pay-your-college-loan
[13:40:52] * crutchy just ignores his mortgage
[13:41:06] -!- SoyCow5639 has quit [Client Quit]
[13:41:06] <blackest> well it has costs it needs revenue of some sort people can give there time for free but no ones going to give free hosting unconditionally
[13:41:09] -!- Space_Man has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:41:50] <crutchy> yeah why the hell would debian make their entire operating system available for free? you're right it's quite stupid
[13:42:04] <kobach> HELLO, #SOYLENT http://farm8.staticflickr.com
[13:42:16] <crutchy> i'm not clicking on that link
[13:42:17] <Konomi> there was already discussion about models and paying for things before this drama
[13:42:21] <crutchy> i know what it is :-P
[13:42:25] <kobach> looooooool
[13:42:30] <Konomi> I have tor I shall click it
[13:42:44] <Konomi> stop making me hungry you evil evil person ._.
[13:42:50] <crutchy> dammitt i clicked
[13:43:04] * crutchy droooolls
[13:43:51] <Konomi> in 2020 the first genetically modified bacon was spliced with a tree resulting in the bacon tree, so good was this bacon that all of human kind craved it more than anything leading it to replaces all currencies of the world
[13:43:52] <blackest> Thats a different thing Debian is many peoples time , not so much money
[13:44:04] -!- kristian [kristian!~457ebb11@wqb-097rib18.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Soylent
[13:44:06] <crutchy> lol sure there's no money in debian
[13:44:12] -!- SoyCow7497 [SoyCow7497!~ce2d4031@465-11-11-34.static.mtsallstream.net] has joined #Soylent
[13:44:19] -!- Space_Man [Space_Man!~Space_Man@91-886-365-69.static.enta.net] has joined #Soylent
[13:44:21] <crutchy> their servers magically appear out of thin air
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[13:44:44] <xlefay> Isn't that donated?
[13:44:52] <crutchy> ^^^^^^^^
[13:45:24] <Konomi> I'd donate to debian if they had paypal or something >.<
[13:45:32] <Konomi> I did donate to deb-multimedia though
[13:45:42] <xlefay> isn't that project gone now?
[13:45:47] <Konomi> no?
[13:45:48] <xlefay> (deb-multimedia that is)
[13:45:50] <Konomi> I'm using it right now
[13:45:52] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[13:46:03] <Konomi> did a bug report a month or so ago too ;p
[13:46:23] <xlefay> ooh name change
[13:46:56] <Konomi> yes some higher ups of debian didn't like debian in the name so it went to deb
[13:47:03] <FatPhil> kobach: you don't realise how much I hate you. that bacon looks the best
[13:47:05] <Konomi> they're rather pedantic sometimes
[13:47:17] <crutchy> fatphil++
[13:47:17] <Juggalo> karma - fatphil: 21
[13:47:17] <xlefay> FatPhil++ ;)
[13:47:17] <Juggalo> karma - fatphil: 22
[13:47:23] <xlefay> I suppose they can be
[13:47:25] <kobach> it almost is
[13:47:34] -!- SoyCow1335 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[13:47:46] <kobach> i can get better, but have to go farther
[13:48:21] -!- SoyCow6829 [SoyCow6829!~4d7d96d2@77.125.zyy.vky] has joined #Soylent
[13:48:31] <blackest> Debian do get some servers for free mostly mirrors my last download of debian came from heanet.ie theres around 4 mirrors in ireland alone used to get ubuntu from there too.
[13:48:34] <SoyCow1530> i'd buy a hoodie
[13:49:10] <SoyCow1530> dailybacon.hoodie
[13:49:28] <crutchy> we should be like debian
[13:49:33] <Konomi> bacon on your head cause that makes sense
[13:49:50] <crutchy> debian++
[13:49:50] <Juggalo> karma - debian: 3
[13:50:10] -!- SoyCow3739 [SoyCow3739!~7c94b25f@402-476-906-23.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[13:50:11] -!- dublet has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[13:50:17] <nobbis> wjwlsn says he'll buy it for 2K
[13:50:22] -!- SoyCow5778 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[13:50:25] <SoyCow1530> dailybacon.deb
[13:50:40] -!- SoyCow1832 [SoyCow1832!~bd708f3a@um-pmxk.cast.com.br] has joined #Soylent
[13:50:50] * crutchy wonders if we can somehow weasel http://bacon.debian.org
[13:50:51] -!- SoyCow0716 [SoyCow0716!~18be570d@rbs-27wg160t.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Soylent
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[13:51:31] <SoyCow1530> do i hear 2k +1, 2k +1, anyone ... ? anyone ...? going once....going twice....
[13:51:49] <nobbis> lol
[13:51:50] <crutchy> you can give me 2k if you want
[13:52:02] -!- SoyCow9480 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
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[13:52:23] -!- mosthigh [mosthigh!~9e2556d4@674-84-26-807.hib.no] has joined #Soylent
[13:52:42] <crutchy> if barrabas is really masquerading as a soycow... that's just sad
[13:52:51] -!- WrongTurnAhead has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[13:53:00] <kobach> it still says 0 flamebait :(
[13:53:02] <kobach> whoops
[13:53:28] SoyCow1530 is now known as dailybacon
[13:54:02] <crutchy> i gotta go to work tomorrow... cya guys. have fun
[13:54:08] -!- LaminatorX [LaminatorX!~18d900fb@Soylent/Staff/Editor/LaminatorX] has joined #Soylent
[13:54:08] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v LaminatorX] by BaconTree
[13:54:10] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[13:54:49] -!- SoyCow8255 [SoyCow8255!~253ed7d5@546-548-45-65.mobileinternet.proximus.be] has joined #Soylent
[13:54:53] <kobach> FatPhil: where do you live? https://www.hermannwursthaus.com
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[13:55:31] -!- blackest [blackest!~b2a7fe93@070.519.651.544.threembb.ie] has parted #Soylent
[13:55:37] -!- LaminatorX|afk has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by LaminatorX!~18d900fb@Soylent/Staff/Editor/LaminatorX))]
[13:56:26] <FatPhil> kobach: tallinn, estonia
[13:56:37] <FatPhil> I am soooo hoiseted by my own petard.
[13:56:48] <FatPhil> s/set/st/
[13:56:48] <SedBot> <FatPhil> I am soooo hoisted by my own petard.
[13:57:49] <FatPhil> I just tried to set via ssh my g/f's desktop image to that bacon in order to taunt her, but by command didn't work, and I ended up with it as my background image instead
[13:58:11] -!- Anon3 [Anon3!~Anon3___@109.246.vnh.inw] has joined #Soylent
[13:58:34] <kobach> lol
[13:58:46] -!- SoyCow6829 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[13:58:50] <xlefay> hahahaha
[13:59:05] <kobach> ROFL
[13:59:08] Juggalo is now known as Nibbler
[13:59:12] <Konomi> priceless
[13:59:31] -!- RobotMonster [RobotMonster!~7cbf4837@dev-264-236-36-71.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[13:59:44] <xlefay> !grab FatPhil
[13:59:44] <Nibbler> Added quote 23
[13:59:49] <xlefay> just in case we ever need that one
[13:59:49] <Hyper> has he actually said that he won't hand the domain over?
[14:00:13] <FatPhil> Hyper: he will for big$$$
[14:00:46] -!- quitte [quitte!~4ff8b1c5@i0xc0n5s2.dip6.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #Soylent
[14:01:08] <Alberto> Damn this drama
[14:01:14] <xlefay> Indeed.
[14:01:26] <Alberto> Where i can send money
[14:01:36] <kobach> for what
[14:01:38] <kobach> ill take it
[14:01:39] <xlefay> Let me message you my paypal address ;)
[14:01:41] <xlefay> rofl
[14:01:46] <Alberto> so we get off John?
[14:02:04] <xlefay> kobach: we had the same idea it seems, let's split it 50/50?
[14:02:06] <Alberto> he's asking for 2K to release what's left of control
[14:02:48] <xlefay> A domain name? That's all he's got left.
[14:02:53] <Alberto> xlefay, i do have my BNC working! :P
[14:02:55] <kobach> ^
[14:03:15] <Alberto> yes but the name isn't important, whats matter is the job all you did under that name
[14:03:25] <kobach> we have all that
[14:03:29] <kobach> he has the name
[14:03:35] -!- SoyCow5519 [SoyCow5519!~ced26952@yqf5.fastrek.iasl.com] has joined #Soylent
[14:03:35] -!- SoyCow0860 [SoyCow0860!~183ddcd0@v-45-13-127-155.hsd2.nh.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
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[14:04:06] <RobotMonster> I like the name; it grew on me. Anybody know the contenders for the new name if it comes to that?
[14:04:14] <kobach> baconnews
[14:04:20] -!- oodaloop has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:04:25] <xlefay> send suggestions to name-suggestion@soylentnews.org
[14:04:37] <nobbis> RobotMonster: they mainly involve bacon and goats
[14:04:48] <xlefay> We'll have a poll soon enough
[14:05:26] <RobotMonster> hmm. I've always preferred ham to bacon. (How can all these different meats come from one magical animal? ;^)
[14:05:28] <xlefay> nobbis is correct. Preferably, a combination of both words.
[14:05:41] <kobach> RobotMonster: then you would want canadian bacon
[14:05:51] <SoyCow1832> bacon times
[14:05:55] <xlefay> oh wow
[14:06:24] -!- joekiser [joekiser!~4b5d316a@75.93.xs.kyu] has joined #Soylent
[14:06:24] -!- IT_freak [IT_freak!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:06:29] <IT_freak> http://www.overclock.net
[14:06:31] <IT_freak> this bullshit
[14:06:49] -!- Hyper has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[14:06:54] -!- SoyCow0860 has quit [Client Quit]
[14:06:54] <IT_freak> using copper pipes will just absorb heat even better
[14:07:13] <Alberto> who owns pipedot?
[14:07:19] <SoyCow1832> a bacon
[14:07:30] -!- Hyper [Hyper!~0ecac8d0@11-109-102-605.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[14:07:32] <IT_freak> rawr
[14:07:33] <Alberto> bacon++
[14:07:33] <Nibbler> karma - bacon: 142
[14:07:52] <IT_freak> gotta love these crazy mofos >.>
[14:08:02] <IT_freak> those pipes will last forever anyways ^^
[14:08:03] <Alberto> SoyCow1832, be ready to get your ass kicked on the "Mundial"
[14:08:16] <Alberto> Because Messi will leave you all criying mr brasil boy
[14:08:17] <Alberto> :p
[14:08:22] <SoyCow1832> :P
[14:08:32] <kobach> lol
[14:08:41] -!- SoyCow4097 [SoyCow4097!~52083e10@zqq7-llgc30-2-6-gjil543.5-0.cable.virginm.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:08:52] <IT_freak> brasil..... portugues?
[14:09:00] <SoyCow1832> indeed
[14:09:06] <IT_freak> quien?
[14:09:17] <SoyCow1832> nope, try again
[14:09:22] <IT_freak> quiene
[14:09:23] -!- Goodie [Goodie!~18725748@24.114.tp.jm] has joined #Soylent
[14:09:24] <IT_freak> >.>
[14:09:43] <IT_freak> romance languages sound so damn similar
[14:09:50] <IT_freak> ain't my fault holmes
[14:10:01] <SoyCow1832> relax man ;)
[14:10:06] <IT_freak> motherfuckers just can't get along still these days
[14:10:13] <Alberto> banana nao tem carozo..
[14:10:14] <Alberto> :D
[14:10:18] <SoyCow1832> hahahahhaha
[14:10:22] -!- SoyCow3740 [SoyCow3740!~4a68a322@imry-69-744-208-43.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:10:22] <SoyCow1832> caroço
[14:10:27] <kobach> complete opposite of yesterday morning
[14:10:29] <IT_freak> fried plantains?
[14:10:29] -!- Goodie has quit [Client Quit]
[14:10:34] <IT_freak> platanos*
[14:10:34] -!- SoyCow1298 [SoyCow1298!~4db7ae67@uxon-6rk7et07.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:10:37] <Alberto> entao rapais, que foi?
[14:10:45] <SoyCow1832> tudo bem?
[14:10:47] <Alberto> (mi portugues apesta)
[14:10:48] <Alberto> sim
[14:10:51] -!- quitte [quitte!~4ff8b1c5@i0xc0n5s2.dip6.t-ipconnect.de] has parted #Soylent
[14:11:00] <kobach> rofl i noticed, considering all the soycows joining
[14:11:02] <SoyCow1832> not bad
[14:11:02] -!- quitte [quitte!~4ff8b1c5@i0xc0n5s2.dip6.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #Soylent
[14:11:10] <Alberto> i used to live on rio
[14:11:17] <Alberto> and near brasil (Misiones)
[14:11:25] <SoyCow1832> wow, thats cool
[14:11:31] <RobotMonster> xlefay: how will you run a poll without squatting problems? (really going to pre-register all the contenders first??)
[14:11:31] <SoyCow1832> for so long??
[14:11:36] <Alberto> such nice people (i'm from South Patagonia, Argentina)
[14:11:45] <Alberto> almost a year
[14:11:47] -!- SoyCow2130 [SoyCow2130!~57712604@87.113.jl.q] has joined #Soylent
[14:11:48] <quitte> with poor heat-conducting pipes the heat dissipation can be controlled better. since only the radiator radiates
[14:11:48] <xlefay> RobotMonster: no clue, I'm not going to run the poll myself
[14:11:54] <Alberto> i moved to Mexico now! :P
[14:12:01] <IT_freak> bien venido :D
[14:12:05] <xlefay> RobotMonster: ask mrbluze when he returns
[14:12:17] <Alberto> IT_freak, stop it, ur killing my language
[14:12:19] <SoyCow1832> I had never been in patagonia but looks to be very a very amazin place
[14:12:28] <IT_freak> estas en el mexico ahora :D
[14:12:32] <IT_freak> jaja
[14:12:32] <Alberto> nothing more amazing than Amazonas!!!
[14:13:00] <RobotMonster> xlefay: fair enough. thanks. Disappointed about all this drama, SN was taking off quite well IMHO. Even though the comment counts were down vs /., the content is generally better
[14:13:00] <SoyCow1832> yeah man, thats ia amazin place either!
[14:13:04] <Alberto> well, the Andes are amazing too, depends of what you like
[14:13:21] <xlefay> RobotMonster: we all are. Especially NC. It's all so pointless and disappointing.
[14:13:21] -!- Cmn32480 [Cmn32480!~17186141@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #Soylent
[14:13:30] <IT_freak> aren't andes mountains cold?
[14:13:36] <SoyCow1832> have you stayed just in rio?
[14:13:37] <IT_freak> to climb etc
[14:13:43] -!- Cmn32480 has quit [Client Quit]
[14:13:43] <kobach> hey SoyCow1832 you can /nick nickname
[14:13:50] IT_freak is now known as IT_phreak
[14:13:54] <Alberto> SoyCow1832, do a /nick YourNickHere
[14:13:55] <Hyper> start a kickstart campaign to source the money from the community?
[14:14:13] <Hyper> open a paypal donation bucket to throw money into?
[14:14:13] <Alberto> SoyCow1832, i lived there over a year, then moved to ARG again
[14:14:31] <Alberto> Hyper, i did say the same thing
[14:14:35] SoyCow1832 is now known as neuromancer
[14:14:43] -!- Vanderhoth [Vanderhoth!~4707ad18@aqb-1-382-90.eastlink.ca] has joined #Soylent
[14:14:48] -!- Cmn32480 [Cmn32480!~17186141@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #Soylent
[14:14:51] <RobotMonster> oh well. I'm off to watch Walking Dead. Just wanted to lend some moral support to all the hard-working volunteers
[14:14:54] <stdhell> Hyper: Taking donations before having a non-profit going can be a very bad idea.
[14:15:13] <Alberto> stdhell, just to remain under the same name
[14:15:17] -!- inforichland [inforichland!~cdaff0f7@205.175.wkx.tji] has joined #Soylent
[14:15:28] <IT_phreak> stdhell: isn't the site .org? maybe barb knows it's already registered as 501c3
[14:15:29] <Hyper> stdhell: good point; and even then the domain may change
[14:15:33] <neuromancer> I have just readed the web site, any othern ews?
[14:15:40] <IT_phreak> neuromancer: readed->read*
[14:15:41] <stdhell> IT_phreak: It's not...
[14:15:51] <IT_phreak> stdhell: oh well 501c3 is the 1st step then ^^
[14:15:52] <neuromancer> sorry man
[14:15:56] <IT_phreak> if you want any legit donations
[14:15:59] <Alberto> s/readed/read
[14:15:59] * SedBot offers Albirto a /
[14:16:02] <xlefay> http://soylentnews.org
[14:16:03] <Alberto> ok
[14:16:07] <Alberto> Dat bot is BRUNK
[14:16:07] -!- Cactus [Cactus!~463edfc8@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Cactus] has joined #Soylent
[14:16:07] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Cactus] by BaconTree
[14:16:14] <Alberto> last time he called me ALBORTO
[14:16:18] <Alberto> and now ALBIRTO!?
[14:16:21] <IT_phreak> aaaand life is good ^^
[14:16:44] -!- tynin [tynin!~4c1a0016@r-85-92-5-36.hsd6.fl.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:17:29] -!- RobotMonster has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:17:46] <stdhell> *** If the plug is pulled on the current name, people should have http://li694-22.members.linode.com bookmarked! ***
[14:18:14] -!- SoyCow5913 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:18:26] -!- SoyCow2145 [SoyCow2145!~6c163805@ezwi-298-86-72-5.slsbmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:18:26] -!- wjwlsn [wjwlsn!~ad233b03@fnn470885t49813-jnbo428986n603.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Soylent
[14:18:37] <Alberto> better point hots file to that ip
[14:18:38] <Alberto> :p
[14:18:46] -!- SoyCow2512 [SoyCow2512!~c908fe6a@960-0-106-558.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #Soylent
[14:18:53] <Alberto> hosts*
[14:19:02] -!- kef [kef!~559d997c@t640.ip2.netikka.fi] has joined #Soylent
[14:19:03] <stdhell> Alberto: The li694-22.members.linode.com hostname is NOT going anywhere...
[14:19:13] -!- SoyCow9587 [SoyCow9587!~d8a7ae42@216.167.hzg.qr] has joined #Soylent
[14:19:22] <Alberto> stderr, but the links are :)
[14:19:28] <xlefay> .info
[14:19:31] <kobach> jesus
[14:19:33] <Alberto> stderr, click on any of those lol
[14:19:40] -!- SoyCow2512 has quit [Client Quit]
[14:19:42] <xlefay> .set entrymsg *** If the plug is pulled on the current name, people should have http://li694-22.members.linode.com bookmarked! *** | E-mail your name suggestions to: name-suggestion@soylentnews.org
[14:19:45] <stdhell> xlefay: Do you have op too? /topic...
[14:19:55] <Alberto> let me do a fast donation
[14:20:07] <Alberto> and give you guys the same name with different extension
[14:20:13] <xlefay> .topic *** If the plug is pulled on the current name, people should have http://li694-22.members.linode.com bookmarked! *** | E-mail your name suggestions to: name-suggestion@soylentnews.org
[14:20:13] BaconTree changed topic of #Soylent to: *** If the plug is pulled on the current name, people should have http://li694-22.members.linode.com bookmarked! *** | E-mail your name suggestions to: name-suggestion@soylentnews.org
[14:20:13] <Alberto> til u fix this issue
[14:20:16] <kobach> anyone who wants to donate PM me and ill give you my paypal
[14:20:26] <xlefay> LOL
[14:20:29] <stdhell> Alberto: We can't take donations at this time...
[14:20:32] <xlefay> kobach++ you are evil!
[14:20:32] <Nibbler> karma - kobach: 17
[14:20:40] <Alberto> i'm not asking for your permission
[14:20:41] <Alberto> :D
[14:20:45] <kobach> xlefay: i would use it for site related purposes!!
[14:20:50] <kobach> [trip to matties]
[14:20:51] <xlefay> such as buying bacon?
[14:20:57] <Alberto> bacon++
[14:20:57] <Nibbler> karma - bacon: 143
[14:20:59] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~cb811792@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:21:02] <xlefay> showing us pictures of said bacon?
[14:21:07] <kobach> yes, while at matties
[14:21:26] <wjwlsn> good morning
[14:21:41] <d33tah> i'e got an idea for a name!
[14:21:45] <d33tah> li694-22news!
[14:21:55] <crutchy> hey xlefay... you're the irc guru, and this irc channel is as much part of the soylent community as the main site... can you give us an alternative irc address if the name goes down?
[14:21:59] <tynin> morning
[14:21:59] <stdhell> Alberto: Well, while it's nice that you want to give donations, we can't take them at this time.
[14:22:07] <xlefay> crutchy: irc.web-refinery.com
[14:22:08] <IT_phreak> crutchy: a mirror you mean
[14:22:10] <IT_phreak> oh nice
[14:22:33] <crutchy> just an address that will work if barrabas flips the switch
[14:22:34] <IT_phreak> i like freenode but w/e
[14:22:44] <xlefay> crutchy: irc.web-refinery.com = untouchable by B.
[14:22:56] -!- SoyCow5832 [SoyCow5832!~b3e8b1f3@179.232.oyh.nmk] has joined #Soylent
[14:22:56] -!- somecuriousdude [somecuriousdude!~be38fda9@630.279.03.092.static.intelnet.net.gt] has joined #Soylent
[14:22:56] <crutchy> even if the main site goes down, your irc channel can keep the community together
[14:23:04] <IT_phreak> lol
[14:23:09] <xlefay> Yea :)
[14:23:10] -!- dan [dan!~McD@g-19-797-233-670.hsd0.nj.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:23:15] <IT_phreak> well if that goes down, then slashNET i guess
[14:23:16] -!- SoyCow7639 [SoyCow7639!~3edaa47e@kxaap46.ait.ac.at] has joined #Soylent
[14:23:35] <IT_phreak> back to the squareroot on 1 ^^
[14:23:40] <IT_phreak> of*
[14:24:03] <Alberto> crutchy,
[14:24:04] <quitte> either freenode or oftc. i don't like dealing with multiple networks. i want to join channels, not channels@networks.
[14:24:04] <SoyCow5832> community? I already reverted my homepage back to the dreadful beta
[14:24:10] <Alberto> crutchy, sup brosky!
[14:24:17] <crutchy> hi alberto!
[14:24:26] <Alberto> SoyCow5832, traitor!
[14:24:30] -!- SoyCow3468 [SoyCow3468!~86c087fe@134.192.mqw.hgr] has joined #Soylent
[14:24:41] <stdhell> SoyCow5832: Sorry to hear that... Get well soon...
[14:24:43] * Alberto preparing the fire to burn some anonymous cowards!
[14:24:57] <xlefay> crutchy: mind you, no-one besides me can touch irc.web-refinery.com as for irc.soylentnews.org/irc.sylnt.us, only Landon & I can touch that one.
[14:24:58] <Konomi> do they taste like chicken?
[14:25:12] <Alberto> included ant not limited to an 100gbps attack
[14:25:13] <Alberto> :p
[14:25:16] <Alberto> and*
[14:25:38] <Alberto> Konomi, can't tell
[14:25:41] <crutchy> irc.web-refinery.com no worka for me
[14:25:44] <IT_phreak> Alberto: i'll bring marshies and chocolates
[14:26:01] <crutchy> i was more thinking if the soylentnews.org dns gets bricked
[14:26:07] <somecuriousdude> *yawn
[14:26:07] <xlefay> crutchy: which port are you using?
[14:26:13] <kobach> use 6697
[14:26:17] <kobach> ssl or bust
[14:26:19] <xlefay> 6667 norma, 6697 = ssl
[14:26:19] <crutchy> ahh
[14:26:22] <IT_phreak> crutchy: my life will get bricked first ^^
[14:26:23] <crutchy> on xchat
[14:26:35] <somecuriousdude> i shall sit this one out and let the chips fall where they may ;)
[14:26:42] -!- somecuriousdude has quit [Client Quit]
[14:26:53] <kobach> THANKS FOR THE INPUT
[14:26:57] <IT_phreak> use google dns >.>
[14:27:15] -!- tynin has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:27:43] <SoyCow5832> oooh... a story about meat...
[14:27:48] -!- SoyCow3468 [SoyCow3468!~86c087fe@134.192.mqw.hgr] has parted #Soylent
[14:28:07] <IT_phreak> a meat that's from soylent-fed cows
[14:28:13] <IT_phreak> let's hear it
[14:28:13] <d33tah> i just had another great idea.
[14:28:24] <Alberto> can we move SSL to 666 ?
[14:28:33] <kobach> rofl
[14:28:38] <IT_phreak> 669 maybe
[14:28:41] <d33tah> how about some of the two-digit-id folks sell their accounts for thousands of dollars and donate to soylentnews? :D
[14:28:44] -!- FailedFork [FailedFork!~d05269c8@208.82.izv.uhz] has joined #Soylent
[14:28:45] -!- jared_ [jared_!~crutchy@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:28:47] <stdhell> I hope most of the community can see that this crap wasn't planned at all, but is the work of one guy who didn't keep his promises.
[14:28:53] -!- jared_ [jared_!~crutchy@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has parted #Soylent
[14:28:59] <stdhell> d33tah: How much do you want to pay? :-)
[14:28:59] <kobach> wasnt there a trojan years ago that used port 666?
[14:29:03] <kobach> ^
[14:29:06] <IT_phreak> stdhell: well we plan to be awesome, i guess that's why?
[14:29:25] <stdhell> kobach: Wasn't that the port Doom or something like that used?
[14:29:34] <kobach> maybe
[14:29:39] <kobach> i know somthing used it in the 90s
[14:29:43] <Konomi> doom port
[14:29:49] <IT_phreak> kobach: im pretty sure any old concepts are used imo
[14:29:50] <d33tah> stdhell: :">
[14:29:59] <IT_phreak> expect the worst?
[14:30:03] <stdhell> d33tah: I got uid 11... :-)
[14:30:10] <d33tah> stdhell: i was rather thinking how much *my* 3-digit, full-of-karma account would be worth :D
[14:30:14] <d33tah> as a bonus
[14:30:18] <d33tah> it's one letter username
[14:30:19] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:30:27] <d33tah> i'm telling you, it's my retirement fund.
[14:30:30] <IT_phreak> d33tah: oh like that one twitter account that got hacked
[14:30:39] <d33tah> i'm not hosting e-mail on my own domain.
[14:30:45] <d33tah> this guy's lucky, he got a free pentest :P
[14:30:57] <Nibbler> [pav5088] Really there's only one thing that we can't live without... and that's community cohesion. I guess that's why I've never moved to soylent IRC. :) Too easy to knock everything out in one go.
[14:30:59] <d33tah> folks
[14:31:01] <IT_phreak> except if you don't report the bug then fail
[14:31:04] <d33tah> while there's no way to publish stories
[14:31:04] <Nibbler> [pav5088] I suppose I'm too paranoid. ;)
[14:31:06] <d33tah> i wanted to announce
[14:31:17] <d33tah> that in 5 hours, Google Summer of Code application period opens
[14:31:33] -!- Vanderhoth has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:31:36] <IT_phreak> d33tah: nobody buys karma, but people will give reddit gold ^^
[14:31:38] <d33tah> seriously, a great way to make some good money coding open source apps full-time remotely
[14:31:44] <kobach> pav5088: right now the adhesion is coming from the link to efnet
[14:31:46] -!- kef has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:32:12] <stdhell> d33tah: Is there a slashcode project to work on?
[14:32:19] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:32:30] <stdhell> kobach: efnet?
[14:32:34] <kobach> errrr
[14:32:34] <Nibbler> [pav5088] kobach: Don't you mean freenode?
[14:32:35] <kobach> freenode
[14:32:42] <d33tah> stdhell: i'm afraid that you guys didn't apply soon enough.
[14:32:47] <kobach> even worse
[14:32:50] <d33tah> on the other hand, reactos and pidgin also got rejected
[14:32:53] <crutchy> thanks xlefay
[14:32:56] <Nibbler> [pav5088] kobach : Yeah, I know about the bot.
[14:32:58] <xlefay> no worries crutchy
[14:32:59] <neuromancer> wow
[14:33:01] <IT_phreak> reactos got rejected...... what :/
[14:33:06] <kobach> right now you're on the bot
[14:33:10] <SoyCow5832> d33tah: it sucks that I unofficially inherited a project from a googler, and he never officially abdicated... so the project is ineligible
[14:33:13] <kobach> lol
[14:33:38] <d33tah> SoyCow5832: hm?
[14:33:40] <crutchy> >>> irc.web-refinery.com:6667 <<<
[14:33:50] <IT_phreak> crutchy: danke?
[14:33:51] <crutchy> cya guys
[14:33:54] <stdhell> SoyCow5832: Can you please do a /nick some-other-nick ? Thanks.
[14:33:55] <kobach> 6697* use ssl, its 2014 not 1994
[14:33:55] <IT_phreak> ttyl bby
[14:34:00] <d33tah> IT_phreak: yeah, the same "sorry, we had too many applications, you already participated once" bullcrpa.
[14:34:05] <stdhell> Too many SoyCows...
[14:34:09] <d33tah> luckily, nmap got acceptd
[14:34:11] <SoyCow5832> d33tah: projects owned by google employees are ineligible for gsoc
[14:34:20] <IT_phreak> stdhell: least they got fed soylent ^^
[14:34:21] <d33tah> that sucks
[14:34:23] -!- FailedFork has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:34:24] -!- crutchy has quit [Client Quit]
[14:34:31] <SoyCow5832> stdhell: what do you have against cows? they are delicious
[14:34:38] -!- JaKe [JaKe!~5f614134@180-182-150-692.static.chello.nl] has joined #Soylent
[14:34:38] <Nibbler> [pav5088] Sites can come and go... if Soylent is burned and the source is deleted there's still a community... and there's tecnocrat.org or pipedot.org ;)
[14:34:39] <Landon> SoyCow5832: are they? Thousand Parsec has been in it before
[14:34:40] <IT_phreak> d33tah: well if it doesn't make money, apparently it's not useful to google
[14:34:47] <Landon> and I'm fairly sure mithro is an aussie googler
[14:34:48] <IT_phreak> sigh, wtf google -_-
[14:34:51] -!- SoyCow1629 [SoyCow1629!~544bac2f@12-08-405-70.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #Soylent
[14:35:01] <stdhell> SoyCow5832: Nothing, your nicks are just too similar...
[14:35:09] <d33tah> IT_phreak: there are other assets one could collect.
[14:35:10] <kobach> too similar to the 10 other soycows here
[14:35:12] <IT_phreak> not a surprise considering google is a corporation
[14:35:14] SoyCow5832 is now known as TehSoyCow
[14:35:21] <stdhell> Yeah!
[14:35:31] <IT_phreak> d33tah: other assests? im curious, could you be more specific and not vague
[14:35:45] <IT_phreak> im just saying google is a corp, they won't give a single fk anyway :( which is very sad
[14:35:49] <d33tah> IT_phreak: you can for example build a brand
[14:36:01] <d33tah> IT_phreak: you can gain control over other people's assets, which might not be money by itself
[14:36:10] <IT_phreak> oooh power
[14:36:27] <d33tah> well, just some sample ideas.
[14:36:28] <stdhell> pov5088: B doesn't have access to the servers. The code is safe. And we got copies elsewhere too...
[14:36:30] SoyCow9503 is now known as pillo
[14:36:42] <kobach> hi pillo
[14:36:46] <IT_phreak> but does linux have power..... well maybe ^^
[14:36:58] <IT_phreak> i think it's more of "sharing is caring" spectrum
[14:37:02] <pillo> hi everybody
[14:37:05] <IT_phreak> ohai
[14:37:11] <stdhell> Hellooooo....
[14:38:01] <TehSoyCow> looks like the gsoc rules now only forbid google employees from being students
[14:38:18] -!- SoyCow5629 [SoyCow5629!~ccd2ac06@204.210.xri.y] has joined #Soylent
[14:38:26] <Hyper> there is an optimistic thought for the future: always incomporate first and place any assets under general control first
[14:38:33] <Nibbler> [pav5088] stdhell : Just pointing out that really the community is the thing that is most important...
[14:38:41] <IT_phreak> so students are a sub-class of professional.... wow google -_-
[14:38:59] <d33tah> http://science.slashdot.org
[14:39:02] <d33tah> they stole our article!
[14:39:05] <xlefay> heh...
[14:39:09] <xlefay> slashdot linkage?
[14:39:13] <IT_phreak> now steal it back
[14:39:15] <IT_phreak> and copyright it? ^^
[14:39:16] <stdhell> pav5088: Ok. Just wanted to make sure people knew that the source is safe. :-)
[14:39:51] <xlefay> Also, for those new here, we've got IdleRPG... #irpg ... ;)
[14:39:53] <kobach> pav5088: if the community is most important, why are you still on freenode/efnet/dalnet/whatever? ;p
[14:39:54] * xlefay wants more cannonfodder.
[14:40:01] <Nibbler> [pav5088] stdhell : that's certainly reassuring :)
[14:40:06] -!- DBCubix [DBCubix!~9598171f@mxlf.nat.ccsu.edu] has joined #Soylent
[14:40:07] <LaminatorX> Our version is better: http://soylentnews.org
[14:40:27] -!- wjwlsn has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:40:30] <IT_phreak> xlefay: do you play CS:S? cannon launcher maps are awesome
[14:40:40] -!- wjwlsn [wjwlsn!~ad233b03@fnn470885t49813-jnbo428986n603.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Soylent
[14:40:43] <Hyper> ohoh ffs. now we'll probably rate an article on slashdot
[14:40:44] <xlefay> No, I play Idle/NerdRPG and occassionally Borderlands..
[14:40:48] <kobach> i dont think ive played cs:s on a public server since it came out
[14:40:49] <Nibbler> [pav5088] kobach : because freenode is not going to disappear if someone makes a server disappear... and I'll be here to welcome the refugees. ;)
[14:40:57] <IT_phreak> i have borderlands 2 if u wanna try ^^
[14:40:59] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[14:40:59] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp] by BaconTree
[14:41:06] <Hyper> xlefay: can one really say idlerpg is .. 'played'?
[14:41:06] <DBCubix> alright alright, back to work! lol
[14:41:07] -!- SoyCow1629 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[14:41:08] <xlefay> IT_phreak: don't have it installed at this point
[14:41:15] -!- SoyCow9741 [SoyCow9741!~c8684c53@gw-54-28-551-652.cm.vtr.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:41:16] <xlefay> s/point/moment/
[14:41:17] <SedBot> <xlefay> IT_phreak: don't have it installed at this moment
[14:41:17] <wjwlsn> I just sent John an email offering to buy out his interest
[14:41:28] -!- SoyCow2145 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[14:41:28] <xlefay> but.. IT_phreak, in the future sure! :)
[14:41:31] <Hyper> welcome mrcoolbp
[14:41:36] <IT_phreak> nice fix lmao but yeah if you were just curious
[14:41:37] <xlefay> be sure to stick around here haha, can be fun
[14:41:39] <IT_phreak> but if not it's all good ^^
[14:41:44] <stdhell> pav5088: I doubt the IRC server is going anywhere.
[14:41:54] <IT_phreak> xlefay: nou, duh of course i'm sticking like a glue
[14:41:54] <kobach> pav5088: im pretty sure xlefays basement isnt going to disappear anytime soon, now get over here
[14:41:58] <xlefay> Hyper: hmm :P
[14:42:04] <mrcoolbp> Hyper: sup
[14:42:06] <xlefay> These servers aren't in my basement rofl
[14:42:10] <kobach> shhhhh
[14:42:18] <xlefay> They're in the attic, you insensitive clod!
[14:42:23] <Hyper> xlefay: then again.. bots in WoW ..
[14:42:31] <kobach> yes yes we all know the problems the netherlands has with floods
[14:42:36] <xlefay> WoW?? People still play that game?
[14:42:39] <kobach> atticservers etc
[14:42:43] <xlefay> kobach: damn you.
[14:42:46] <IT_phreak> attic-lyfe ftw
[14:42:58] <nobbis> wjwlsn: hope he agrees
[14:42:58] <xlefay> IT_phreak: .... you're hax0rz aren't you?
[14:43:00] <kobach> hook a generator up to the windmill water pump
[14:43:01] <IT_phreak> strap myself with food like a terrorist
[14:43:08] <kobach> seems that way
[14:43:18] <IT_phreak> xlefay: yes, except a whole lot better ^^ imo
[14:43:18] <Konomi> you should use cabbages
[14:43:22] <Konomi> cabbages scream terrorist
[14:43:25] <xlefay> Good, good.
[14:43:26] <Nibbler> [pav5088] kobach, stdhell : as I don't know any of the people concerned I'm not going to trust you guys any more than Barabbas... ;) That's just sensible (at least to my paranoid mind ;)
[14:43:33] <kobach> rofl
[14:43:34] <DBCubix> terrorists smell like cabbage
[14:43:37] <xlefay> pav5088 I agree, you shouldn'[t.
[14:43:38] <IT_phreak> DBCubix: lmao
[14:43:42] <kobach> if thats what you want :p
[14:43:46] <IT_phreak> so funny that it makes no sense
[14:43:53] <kobach> i always invite everyone to draw their own conclusions
[14:44:14] <stdhell> pav5088: I agree... I don't trust myself either...
[14:44:23] <IT_phreak> stdhell: you shouldn't touch yourself either
[14:44:23] <kobach> i dont trust you either
[14:44:24] -!- lhsi [lhsi!~yaaic@ixry-86-197-51-59.as03944.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:44:31] <kobach> hi lhsi
[14:44:31] -!- JaKe has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:44:54] <d33tah> btw
[14:44:57] <stdhell> IT_phreak: Are you offering to give a hand? :-)
[14:44:58] -!- joekiser has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[14:45:11] <IT_phreak> lmaoo
[14:45:15] <d33tah> could anyone gimme a tl;dr version of the conflict between barrabas and ncommander?
[14:45:17] <IT_phreak> should be like a one-liner hook for dating
[14:45:54] <Konomi> barra' give me money NC lets talk about the various costs barra' NOPE
[14:45:59] <Konomi> that pretty accurate?
[14:46:02] -!- SoyCow2372 [SoyCow2372!~8aa20029@xpjw4-edhsaqg.nmci.navy.mil] has joined #Soylent
[14:46:09] <xlefay> Pretty much, yes.
[14:46:15] <xlefay> but it misses a few vital parts ;)
[14:46:23] <wjwlsn> nobbis: me too. I don't want to see this go down.
[14:46:24] <SoyCow2372> i bet they may Soy Burgers our of SoyCows...
[14:46:40] <Konomi> he said tl;dr version ._.
[14:46:40] <IT_phreak> and we get SoyMilk from SoyCows too
[14:46:41] <Nibbler> [pav5088] d33tah : It's kind of like Breaking Bad except without the guns, drugs and cancer.
[14:46:50] <kobach> lol
[14:46:52] -!- SoyCow5591 [SoyCow5591!~041ca126@4.28.nqm.lk] has joined #Soylent
[14:46:52] <xlefay> Konomi: yep ;)
[14:47:10] <nobbis> we so need to put all of this behind us
[14:47:20] <d33tah> Nibbler: never watched.
[14:47:30] <kobach> nobbis: we did, until we were held ransom
[14:47:32] <xlefay> Nibbler: Would ducktape help with that?
[14:47:44] -!- SoyCow7731 [SoyCow7731!~4b70ca3b@75.112.xiy.pp] has joined #Soylent
[14:47:48] <IT_phreak> veggie burgers < burgers < soyburgerz
[14:48:02] <kobach> i just had bacon cheeseburgers last night
[14:48:07] -!- SoyCow4298 [SoyCow4298!~bd4cd6fe@ecqytbx.wkve.net.br] has joined #Soylent
[14:48:09] <kobach> no soy involved
[14:48:14] <d33tah> guys
[14:48:17] -!- ArhcAngel [ArhcAngel!~636739fd@53-817-73-279.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:48:19] <IT_phreak> throw some d's on that beyotch
[14:48:20] <SoyCow7731> girl
[14:48:20] <d33tah> i had an idea yesterday
[14:48:24] <d33tah> "internet sonar"
[14:48:28] -!- Anon5653 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[14:48:29] <d33tah> zmap-ping the whole internet all the time
[14:48:37] <SoyCow7731> gah!
[14:48:38] <d33tah> to show where hosts go down in time
[14:48:47] <lhsi> if the plug is pulled, will the bookmark tell me the new irc details, or will thisirc channel remain regardless?
[14:48:48] <SoyCow7731> thats a lot of overhead
[14:48:51] <d33tah> so one could for example observe changes in the ukraine
[14:48:59] <stdhell> d33tah: Some of the members of staff, not just NCommander, had a problem with the way Barrabas was running things. Like not keeping the promises made to the community. So Barrabas left and gave NCommander access to everything... Or at least said he would, when changes was made by the remaining staff, Barrabas undid the changes and left us with this major problem.
[14:49:30] <SoyCow7731> that sucks... but I ahve seen this before in opensource projects... it's pretty common in fact
[14:49:30] <d33tah> stdhell: i see. his post seems to be about revenue - was that the disagreement about?
[14:49:37] <IT_phreak> d33tah: wow, going to try this at my job
[14:49:41] <stdhell> When B writes that all of this happened because of one person, it's actually correct, but that person is B himself, not NCommander.
[14:49:45] <IT_phreak> well hopefully if i get it first
[14:50:12] <stdhell> d33tah: That's one of the things... B wants NC to pay for some stuff that was never needed nor wanted...
[14:50:21] <d33tah> IT_phreak: don't forget to publish the results on scans.io
[14:50:24] <xlefay> ^ also personal gifts and such.
[14:50:35] <kobach> he was going to pay most of it, until this gamble got put on the interwebs
[14:50:40] <d33tah> xlefay: i see. but he owns no real trademarks?
[14:50:43] <Nibbler> [pav5088] It doesn't really matter whos fault it is... the situation just needs to be resolved satisfactorally
[14:50:45] <IT_phreak> stdhell: that's when lawyers are summoned like pokemons
[14:50:50] <xlefay> d33tah: no. Only the actual domain as it stands.
[14:50:52] <stdhell> B also wants NC to pay for a gift to one of the developers... That developer being NC...
[14:51:06] <d33tah> anyway, well, finances aside, i understand that he has made some investments and helped us get up and running, right?
[14:51:07] <xlefay> stdhell: and a gift to mrcoolbp, a keychain iirc...
[14:51:07] <kobach> lol
[14:51:17] <xlefay> d33tah: bad investments, sure.
[14:51:22] <d33tah> any good ones?
[14:51:23] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Developer/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[14:51:23] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by BaconTree
[14:51:26] <d33tah> time? domain?
[14:51:26] <nobbis> but whatever the rights and wrongs, the longer this squabbling goes on the worse for the site, we have people trying to pay B , and possibilities to move to another name if needs be
[14:51:26] <SoyCow7731> TM made nto even apply... copyrigth does if it was in the US and it's automatic
[14:51:27] <stdhell> xlefay: Oh, yes, one more completely unneeded item...
[14:51:33] <IT_phreak> kobach: y u always laughin?
[14:51:33] <Nibbler> [SoylentNews] - Blood Test Developed to Predict Dementia - http://sylnt.us - life-of-the-mind
[14:51:43] <mrcoolbp> xlefay: yup, he was goin to send to me, I think he is still planning on doing so
[14:51:53] <kobach> IT_phreak: lol
[14:52:00] <d33tah> i mean, if he really contributed, then he should get some of the money he deserves and be allowed to just walk away with dignity.
[14:52:07] <IT_phreak> i know, my analogies are such troll ^^ thanks for your compliments
[14:52:08] <SoyCow7731> remember kids... always have a business plan and legal agreements before the first day ;-)
[14:52:25] <kobach> d33tah: he was going to, until this stunt this morning
[14:52:39] <IT_phreak> SoyCow7731: .org website that's not registered as 501c3.... yeah dangerous isn't it
[14:52:40] -!- SoyCow2372 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[14:52:40] -!- SoyCow5778 [SoyCow5778!~4c77e8df@e-16-259-377-863.hsd3.ma.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:52:41] -!- SoyCow2419 [SoyCow2419!~c3cc110e@195.204.sm.wr] has joined #Soylent
[14:52:42] <Hyper> it would have been nice if this did not make the front page ...
[14:53:06] <IT_phreak> Hyper: this?
[14:53:07] <kobach> we all agreed, but people need informed of a way to get to the site
[14:53:18] <kobach> if the domain is redirected
[14:53:26] <kobach> Hyper: ^
[14:53:32] <IT_phreak> redirect traffic >.> gogo
[14:53:38] <stdhell> IT_phreak: It's possible to registed a .org without being a 501c3 or even wanting to be a 501c3...
[14:53:48] <stdhell> Heck, I got some .org's...
[14:54:05] <IT_phreak> stdhell: well that sounds bleak >.> seems like a ticking time bomb, no offense
[14:54:24] -!- joekiser [joekiser!~4b5d316a@75.93.xs.kyu] has joined #Soylent
[14:54:27] <xlefay> isn't 501c3... specific to the US?
[14:54:33] <d33tah> kobach: i'd still be willing to understand if it turned out that he was having a hell of his life in the meantime and wasn't eaxctly sane
[14:54:39] <Nibbler> [pav5088] What if the domain IS yanked? Where do people go then? Shouldn't there be at least a comment to give people an alternative (temp) address?
[14:54:51] <stdhell> IT_phreak: Why? The rules for .org doesn't say anything about 501c3.
[14:54:52] <d33tah> 501c3... it was 30c3 recently. we won't see 501c3 in four centuries!
[14:54:52] <IT_phreak> it depends what you're trying to do..... i thought .org is only US?
[14:54:54] <stdhell> xlefay: Yes.
[14:54:56] <xlefay> pav5088 *** If the plug is pulled on the current name, people should have http://li694-22.members.linode.com bookmarked! ***
[14:54:59] <kobach> pav5088: there is, in the channel topic
[14:55:00] -!- SoyCow9493 [SoyCow9493!~506fcbf8@80.111.tuo.pqx] has joined #Soylent
[14:55:06] <kobach> if you were here, in the channel, not on freenode, you would know that
[14:55:11] <kobach> rofl
[14:55:14] <IT_phreak> stdhell: oh i see -_- thank you for telling me this, i only know about 501c3
[14:55:20] * mrcoolbp is still reading
[14:55:22] <IT_phreak> gotta read up about .org rules o_o cool
[14:55:32] <d33tah> unless CCC folks start meeting every month, that is.
[14:55:34] * mrcoolbp worked 26hrs in the past 2 days and just woke up
[14:55:41] * mrcoolbp needs coffee...
[14:55:46] <stdhell> IT_phreak: Quit living in the past. .org has been open for everyone for a looonnnggg time.
[14:55:46] <d33tah> but then i'd probably have to move to hamburg.
[14:55:54] <d33tah> and food's terribly expensive there.
[14:56:10] -!- SoyCow3904 [SoyCow3904!~5c210252@xpzdjq-63-80-6-53.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Soylent
[14:56:12] -!- Francois [Francois!~c3441a52@aboqb15.montpellier.imaginet.fr] has joined #Soylent
[14:56:14] <Nibbler> [pav5088] kobach : was talking about soylent news.... we're only a tiny fraction on IRC
[14:56:17] <IT_phreak> stdhell: ????? i simply said i'm not aware of details of .org
[14:56:31] -!- SoyCow6199 [SoyCow6199!~9e404d66@158.64.pj.qvk] has joined #Soylent
[14:56:33] <stdhell> <IT_phreak> it depends what you're trying to do..... i thought .org is only US?
[14:56:35] <IT_phreak> i just know the format for just general non-profit model
[14:56:38] <d33tah> btw, a note to devs
[14:56:41] <IT_phreak> oh. well that too
[14:56:45] <xlefay> HEH.... .org US only? That's just silly.
[14:56:47] <d33tah> i have an idea how to make the latest news always appear on the front page
[14:56:47] <stdhell> It used to be US only... That changed a long time ago.
[14:56:56] <xlefay> IT_phreak: staph thinking the world evolves around the US!
[14:56:57] <IT_phreak> xlefay: i told yall nvm...
[14:57:01] <d33tah> since you're not showing the year on the website anyway, perhaps make it 2015?
[14:57:02] -!- SoyCow7128 [SoyCow7128!~32540622@ztsf-69-50-1-93.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[14:57:12] <d33tah> one change in the database and it'd be always-on-top
[14:57:16] <IT_phreak> i didn't; maybe the intertube has a different way of non-profitting then
[14:57:40] -!- SoyCow5810 [SoyCow5810!~51dd4f6c@mgh930-238-812.adsl.green.ch] has joined #Soylent
[14:58:03] <IT_phreak> companies usually just buys patents and it sucks -_-
[14:58:05] <TehSoyCow> d33tah: you guys have a developmestuction system?
[14:58:12] -!- SoyCow5810 has quit [Client Quit]
[14:58:17] -!- SoyCow3904 has quit [Client Quit]
[14:58:18] <xlefay> HOLY SHIT
[14:58:24] <xlefay> [Notice] -idlerpg- You found a level 35 coffee machine! Your current coffee machine is only level 34, so it seems Luck is with you!
[14:58:32] <kobach> rofl
[14:58:39] <kobach> mines a level 43
[14:58:42] <d33tah> TehSoyCow: wha?
[14:58:42] <IT_phreak> now you can make frap
[14:58:50] <IT_phreak> congratz
[14:58:59] <xlefay> 'frap'?
[14:59:00] <TehSoyCow> http://thedailywtf.com
[14:59:18] <IT_phreak> short lingo for "frappuccino"
[14:59:20] <stdhell> TehSoyCow: We have a VM image with a copy of the code. Updates to that can be found on github.
[14:59:30] <xlefay> aah I see
[14:59:32] <IT_phreak> it's quick n ez in RL
[14:59:38] -!- TK [TK!~9ff52002@159.245.ju.y] has joined #Soylent
[14:59:42] <stdhell> TehSoyCow: If you're interested, check #dev
[14:59:58] <TK> aaaaand bookmarked
[15:00:12] <Hyper> xlefay: that game seriously needs a web page stats display
[15:00:18] -!- SoyCow6824 [SoyCow6824!~ad4dd016@fbav-575-62-898-86.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:00:19] <TK> Looks like I jumped in the channel at the exact right time
[15:00:19] <xlefay> Hyper: I'm workin' on it, pm me
[15:00:26] <TehSoyCow> d33tah: sounded like you were going to experiment with the front page straight into the live system, like the it was done at times in the dreaded beta site
[15:00:29] <kobach> xlefay: i lied, that was on nerdrpg, heres real idlerpg You are carrying a level 25 graphics card, a 100GB hard disk, a 640 kpbs ADSL modem, a level 11 wireless card, a 23.5" TFT monitor, a level 35 USB key, a 300 MHz processor, 1024 KiB RAM, the level 92 Linus's final bug-free Ready for the Desktop version of Linux, and a level 32 coffee machine.
[15:00:54] <d33tah> TehSoyCow: okay, point taken
[15:00:57] <kobach> <nerdbot> You are carrying the level 51 psychic graphics card which predicts what you want to see next, a 100GB hard disk, a 2560 kbps ADSL modem, a level 38 wireless card, the level 162 Ray Kurzweil's direct retinal holoprojection unit, a level 42 USB key, the Deathstation 3139 processor, 16 GiB RAM, the level 80 Linus's final bug-free
[15:01:02] <kobach> Ready for the Dsktop version of Linux, and a level 43 coffese machine.
[15:01:03] <kobach> xlefay: ^
[15:01:05] <IT_phreak> kobach: lol all nice specs except 640kbps
[15:01:11] -!- SoyCow6209 [SoyCow6209!~d82553de@mou-420-08-30-129.in-addr.worldspice.net] has joined #Soylent
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[15:01:35] <xlefay> kobach: You are carrying the level 61 psychic graphics card which predicts what you want to see next, a 12GB hard disk, a 64 kpbs ISDN modem, a level 18 wireless card, a 21.0" TFT monitor, a level 31 USB key, a 700 MHz processor, 12 MiB RAM, the level 83 Linus's final bug-free Ready for the Desktop version of Linux, and a level 35 coffee machine.
[15:01:49] <kobach> on #irpg? you son of a bitch
[15:01:51] <xlefay> I want that 92 Linux's final bug-free Ready for the Desktop version of Linux.
[15:01:53] -!- SoyCow0872 [SoyCow0872!~329e4b12@x-40-298-84-39.hsd5.in.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:02:02] <stdhell> Uuuhhh... I heard people out in the hall talking about cake...
[15:02:05] <xlefay> I take offense that you got a higher level of that one.
[15:02:12] <kobach> good
[15:02:18] <Marneus68> I'm glad to see the mods figured out a way for the article to stay on top without enforcing the "don't post new articles on our news site until we resolve our drama" policy.
[15:02:22] -!- SoyCow6844 [SoyCow6844!~c23f87eb@svi349-944.1web.pl] has joined #Soylent
[15:02:22] <xlefay> also I've only got a 12GB disk!
[15:02:40] <xlefay> Actually kobach you almost have everything better than me >.<
[15:02:46] <kobach> lol
[15:02:47] <kobach> owned
[15:02:53] <kobach> have fun with your 12gb
[15:02:59] * kobach strolls off with his 100gb
[15:03:07] <kobach> enjoy your coffeemaker
[15:03:10] <kobach> i dont even drink coffee
[15:03:12] <kobach> MUAHAHHAH
[15:03:17] * xlefay silences kobach
[15:03:23] <wjwlsn> Question - if John does agree to sell his interest to me (or someone else), what would it take to make sure the site continues running as-is for at least a month, while stuff gets sorted out?
[15:03:31] -!- SoyCow7128 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:03:43] <kobach> wjwlsn: not much, all he has is the domain
[15:03:45] <xlefay> wjwlsn: there's no issue with that at the moment.
[15:03:53] -!- mikko [mikko!~mikko@ntu-dxlflvuwj4-33ppc0-472.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Soylent
[15:03:56] <Hyper> something just occured to me... can it be said that we are now just like slashdot as we have followed in its footsteps...
[15:03:58] <xlefay> The only thing he has of value to us at the moment is a 8 euro domain name... :')
[15:04:07] -!- SoyCow0039 [SoyCow0039!~9177a570@145.119.nqq.jih] has joined #Soylent
[15:04:12] <d33tah> Hyper: slashdot never had SSL!
[15:04:15] <wjwlsn> okay, thanks
[15:04:29] <Hyper> xlefay: yeah, why not, the domain I'd like costs over $1000 ....
[15:04:30] <xlefay> Hyper: you would be surprised how often the staff has already called that one before John left... now... we're at that point again.
[15:04:46] -!- SoyCow6844 has quit [Client Quit]
[15:04:59] <xlefay> _some of the staff that is_
[15:05:09] <xlefay> Hyper: which one is that?
[15:05:40] -!- SoyCow6388 [SoyCow6388!~52470ef3@10-54-42-576.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Soylent
[15:05:44] FoobarBazbot|afk is now known as FoobarBazbot
[15:05:47] <Hyper> if you haven't seen Office Space.. then now is the time...
[15:05:53] <kobach> oh ive seen it
[15:06:20] FoobarBazbot is now known as FoobarBazbot|afk
[15:06:31] -!- SoyCow6388 has quit [Client Quit]
[15:06:31] FoobarBazbot|afk is now known as FoobarBazbot
[15:06:32] -!- SoyCow1037 [SoyCow1037!~81bafc92@r68-9.nat.iastate.edu] has joined #Soylent
[15:07:38] <kobach> !todo
[15:07:38] <Nibbler> todo for kobach: 1) get bacon
[15:07:44] <kobach> !done 1
[15:07:44] <Nibbler> 1 item deleted
[15:07:51] <kobach> !todo get more bacon
[15:07:51] <Nibbler> todo item 1 added
[15:07:56] <FoobarBazbot_> Morning guys, it sure has been busy in here ;)
[15:07:57] <kobach> !todo cook bacon
[15:07:58] <Nibbler> todo item 2 added
[15:08:01] <kobach> FoobarBazbot_: ROFL
[15:08:11] -!- SoyCow1037 has quit [Client Quit]
[15:09:02] -!- EvilSS [EvilSS!~186b2589@26-554-27-227.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[15:09:27] <kobach> EvilSS: where u at
[15:10:11] -!- audioguy [audioguy!~freenode@Soylent/Staff/Developer/audioguy] has joined #Soylent
[15:10:11] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v audioguy] by BaconTree
[15:10:17] -!- inforichland has quit []
[15:10:21] -!- TME520 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:10:24] <d33tah> wth's with the bacon?
[15:10:29] <mrcoolbp> !todo get jowl bacon
[15:10:29] <Nibbler> todo item 2 added
[15:10:30] <xlefay> bacon++
[15:10:30] <Nibbler> karma - bacon: 144
[15:10:32] <xlefay> !!!!
[15:10:35] <kobach> uhh whats not with the bacon
[15:10:36] <d33tah> nibbler--
[15:10:36] <Nibbler> karma - nibbler: -1
[15:10:37] <mrcoolbp> !todo
[15:10:37] <Nibbler> todo for mrcoolbp: 1) xlefay 2) get jowl bacon
[15:10:40] <kobach> bacon++
[15:10:40] <Nibbler> karma - bacon: 145
[15:10:43] * nobbis sighs that article has over 100 comments now, must be one of the most commented
[15:10:46] <mrcoolbp> !todo 1 done
[15:10:46] <Nibbler> todo item 3 added
[15:10:49] <xlefay> heh mrcoolbp, why are you planning on doing me?
[15:10:50] <d33tah> slashdot--
[15:10:50] <Nibbler> karma - slashdot: -3
[15:10:51] <d33tah> beta--
[15:10:51] <Nibbler> karma - beta: -14
[15:10:52] <mrcoolbp> lol
[15:10:53] <d33tah> d33tah++
[15:10:57] <d33tah> sigh.
[15:10:59] <kobach> d33tah: rofl
[15:10:59] <mrcoolbp> trying to remove
[15:11:00] <xlefay> I find that quite frightening to be entirely honest with you mrcoolbp.
[15:11:01] * pbnjoe wakes and sees the front page
[15:11:04] <mrcoolbp> also you are sexy
[15:11:04] <pbnjoe> oh what the hell
[15:11:10] <kobach> pbnjoe: LOL welcome to our life
[15:11:16] <Hyper> does this mean that soyletnews.com could be for sale? :P
[15:11:18] <Marneus68> bacon++
[15:11:18] <Nibbler> karma - bacon: 146
[15:11:21] -!- SoyCow0838 [SoyCow0838!~81bb8903@j49tmdf.t99.ph.tum.de] has joined #Soylent
[15:11:21] -!- SoyCow0195 [SoyCow0195!~544ba3e4@43-41-134-799.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #Soylent
[15:11:24] <kobach> bacon++
[15:11:24] <Nibbler> karma - bacon: 147
[15:11:28] <kobach> jowl++
[15:11:28] <Nibbler> karma - jowl: 1
[15:11:30] -!- SoyCow9493 [SoyCow9493!~506fcbf8@80.111.tuo.pqx] has parted #Soylent
[15:11:32] <Marneus68> goat++
[15:11:32] <Nibbler> karma - goat: 1
[15:11:34] <xlefay> Enough with the Nibbler spamming already
[15:11:46] <kobach> rofl
[15:12:07] <FoobarBazbot> So... the conspiracy theorist in me says... Dice apparently has blackmail photos and is forcing Barrabas to do everything he can to wreck the site.
[15:12:07] <xlefay> one bacon++ and a revolution begins, my god what have we done
[15:12:20] <FoobarBazbot> That, or he was a Dice plant all along...
[15:12:24] -!- what_the [what_the!~c2195a41@194.25.jl.tr] has joined #Soylent
[15:12:28] <xlefay> FoobarBazbot: what makes you think it wasn't planned...... damn it
[15:12:30] -!- SoyCow2419 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:12:34] <Hyper> Dice got to Barrabas?!? Is nothing sacred?
[15:12:37] -!- WizardFusion [WizardFusion!~d9734111@vpwzj3-hka.my-it-solutions.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:12:48] <FatPhil> to divide the community, split it, and destroy it! muahahahah
[15:12:52] <Marneus68> plot twist: Dice was here all along, giving the bacon more karma
[15:12:58] <xlefay> OH GOD
[15:12:58] <Hyper> it is the Microsoft way....
[15:13:04] <xlefay> Not the bacon!!!
[15:13:12] <Hyper> the bacon must fry!
[15:13:24] -!- SoyCow7639 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:13:27] <FatPhil> the bacon is sick, it needs to be cured
[15:13:31] <Hyper> err.. die! no. wait. it's dead already. Fry!
[15:13:40] <IT_phreak> eggs and bacon gogo
[15:13:48] <Marneus68> eggs++
[15:13:48] <Nibbler> karma - eggs: 1
[15:13:56] <IT_phreak> veggies++
[15:13:56] <Nibbler> karma - veggies: 1
[15:13:57] -!- dentonj [dentonj!~dentonj@217.33.iwh.wjw] has joined #Soylent
[15:14:00] <SoyCow7731> okay... l8r all
[15:14:05] -!- SoyCow7731 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:14:06] <IT_phreak> SoyCow7731: nou
[15:14:09] <IT_phreak> ttyl bby
[15:14:16] <Hyper> too much bacon for that cow..
[15:14:22] <Hyper> and me. *wave*
[15:14:36] <IT_phreak> i want some soymilk from soycows.... feed me beyotch
[15:14:38] -!- SoyCow5541 [SoyCow5541!~3b5a57e1@59.90.wg.lgt] has joined #Soylent
[15:14:42] -ChanServ:#Soylent- xlefay quieted *!*@Soylent/Bot/Bender
[15:14:42] -!- mode/#Soylent [+q *!*@Soylent/Bot/Bender] by BaconTree
[15:15:22] <kobach> note to all on freenode: we can no longer hear you due to the bot being quieted, so come over here
[15:15:38] -!- SoyCow2145 [SoyCow2145!~6c163805@ezwi-298-86-72-5.slsbmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:15:41] <IT_phreak> cum here, ride on my back
[15:15:47] <kobach> no
[15:15:51] <IT_phreak> lmao
[15:16:02] <xlefay> heh...
[15:16:04] <d33tah> 15:10:57 d33tah $ sigh.
[15:16:05] <IT_phreak> i want some soysauce Kobach
[15:16:06] <IT_phreak> Now
[15:16:06] -!- Brylarke has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:16:06] <d33tah> 15:10:58 +kobach $ d33tah: rofl
[15:16:14] <d33tah> kobach: i have 1337 karma on &test or something here
[15:16:15] -!- bradley13 [bradley13!~b2c5e510@70-988.306-887.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #Soylent
[15:16:18] <xlefay> hmm...
[15:16:21] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~Brylarke@73-51-404-28.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #Soylent
[15:16:24] <kobach> what
[15:16:39] <IT_phreak> kobach: yea ain't that right beyotch
[15:16:41] <IT_phreak> >.>
[15:16:44] * kobach hands IT_phreak some non-GM soy sauce
[15:16:46] -!- SoyCow9741 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:16:51] <d33tah> kobach: wrote a bot that spammed that channel to get so much karma ;d;d
[15:16:53] <IT_phreak> oh shoot how did you know i'm allergic to GM
[15:17:03] <IT_phreak> you da man; asian points fo jooo
[15:17:06] <IT_phreak> kobach++
[15:17:13] -!- SoyCow0838 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:17:14] -!- SoyCow0039 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:17:15] <IT_phreak> ...
[15:18:34] -!- Hyper has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:19:04] <xlefay> So...
[15:19:12] <IT_phreak> nou
[15:19:16] <kobach> anybody have somthing not spammy to talk about?
[15:19:19] <IT_phreak> chillax, get your swagger on
[15:19:24] <IT_phreak> >.>
[15:19:30] <kobach> or just clogging up the channel like IT_phreak ?
[15:19:37] -!- SoyCow6199 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:19:58] <IT_phreak> rawr :/ http://www.overclock.net
[15:20:02] <IT_phreak> if u haven't seen it
[15:20:17] -!- mode/#Soylent [+q *!*@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] by BaconTree
[15:20:31] -!- SoyCow0282 [SoyCow0282!~56986750@uacu26-247-298-44.range45-816.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[15:21:03] <wjwlsn> I gotta go. I'm hoping to hear back from Barrabas soon, yeah or nay. Everyone have a good day. (email - ibillwilson@gmail.com)
[15:21:50] <dentonj> good luck
[15:21:53] -!- wjwlsn [wjwlsn!~ad233b03@fnn470885t49813-jnbo428986n603.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has parted #Soylent
[15:23:16] -!- SoyCow3349 [SoyCow3349!~62d565dc@i-64-239-627-746.hsd0.in.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:23:20] -!- what_the has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:23:29] -!- SoyCow0574 [SoyCow0574!~8ec5fa9b@142.197.zrp.rxh] has joined #Soylent
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[15:24:15] -!- WizardFusion [WizardFusion!~d9734111@vpwzj3-hka.my-it-solutions.net] has parted #Soylent
[15:24:48] -!- NezSez [NezSez!~4c7061d7@j-78-064-32-800.hsd3.mi.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:25:52] -!- SoyCow7199 [SoyCow7199!~3d0368b3@61.3.orj.wpq] has joined #Soylent
[15:25:57] <NezSez> anyone home?
[15:26:12] <xlefay> Knock Knock?
[15:26:23] <Marneus68> nope, just bacon and bot shenanigans
[15:26:56] <FoobarBazbot> Marneus68: s/ s.*/ awesomeness/
[15:26:56] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <Marneus68> nope, just bacon and bot awesomeness
[15:26:59] -!- SoyCow9446 [SoyCow9446!~8078a979@v704-766-jigxth-4.ucdavis.edu] has joined #Soylent
[15:27:11] <xlefay> rofl
[15:27:45] <SoyCow7199> good evening everyone
[15:27:48] <Marneus68> shenanigans++
[15:28:02] <xlefay> .unmute Nibbler
[15:28:05] <NezSez> incremental shenanigans eh
[15:28:05] -!- SoyCow1057 [SoyCow1057!~b8b4a339@uakf-779-225-758-61.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:28:06] <Marneus68> oh yeah they turned it off.
[15:28:08] <xlefay> .unquiet Nibbler
[15:28:08] -!- mode/#Soylent [-q *!*@Soylent/Bot/Bender] by BaconTree
[15:28:29] <xlefay> shenanigans++
[15:28:29] <Nibbler> karma - shenanigans: 2
[15:28:31] <Nibbler> wakka wakka
[15:28:35] <Marneus68> shenanigans++
[15:28:35] <Nibbler> karma - shenanigans: 3
[15:28:52] -!- SoyCow5602 [SoyCow5602!~57e76dc9@22-826-299-846.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #Soylent
[15:28:59] <quitte> shenanigans--
[15:28:59] <Nibbler> karma - shenanigans: 2
[15:29:11] <n1> bacon++
[15:29:11] <Nibbler> karma - bacon: 148
[15:29:15] <n1> sounds like a good idea right now
[15:29:39] <Marneus68> n1++
[15:29:39] <Nibbler> karma - n1: 3
[15:29:53] <xlefay> shoarma++
[15:29:53] <Nibbler> karma - shoarma: 1
[15:29:54] <NezSez> ssssoooo no new news regarding the SN shenanigans then?
[15:29:55] <kobach> n1: scroll up earlier youll see my links to bacon
[15:30:07] -!- bradley13 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:30:09] <FatPhil> NezSez: best not to speculate too much
[15:30:28] -!- SoyCow2145 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:30:53] -!- mode/#Soylent [-q *!*@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] by BaconTree
[15:31:04] <NezSez> +FatP: well I know it's odd these days, but I don't include "speculation" in my def of news :)
[15:31:50] <n1> you'll never make it as a journalist, NezSez
[15:32:03] <xlefay> lol!
[15:32:07] <NezSez> n1: LOL no doubt!
[15:32:53] <NezSez> In the news today....
[15:32:55] -!- SoyCow4073 [SoyCow4073!~401aab63@ikauex.roaringpenguin.com] has joined #Soylent
[15:32:59] <dentonj> drama
[15:33:04] <NezSez> More speculation
[15:33:10] -!- SoyCow1285 [SoyCow1285!~5218623d@tjx19-yfuj7-0-3-rfvg98.0-9.cable.virginm.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:33:10] <xlefay> and ...............
[15:33:45] <Marneus68> shenanigans.
[15:34:00] <NezSez> anyone else notice the increase of bad grammer in jourlanists publications due to obvious cut&paste errors?
[15:34:28] <xlefay> Let's not speculate on that one
[15:34:31] <NezSez> ah...see i could be a journalists.....I typo'd jourlanists
[15:34:32] <n1> we have reports from unnamed sources which indicate someone else may release a statement some time this week which may or may not be related to the speculation from last week
[15:34:50] <NezSez> LOL
[15:34:53] <quitte> NezSez: also: grammar
[15:34:59] <NezSez> LOL
[15:35:02] <Marneus68> Also I wanted to submit an article about that retro game "reviewer" that used a 17 year old coupon found in a PC game box to buy a Red Barron pizza. But I didn't feel like this was really what interested Soylent News readers
[15:35:03] <xlefay> ;')
[15:35:11] <Marneus68> I mean it's about PC gaming, but still
[15:35:16] <NezSez> yay! I could be a geornalest!
[15:35:23] <quitte> lol
[15:35:30] <IT_phreak> if i ever annoyed you, just pm me and tell me how?
[15:35:33] <IT_phreak> kthxbai
[15:35:47] <nobbis> there's pressure to get the news out, much of it isn't checked
[15:35:54] -!- SoyCow1729 [SoyCow1729!~81617344@wyy-rycz2-pra-695-49-012-03.dynamic.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #Soylent
[15:36:13] <dentonj> no wai
[15:36:28] <NezSez> yeah, I feel sorry for most online news workers; the pressure is probably intense
[15:36:49] <IT_phreak> so intense like a rice cooker
[15:36:55] <NezSez> hua wai!
[15:37:04] -!- SoyCow4552 [SoyCow4552!~a25f94fa@162.95.tgs.iim] has joined #Soylent
[15:37:06] <n1> by the time you've got credible sources and verified information, and then formatted properly
[15:37:09] <n1> it's no longer breaking news
[15:37:15] <SoyCow7199> yeah
[15:37:17] * n1 yawn, heard about this yesterday
[15:37:41] <IT_phreak> n1: every news website has pretty much the same info, guess it matters on their popularity at that point i suppose
[15:37:47] <nobbis> i heard that bbc news 24 have to get stories out within 15 mins
[15:37:56] <nobbis> hardly time to check
[15:37:57] <NezSez> well we could launch a counterpart service for SN...."Correctly formatted news that no longer matters"
[15:37:59] <IT_phreak> even discounts for buying things, etc
[15:38:01] -!- bradley13 [bradley13!~b2c5e670@207-375.287-768.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #Soylent
[15:38:14] <xlefay> LOL!!!!!!
[15:38:35] <IT_phreak> NezSez: nononon "correctly formatted news that is VERIFIED"
[15:38:46] <Marneus68> do we even have a video game section on Soylent News already ?
[15:38:59] <dentonj> who's doing the verification?
[15:39:04] <IT_phreak> dentonj: nou
[15:39:06] <NezSez> LOL IT_p; "News which is actually News"
[15:39:31] <IT_phreak> NezSez: yeah, no point of fast news if it's inaccurate
[15:39:33] <IT_phreak> what do u think
[15:40:06] <IT_phreak> (serious)
[15:40:28] <NezSez> I'd say you could start a wildly inaccurate fast news service, but ONN allready exists, and is more factual than many news sites
[15:40:43] <NezSez> don't know if I'
[15:40:47] -!- lhsi has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:40:49] <NezSez> I'd call it fast though
[15:41:02] -!- SoyCow8785 [SoyCow8785!~b44910c8@180.73.ys.rqx] has joined #Soylent
[15:41:07] -!- TK-420 [TK-420!~47d63ebc@61-809-76-392.clsp.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:41:15] <dentonj> we could link to lamebook posts, point, and laugh
[15:42:11] -!- SoyCow5079 [SoyCow5079!~4812f3a2@93-65-645-569.static-ip.telepacific.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:42:22] -!- bradley13 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:42:22] -!- SoyCow6824 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:42:34] <NezSez> http://www.theonion.com
[15:42:45] <NezSez> warning: some foul language
[15:42:46] -!- SoyCow7016 [SoyCow7016!~cb73905e@203.115.quw.lt] has joined #Soylent
[15:42:58] <NezSez> but very funny IMHO
[15:43:42] -!- coward_2 [coward_2!~5a824204@eg-yc.tele8.com] has joined #Soylent
[15:43:54] <IT_phreak> xbone and psbrick
[15:44:08] <SoyCow5079> wiiflu
[15:44:19] <IT_phreak> matter of using mantle for emulation purposes
[15:44:27] <IT_phreak> SoyCow5079: wiiflu-enza
[15:44:41] <IT_phreak> soycow5079++
[15:44:41] <Nibbler> karma - soycow5079: 1
[15:44:54] -!- SatRider [SatRider!~5960bfd6@50-48-598-161.ip89.fastwebnet.it] has joined #Soylent
[15:45:22] <SoyCow5079> i just got into work and reading soylent news
[15:45:24] -!- SoyCow9494 [SoyCow9494!~55da1ddc@51-739-71-677.dclient.lsne.ch] has joined #Soylent
[15:45:42] -!- SoyCow3349 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:46:23] -!- SoyCow5151 [SoyCow5151!~250053f3@37.0.xt.zvi] has joined #Soylent
[15:46:23] <SoyCow7016> so er...
[15:46:30] <SoyCow7016> is the drama still ongoing or what?
[15:46:55] <Landon> yep
[15:47:14] <SoyCow5079> if this dude really wants his money they should just put up a donation page and probably could meet it by the end of the day. then he can quit and move on.
[15:47:16] -!- Scareb [Scareb!~470f7002@47-67-064-6.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[15:47:20] Nibbler is now known as DramaLlama
[15:47:25] <NezSez> I am a completely unreliable source, but it seems so
[15:47:29] <SoyCow9446> BS childish drama should not be posted.
[15:47:45] -!- dailybacon has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:48:17] -!- SoyCow9115 [SoyCow9115!~4e8fe587@dev37-307-483-399.in-addr.fast.co.uk] has joined #Soylent
[15:48:21] <Scareb> agreed, someone should just post a link to paypal et all and get this overwith so someone can get paid, and everyone else can get back to replacing slashdot ;-)
[15:48:26] <SoyCow9446> I dont care about the personal struggles
[15:48:38] <NezSez> There are some legal issues with setting up a donation page officially thru SN, but maybe by another source
[15:48:38] <nobbis> Scareb: agreed
[15:48:42] <SoyCow9446> I dont care about a transparent community.
[15:48:55] <IT_phreak> he can just setup a paypal donation himself
[15:49:03] <IT_phreak> im sure we all understand the complications as of now
[15:49:08] -!- SoyCow9446 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:49:22] <NezSez> that would work
[15:49:39] <NezSez> heck, he'd probably get more than he's asking for if he did
[15:49:51] <IT_phreak> i mean, if *he*'s the only one funding it, then it should go to him
[15:50:01] <IT_phreak> well, if you have better ideas, we're all ears
[15:50:04] <kobach> he hasnt funded shit in weeks
[15:50:13] <IT_phreak> kobach: okay forget my paypal idea then
[15:50:55] <IT_phreak> oh how about
[15:50:55] -!- SoyCow8785 [SoyCow8785!~b44910c8@180.73.ys.rqx] has parted #Soylent
[15:51:03] <IT_phreak> people donate as "gift"
[15:51:07] <IT_phreak> that's not illegal, is it
[15:51:15] <crisp> anyone else find this whole thing disappointingly juvenile? whats the average age of the people behind all of this?
[15:51:36] <kobach> we all find it quite juvenile
[15:51:40] <FoobarBazbot_> crisp: surprisingly, 13...
[15:51:51] <FoobarBazbot_> I know, I thought it would be lower, too.
[15:51:58] <NezSez> at least in some states, "gifts" are taxable if over a certain amount
[15:52:02] <IT_phreak> crisp: well starting a project without cash flow is a suicide, in terms of business perspective
[15:52:13] <NezSez> so you might have to keep records for da tax man
[15:52:15] <IT_phreak> but look what these guys can pull off
[15:52:19] <IT_phreak> it's amazing
[15:52:40] <NezSez> crisp: I wondered the same thing myself
[15:52:40] <IT_phreak> >.>
[15:52:50] <NezSez> <----old geezer
[15:53:11] -!- Renevith [Renevith!~4ba896a7@15-753-740-202.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
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[15:53:23] <NezSez> I've seen similiar dramas with various user groups over the years
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[15:54:05] <quitte> my favourite drama was cdrecord
[15:54:07] <SoyCow7016> same, but nothing quite as stupendous as this in awhile
[15:54:17] <NezSez> LOL
[15:54:24] <Scareb> Drama with this community? That would be like suggesting VI is better than Emacs or something.. it just doesn't happen.
[15:54:43] <SoyCow7016> so long as Netcraft confirms it we'll be okay
[15:54:53] -!- NC [NC!~af88d8f3@175.136.gpz.liw] has joined #Soylent
[15:54:53] <crisp> i dont know, maybe im too used to the real business world, but this whole thing seems like the kind of 'problem' that could/should have been dealt with in minutes (btw full transparency is never a good idea - keep it at 'high' not 'full')
[15:54:58] <NC> I'm back
[15:55:00] <IT_phreak> Scareb: this
[15:55:06] <NC> And I've realized I'm a fcking idiot
[15:55:12] <crisp> and yes, the site and speed of it all is awesome
[15:55:13] <IT_phreak> crisp: yes, high > full
[15:55:22] <crisp> so speaking as an outsider
[15:55:25] * NC doesn't even want to look at the site because I know I fucked up
[15:55:31] <kobach> lol
[15:55:32] NC is now known as NC|WebChat
[15:55:35] <SoyCow7016> lol
[15:55:40] -!- SoyCow2897 [SoyCow2897!~c860e6ed@607-31-370-827.cpece107.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #Soylent
[15:55:48] <NC|WebChat> I'm serious
[15:55:55] <NC|WebChat> I should have kept it as a comment on John's comment
[15:55:58] <quitte> high is vague and prone to deterioration. I'd prefer full. with more sanity
[15:55:58] <xlefay> NC|WebChat: then please identify to your nickserv name..
[15:56:06] <NC|WebChat> xlefay: I need to ghost myself to do that
[15:56:14] <xlefay> NC|WebChat: no: /ns id ncommander password
[15:56:19] <kobach> NC|WebChat: id hate to say i told you so but...
[15:56:20] <xlefay> will work just fine ;)
[15:56:26] -!- NCommander has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by NC|WebChat!~af88d8f3@175.136.gpz.liw))]
[15:56:27] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #Soylent
[15:56:31] <NC|WebChat> Shit
[15:56:32] -!- SoyCow5549 [SoyCow5549!~3a6b03dd@v98-242-4-742.fitzg1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[15:56:32] <xlefay> You didn't need to ghost..
[15:56:33] -!- NCommander has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by NC|WebChat!~af88d8f3@175.136.gpz.liw))]
[15:56:33] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #Soylent
[15:56:35] <kobach> rofl
[15:56:36] -!- SoyCow4097 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:56:37] <NC|WebChat> Ugh
[15:56:50] <NC|WebChat> kobach: you know something? You're right
[15:56:53] <NC|WebChat> Absolutely right.
[15:56:57] <kobach> i didnt expect to be honestly
[15:57:01] -!- goodi [goodi!~607fc297@96.127.kns.ujp] has joined #Soylent
[15:57:07] <IT_phreak> ghostie? o_O
[15:57:12] -!- SoyCow7016 [SoyCow7016!~cb73905e@203.115.quw.lt] has parted #Soylent
[15:57:17] <NC|WebChat> Its my IRC proxy
[15:57:18] -!- SoyCow5541 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:57:20] <NC|WebChat> My laptop is dead
[15:57:24] <NC|WebChat> I can only use public computers
[15:57:28] <NC|WebChat> Which means webchat
[15:57:30] <IT_phreak> oh public comps
[15:57:37] <IT_phreak> >.> that makes sense
[15:57:41] <NC|WebChat> Seriously
[15:57:47] <NC|WebChat> Just ... fucking shoot me
[15:58:15] <mrcoolbp> NC: we are trying to get you in staff
[15:58:20] NCommander is now known as SoyGuest49849
[15:58:20] NC|WebChat is now known as NCommander
[15:58:23] <NCommander> GOt it
[15:58:25] <kobach> there you go
[15:58:27] -!- SoyCow5984 [SoyCow5984!~3e9ae31a@62.154.yms.ki] has joined #Soylent
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[15:58:28] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v NCommander] by BaconTree
[15:58:28] <IT_phreak> and pew pew
[15:58:46] -!- Robotron [Robotron!~cb73905e@203.115.quw.lt] has joined #Soylent
[15:59:17] -!- derp [derp!~4e8fe587@dev37-307-483-399.in-addr.fast.co.uk] has joined #Soylent
[15:59:22] <Scareb> Well unfortunately I have servers to go fix, (stupid timeouts).. but so as soon as someone gets some payment thing straightened out that looks legit, I'll put some money where my mouth is and donate or whatever.
[15:59:31] -!- ElderGeek [ElderGeek!~642aa305@gvfr.northriverboats.com] has joined #Soylent
[15:59:44] <SoyCow0195> +1
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[15:59:53] <IT_phreak> put money in the mouth? damn i gotta try that
[16:00:07] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has parted #Soylent
[16:00:17] <gallondr00nk> just don't use coins
[16:00:27] <Robotron> bitcoins especially
[16:00:27] <crisp> whack up a paypal donate button and im sure you'll have this sorted in 24 hrs... speaking as an outsider, $2000 is such a small business expense that i wouldnt even bother worrying about the breakdown if it means you can start fresh - and i say that because the community is something worth preserving, its been going really well so far
[16:00:42] <IT_phreak> crisp: so much this
[16:00:45] <goodi> +1
[16:00:49] <ancientt> +1
[16:00:53] <IT_phreak> i can troll all day, if that's what you need :p
[16:00:58] <crisp> :)
[16:01:00] <IT_phreak> *flame*
[16:01:14] <Robotron> +1 insightful crisp
[16:01:16] <goodi> is it really an issue if there is no not-for-profit etc. to simply get a ubunch of donations to transfer the shit?\
[16:01:36] <goodi> a personal donation would work out I'd think...
[16:01:52] <Scareb> hell sell me a linux CD or something I don't know
[16:01:53] <SatRider> Hi gusy, for what it's worth.... I agree with crisp
[16:01:58] <IT_phreak> i feel like there's not much of a serious problem;
[16:02:07] -!- MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!~48f3b602@72.243.zhg.v] has joined #Soylent
[16:02:08] <IT_phreak> everyone could've communicated better, it seems like
[16:02:13] <IT_phreak> wow troll username
[16:02:19] <Scareb> if that's an issue.
[16:02:40] <IT_phreak> Scareb: communication?
[16:02:41] -!- SoyCow2711 [SoyCow2711!~3251fd6e@90-45-417-324.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Soylent
[16:03:41] <goodi> on a related note, have the expenses etc. been validated or they all appear legit? (again, no expert here...) people will donate if they *know* that the money covers what it should. If there's any fuckup with it (voluntary or not), I'd think that it'd be a pretty big issue for the community as a whole and the future of SN
[16:04:06] <IT_phreak> goodi: or even put a cap on the amount of donation;
[16:04:06] -!- SoyCow7064 [SoyCow7064!~18d4bf79@71-619-043-023.cable.teksavvy.com] has joined #Soylent
[16:04:14] <goodi> sure thing
[16:04:20] <IT_phreak> like it'll stop receiving money as soon as it reaches $2k or whatever
[16:04:42] <IT_phreak> how about a kickstarter? >.>
[16:04:47] <Robotron> yeah it shouldn't be like a kickfarter
[16:04:50] <IT_phreak> that may be a way; just say "server costs of SN"
[16:04:52] <IT_phreak> or w/e
[16:05:07] <IT_phreak> and if it reaches there, confetti >.>
[16:05:23] <IT_phreak> Robotron: if you have better ideas, you can fart
[16:05:23] <crisp> See from my perspective I don't even *care* what the breakdown is, even if it's just "this is the number i felt like using when i woke up this morning" - there's an expense that could definitely be covered by the community in no time at all that will remove a problem that could potentially derail the whole project
[16:05:29] <Robotron> The stretch goal? Goatse.
[16:05:30] <coward_2> donate to NC so he can wire requested 2K
[16:05:45] <goodi> I was just thinking about the whole transparency thing.
[16:05:53] <IT_phreak> coward_2: problem is, it gotta be exactly 2k
[16:05:54] <goodi> IT_phreak: You can put a cute barometer too ;)
[16:06:07] <crisp> transparency = "he wanted $2k in order to let everything go, we paid it"
[16:06:08] <IT_phreak> goodi: i'll just start pleasuring myself more intensely, loljk
[16:06:16] <crisp> no problem with that
[16:06:22] <gallondr00nk> "A personal appeal from NCommander", wiki style
[16:06:23] <IT_phreak> lmao >.>
[16:06:32] <goodi> lol
[16:06:34] <IT_phreak> gallondr00nk: just need a system of donation it seems..
[16:06:40] <NCommander> We're discussing it
[16:06:51] <NCommander> I'm bailing out of the discussion, I can't talk with John and not get ready to slay something
[16:07:04] <IT_phreak> slay a lamb
[16:07:07] <goodi> NCommander do you sport a beard too ;) ? Because that inspires confidence
[16:07:08] <NCommander> If the group decides to pay John, he will get a check in the mail for the full amount next Monday when I return to the United States
[16:07:23] <gallondr00nk> A picture of you looking serious is mandatory.
[16:07:23] <NCommander> If the group decides to fuck John, well, we'll handle that
[16:07:29] <IT_phreak> !
[16:07:29] <NCommander> But I can't be apart of this
[16:07:32] <NCommander> At least this decision
[16:07:39] <gallondr00nk> @goodi : we can photoshop a beard, no problem
[16:07:42] <NezSez> NC: maybe mattie should be a go between for you two in the discussions?
[16:07:43] * NCommander has one in RL
[16:07:48] <NCommander> NezSez: he is.
[16:07:58] <IT_phreak> NCommander: RL LEGGO
[16:07:59] <nobbis> NezSez: good ide
[16:07:59] <goodi> wise decision... hey should we put up a poll for this or is that a horrible idea?
[16:08:02] -!- SoyCow4418 [SoyCow4418!~183d55a5@q-19-25-01-681.hsd0.ma.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:08:03] <NCommander> Look, I know I screwed up, I panicked because I thought people would think John had the full DB and shit
[16:08:22] <NCommander> I'm honestly afraid to look at the site right now and look at the discussion
[16:08:26] <Robotron> forget about a poll, this should be solved and put behind us all quickly
[16:08:31] <goodi> k
[16:08:35] <NezSez> NC: ah good
[16:08:51] <FoobarBazbot_> goodi: I don't think that's a good plan.
[16:09:04] <goodi> no worries just talking out of my ass
[16:09:07] <NezSez> NC: I don't get the feeling that people are *that* upset about all this. They just want to move forward.
[16:09:10] <IT_phreak> http://soylentnews.org
[16:09:22] <nobbis> agreed
[16:09:35] <Robotron> what Nez said - just get this all sorted out within a day
[16:09:38] <Scareb> Yeah faster this gets off the main site the better to be honest.
[16:09:39] -!- SoyCow5612 [SoyCow5612!~63e90b15@fns68247ame3713-il413766b20jx5.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Soylent
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[16:09:42] <NCommander> NezSez: and so do I. The problem is I'm going to make this problem too close. Its too personal.
[16:09:45] <gallondr00nk> Agree with Nez, it needs sorting.
[16:09:51] <NCommander> gallondr00nk: it will be.
[16:10:01] -!- SoyCow4298 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:10:10] <SoyCow0195> http://soylentnews.org does bill frequent this chat?
[16:10:12] <crisp> its not that bad NCommander - the best thing you can do at this stage is to get it solved asap; dont think of the expense as helping a guy you clearly cant get on with, but rather see it as paying a small expense to keep something great going and gain full control of it... i think a paypal button would be the end of this woe
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[16:10:25] <nobbis> NC let mattie deal with that problem, you get on moving things forward
[16:10:47] <MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO> crisp: so... blackmail, then?
[16:10:48] <NCommander> Yeah, but right now, I feel like a fucking failure
[16:10:53] <crisp> well
[16:10:59] <crisp> i think the status of the site says otherwise
[16:11:01] <crisp> so dont
[16:11:05] <goodi> NC: I would disagree
[16:11:09] <Robotron> hear hear
[16:11:31] <gallondr00nk> @Ncommander: don't. everyone makes mistakes
[16:11:32] <goodi> that things got a bit out of hand is one thing but honestly it couldn't have been all pretty for such a quick buildup by a bunch of people
[16:11:38] <LaminatorX> Making an error is not the same as being a failure, NCommander.
[16:11:51] <Robotron> look on the bright side, you could've done something really immature like propose marriage in a post or something ;)
[16:11:53] <NezSez> NC: Relax a bit! This is all normal drama in various sorts of startups. The peeps understand. We're on you side. Failure is good; you have learned a LOT in a very short time. Don't sweat it.
[16:11:58] <crisp> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: call it what you want, but a phrase we use over here (not sure if its universal) is "dont cut your nose off to spite your face"
[16:12:24] <gallondr00nk> Just debug the situation and recompile, everything will be fine
[16:12:30] <NezSez> LOL Robo
[16:12:33] <goodi> I think that moving away from the decision is a wise thing. Either way if the site keeps on going, a week from now nobody will give a shit and people will just be happy to get their news fix
[16:12:45] <NCommander> NezSez: I honestly wish I ahd your confidence right now
[16:12:46] <goodi> and they'll be happy to bitch about spelling mistakes in subs ;)
[16:12:50] <IT_phreak> it just seems like it was a group of people that didn't know each other
[16:12:59] <nobbis> just blame poutine
[16:13:03] <xlefay> poutine--
[16:13:03] <DramaLlama> karma - poutine: -269
[16:13:05] <NezSez> LOL gallon
[16:13:06] <kobach> poutine--
[16:13:06] <DramaLlama> karma - poutine: -270
[16:13:07] <gallondr00nk> grrr, that putine
[16:13:09] <gallondr00nk> ^o
[16:13:10] <goodi> IT_phreak: precisely
[16:13:16] <goodi> I hate poutine fuck
[16:13:18] <IT_phreak> a team can only do well based on how much they support each other
[16:13:24] <gallondr00nk> I don't even know who is he, but..
[16:13:26] * gallondr00nk shakes fist
[16:13:30] <goodi> fries are only good with mayo ;)
[16:13:35] <goodi> I was talking about the food ;)
[16:13:36] <IT_phreak> goodi: freedom fries
[16:13:42] -!- SoyCow7120 [SoyCow7120!~d537b0d0@213.55.kqk.qow] has joined #Soylent
[16:13:45] <goodi> shit you're right... :D
[16:13:54] <IT_phreak> a fry that makes you feel invincible
[16:14:28] <IT_phreak> speaking of fry.... where's bender?
[16:14:29] <gallondr00nk> I wonder if they serve freedom fries in prisons
[16:14:43] -!- kbahey [kbahey!~63ec2307@fidt7x5a2134n2j-na2663bqo0k075.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Soylent
[16:14:46] <NezSez> NC: don't worry; lets just get some money and pay barrabas and be free. You've got some good staff helping you and we'll be fine in short time. really.
[16:14:46] -!- jdccdevel [jdccdevel!~4496931e@r3989333r78y49621.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Soylent
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[16:15:17] <NCommander> NezSez: yeah I know.
[16:15:26] <NCommander> NezSez: but after this is taken, I think I need to take some personal time.
[16:15:38] * NCommander hates drama, and that's all this been since I took over
[16:15:52] <NezSez> NC: even if he doesn't deserve it per se; it's a cheap way out in the grand scheme
[16:16:06] <goodi> well if the site is running fine and there are people to take charge whle you're away I think it'd be a good idea
[16:16:17] <NezSez> NC: yes, you should take some time away; not worth risking burn out
[16:16:19] -!- SoyCow1379 [SoyCow1379!~6c313dec@tdzt-481-72-49-564.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
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[16:16:31] <goodi> honestly you guys have been running I don't know what stuff to get all this stuff up and running... can't be healthy
[16:16:32] <IT_phreak> NCommander: i just read the full post you made; seems like he just wants to get paid
[16:16:51] <goodi> move away, recharge and come back with better perspective on things and next steps
[16:16:51] -!- TK-420 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[16:16:51] <SoyCow0195> NezSez: I'm not sure you can say "he doesn't deserve it", he was pretty clear up front to all of us that he inteded for this to be commercial and make money since the beginning
[16:16:56] <IT_phreak> my selfishness is worse anyways ^^
[16:16:58] -!- Wenthal [Wenthal!~48261139@i24-73-71-28.commercial2.cgocable.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:17:16] <gallondr00nk> Well, whether it's deserved or not,$2k is the way out of this
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[16:17:39] <NezSez> SoyCow0195: I said "even if" see how that works?
[16:17:42] <goodi> IT_phreak: see that's where I am not sure that was the right approach... you can't say I'll make millions bwahaha and then just say you want support from the community...
[16:17:48] <Marneus68> I'm glad to see the story isn't on the top anymore
[16:17:59] <SoyCow0195> NezSez: ...
[16:17:59] <Marneus68> should we understand that the situation is somewhat resolved ?
[16:18:04] -!- SoyCow7120 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:18:06] <IT_phreak> i thought he only had control of DNS registrar
[16:18:13] <kobach> no Marneus68
[16:18:14] <MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO> Make sure and get something in writing if and when John is paid - that he actually WILL go away forever, virtually & legally, etc
[16:18:16] <kobach> IT_phreak: yes
[16:18:29] <kobach> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: we're working on exactly that
[16:18:34] <kobach> making sure he fucks off for good
[16:18:34] <goodi> +1
[16:18:36] <IT_phreak> probably a redirect may be necessary
[16:18:40] <IT_phreak> until he sells the name ~_~ oh great
[16:18:51] <IT_phreak> just a longer track to find the prety
[16:18:54] <IT_phreak> prey*
[16:19:18] <IT_phreak> goodi: yeah, i kinda have mixed feelings bout that; i can relate
[16:19:33] <IT_phreak> goodi: we'll see; nobody can predict the future
[16:19:40] <NezSez> We can just start a new name
[16:19:46] <IT_phreak> yeah, let's do NezSez
[16:19:47] <NCommander> The staff are hashing it out
[16:19:53] <IT_phreak> -_-;
[16:19:54] <kobach> NezSez: working on it
[16:19:58] <NCommander> Marneus68: working on it
[16:19:59] <MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO> I can't help but compare John to Sheldon Cooper - its unavoidable in my mind
[16:19:59] <IT_phreak> let the staff do their thing?
[16:20:07] <IT_phreak> they already have enough on the plate already
[16:20:15] <NCommander> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: you just ruined big bang for me
[16:20:16] <IT_phreak> so shhhh no more suggestions
[16:20:16] <NCommander> thanks
[16:20:23] <NezSez> I figured as much, just reiterating ya know. You guys mentioned it in the posts.
[16:20:29] <kobach> LOL poor NCommander
[16:20:40] <IT_phreak> kobach: >.>
[16:20:47] <kobach> NCommander: get off the computer and take a break, at least for 10 mins
[16:20:49] -!- Beukenbosje [Beukenbosje!~5455e56b@sv7540c60j.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #Soylent
[16:20:56] <NCommander> kobach: I have been. All I could think about was this
[16:20:59] <goodi> NC: here's a nice cold beer for ya '_
[16:21:08] <gallondr00nk> beer, and bacon
[16:21:14] <goodi> and freedom fries!
[16:21:18] <goodi> (not poutine)
[16:21:18] <SoyCow0195> I agree with the new name (commented on it here http://soylentnews.org)
[16:21:22] <kobach> ahh yes yes i know
[16:21:29] <xlefay> barrabas--
[16:21:29] <DramaLlama> karma - barrabas: 9
[16:21:30] -!- SoyCow4418 [SoyCow4418!~183d55a5@q-19-25-01-681.hsd0.ma.comcast.net] has parted #Soylent
[16:21:31] <IT_phreak> NCommander: what's his email? we can hook him up with goatse
[16:21:35] <kobach> goodi: no, the food is good, the person is bad, when saying poutine-- we mean the person
[16:21:36] <Robotron> agree with kobach, get a snack, chill for a bit, don't end up chained to your system
[16:21:49] <kobach> barrabas--
[16:21:49] * NCommander likes poutine (the food)
[16:21:49] <DramaLlama> karma - barrabas: 8
[16:21:55] <kobach> NCommander: normal people do
[16:22:21] <IT_phreak> normal people likes food
[16:22:30] SoyCow5079 is now known as ipa
[16:22:35] <IT_phreak> -troll mode engaged-
[16:22:41] <IT_phreak> brb
[16:22:45] <goodi> ok well now I feel like the minority here... seriously I can't give to a bunch of people who soak their fries in gravy that's just wrong ;)
[16:22:55] <kobach> soak?
[16:22:55] <kobach> no
[16:22:57] -!- SoyCow4899 [SoyCow4899!~8012288d@128.18.zi.ijr] has joined #Soylent
[16:23:01] <kobach> its drizzled atop cheese churds
[16:23:04] -!- SoyCow9568 [SoyCow9568!~47b50c22@kwgi-30-340-83-36.static.ngn.east.myfairpoint.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:23:10] <IT_phreak> soak? more like they shit fries
[16:23:13] <kobach> there is no soaking unless you didnt eat it
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[16:23:51] <NezSez> i like dipping fries in worcestershire
[16:23:51] -!- SoyCow4899 has quit [Client Quit]
[16:24:17] <goodi> I guess you have a point there... I did hear that some places make pretty great poutine with pieces of smoked meat. me it's fries and mayo or plain
[16:24:23] <Scareb> I like my fries golden with mustard, as the Great Noodle intended, R'Amen.
[16:24:57] <NezSez> Scared: the one with the great noodley appendages? FSM ?
[16:25:13] <goodi> ok enough witht he food talk I gotta go eat now lol. ppl take care, let's move past this shitstorm and get whatever a new name may be if it's not SN going!
[16:25:24] <NezSez> wow, big difference on b can make <sigh>
[16:25:42] -!- SoyCow2711 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[16:25:44] <goodi> "sheldor afk"
[16:25:51] -!- goodi has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[16:26:32] <NezSez> do we have a plan in place for covering the costs if site currently known as SN really takes off?
[16:26:51] <kobach> well
[16:26:55] -!- SoyCow3304 [SoyCow3304!~86934a29@flp-ctbnjt0.ptt.ruhr-uni-bochum.de] has joined #Soylent
[16:26:57] <kobach> who wants a namechange, and who wants to fork over $2k?
[16:27:06] <kobach> vote now
[16:27:31] <NezSez> as in irc /vote ?
[16:27:39] <kobach> as in /say
[16:27:51] <SoyCow4552> namechange
[16:28:00] <SoyCow0195> namechange
[16:28:30] <NezSez> <- votes namechange yes
[16:28:32] <MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO> namechange - because a blackmailer never stops once you start paying .01c
[16:28:38] -!- robind [robind!~robind@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/robind] has joined #Soylent
[16:28:38] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v robind] by BaconTree
[16:28:43] <Robotron> namechange
[16:28:44] <xlefay> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: exactly..
[16:28:47] <coward_2> namechange
[16:28:49] <nobbis> namechange
[16:28:53] <xlefay> namechange
[16:28:58] <kobach> namechange
[16:29:08] <IT_phreak> namechange
[16:29:11] <IT_phreak> ain't shit for free
[16:29:11] <jdccdevel> Both
[16:29:15] <Marneus68> as much as I liked getbacon.today, I like the old name. Is namechange like the only option we have ?
[16:29:19] <IT_phreak> jdccdevel: are you high
[16:29:30] <kobach> Marneus68: no, its namechange or pay him $2k
[16:29:35] <kbahey> i like soylent news' name
[16:29:38] <nobbis> oic
[16:29:44] * FoobarBazbot can't argue with MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, but I did kinda like the present name...
[16:29:49] <IT_phreak> wait
[16:29:50] <IT_phreak> soylentmedia
[16:29:51] <IT_phreak> ohyes
[16:29:52] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[16:29:52] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by BaconTree
[16:29:55] <kbahey> more than one person has offered to pay
[16:30:00] <kobach> so we're asking for peoples opinions
[16:30:05] <IT_phreak> kobach: soylentmedia
[16:30:08] <janrinok> hi guys
[16:30:18] <nobbis> pay him, don't leave him bitter
[16:30:18] <Marneus68> kobach: wasn't paying the 2k already in the works or something, the problem being paying more than that ?
[16:30:19] <jdccdevel> IT_phreak: I like the name, and not owning it open us up to fragmenting the community more.
[16:30:29] * kbahey likes the present name
[16:30:34] <kobach> Marneus68: it is in the works, but a name change is still on the table
[16:30:40] <kobach> we all like the present name and momentum
[16:30:59] <kobach> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO brought up the main point
[16:31:02] <IT_phreak> kobach: how do you know that he'll give it up so easily
[16:31:10] -!- SoyCow2630 [SoyCow2630!~c65ba3ca@738-50-827-911.cpe.distributel.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:31:11] <kobach> another thing we're discussing
[16:31:17] -!- cculpepper [cculpepper!~8115501d@sejeqo.wireless.rit.edu] has joined #Soylent
[16:31:34] <kobach> and a reason why we're discussing namechange
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[16:31:47] <IT_phreak> why? because you're in a jeopardy
[16:31:48] <IT_phreak> simple..
[16:31:57] <Marneus68> well if changing the name doesn't change the fact that he'll have to get payed, then I see no point is changing
[16:32:11] <kobach> no, changing the name = fuck him
[16:32:13] -!- DBCubix [DBCubix!~a2c63c29@683-664-62-81.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:32:15] <IT_phreak> kobach: this
[16:32:21] <SatRider> new name? BACKSLASH NEWS! ;)
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[16:32:38] -!- keick [keick!~6c0fcb19@sgkp-436-43-581-03.ronkva.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:32:42] <Marneus68> yeah, but changing the name = fragmentation
[16:32:52] <kobach> well thats the problem
[16:32:54] <IT_phreak> why can't we redirect?
[16:32:56] <NezSez> dotslash, which it shoulda been from the first :)
[16:33:00] <jdccdevel> IT_phreak: Don't pay him until we have the name... Surely there's a way this is done. Domain transfers are nothing new.
[16:33:05] <NezSez> dotslash = current
[16:33:15] <IT_phreak> kobach: kobach, no redirects?
[16:33:25] <ipa> ForwardNews.org
[16:33:31] <MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO> Marn: only if John revs up something on the 'old' site will things fragment
[16:33:33] <mechanicjay> The only things that makes sense to pay B. that protects the site's interestes for the furture.
[16:33:34] -!- lhnn [lhnn!~4341dade@mnye-69-05-353-867.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:33:56] <lhnn> So what the hell is going on, and why is it so dramatic?
[16:34:08] <kobach> because lhnn is actually some 12 year old
[16:34:10] <kobach> errr
[16:34:15] <lhnn> ouch
[16:34:18] <Marneus68> not only does it protects the site interests, it seems to be the only mature thing to do
[16:34:18] <kobach> lhnn: because barrabas is actually some 12 year old
[16:34:18] <NezSez> mechanicjay: only if you pay a lawyer, which is more $$$
[16:34:26] <IT_phreak> kobach: damn o_o
[16:34:29] <IT_phreak> on a serious note
[16:34:35] <Marneus68> paying the 2k didn't seem to be on debate, and that seems fair
[16:34:36] <IT_phreak> we should reserve a name
[16:34:37] <kobach> acts like it at least
[16:34:37] <IT_phreak> just in case
[16:34:43] <kobach> IT_phreak: we have names
[16:34:43] <IT_phreak> WE SHOULD RESERVE A NAME. just in case
[16:34:45] <lhnn> I have whackperiod.org
[16:34:49] <IT_phreak> kobach: ok good ty
[16:34:53] <IT_phreak> that's all it matters now
[16:34:54] <Marneus68> everyone has names apparently
[16:34:57] <IT_phreak> so we're even with that motherfucker
[16:35:05] <IT_phreak> Marneus68: nou
[16:35:12] <mechanicjay> NezSez: A notarized "bill of sale" for soylent should protect us, at least go a long way towards it.
[16:35:24] <IT_phreak> i just don't get it
[16:35:28] <IT_phreak> why can't we re-direct the web
[16:35:40] <NezSez> mechanicjay: that's a good idea
[16:35:42] <IT_phreak> doesn't have to own the DNS do we.
[16:35:43] <ipa> why can't you download the internet
[16:35:47] <lhnn> SoylentNews is basically the personal project of Barrabas, legally, right?
[16:35:53] <IT_phreak> lhnn: yes yes and yes
[16:36:03] <mechanicjay> IT_phreak: because soylnet staff has no control of DNS for sn.org at the moment.
[16:36:07] <keick> I have a entire backup on the internet on my servers, just in case.
[16:36:12] <IT_phreak> mechanicjay: god damnit >.>
[16:36:24] <Marneus68> >sn.org
[16:36:33] <IT_phreak> yes SN.org is great
[16:36:33] <Marneus68> apparently that domain is on sale too
[16:36:35] <FoobarBazbot> keick: s/\./!/
[16:36:35] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <keick> I have a entire backup on the intersphere on my servers, just in case!
[16:36:36] <IT_phreak> shorter the name the better
[16:36:39] <FoobarBazbot> keick: s/\./!/
[16:36:39] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <keick> I have a entire backup on the intertubes on my servers, just in case!
[16:36:44] <FoobarBazbot> keick: s/\./!/
[16:36:44] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <keick> I have a entire backup on the intertubes on my servers, just in case!
[16:36:52] <lhnn> So next step is to see about a quasi-live migration of the site and DB to a new server managed by someone else temporarily, get a new domain name stood up, incorporate (LLC at least) and keep all the cool staff and people
[16:36:58] -!- SoyCow5151 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:36:59] <Marneus68> that's not sumb at all
[16:37:06] <keick> I have one 1, and 1 zero.... From that I can recreate it all.
[16:37:17] -!- holycause [holycause!~ae02a832@y2296290n5lv6u94a.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:37:20] <mechanicjay> Soylent staff own the servers that the site on, just have no control over dns or the domain name
[16:37:20] <kobach> lhnn: nothing needs migrated except domain names
[16:37:20] <Marneus68> -sumb +dumb
[16:37:24] <nobbis> lhnn: we have the servers it just the domain name
[16:37:48] <kobach> plus, he may already have the money from soneone else
[16:37:51] <keick> So... is priority to pay-up and keep the domain name, or hunt for a new one?
[16:37:53] <nobbis> kobach: are yo talking to B ?
[16:37:55] <kobach> no
[16:38:01] <IT_phreak> mechanicjay: so john knows he's irrelevant then... matter of time
[16:38:02] <kobach> hes not talking to anyone right now
[16:38:02] <SoyCow0195> First of all, please don't present good name suggestions in public, once consensus starts gathering there will be squatters and the parked prices will go up
[16:38:11] <ipa> www.pipedot.com
[16:38:13] <ipa> just merge with them
[16:38:27] <keick> I know it has been said before, but if someone would establish a tip jar this could be settled in a matter of minutes.
[16:38:43] -!- wjwlsn [wjwlsn!~c04b3096@vat2.ontariopowergeneration.com] has joined #Soylent
[16:38:48] <kobach> right now the problem isthe moral one of paying extortionists
[16:38:48] <mechanicjay> IT_phreak: he's not irrelevant, in that he holds a domain that's generating a couple million page views /day. That's pretty fucking relevant.
[16:38:54] <SoyCow2630> you can't negotiate with terrorists
[16:38:56] <Landon> wjwlsn: you were going to contact john, how did that go?
[16:39:03] <Marneus68> @SoyCow0195: up to now the consensus was : "you find a good name ? buy it and put it up for votation later on"
[16:39:04] <SoyCow0195> Second, please excuse the javascript, but here's another way to assess chat opinion, if you'd be so good and click one of the options http://www.easypolls.net
[16:39:05] <lhnn> well keick it's not entirely the solution, since it seems we're dealing with touchy people
[16:39:30] <wjwlsn> Landon: no response yet, contemplating a followup email but don't want to fill his inbox either
[16:39:41] <lhnn> and ipa who owns pipedot? How long has it been up? Is it incorporated? Will it stumble in similar fashion?
[16:39:47] <SoyCow0195> Marneus68: i'm not willing to field $3000 for my name suggestion, but i'd give $100 instantly
[16:40:00] <SoyCow0195> Marneus68: the rest would have to be crowdsourced
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[16:40:07] <ipa> it hasn't yet... so that's a plus
[16:40:22] <ipa> idk i just heard of it. just throwing it out there
[16:40:33] <keick> I don't buy the 'terrorist' nor the 'touchy' aspect of either party involved. I've read all the public laundry, and none of the requests are outside of normal negotiations.
[16:40:46] <nobbis> calling him names will not help, thats why hes doing this, read his journal
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[16:41:03] <Marneus68> quick question here, where do you guys buy your domain names usually anyway ?
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[16:41:10] <lhnn> name.com
[16:41:15] <keick> name.com
[16:41:18] <Landon> namecheap.com
[16:41:27] <lhnn> nameexpensive.com
[16:41:35] <mechanicjay> noip.com
[16:41:42] <ipa> gomommy.com
[16:41:55] -!- Wenthal has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[16:41:55] <nobbis> a cooling off period and someone who can talk to him would be good
[16:41:59] -!- SoyCow0936 [SoyCow0936!~5c43725a@92.67.jxo.px] has joined #Soylent
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[16:42:04] <lhnn> honestly, you can't go too wrong with name.com; I haven't heard of any shading name-prepurchasing, and their site is pretty intuitive
[16:42:21] <lhnn> I have four domains with them
[16:42:23] -!- DanielDvorkin [DanielDvorkin!~8ce2a962@140.226.woq.jo] has joined #Soylent
[16:42:25] <FoobarBazbot> keick: backing out of an existing agreement to say that whoever ponies up $2k takes it, with no prior notice to the other party that you're abandoning negotiations, doesn't seem like normal negotiations.
[16:42:35] -!- ipa has quit []
[16:42:42] <keick> they (name.com) are supported by nearly every hosting service as well.
[16:42:44] <MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO> Agreed, foobar
[16:43:09] <keick> Foobar: I didn't read that part, where was that posted?
[16:43:16] -!- Francois has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:43:17] <lhnn> So who is in administrative control of the website (httpd/mysql) servers?
[16:43:30] <kobach> the rest of the staff
[16:43:58] <coward_2> http://soylentnews.org
[16:44:00] <FoobarBazbot> keick: Barrabas's latest journal contains the backout/change
[16:44:06] -!- goodi [goodi!~607fc297@96.127.kns.ujp] has joined #Soylent
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[16:44:50] <FoobarBazbot> As for the lack of prior notice... all I have is that NCommander was very surprised this morning when he learned of that.
[16:44:52] <keick> Yeah Ok, that part was a little hot-headed I'll admit.
[16:45:16] <Alberto> bacon++
[16:45:16] <DramaLlama> karma - bacon: 149
[16:45:25] <lhnn> SN Staff, how much a month are the servers costing?
[16:45:29] <NezSez> it's the DNS registry that is an issue, cause he paid for it I assume; he stated he gave all passwords to the appropriate ppl so access and system control shouldn't be an issue
[16:45:30] <FoobarBazbot> Which he presumably wouldn't have been, had he been given notice that negotiations were being cancelled.
[16:46:01] <keick> I'm guessing he changed the dns passwords when the check didn't come?
[16:46:12] <kobach> well he was told wait
[16:46:31] <NezSez> but he retains control of the domain name as he is listed as the contact with the registrar
[16:46:34] <NCommander> I'm not in the United States
[16:46:40] <lhnn> How much are 7m pageviews with a dynamic frontpage costing to keep up? It'd be interesting to know. Also, is all the modified SN slashcode on a repo?
[16:46:40] <NCommander> My bank doesn't exist in this country
[16:46:44] <NCommander> I won't be state side for another week
[16:46:45] -!- SoyCow5639 [SoyCow5639!~1485000d@jadjjx-jmqnl-yce2-wzy.zqwdrqsz.com] has joined #Soylent
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[16:47:02] -!- SoyCow2489 [SoyCow2489!~9d161493@157.22.wl.jgr] has joined #Soylent
[16:47:03] <FoobarBazbot> keick, at one point, NCommander communicated that he couldn't make the payment until he returned to the states, and Barrabas noted and agreed to that.
[16:47:03] <keick> If I had the money available... i'd send him his 2K just to donate it back... So again, why not a tip jar?
[16:47:17] <MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO> "We've Been Held Hostage" just slipped down the index to post 2 FYI
[16:47:31] <NCommander> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: mattie_p feels that we shouldn't be drumming drama
[16:47:31] -!- SoyCow2489 has quit [Client Quit]
[16:47:37] <NCommander> TBH, I regret making that post
[16:47:49] <keick> Yeah I read he was out-of-area. Is there a HTTP result code for that?
[16:47:55] <FoobarBazbot> So Barrabas's not having gotten a check wasn't/shouldn't have been a surprise -- he knew it, he agreed to it.
[16:47:57] <NCommander> keick: 402 Payment Required
[16:47:59] -!- gishzida [gishzida!~443616c2@r-41-32-00-927.hsd4.sc.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:48:03] <keick> LOL
[16:48:24] -!- TK-420 [TK-420!~47d63ebc@61-809-76-392.clsp.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:48:30] <MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO> NC: I think you were spot-on making it - no regrets here
[16:48:30] -!- TehSoyCow has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[16:48:41] <NCommander> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: well, I got as far as pulling up the index
[16:48:44] <Marneus68> @NCommander: and that's a pretty good thing. The whole "don't post news on our news site" thing was a bit worrying to me.
[16:48:45] <NCommander> 138 comments
[16:48:46] <nobbis> NC why not take it off the front page
[16:48:52] <NCommander> I'm afraid to click the link
[16:49:02] -!- wboelen [wboelen!~wboelen@f99m5i131.access.telenet.be] has joined #Soylent
[16:49:07] <NCommander> nobbis: I bailed out on this issue. The staff and community willd ecide the course of action
[16:49:17] <NCommander> I can't be neutral on this, and John and I can't talk without bloodshed
[16:49:29] <NCommander> FOr this incident, mattie_p has full authority
[16:49:33] <nobbis> NC fair enough, take a break, things will be ok
[16:49:37] <keick> Maybe its all a big trick to get membership up :) 138 comments on an article is epic for SN :)
[16:49:47] <NCommander> I think the record is low 200s
[16:49:59] <quitte> NCommander: don't worry. SN is siding with you, too in those comments. protesters are a tiny fraction.
[16:50:04] <SoyCow0195> NCommander: you're doing well, just a question: apart from vision and direction, are there any technical issues between you and John?
[16:50:19] <kobach> attn #Soylent: http://farm8.staticflickr.com
[16:50:27] <NCommander> kobach: what is it?
[16:50:30] <kobach> bacon
[16:50:31] <kobach> dont click it
[16:50:34] * NCommander is in public, is hestiant to click links
[16:50:40] <DramaLlama> [poutine] kobach, cooked perfectly, but shitty quality
[16:50:42] <NCommander> kobach: thanks, I'm in a country where people don't eat pork
[16:50:43] <lhnn> that was dangerous to click at work
[16:50:45] <kobach> oh ok click it, show everyone
[16:50:47] <DramaLlama> [poutine] try boars head black labe
[16:50:48] <DramaLlama> [poutine] l
[16:50:52] <kobach> boars head is shit
[16:50:55] <kobach> enjoy your shit bacon
[16:51:00] <lhnn> HEB applewood smoked thick cut
[16:51:01] <NezSez> who is Peter Walsh? (listed as the registrant for soylentnews.org) is he with SN staff or linode?
[16:51:07] <DramaLlama> [poutine] Are you kidding me? The bacon you showed is cafeteria bacon
[16:51:13] <DramaLlama> [poutine] you get better bacon at bob evans
[16:51:14] <quitte> NCommander: print the nested view?
[16:51:22] <kobach> no, its from a local baconmaster
[16:51:23] <kobach> .quiet DramaLlama
[16:51:23] -!- mode/#Soylent [+q *!*@Soylent/Bot/Bender] by BaconTree
[16:51:35] <FoobarBazbot> poutine--
[16:51:36] <kobach> poutine--
[16:51:39] <kobach> nobody cares
[16:51:40] <Landon> kobach: wtf
[16:51:49] <xlefay> kobach++ tho ;]
[16:51:54] <wjwlsn> Sent another email to John with my offer. Waiting for response.
[16:51:57] <kobach> Landon: fix it if you want it changed
[16:52:02] <kobach> nobody likes poutine
[16:52:08] <kobach> except you, hater of bacon
[16:52:13] <xlefay> LOL
[16:52:13] <kobach> :)
[16:52:15] <Landon> .unquiet DramaLlama
[16:52:15] -!- mode/#Soylent [-q *!*@Soylent/Bot/Bender] by BaconTree
[16:52:16] <FoobarBazbot> poutine--
[16:52:16] <DramaLlama> karma - poutine: -273
[16:52:18] <DramaLlama> [poutine] I don't know why, I clearly was right about SN things
[16:52:27] <nobbis> wjwlsn: i think there are a lot of hurt feelings, some cooling off is needed
[16:52:30] <DramaLlama> [poutine] SN is being held hostage, lol
[16:52:35] <lhnn> What is the architecture of the site? Any HA, load balancing of web end / DB? What's the monthly hosting cost?
[16:52:41] <FoobarBazbot> DramaLlama: s/e/g/
[16:52:41] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <DramaLlama> [pouting] SN is being held hostage, lol
[16:52:58] -!- SoyCow6342 [SoyCow6342!~cc329409@204.50.lkg.l] has joined #Soylent
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[16:53:29] <keick> One day will all look back on this moment and say 'WTF'.... Oh wait that day it today
[16:53:40] <keick> -it +is
[16:53:41] <FoobarBazbot> WTF
[16:53:44] <wjwlsn> nobbis: Possibly.
[16:53:53] <DramaLlama> [poutine] Are people really going crazy over $100 or so?
[16:53:58] <wjwlsn> nobbis: not sure more cool off time is going to help
[16:54:01] <nobbis> wjwlsn: so you might have a wait
[16:54:17] <wjwlsn> nobbis: understood
[16:55:04] <keick> Most of his post was relatively cool natured, but that last paragraph.... wow. But we all have a temper and say things we might not truly mean. So a little time and patience is going to be needed with all.
[16:55:37] <keick> no NCommander's post, but John's
[16:55:46] <keick> not NCommander's post, but John's
[16:55:52] -!- willyg_cos [willyg_cos!~joeuser@06-377-63-214.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:55:59] <keick> can't type worth a darn today
[16:56:14] -!- xlefay [xlefay!~xlefay@Soylent/Staff/IRC/xlefay] has parted #Soylent
[16:56:17] FoobarBazbot is now known as FoobarBazbot|afk
[16:56:25] -!- SoyCow6209 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[16:56:28] SoyCow1057 is now known as E
[16:57:13] <jdccdevel> Question... Who owns sylnt.us ?
[16:57:36] -!- MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[16:57:49] <nobbis> seems to me that we are ok, there are people willing to pay if needed, if not we change the name to bacongoat.cx
[16:58:02] <NCommander> I'll pay the blood money if it comes to that.
[16:58:09] -!- GeminiDomino [GeminiDomino!~4700f68a@fx-85-2-148-535.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:58:10] <Landon> jdccdevel: I do
[16:58:15] <kobach> NCommander: you're supposed to be taking a break, getout
[16:58:27] <lhnn> I will commit to up to $400 to secure a domain and proper SSL certification across the properties, in exchange for involvement
[16:58:31] <Landon> (and I'd be glad to get it off of my name, due to .us strict whois regulations)
[16:58:32] <DramaLlama> [poutine] bacongoat? what if pork products are banned in your country?
[16:58:34] <SoyCow7199> good idea
[16:58:37] <jdccdevel> Cool, just curious.
[16:59:12] <nobbis> poutine : thens its veg bacon
[16:59:27] <nobbis> and veg goat
[16:59:31] <SoyCow0195> $100 in exchange for no involvement whatsoever for me. for a new domain name preferrably, but if it must be for buying out the current one
[16:59:31] <Scareb> Bacongoat is too stringy anyway
[16:59:32] <nobbis> and veg cx
[16:59:43] <jdccdevel> Landon: Yeah, .ca has those too.
[17:00:08] <keick> It seems a large portion of the contended funds are over Linode's. Has anyone contacted Linode about it? Was there a segregation of private vs hosted nodes?
[17:00:28] <NCommander> keick: I need John to do that
[17:00:31] <NCommander> Its on his account
[17:00:36] <NCommander> Which is why I brought that up on his email
[17:00:52] <NCommander> keick: I can't contact him as its his account
[17:01:02] <lhnn> NCommander: Which is why I'm asking if the admins have backups of the site we could stand up elsewhere
[17:01:30] <SoyCow0195> NCommander: if we transfer soon and don't use up too much of the linode time, i assume you (or someone of the staff) could reasonably talk to linode
[17:01:30] <NCommander> lhnn: John has no access to the production linodes
[17:01:32] * BaconTree whips #Soylent with bacon
[17:01:43] <keick> I couldn't figure out who was claiming ownership of the nodes, it sounded like there were two seperate sets and that the site was already migrated off Linode.
[17:01:44] <NCommander> We were split across two accounts
[17:01:51] <NCommander> What is soylentnews.org was on my linode account
[17:02:03] <NCommander> What was stuff like the wiki and forums and a bunch of other stuff we didn't use was on John's
[17:02:27] <NCommander> When John resigned, I consolated all services to one account, but found out he bought annual services on his account
[17:02:30] <NCommander> Then asked me to cover it.
[17:02:39] <keick> Roger, that's what I thought. Wonder why his Linode's were so dang expensive for such little load.
[17:02:54] -!- SoyCow7652 [SoyCow7652!~54764d73@ng-05-134-29-567.unity-media.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:02:57] -!- random_anon_cow [random_anon_cow!~c200c69c@194.0.mrp.vlj] has joined #Soylent
[17:02:58] <NCommander> keick: beside he paid for a year. If he talks to linode he probably can either get a refund or site credit
[17:03:12] <NCommander> I *can* cover the money if it comes to that, but I intended to talk to him about it. Instead ... this happened.
[17:03:15] <lhnn> Why the hell would you pay annual for hosting? That's so 2000. Most places charge by the effin' hour.
[17:03:24] <kobach> lol
[17:03:25] <keick> Ahh... But if he's transfered you, then you should have the right to ask for a cancelation... and the refund would go back to him?
[17:03:32] <SoyCow0195> So cover it and then talk to linode. Will probably work out better than an unmotivated John sitting on it for several days. Yeah, it's cleaning his laundry, but might be the most prudent option.
[17:03:32] <DramaLlama> [poutine] linode you get up to 30% off for prepaying for the year
[17:03:42] <DramaLlama> [poutine] I pay yearly at linode
[17:03:43] <Landon> poutine is roughly correct
[17:03:45] <NezSez> lhnn: Barrabas said he got a 10% discount for annual
[17:03:49] <lhnn> ah.
[17:03:51] -!- SoyCow3458 [SoyCow3458!~61762ff3@06-377-63-214.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:04:01] <Landon> there's no discount for doing linode metered if you're not going to start/stop instances rapidly
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[17:04:04] <NCommander> poutine: correct, but we didn't need 6 Linode 1024s
[17:04:12] <DramaLlama> [poutine] I agree ncommander
[17:04:17] <DramaLlama> [poutine] it should be able to run on their lowest tier
[17:04:24] <DramaLlama> [poutine] a single one, maybe add a second for redundancy
[17:04:26] <Landon> 1024 is their lowest tier nowadays
[17:04:27] <NCommander> poutine: we merged everyone to one
[17:04:30] <DramaLlama> [poutine] but not needed for load
[17:04:38] -!- SoyCow4073 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:04:42] <keick> That's not a bad idea, pay John and get the refund from Linode. We AREN'T asking you to cover this alone... Through up a startup expenses tip jar.
[17:04:46] <NCommander> There's a reason I'm having issues with the expenses, and that was it. I was hoping we could cancel the linodes, and either get a refund or site credit
[17:05:03] -!- Robotron has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:05:09] -!- SoyCow3304 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:05:10] <NCommander> And then get that applied to the site linodes, and the misc server (which has the wiki, and the soon to be dead forums)
[17:05:11] <DramaLlama> [poutine] I know linode staff, I think it's going to be difficult to get a refund for something someone bought, especially if you're not that someone
[17:05:12] <SoyCow0195> We can if we buy out John
[17:05:14] <keick> The tip jar doesn't have to be for anything other than startup expenses... Limit the donations to 3K.
[17:05:32] <DramaLlama> [poutine] you might be able to get them to change it
[17:05:38] <DramaLlama> [poutine] like 1 linode 1024 for 3 years
[17:05:40] <DramaLlama> [poutine] or or something
[17:05:52] <DramaLlama> [poutine] but I sincerely doubt you'll receive money back
[17:05:54] <NCommander> poutine: that's what I figured. What I hoped was a credit, then have it moved to a different account, mostly to pay for the production linodes (2048s at the moment, going to be upgraded soon)
[17:06:16] <keick> 1 for 3 years wouldn't be bad... But NCmdr doesn't need to shell out that money all on his own here.
[17:06:24] <NCommander> keick: this was between me and John
[17:06:29] <DramaLlama> [poutine] well someone who has a vested interest in the project should
[17:06:29] <NCommander> I will not ask others to fix my mistakes
[17:06:31] -!- SoyCow1637 [SoyCow1637!~62f7795c@z-40-194-528-32.hsd3.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:06:32] <DramaLlama> [poutine] if nobody has that vested interest
[17:06:36] <DramaLlama> [poutine] the project is not worth continuing
[17:06:51] <DramaLlama> [poutine] running a business, non-profit or not is not a free endeavor
[17:06:53] <SatRider> maybe someone from linode is a S/N user and can help sort things out?
[17:07:08] <DramaLlama> [poutine] linode has an irc channel, I suggest posing your problem there
[17:07:15] <DramaLlama> [poutine] to figure out possibilities first off
[17:07:24] <gishzida> Anyone who spends any time on SN has a vested interest
[17:07:52] <NCommander> poutine: right now, the ball is in John's course. We have a neutral party as a gobetween and an email been firing off, as well as an attempt to get face to face contact
[17:08:02] <lhnn> It sounds like I could personally fund the project for at least 6 months, as could NCommander , but barrabas bought more than necessary
[17:08:08] <keick> http://chat.sylnt.us too true
[17:08:09] -!- frojack has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:08:16] <lhnn> it's not "We won't put up the money" it's "I don't want to pay for shit I don't need"
[17:08:17] <keick> wait, what was that link?
[17:08:18] <keick> ug
[17:08:24] <NCommander> For $2k, I could run SoylentNews for six months at current prices
[17:08:41] <NCommander> Ther ewas a ton of stupid spending
[17:08:45] <NCommander> Not to menthon the "gift"
[17:08:51] * NCommander really is irked by that
[17:08:58] <keick> Someone bought a Senator?
[17:09:14] <NezSez> yeah, what the heck was the pimsleur spanish for?????
[17:09:23] <NCommander> NezSez: it was a gift for me, as I was studying spanish
[17:09:28] <kobach> keick: nope, 3 representatives
[17:09:30] <NCommander> gift in the sense he charged it to SN.
[17:09:43] -!- goodi [goodi!~607fc297@96.127.kns.ujp] has joined #Soylent
[17:09:44] <kobach> :)
[17:09:45] <DramaLlama> [poutine] I take such pleasure in i-told-you-sos, but I'm still confused why people thought Barabbas was the direction this project wanted to go in the first place, before you guys even downloaded slashcode, barrabas had said he expected to make 10 million USD out of the project
[17:09:54] -!- SoyCow6829 [SoyCow6829!~4d7d96d2@77.125.zyy.vky] has joined #Soylent
[17:10:03] <NezSez> NC: ah, have you tried rossettastone ?
[17:10:09] <keick> So spanish lessons was the 'bloodmoney'.
[17:10:13] <NCommander> NezSez: yes, and it wasn't worth the money
[17:10:18] <DramaLlama> [poutine] also he planned on steaming forward with a trademark infringing name, with the plan that when he received a cease-and-desist, he'd just give up the domain name
[17:10:18] <SatRider> OK, John may have purchased somethng not useful but it's safe to say that he did it in good faith, so I believe he deserve money back
[17:10:44] <NCommander> SatRider: we told him not to. Nothing of this was discussed, it just magically showed up on the expenses page
[17:10:46] <NezSez> NC: I've used them both for varous languages, doing Tagalog now :)
[17:10:48] <keick> Yeah, that whole 10M thing put me off for a while. He most obviously wanted a company out of the deal.
[17:10:58] <FatPhil> put me off too
[17:10:59] <NezSez> NC: I detested rosettastone FTR
[17:11:11] <goodi> hear hear
[17:11:18] <DramaLlama> [SoylentNews] - Fukushima: Residents Set To Return - http://sylnt.us - take-me-home-country-roads
[17:11:21] <NCommander> I could go into detail on what happened behind the scenes, but what's the point
[17:11:24] <nobbis> please don't get bogged down in the expenses, people want a return to normal
[17:11:26] <robind> ugh this is so pointless. very dissapointing.
[17:11:29] <NCommander> Frankly, I wanted this dead horse gone so ages
[17:11:40] <nobbis> then let it go
[17:12:15] <NCommander> I'm not voting on this issue at the moment. Whatever the staff and mattie_p decide will happen. If a check gets sent, it will be sent at the first possible moment
[17:12:15] <keick> There is no point NCommander. Lets keep it on the level, and figure out how to move the negotiations forward. I assume mattie_p is on it like stink on sh*t.
[17:13:08] <Landon> in other news
[17:13:09] <NCommander> poutine: you have good points a lot of the time. I do generally listen to what you say, even if I don't directly respond.
[17:13:09] <goodi> whatever John's reasons were, he's out (or soon to be out) of the picture, ie not worth it.
[17:13:09] -!- SoyCow4298 [SoyCow4298!~bd4cd6fe@ecqytbx.wkve.net.br] has joined #Soylent
[17:13:10] <Landon> https://github.com
[17:13:11] <Landon> fascinating
[17:13:15] <NezSez> NC: check out Anki for vocab training, free python program http://ankisrs.net
[17:13:22] <NCommander> NezSez: got it, use it, love it
[17:13:25] * NCommander also uses DuoLingo
[17:13:27] <holycause> +1 for anki
[17:13:31] -!- TK-420 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:13:33] <keick> Speaking of staff... How does one become staff? I'd like to toss in $500 to be staff.... In the hopes that one day this will be a 10M company LOL
[17:13:35] <keick> Just kidding...
[17:13:45] <Landon> keick: find some bit of the site you want to contribute to
[17:14:26] -!- neuromancer [neuromancer!~bd708f3a@um-pmxk.cast.com.br] has joined #Soylent
[17:14:34] <keick> It was a joke... I'm an embedded guy, websites are voodoo
[17:14:52] <nobbis> write some submissions then
[17:15:31] <lhnn> Landon: apparently money would be part of it to contribute to
[17:15:40] <Alberto> keick, ask kobach for his paypal account
[17:15:43] <keick> Yeah maybe... But I did imply that I'm an engineer, so the 'days of grammer has went'.
[17:15:44] <Alberto> he wants money
[17:15:54] <NezSez> NC: I'll check out duolingo, i'm interested in brazilian portuguese :)
[17:15:55] <Landon> lhnn: heh, pay to play in #staff? :)
[17:16:05] <nobbis> keick: you'll fit right in
[17:16:13] * quitte would like to hear something new about the amd arm processor
[17:16:16] <NezSez> LOL keick
[17:16:31] <keick> thanks, i think
[17:16:45] <nobbis> :D
[17:16:49] -!- SoyCow5639 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:16:51] -!- Teppy [Teppy!~4b9514f6@34-803-91-262-voobbxqrzxoy.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:16:55] <Alberto> crutchy when you read this enter to #Drama so we can do some Hamlet stuff there! :P
[17:16:57] <gishzida> got three domains I can donate if needed
[17:17:08] -!- SoyCow7487 [SoyCow7487!~a9ed39fb@rsl.ucdavis.edu] has joined #Soylent
[17:17:20] <Teppy> How much money is needed to save things?
[17:17:34] -!- SoyCow7199 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[17:17:41] <goodi> 2k
[17:17:42] LaminatorX is now known as LaminatorX|afk
[17:17:43] <keick> around 2k at last total
[17:17:53] <keick> but a lot of it is 'weird'
[17:17:56] -!- SoyCow6829 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:18:00] <lhnn> LOL NCommander might want to set up a donation box, you have $2k in donations sitting RIGHT HERE on this channel
[17:18:07] -!- SoyCow7487 has quit [Client Quit]
[17:18:34] <keick> if I had a dime for every time someone suggested a tip jar... i'd have about 2k i think
[17:18:43] -!- ElderGeek [ElderGeek!~ElderGeek@gvfr.northriverboats.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:18:43] -!- SoyCow5492 [SoyCow5492!~a9ed09e0@jhms790.ucdavis.edu] has joined #Soylent
[17:18:49] <lhnn> keick: I know
[17:18:56] <Teppy> I enjoy the site. I'd be willing to do some or all of that if it can be done in Bitcoins.
[17:19:06] <mattie_p> Please vote: http://soylentnews.org
[17:19:06] <wjwlsn> keick: probably a lot more, actually
[17:19:26] <goodi> hey, my poll idea is somewhat useful after all ;)
[17:19:29] <kobach> anyone who wants to donate to an anonymous fund to be used for somewhat site related purchases, pm me
[17:19:36] <robind> the 2k number is 100% BS
[17:19:39] <kobach> and ill give you my paypal
[17:19:49] <Alberto> Change the name
[17:19:49] -!- song-of-the-pogo [song-of-the-pogo!~song-of-t@Soylent/Users/1315/song-of-the-pogo] has joined #Soylent
[17:19:54] <Alberto> don't give a cent!
[17:19:56] <kobach> Alberto: vote it
[17:19:58] <holycause> third option: pay john and ditch the name
[17:19:58] <goodi> for sure it's BS
[17:20:07] <Alberto> i did kobach
[17:20:12] -!- ElderGeek has quit [Client Quit]
[17:20:21] <NezSez> mattie: couldn't a third option be pay barrabas *AND* get a new name?
[17:20:23] <keick> so kobach is collecting funds via paypal?
[17:20:24] <goodi> the guy wants the money he thinks he should have gotten + expenses or something
[17:20:31] <kobach> keick: for my personal site related expenses yes
[17:20:37] <lhnn> Option four: Clone the site, grab the DB, get a new name and run it proper
[17:20:38] -!- SoyCow1637 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:20:46] <mattie_p> we're going to solicit proposals for the new name anyway
[17:20:48] <Alberto> SoyLent is soo drama right now, new name, new face, no crap
[17:20:49] -!- SoyCow1908 [SoyCow1908!~4e1b067c@18-86-8-026.dsl.alice.nl] has joined #Soylent
[17:20:55] <lhnn> purchase by the month, get a core team responsible for funds and hosting
[17:21:04] <NezSez> mattie: ah, so desu yo
[17:21:06] <Alberto> clean the house of the bad spirits
[17:21:06] -!- ElderGeek [ElderGeek!~ElderGeek@gvfr.northriverboats.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:21:10] <goodi> I mean come on, some fo those estimates are just complete out of your ass shit
[17:21:21] <goodi> *spreads salt*
[17:21:22] <NezSez> that was japanese ftr
[17:21:22] <mattie_p> doesn't really matter at this point goodi
[17:21:24] <keick> kobach: how much to looking for? PM your email
[17:21:45] <goodi> I know... just having a hard time moving on too I guess ;)
[17:21:45] <Teppy> Anyway, i'm not up on the politics, but if I can be of help with money (Bitcoins though), have the people in charge contact me. I run the online game Dragon's Tale. (Bitcoin-only gambling MMORPG.)
[17:21:46] <mattie_p> NezSez I figured as much
[17:21:55] -!- SoyCow8046 [SoyCow8046!~53fa74c0@p35-102-563-049.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #Soylent
[17:22:26] <NezSez> mattie: well it looked like bad english typo so I clarified :)
[17:22:33] * NCommander is back from smoking
[17:22:43] <Alberto> NCommander, what are you smoking?! :D
[17:22:47] <goodi> lol
[17:22:48] <NCommander> Alberto: tobacco
[17:22:50] <keick> Pot is legal in your country :)
[17:22:57] <Alberto> NCommander, NJ!
[17:22:58] <NCommander> keick: in Mayasia
[17:23:13] <lhnn> NCommander: don't get on any planes
[17:23:24] <goodi> Just thought the same thing...
[17:23:27] <keick> I think at this point... Alcohol is the only real solution
[17:23:29] <quitte> can't drop a butt, but weeds legal? weird country
[17:23:32] <NezSez> NC: and don't lose your passport!
[17:23:42] <goodi> seriously talking about tech how the fuck do you just lose a plane?
[17:24:03] <kobach> the ocean swallows it
[17:24:05] <kobach> thats how
[17:24:07] <keick> don't get caught, or you'll be 'Made in Maylasia'
[17:24:07] <GeminiDomino> goodi: They like to hide behind lamp posts. Like elephants
[17:24:09] <kobach> keick: i sent you a pm
[17:24:13] <Konomi> someone needs to rebump the news post two stories are above it
[17:24:21] <kobach> Konomi: no
[17:24:26] <Konomi> hmm?
[17:24:27] <goodi> nope moving on!
[17:24:31] <Konomi> oh okay
[17:24:33] <keick> Lat I saw it, it was right there on the tarmac I swear
[17:24:41] <mattie_p> Konomi we're allowing it to drop now
[17:24:42] <goodi> and we're gonna get our asses probed out before they can run a fucking query against a database of stolen passports...
[17:24:42] -!- random_anon_cow has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:24:49] <mattie_p> But check the poll
[17:25:04] <NCommander> goodi: seriously, don't joke about that
[17:25:07] <mattie_p> http://soylentnews.org
[17:25:08] * NCommander is IN Mayasia
[17:25:13] <Konomi> mattie_p: I still see the old poll about stories
[17:25:21] <NCommander> And I flew the opposite direction the day that plane disappeared
[17:25:32] <mattie_p> Konomi the poll section seems to cache longer than the rest of the site
[17:25:33] <NCommander> I might have freaked out on hearing about it
[17:25:39] <Alberto> NCommander, or Malasia?
[17:25:40] <Marneus68> I don't get it, why is "not paying the guy" still an option ?
[17:25:40] <keick> kobach: here, or on SN?
[17:25:41] <goodi> wasn't joking actually
[17:25:45] <Konomi> ctrl+f5ed it pft
[17:25:45] <kobach> keick: here
[17:26:06] <goodi> I am very serious. I just wonder how that happens. None of the "news" articles I've been through explain how that happens
[17:26:07] <NCommander> Alberto: er, Malasia
[17:26:09] -!- SoyCow9330 [SoyCow9330!~cf6bf192@cqig6.goodfellowinc.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:26:11] * NCommander can't spell it seems
[17:26:15] <keick> Ug, I opened it and it's blank. Does the tab have to be open first?
[17:26:24] <Alberto> NCommander, is the pot
[17:26:30] <Alberto> NCommander, stop smoking that
[17:26:33] <GeminiDomino> Marneus68: Why wouldn't it be?
[17:26:48] -!- SoyCow7359 [SoyCow7359!~bda901a1@189.169.v.moi] has joined #Soylent
[17:26:49] <Alberto> NCommander, you may dump a backup to /dev/null by mistake
[17:26:50] <kobach> keick: im not sure, ive never used webchat
[17:27:00] <mattie_p> he has control over the domain name and that is about it, Marneus68
[17:27:14] <NCommander> Alberto: nope, I'm smoking cigarettes
[17:27:21] -!- willyg_cos has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[17:27:28] <holycause> that doesn't really explain why "not paying him" is an option imho
[17:27:31] <kobach> Alberto: you may have him confused with me
[17:27:33] <kobach> :p
[17:27:37] <Marneus68> @GeminiDomino: because apparently some people agreed to pay it public, not honouring that promise would be kind of a dick move
[17:27:40] -!- derp has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:27:51] <Alberto> sense-of-humour--
[17:27:52] <Marneus68> publicly*
[17:27:58] <Alberto> senseofhumour--
[17:27:58] <DramaLlama> karma - senseofhumour: -1
[17:28:00] -!- SoyCow5492 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:28:11] <Alberto> pot++
[17:28:11] <DramaLlama> karma - pot: 1
[17:28:11] <GeminiDomino> Marneus68: More or less dickish than "padding" the costs?
[17:28:20] <Alberto> cigarettes--
[17:28:20] <DramaLlama> karma - cigarettes: -1
[17:28:22] <Alberto> done
[17:28:23] <Alberto> :p
[17:28:46] -!- dan [dan!~McD@g-19-797-233-670.hsd0.nj.comcast.net] has parted #Soylent
[17:28:51] <lhnn> hm.
[17:28:52] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[17:29:06] <Marneus68> the question of the padding seems to be something different entirely, howver it seems that there is an agreement in place to pay the 2k already
[17:29:08] -!- SoyCow3906 [SoyCow3906!~421221fd@bskzgf-zfhe-49-46-16-531.epbinternet.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:29:23] -!- Silentknyght [Silentknyght!~c01c000f@192.28.x.nu] has joined #Soylent
[17:29:50] <Marneus68> making "not paying the guy" an option and displaying it publicly could harm SL's public himage
[17:29:53] <NCommander> Alberto: they have the death penality for that here
[17:29:54] <NezSez> bbl
[17:29:58] -!- NezSez has quit []
[17:30:04] <GeminiDomino> Marneus68: I seem to have missed that, since the latest in this round of drama seems to be that the suspicion of padding started all of this.
[17:30:07] <Alberto> NCommander, damn!
[17:30:20] <kobach> Alberto: malaysia doesnt fuck around
[17:30:23] <kobach> nor does singapore
[17:30:24] -!- Teppy has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:30:35] <NCommander> or China, or Thailand
[17:30:42] <kobach> or russia
[17:30:46] <Marneus68> weren't the 2k already mention in the previous drama post already ?
[17:30:47] * NCommander is officially reclused from this debate
[17:30:57] <NCommander> Aside from writing a check, I'm not involved
[17:31:09] -!- SoyCow7652 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:31:27] -!- SoyCow9330 [SoyCow9330!~cf6bf192@cqig6.goodfellowinc.com] has parted #Soylent
[17:31:34] <GeminiDomino> AIUI, the solid numbers are what's in question, and the 2k includes things like excessive and unneeded Linodes, and making NC pay for his own "thank you" gift.
[17:31:42] <Alberto> http://www.theweedblog.com
[17:31:52] <NCommander> GeminiDomino: that's basically it
[17:31:53] <Alberto> Arabs are the worsth as usual
[17:32:04] <kobach> yea well
[17:32:08] <GeminiDomino> He already agreed to pay for the uncontested costs of a couple of hundred.
[17:32:09] <kobach> im a 10hr drive from colorado
[17:32:10] <NCommander> If it was 2k in crystal clear expenses, the check would be already written.
[17:32:13] <lhnn> I have pointed whackperiod.org to the site, along with irc and wiki subdomains
[17:32:16] <robind> it's 2k in BS
[17:32:20] <kobach> ^
[17:32:21] <robind> it's 2k in ransom
[17:32:24] <kobach> ^
[17:32:28] <robind> i don't negotiate with terrorists
[17:32:38] -!- goodi has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:32:43] <lhnn> http://whackperiod.org
[17:32:47] <robind> lol
[17:32:57] -!- goodi [goodi!~607fc297@96.127.kns.ujp] has joined #Soylent
[17:33:05] * NCommander really at this point feels he's utterly failed the community, and has been too transparent
[17:33:11] <mattie_p> Individuals may have already made an offer to buy the site. I can't control that. But what I can control is how the staff responds
[17:33:13] <robind> nah whatever dude
[17:33:14] <robind> you did ok
[17:33:18] <GeminiDomino> Oh gods, we're gonna get a LOT of drive by hits on that one, and it ain't gonna be tech-news they'er looking for, lhnn. XD
[17:33:21] <mattie_p> and we want to present a unified face on this
[17:33:24] <holycause> too transparent? I disagree
[17:33:29] <Alberto> NCommander, is the price of future success
[17:33:30] <lhnn> GeminiDomino: LMAO
[17:33:30] <robind> personally I would've smacked the shit out of John
[17:33:44] <lhnn> HAHA
[17:33:46] <Alberto> NCommander, every single billonaire (as me) did have the same problems
[17:33:46] <Alberto> :D
[17:33:50] <lhnn> seriously I didn't see that one
[17:34:03] <GeminiDomino> NCommander: Gods, no. "Too transparent?" The hell with that.
[17:34:18] <keick> For a $10M company, why are we still b*tch'n about 2k?
[17:34:24] <Marneus68> mattie_p: "we want to present a unified face on this", that's the spirit, then why give the impression people don't want to pay on that damn pool
[17:34:26] -!- FuckBeta [FuckBeta!~2ef62bfc@46.246.jt.umw] has joined #Soylent
[17:34:35] -!- SoyCow4108 [SoyCow4108!~632ae9c1@41-37-873-238.lightspeed.mssnks.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:34:51] <keick> By "unified face" you mean your gonna tea-bag him?
[17:35:07] <FatPhil> Marneus68: because some people don't want to pay.
[17:35:07] <NCommander> Marneus68: because the problem was the amount. I already agreed $500 USD was completely legit. Part of the Linode expenses however was already paid by me, and its not clear where that line is
[17:35:16] <GeminiDomino> Marneus68: Because there *are* people in the community who think paying out is a bad idea, and the whole point is it's a community site
[17:35:30] -!- thezbyg [thezbyg!~4e3fed63@78.63.lml.in] has joined #Soylent
[17:35:31] <FatPhil> Poll is the right way to go
[17:35:33] -!- MrBluze_ [MrBluze_!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #Soylent
[17:35:33] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v MrBluze_] by BaconTree
[17:35:36] <mattie_p> Marneus68: he already refused what we feel to be a reasonable counter offer
[17:35:37] <NCommander> Christ
[17:35:48] <FuckBeta> Sorry for the issues you guys are having. Its unfortunate when a collaborative effort turns to bickering and fracturing. All the best to NCommander
[17:35:51] <mattie_p> Marneus at this point we pay him all or we pay him none
[17:35:54] <holycause> http://soylentnews.org
[17:35:59] <keick> did he counter-counter offer or stale mate?
[17:36:03] <holycause> the vote sure turned around in the past half hour or so
[17:36:10] <NCommander> keick: he posted the email to the site, then ransomed us
[17:36:12] <mattie_p> keick his counter offer was posted in his journal
[17:36:23] <n1> from when i first saw what was going on in ##altslashdot on freenode
[17:36:28] <goodi> did he ever produce any fucking paperwork for his claims?\
[17:36:29] <n1> john always seemed to be about the money
[17:36:35] -!- paulej72|sleeping [paulej72|sleeping!paulej72s@esh-waj.Princeton.EDU] has joined #Soylent
[17:36:38] <keick> Wow, the poll did invert quickly
[17:36:41] * NCommander notes he intends us to be a non-for-profit
[17:36:41] <goodi> yep
[17:36:51] <NCommander> No one going to get rich off this site
[17:36:58] <NCommander> At best, we might have some paid staff (i.e., dev work)
[17:37:01] <Marneus68> that makes sense, but I fear that may harm the public image of the site and the community as a whole.
[17:37:04] <holycause> wasn't john always insistent on monetising these efforts?
[17:37:08] <FuckBeta> This is what happened over at the other place. Greed.
[17:37:11] <stdhell> goodi: No, not really. There's a wiki page with some numbers. Some of them seems a bit high.
[17:37:13] <FuckBeta> The human condition.
[17:37:18] <FuckBeta> Now, start up costs were agreed,.
[17:37:20] <n1> NCommander, most of the other people on your team seem to be good with non-profit
[17:37:20] -!- paulej72 [paulej72!paulej72@Soylent/Staff/Developer/paulej72] has joined #Soylent
[17:37:20] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v paulej72] by BaconTree
[17:37:22] <NCommander> FuckBeta: right, and that's why I say, we're a non-profit
[17:37:26] <FuckBeta> so why not compensate john, and get on with running the site
[17:37:32] <goodi> John had no fucking idea where the numbers for profit came from
[17:37:55] -!- SoyCow1831 [SoyCow1831!~d924e661@uvnq476-57-201-94.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:37:56] <keick> "I've had several offers for the site - thank you. I'm contacting the first one and then I'm gone."
[17:38:01] <keick> When did that happen?
[17:38:05] <FuckBeta> I've no idea about where the numbers come from etc...but hosting isn't free.
[17:38:16] -!- SoyCow1831 has quit [Client Quit]
[17:38:22] <GeminiDomino> Marneus68: I disagree, personally. I think rolling over to grubbing, bullying, ransom, and borderline extortion would be less virtuous.
[17:38:41] <FuckBeta> Can we merge with pipedot?
[17:38:44] <quitte> keick where?
[17:38:48] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[17:38:48] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp] by BaconTree
[17:38:50] <lhnn> I hope the admins have taken a snaphot of the code and the db, since even though they have control over it, it soundslike John has the ability to delete/change that
[17:38:51] <stdhell> FuckBeta: We know... And the site isn't running on the machines B have paid for...
[17:39:01] <FuckBeta> That would be my vote. Good name. Good tagline. This "Soylent" thing was meant to be a placeholder anyways...
[17:39:06] <mrcoolbp> hey guys
[17:39:19] <FuckBeta> stdhell: thanks. I've no idea about the background, and I don't have time to read it all. Just thinking about what happens next.
[17:39:22] <stdhell> FuckBeta: B have paid for some stuff the rest of the staff never needed nor wanted. Should we just pay that?
[17:39:27] <keick> from Jon's journal
[17:39:32] <FuckBeta> stdhell: no, of course not.
[17:39:33] <lhnn> hi mrcoolbp
[17:39:40] <mrcoolbp> lhnn:!!
[17:39:48] <GeminiDomino> FuckBeta: Therein lies the crux of the problem. He wants them to
[17:39:54] <goodi> well fuck him
[17:39:57] <goodi> seriously
[17:39:58] <FuckBeta> There is little point in having multiple altslashdots with a fractured community.
[17:40:01] <keick> Might be pointless, if the journal is correct someone already paid.
[17:40:03] <mrcoolbp> lhnn: I was wondering if you wanted *your* suggestions to be anonymous
[17:40:03] <Marneus68> GeminiDomino: we'll see what the pool says then
[17:40:19] -!- MrBluze_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[17:40:19] <lhnn> mrcoolbp: Which ones?
[17:40:21] <GeminiDomino> Marneus68: Indeed. Seems to be pretty neck and neck.
[17:40:33] -!- SoyCow5987 [SoyCow5987!~1840a4a6@l155369l7e9mz13n8.lb.shawcable.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:40:33] <stdhell> FuckBeta: An offer was made to B to pay what we felt was right. B didn't accept that and wrote his journal entries... And that's where we are now...
[17:40:37] <holycause> I agree with fuckbeta but surely the point is to gain enough inertia with one project and eventually absorb the others
[17:40:43] <mrcoolbp> lhnn: you made some suggestions via the !suggestion command right?
[17:40:44] <GeminiDomino> Though if Keick's right, it might be a moot point.
[17:40:47] <Marneus68> Also, I forgot to mention that I'm really greatful for you guys actually doing something about it, it may not be verry apparent, but you are all doing a great job
[17:40:51] -!- SoyCow3740 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:41:01] -!- paulej72|sleeping has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[17:41:09] <Marneus68> and that includes NCommander too :)
[17:41:13] <lhnn> mrcoolbp: a few days ago... I forget what they were.... a dokuwiki based wiki for better ACLs, but I don't know what else
[17:41:17] <FuckBeta> Marneus68: seconded.
[17:41:25] <lhnn> also proper ssl I think
[17:41:29] <GeminiDomino> On that, Marneus68, I do agree. So if NC starts going off with that having "failed miserably" shit again, we need to send someone over to whereever the hell he's at now to slap him a bit
[17:41:36] <holycause> poll is now 50/50
[17:41:37] <Marneus68> nah
[17:41:49] <mrcoolbp> okay thanks lhnn
[17:42:04] <Marneus68> I don't want it to fail, I I'll stick around as long as it works ! and it will work !
[17:42:40] <NCommander> It might be moot
[17:42:46] <NCommander> John posted that someone already agreed to pay him
[17:42:53] <NCommander> So ...
[17:43:00] <NCommander> Well, I did promise we'd have a name change discussion
[17:43:03] <NCommander> I had it slated for next week
[17:43:08] * NCommander coughs loudly
[17:43:09] <holycause> lol, in binary. what a jackass :P
[17:43:21] <FuckBeta> Barrabas had the vision, started the project, laid out the initial capital, recruited a bunch of volunteers, organized the teams (at first, anyway), and served as public frontman for this whole operation for a serious chunk of time. Yes, there has been a lot of drama and bad blood recently, but that doesn't negate the substantial contribution he's had. If he says $2k is the cost to buy out his interest, I tend to think that's not unreasonable.
[17:43:28] <NCommander> (seriously, I wanted to get the mission statement out first, but drama has made my life handed hard)
[17:43:42] <FuckBeta> That is a quote by wjwlsn (171).
[17:43:43] <goodi> shit
[17:43:46] <FuckBeta> If that is true.
[17:43:56] <FuckBeta> And someone is willing to pay John...then is this still an issue?
[17:44:02] <goodi> yeah FuckBeter I read that... so if NC resigns he gets to ask an amount that he feels is right ;) ?
[17:44:17] <goodi> lol FuckBeter.... bwahaha
[17:44:20] <goodi> sorry :D
[17:44:25] <FuckBeta> lol
[17:44:30] <NCommander> FuckBeta: we don't know who it was.
[17:44:32] <GeminiDomino> If I see a pinky go anywhere near the corner of a mouth, I'm so out of here.
[17:44:33] <FuckBeta> Do you see what is happening here?
[17:44:35] <FuckBeta> We cannot trust each other.
[17:44:41] <FuckBeta> No trust = no collaboration = no progress.
[17:44:44] <song-of-the-pogo> hah!
[17:44:48] <FuckBeta> This is what is wrong with society at the moment.
[17:44:52] <FuckBeta> All about greed and looking out for yourself.
[17:44:59] <GeminiDomino> s/at the moment/since the dawn of time/
[17:45:01] <GeminiDomino> People just suck
[17:45:02] <FuckBeta> Between that and the corrupt .gov and mass surveillence.
[17:45:21] <FuckBeta> We're not going to get anything done on a technical front without being able to trust SOME people.
[17:45:25] <n1> society got it all fucked up
[17:45:30] <wjwlsn> well, I haven't been contacted, so I doubt it will be me... but if it was, and if NCommander wanted to leave (but I hope he wouldn't), I'd be willing to discuss reimbursement
[17:45:30] <song-of-the-pogo> NCommander: anonymous angel?
[17:45:36] <n1> people all fucked up, and i agree GeminiDomino, people suck.
[17:45:46] <NCommander> I'm not leaving
[17:45:56] <mrcoolbp> WE ARE NOT LEAVING!
[17:46:02] <NCommander> The problem is if someone independently pays John off, we can't get committments on setting this issue once and for all
[17:46:15] <goodi> that's why we should move
[17:46:18] <song-of-the-pogo> hmmmm....
[17:46:24] <NCommander> goodi: well, right now the community is divided right down the line
[17:46:27] <NCommander> So is the staff
[17:46:31] <NCommander> :-)
[17:46:32] <FuckBeta> I see both sides of this.
[17:46:36] <kobach> .topicappend BACON: http://farm8.staticflickr.com
[17:46:36] BaconTree changed topic of #Soylent to: *** If the plug is pulled on the current name, people should have http://li694-22.members.linode.com bookmarked! *** | E-mail your name suggestions to: name-suggestion@soylentnews.org | BACON: http://farm8.staticflickr.com
[17:46:41] <goodi> I know... but right now that's the only viable option I see
[17:47:03] <FuckBeta> how about merging with pipedot? has someone talked to pipedot about this?
[17:47:07] <song-of-the-pogo> my thought was "stay right here", but moving is starting to make sense
[17:47:09] -!- mrgirlpluggedout [mrgirlpluggedout!~girlinter@Soylent/Staff/Editor/girlpluggedout] has joined #Soylent
[17:47:09] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrgirlpluggedout] by BaconTree
[17:47:12] <lhnn> who owns name-suggestions? And why is name-suggestions hosted on a volatile domain name?
[17:47:18] <NCommander> mrcoolbp: welcome to Dramaland
[17:47:20] <NCommander> er
[17:47:21] <holycause> the pipedot idea keeps getting brought up here today, but seems to be ignored
[17:47:24] <FuckBeta> it looks like soylent has more users and is more active...merging with pipe could give best of both worlds?
[17:47:25] <NCommander> mrgirlpluggedout: ^
[17:47:27] -!- SoyCow4689 [SoyCow4689!~48c61f27@qm55-926-69-17.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:47:38] <song-of-the-pogo> i joined pipedot last week
[17:47:40] <mrgirlpluggedout> NCommander, thank you for the Soylent welcome :(
[17:47:40] <holycause> personally I think it's worth exploring
[17:47:41] <gishzida> I've pointed coolculture.net to the linode address... but I don't have a ssl cert
[17:47:42] <NCommander> holycause: the pipedot guy has wanted to go his own way. We've talked with him in the past.
[17:47:53] <holycause> ah, fair enough. thanks for the history lesson :)
[17:47:55] <song-of-the-pogo> it's pretty, but has a ways to go before as functional as SN, at least that was my impression last week
[17:48:08] <NCommander> I wish him all the luck TBH
[17:48:11] <FuckBeta> song-of-the-pogo: would agree...I think the soylent fork is technically superior
[17:48:17] <NCommander> I offered him dev hosting if he wanted it
[17:48:26] <holycause> it's pretty but not functional... can't even view comments without JS
[17:48:30] <FatPhil> pipedot shot itself in the foot when it made non-JS browsers useless.
[17:48:42] * NCommander notes its a stated design goal that the site WILL work without JS
[17:48:43] <FatPhil> or should I say when it made itself useless to non-JS browsers
[17:48:56] <NCommander> We might use it for things like folding comments, but it must degrade nicely
[17:49:06] <FuckBeta> NCommander: so what is the situation? staying means paying John..and it isn't clear whether he still has some sort of claim to the site. Moving means we need a new name, and again not clear whether John would have claim on anything produced in the future?
[17:49:14] <ground> Yep call me crazy but I love that SN works in lynx.
[17:49:22] <NCommander> ground: fuck, it works in NCSA Mosiac
[17:49:24] * FuckBeta appreciates the JS design decisions
[17:49:25] * NCommander actually tested it
[17:49:36] <kobach> ground: it was worked on hard to get it to such a state
[17:49:44] <kobach> iirc
[17:49:49] <NCommander> In my draft notes for the mission statement
[17:49:56] -!- SoyCow2145 [SoyCow2145!~6c163805@ezwi-298-86-72-5.slsbmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:49:56] * holycause also appreciates SN working without js
[17:49:58] <NCommander> We will be accessible to all, which means no JS, and no CAPTCHA
[17:49:58] <FuckBeta> I remember the images of various weird/old/slow hardware displaying slashdot homepage
[17:50:00] <song-of-the-pogo> FuckBeta: yes, it's frustratingly tantalising. i'd like |. to work, but it hasn't got enough function/momentum right now to be compelling to me. that said, i'm very impressed with what the dev has done and the improvements implemented in the last week. not as bothered by the JS requirement as others, but do see their point
[17:50:25] <keick> lynx? what about us wget users? All I see is red-head, brunette.
[17:50:32] <goodi> if we pay John are we 100% that he will no longer have ANY claims on SN, its contents etc.?
[17:50:33] * bryan is the "pipedot guy" btw
[17:50:34] <FuckBeta> song-of-the-pogo: client side scripting doesn't respect your freedom. Ask RMS. Users should be able to choose to turn it off without breaking functionality.
[17:50:38] <kobach> keick: rofl
[17:50:41] <FatPhil> NCommander: I really appreciated that, being a lynx/w3m user
[17:50:44] <mrcoolbp> hey bryan!
[17:50:47] <kobach> bryan: hi
[17:50:47] <song-of-the-pogo> FuckBeta: truth
[17:51:12] -!- MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!~48f3b602@72.243.zhg.v] has joined #Soylent
[17:51:27] <NCommander> FatPhil: Know Thy User
[17:51:30] <kobach> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: could you take out like 6 O's please?
[17:51:34] <bryan> sorry if i put off any noscript'ers by my recent expandable comment thing
[17:51:41] <NCommander> FatPhil: the only thing that absolutely requires javascript right now is backslash
[17:51:44] <MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO> ok - sulks -
[17:51:47] <kobach> lol
[17:51:51] <NCommander> It breaks in horrible ways if you have JS blocked
[17:51:52] <kobach> just a friendly suggestion
[17:51:53] <bryan> i kept the original server-generated pages on the vote page and pipe pages
[17:51:54] <lhnn> people need to get over jscript
[17:51:55] -!- MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO has quit [Client Quit]
[17:52:06] <NCommander> lhnn: JS is the enemy of blind people
[17:52:16] <FuckBeta> NCommander: exactly.
[17:52:16] mrgirlpluggedout is now known as mrgirlpluggedin
[17:52:21] <mrcoolbp> hahaha
[17:52:21] <NCommander> My old manager was blind, and lost the ability to read Slashdot after awhile
[17:52:22] <lhnn> NCommander: :/
[17:52:24] -!- MOOOOOOOO [MOOOOOOOO!~48f3b602@72.243.zhg.v] has joined #Soylent
[17:52:27] <FuckBeta> What happened to thoughtful and considerate design principles.
[17:52:27] <song-of-the-pogo> bryan: all criticism aside, you're doing lovely work so far.
[17:52:29] <everdred> 5
[17:52:35] <bryan> the idea was to make it a toggle where you get to pick the version you want (but alas, this was just this thursday and i havent quite completed all of it)
[17:52:38] <FatPhil> "humane computer interfaces"
[17:52:40] mrgirlpluggedin is now known as mrgirlpluggedin-afk
[17:52:47] <NCommander> lhnn: TBH, I get your point. I don't object to javascript at all, but it has to degrade nicely
[17:52:52] <bryan> song-of-the-pogo: thx
[17:52:54] <lhnn> NCommander: fiar enough
[17:52:58] <lhnn> fair, even
[17:52:58] -!- xlefay [xlefay!~xlefay@Soylent/Staff/IRC/xlefay] has joined #Soylent
[17:53:31] <NCommander> lhnn: I expect some javascript to appear to make our comments be less 1997 and more 2001
[17:53:32] <ground> Slashdot reads fine w/ JAWS or NVDA and firefox. Even beta does for that matter but still no java is nice.
[17:53:42] <keick> what about a temporal lobe injection for SN?
[17:54:06] <NCommander> ground: comments don't work with D2 enabled with no javascript, and D2 seems to be completely forced for beta
[17:54:12] <song-of-the-pogo> ? /me feels ignorant
[17:54:15] <song-of-the-pogo> gah
[17:54:16] <holycause> the poll keeps leaning towards not paying john
[17:54:31] <NCommander> holycause: I don't think I've ever seen a more evenly divided poll
[17:54:37] <song-of-the-pogo> it's shifted in that direction since i first looked at it.
[17:54:38] * NCommander keeps refreshing and its always 50-50
[17:54:41] <keick> Does JS work with Google Glass? We should think of those 5 users as well
[17:54:51] <NCommander> keick: ugh, I know two glass users in real life
[17:54:56] <xlefay> fuck it, he doesn't deserve squat: http://soylentnews.org says it PERFECTLY.
[17:55:03] -!- Rashek [Rashek!~Rashek@uxt-50-686-764-58.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:55:05] <holycause> I've been looking at 47-53ish for the past half hour
[17:55:14] <goodi> do they get bothered by people in bars etc. like that chick they talked about in the news teh other day?
[17:55:28] -!- thephred [thephred!~42bd9341@01-729-237-24.dhcp.mdfd.or.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:55:53] <xlefay> Of course, this all doesn't matter if B already sold it.. which gives him an out on the "I'm never returning" part.
[17:55:55] <holycause> on Glass: honestly smartphones are more dangerous. it's less obvious when they're recording, at least with glass you have to stare at the person
[17:56:05] <mrcoolbp> poll = moot?
[17:56:07] <MOOOOOOOO> "Glassholes" is the best insult nomenclature ever
[17:56:11] <kobach> mrcoolbp: yes
[17:56:18] <mrcoolbp> = (
[17:56:26] <FuckBeta> In lighter news...anyone seen the shite that Dice are peddling: "Slashdot is the first and leading social media destination for technology professionals and IT decision makers."
[17:56:26] <song-of-the-pogo> xlefay: is that verified?
[17:56:45] <holycause> lol, slashdot == social media?
[17:56:50] <FuckBeta> The amount of buzzwords is obscene: http://slashdotmedia.com
[17:56:51] <GeminiDomino> FuckBeta: LOL. "Social Media" is what drove the "tech professionals" away from it
[17:56:59] <Landon> huh?
[17:56:59] <xlefay> song-of-the-pogo: no. I'm just saying to anyone here that was going to buy the name... take back your offers please! and let's just wait to see what the poll says.
[17:57:01] <goodi> good for them means they'll go down soon ;)
[17:57:03] <Landon> journals/friends were around forever
[17:57:08] <holycause> GeminiDomino: very true
[17:57:11] <FuckBeta> GeminiDomino: I'd love to persuade one of their larger advertising clients to sue.
[17:57:12] <song-of-the-pogo> xlefay: ah
[17:57:15] <FuckBeta> This is extremely misleading
[17:57:21] <Marneus68> >SocialMedia
[17:57:21] <keick> i hate being social, don't these site know this?
[17:57:21] <gishzida> pay the money and move
[17:57:29] <Marneus68> god this is buzzy
[17:57:39] <FatPhil> I WANT BACON!
[17:57:43] <song-of-the-pogo> buzzword bingo buzzy
[17:57:47] <NCommander> keick: the irony of saying that in a public chat room
[17:57:48] <GeminiDomino> Wow, I don't think they make boots that go high enough to wade through this much
[17:57:49] -!- SoyCow5778 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[17:57:57] <NCommander> GeminiDomino: try being a firefighter
[17:58:00] <NCommander> We get awesome footware
[17:58:03] -!- Soyus [Soyus!~26639642@n63.bluecatnetworks.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:58:04] <FuckBeta> DICE are marketing the slashdot poll feature as a way to get user feedback about products etc....
[17:58:06] <Marneus68> bacon++
[17:58:06] <DramaLlama> karma - bacon: 150
[17:58:08] <keick> SocialMedia => Did you here what shanon said that kristina did to john in the back seat?
[17:58:10] <GeminiDomino> NCommander: does it go up to your throat?
[17:58:22] <NCommander> GeminiDomino: eh, with SCBA gear, yeah
[17:58:24] <goodi> goodi likes this
[17:58:26] <MOOOOOOOO> keick: I heard the bacon was sizzlin'
[17:58:34] <keick> NCommander: Irony wasn't lost on me when I wrote that!
[17:58:39] <kobach> MOOOOOOOO: topic
[17:58:48] <song-of-the-pogo> i grew up on stripples
[17:58:48] * GeminiDomino whimpers
[17:58:57] <GeminiDomino> I wish people would stop talking about bacon. :'(
[17:59:00] <song-of-the-pogo> (i just wanted to be a part of the bacon convo)
[17:59:03] <keick> Apparently I like bacon, who knew.
[17:59:04] <mrcoolbp> mmmmmmmm bacon
[17:59:11] <kobach> mrcoolbp: topic
[17:59:12] * GeminiDomino misses bacon terribly
[17:59:19] <FuckBeta> <keick> SocialMedia => Did you here what shanon said that kristina did to john in the back seat? --that ain't legal in my state
[17:59:20] <gishzida> oy vey iz mir
[17:59:20] <kobach> GeminiDomino: topic
[17:59:40] <FuckBeta> The New Slashdot. Newsier. Nerdier.
[17:59:45] <FuckBeta> An actual quote from DICE.
[17:59:49] <keick> fuckbeta: At least she did it to John <grin>
[17:59:57] <GeminiDomino> kobach: I know, and clicking that link was the dumbest thing I've ever done. I was this close to licking my screen.
[17:59:59] <keick> Newsier?
[18:00:07] <song-of-the-pogo> FuckBeta: srsly??
[18:00:09] * GeminiDomino facepalms
[18:00:15] <Marneus68> FuckBeta: Buzzier.
[18:00:22] <lhnn> mrcoolbp: NCommander I'm writing a proposal and will get back to y'all later.
[18:00:25] <lhnn> Lunch time.
[18:00:30] <mrcoolbp> ?
[18:00:34] <mrcoolbp> regarding what?
[18:00:36] <xlefay> Hell yes! <idlerpg> xlefay upgraded his CPU's fan and cooling system! xlefay's processor gains 10% of its effectiveness.
[18:00:36] <keick> GeminiDomino: Which is worse, finger print from people 'pointing' at my screen... or licking?
[18:00:38] <FuckBeta> song-of-the-pogo: source: http://slashdotmedia.com (you have to click their yellow tour button to see it)
[18:00:47] <Marneus68> well I'm leaving work, seeya everybody
[18:00:47] <song-of-the-pogo> FuckBeta: possimpable! er, no.
[18:00:50] <Marneus68> bacon++
[18:00:50] <DramaLlama> karma - bacon: 151
[18:00:55] -!- berrance [berrance!~05c62dac@vatu-2-590-80-217.karoo.kcom.com] has joined #Soylent
[18:00:56] -!- Marneus68 [Marneus68!~58b2b768@iat41-60-28-718-773-799.fbx.proxad.net] has parted #Soylent
[18:01:12] -!- mrgirlpluggedin-afk has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[18:01:20] <song-of-the-pogo> FuckBeta: their site doesn't work without JS ....
[18:01:31] -!- Skarjak [Skarjak!~46512b7f@kwafaqopzn831.14-88-65.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #Soylent
[18:01:33] -!- SoyCow7359 [SoyCow7359!~bda901a1@189.169.v.moi] has parted #Soylent
[18:01:42] <NCommander> I think we've got a new record for users in here
[18:01:50] <keick> I don't hear music.
[18:01:50] <NCommander> Seems if we want to make IRC be popular. DRAMA works
[18:01:51] <NCommander> :-P
[18:01:52] <goodi> must be the bacon
[18:01:57] <Skarjak> Did anyone bring popcorn?
[18:02:00] -!- SoyCow3234 [SoyCow3234!~ad0a3271@837-31-07-060-sntwythn.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:02:01] <xlefay> NCommander: yes yes it does
[18:02:16] * NCommander throws one of the SoyCows onto the stove and waits for it to pop
[18:02:16] <keick> And what is up with SlashBi? Does it swing both ways or what?
[18:02:24] <lhnn> mrcoolbp: Ideas and suggestions laid out in more detail than some IRC chatter can clarify
[18:02:25] <FuckBeta> I'm only here as I can't do my job today due an upstream software dev cockup.
[18:02:28] <NCommander> keick: nah, it likes both forward slashs and backslashs
[18:02:34] <MOOOOOOOO> I am not available for dinner parties.
[18:02:36] <song-of-the-pogo> "user engagement"
[18:02:50] <gishzida> Why did I get logged out of the site? I did not log off?
[18:02:59] <mrcoolbp> lhnn we look forward to your ideas! Thanks!
[18:02:59] <FuckBeta> "4,653 average comments per day"
[18:03:05] <song-of-the-pogo> "Integrated Ad Experience via Rich Media Units" --win!
[18:03:09] <holycause> NCommander: likely it just makes all the lazy gits like me get off their ass and actually click on the webclient link ;)
[18:03:12] <FuckBeta> Do the advertisors know that fully half of these just say "fuck beta"?
[18:03:34] <FuckBeta> song-of-the-pogo: synergise solutions with blue sky thinking
[18:03:54] <song-of-the-pogo> FuckBeta: BEAUTIFUL
[18:03:59] <goodi> are we playing bullshit bing?
[18:04:01] <goodi> bingo?
[18:04:07] <song-of-the-pogo> i'm "having a crisis"
[18:04:19] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~8eb18d96@142.177.knz.ujt] has joined #Soylent
[18:04:22] <goodi> "crisis alert!"
[18:04:22] <song-of-the-pogo> goodi: yes, and we all won
[18:04:26] <FuckBeta> goodi: well apparently someone at DICE is...maybe even most of them
[18:04:26] <MOOOOOOOO> Don't have a me, pogo
[18:04:27] <keick> sone-of-the-pogp? http://www.youtube.com
[18:04:50] -!- SoyCow2057 [SoyCow2057!~54269499@84.38.not.owi] has joined #Soylent
[18:04:51] <song-of-the-pogo> keick: yep!
[18:05:06] <keick> <interesting>
[18:05:30] LaminatorX|afk is now known as LaminatorX
[18:05:33] <song-of-the-pogo> MOOOOOOOO: ok. :(
[18:05:43] -!- mrgirlpluggedin-afk [mrgirlpluggedin-afk!~girlinter@Soylent/Staff/Editor/girlpluggedout] has joined #Soylent
[18:05:43] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrgirlpluggedin-afk] by BaconTree
[18:05:56] <keick> Well I'm off, got more important work todo... like trying to figure out why Ender's Game wont rip.
[18:06:13] -!- SoyCow9587 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[18:06:17] <song-of-the-pogo> keick: what program(s) are you using?
[18:06:24] <NCommander> keick: you didn't pay Card enough to rip
[18:06:26] * GeminiDomino should really get back to meaningful use, but can't stop refreshing the poll every 5 minutes...
[18:06:48] <keick> tried the old dvddecripter, now dvdfab. both screw it up.
[18:06:55] -!- lhnn has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:06:56] <song-of-the-pogo> hmm
[18:07:12] <GeminiDomino> Also worth noting that the poll info on the front page isn't updating. It stopped at 35 votes
[18:07:30] <gishzida> At what point are you going to say the polls are closed?
[18:07:32] <song-of-the-pogo> dvdshrink ... ? or does that need dvddecrypter
[18:08:01] <song-of-the-pogo> been a while since i used those (have to use WINE)
[18:08:07] <keick> my preference is to have an exact ISO, my backup system of choice. Don't like scratched disks.
[18:08:08] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~8eb18d96@142.177.knz.ujt] has parted #Soylent
[18:08:34] <song-of-the-pogo> keick: me too, so dvdshrink not a good option for you.
[18:08:42] -!- Ant [Ant!~Brylarke@73-51-404-28.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #Soylent
[18:09:13] <goodi> was also wondering when the poll is scheduled to close
[18:09:18] <song-of-the-pogo> i've had luck with MTR4, but it's mac only
[18:09:38] <keick> DVDFab extracts the VIDEO_TS files fine, and they plan in VLC, but when I have it finish into an ISO it's unplayable. Used both built in and ImageBurn with the same results.
[18:09:47] <keick> Off topic, sorry.
[18:09:52] -!- SoyCow5602 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:09:55] <song-of-the-pogo> bummer
[18:10:00] -!- Toaster42 [Toaster42!~4cc0a257@30-806-376-03.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:10:19] <song-of-the-pogo> and odd
[18:10:35] -!- keick [keick!~6c0fcb19@sgkp-436-43-581-03.ronkva.east.verizon.net] has parted #Soylent
[18:10:41] <MOOOOOOOO> topic
[18:10:56] -!- holycause has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:11:48] <MOOOOOOOO> TOPIC
[18:11:49] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[18:12:31] -!- thephred has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[18:12:50] <SoyCow0195> bryan: would you care to post a roadmap for |. ? It usually raises optimisim (even if you can't keep it 100%) and helps tremendously in keeping people interested. Also somewhat related, any chance we can get our grubby paws on the source sometime soon?
[18:13:06] -!- Ant has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[18:13:07] -!- SoyCow5612 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:13:16] -!- NezSez [NezSez!~4c7061d7@j-78-064-32-800.hsd3.mi.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:13:22] -!- MOOOOOOOO has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:15:13] <FuckBeta> I hope this all works out - thanks everyone on the SN team for their efforts.
[18:15:23] -!- FuckBeta has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:15:34] -!- SoyCow5376 [SoyCow5376!~dddcbc26@221.220.tks.oq] has joined #Soylent
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[18:16:37] <NCommander> Still split right down the middle
[18:16:39] <NCommander> Christ
[18:16:41] <goodi> poll's still neck to neck... I still can't wrap my head around the fact that people are willing to pay a guy based on some fucking random numbers he has thrown in and a complete lack of expense reports... If this dude was in charge and donations were coming in, he'd be paying his apt rent with the money I swear...
[18:16:47] <NCommander> I don't think I've ever seen a poll that divided
[18:16:51] <SoyCow5376> Soylent News is not a catchy name, it exists just for the "soylent news is people" tag. Should have a better name anyway.
[18:17:02] <NCommander> SoyCow5376: the plan was that the mission statement goes up this week
[18:17:06] <NCommander> Name vote next week
[18:17:09] <NCommander> migration the week after
[18:17:12] -!- mrgirlpluggedin-afk [mrgirlpluggedin-afk!~girlinter@Soylent/Staff/Editor/girlpluggedout] has joined #Soylent
[18:17:12] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrgirlpluggedin-afk] by BaconTree
[18:17:19] * NCommander has been writing almost non-stop since Saturday
[18:17:37] <NCommander> We have to take the site offline to change the name because its plastered *everywhere* in the damn database
[18:17:50] -!- SoyCow4689 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:18:18] <goodi> if you guys need DB help let me know. I'm no mysql guru but I've done a fair share of dev and dba work on oracle and mssql
[18:18:19] -!- SoyCow1908 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:18:33] <LaminatorX> They apperantly didn't believe in variables in /. house.
[18:18:48] <NezSez> lol lamin
[18:18:57] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has parted #Soylent
[18:19:08] <Skarjak> I actually voted to pay him. To be honest I kind of feel sorry for him.
[18:19:15] -!- anthem has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[18:19:20] <Konomi> variables are for hippies
[18:19:40] <SoyCow5376> i am a sql guru. You can auto-gen update scripts by going against the information schema. still has to go offline, but can be done pretty quickly, presuming the fields that have to be updated are similarly named.
[18:19:43] <mrgirlpluggedin-afk> LaminatorX, then how are changes tested?
[18:19:57] <xlefay> Skarjak: http://soylentnews.org
[18:20:13] -!- SoyCow3658 [SoyCow3658!~420b514b@ujnade-75-37-88-65.ptr.terago.net] has joined #Soylent
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[18:20:36] <goodi> SoyCow5378 was thinking the same thing
[18:20:50] <goodi> query info schema and replace/rename where the name is plastered and that's the end of it
[18:20:51] -!- SoyCow1870 [SoyCow1870!~63ec2bbf@sns819y1cc452s2-ff8859k19w325x.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Soylent
[18:20:57] <gishzida> I sent three domains to your name suggestion box. One of them is currently pointing to the linode address
[18:21:02] <Skarjak> xlefay: You have to admit that if they had agreed that this was an amicable transfer of the site, Ncommander's piece was unnecessary.
[18:21:05] <xlefay> gishzida: got it!
[18:21:11] <Skarjak> He was indeed made to be the bad guy.
[18:21:12] -!- anthem [anthem!~textual@c-57-259-236-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:21:29] <goodi> soyCow5376 sorry
[18:21:32] <SoyCow5376> stop talking about the drama, that just adds to the drama. Done, over, move on.
[18:21:54] <xlefay> >> http://soylentnews.org explains it perfectly.
[18:22:21] <Skarjak> It's not that simple. How do I trust the new direction if I'm not convinced this was handled properly?
[18:22:39] <SoyCow5376> growing pains.
[18:22:43] -!- SoyCow2145 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:22:48] <goodi> you just need to make sure you push db and code at the same time
[18:23:43] <goodi> if you're running mysql this looks simple enoug: https://dev.mysql.com
[18:24:00] <GeminiDomino> Skarjak: The same could be asked by the people who think we shouldn't pay.
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[18:24:19] -!- SoyCow9559 [SoyCow9559!~4b2a4473@75.42.kw.puo] has joined #Soylent
[18:24:25] -!- anthem [anthem!~textual@c-57-259-236-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:24:46] <goodi> 47/52 let's close the poll, quick ;) ;)
[18:24:48] -!- anthem has quit [Client Quit]
[18:25:06] <SoyCow5376> neither are the bad guy. just some people cracking under the stress of trying to start a new "business," overreactions and misunderstandings exacerbated by stress. give things a month or so to calm down. few things start off perfect right off the bat.
[18:25:33] <Skarjak> Of course, growing pains as people said. But I'm not sure this whole thing should have been made public.
[18:25:46] <Skarjak> Also bothered that people are bashing John, when he did take a financial risk to start this.
[18:26:00] <Skarjak> This is turning into animal farm 2. :|
[18:26:16] <mrgirlpluggedin-afk> But some people are more Soylent than others.
[18:26:21] <Skarjak> haha
[18:26:26] <SoyCow5376> Some people just are enjoying the drama and stirring the pot.
[18:26:27] <GeminiDomino> That doesn't entitle him to try to profit off the financial risk dishonestly, without criticism.
[18:26:33] <SoyCow1870> nah johns a tool by reading his posts, clearly an egomaniac sociopath
[18:26:47] <NezSez> maybe it should become solvent news? :)
[18:26:56] <mrgirlpluggedin-afk> NezSez, lol
[18:27:06] <xlefay> LOL
[18:27:08] mrgirlpluggedin-afk is now known as mrgirlpluggedin
[18:27:09] -!- SoyCow2057 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:27:31] <NezSez> "News for startups; stuff that matters"
[18:27:35] <DramaLlama> [ksuhku] haha
[18:27:39] <SoyCow5376> It's like a breakup, if john is the ex-girlfriend (boyfriend, depending on preference) - didn't end cleanly, but why keep talking about it.
[18:27:47] <mrgirlpluggedin> I suppose in all of this confusion, no one looked at my style guide? http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[18:27:49] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[18:27:49] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp] by BaconTree
[18:27:57] <TK> From one of the comments on the poll, the new tagline could be "Soylent News: We Eat Our Own"
[18:27:59] <LaminatorX> This'll make a great article in Wired three months from now.
[18:28:07] <goodi> "I know... I feel like we should be friends..."
[18:28:10] -!- SoyCow1285 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:28:11] <NezSez> LOL lamin
[18:28:33] <goodi> Once things settle down I want to write a journal entry about it, without taking sides hopefully
[18:28:46] <goodi> just a timeline to show what happened and where it lead
[18:28:56] <mrgirlpluggedin> LaminatorX, Yep. When SN started, I figured it would make a wonderful article about a community abandoning its commercial 'home' in favor of a grassroots organization.
[18:29:03] <SoyCow5376> i think the site should be called "slashdice"
[18:29:04] <NezSez> Lamin: Barrabas can write an AI paper on this whole affair and get some recognition
[18:29:06] <TK> Can you really be objective? Winners write history
[18:29:13] <GeminiDomino> SoyCow5376: Because the issue is still looming, and ignoring it won't make it go away
[18:29:29] -!- SoyCow9559 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:29:43] <goodi> I am not part of the staff or aynthing. I have an opinion but I can present facts and show them to the community and be corrected ifI am wrong
[18:29:52] <NezSez> Gemini: good point
[18:29:57] <goodi> but there's always room for interpretation, not much to do there
[18:30:01] <quitte> i'd love to see this drama on /. .Hopefully I won't have to wait for the check to clear before the mistery buyer is revealed
[18:30:24] <GeminiDomino> quitte: Watch it be someone from Dice. :D
[18:30:31] <goodi> It's Colonel Mustard with the pipe lead @
[18:30:31] <kobach> probably
[18:30:39] <goodi> that would make sene
[18:30:40] <TK> "And lo, the noble $winner doth smiteth $loser back to the lowest depths of slashdot beta, and there was whining, and gnashing of comments"
[18:30:41] <quitte> GeminiDomino: that'd be just the best
[18:30:41] -!- thezbyg has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:30:42] <goodi> sense
[18:30:51] <NezSez> Colonel Mustard, with the typo, in the chat room
[18:31:08] <goodi> NezSez: lol
[18:31:18] <gishzida> That's the typo-pipe
[18:31:27] <NezSez> LOL gish
[18:31:32] <goodi> haha
[18:31:34] <NezSez> type |
[18:31:40] -!- SoyCow9920 [SoyCow9920!~c000c07d@168-5-732-765.cpe.teksavvy.com] has joined #Soylent
[18:31:45] <goodi> #|
[18:31:50] <SoyCow5376> here is professional advice (to be promptly ignored) - if you all were one of my clients, the pr move i would suggest would be: take the high road, part amicably, don't let this be the defining characteristic of the site. Find an out that makes everybody look good.
[18:31:51] <goodi> see what I did there ;) ?
[18:31:53] <NezSez> er....recursive humour.....typo |
[18:32:08] <TK> I concur with the cow
[18:32:09] <quitte> this kind of reminds me of debian-multimedia...
[18:32:11] <gallondr00nk> pass the #|
[18:32:19] <pbnjoe> heh
[18:32:21] <GeminiDomino> That's running on the rather naive assumption that such an out exists
[18:32:28] <TK> But get a new name, because people keep asking for it (not me, other people)
[18:32:29] -!- Francois [Francois!~5544fcbf@pmr-855-961-34.guy.modulonet.fr] has joined #Soylent
[18:32:33] <Skarjak> What makes everyone look good is to pay and never talk about this again, as far as I'm concerned.
[18:32:37] <Skarjak> Far less trouble that way.
[18:32:45] <TK> But get a lawyer to witness it
[18:32:56] <gishzida> gallondr00k: LOL
[18:32:58] <TK> or whatever legal requirement is best in NYS
[18:33:02] <wjwlsn> TK: "I concur with the cow" - I am adopting this as my new personal motto
[18:33:04] <NezSez> ah, but who will pay the lawyer?
[18:33:06] -!- kobach has quit [Killed (xlefay (GHOST command used by xlefay))]
[18:33:06] <TK> lol
[18:33:21] <TK> that's what we can fundraise for
[18:33:30] <goodi> I did, it cost 5k i swear... too soon ;) ?
[18:33:47] -!- anthem [anthem!~textual@c-57-259-236-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:33:50] <DramaLlama> [ksuhku] $NEWNAME -- fundraising for lawyers
[18:34:02] <TK> We can fundraise for the legal fees (shouldn't be much), and the contract itself can be between barrabas and Ncommander
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[18:34:21] <GeminiDomino> Eh. Admittedly, I'm too concerned with "the principle of the thing," but I just can't feel it's a good sign that it so soon turns into the same kind of bogus profiteering that took down /.
[18:34:42] <NezSez> yes that is sad isn't it
[18:34:46] <SoyCow0195> yeah, whats the staffs current position on donations? in other words, NC and others: y u no let me throw money at you?
[18:35:02] <TK> So the community can be involved, without directly paying for the site and bringing in the wrath of business income vs. nonprofit income
[18:35:09] <TK> or whatever that snafoo is
[18:35:26] -!- dentonj has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:35:32] <TK> IANAL
[18:35:38] -!- SoyCow8840 [SoyCow8840!~5e91a462@6t0d50k626.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #Soylent
[18:35:47] <quitte> SoyCow0195: as i understand it there's still the issue of how to forward the states share.
[18:35:47] <SoyCow5376> you anal? should you be broadcasting that?
[18:35:50] <TK> But I'm willing to pay for 1/100th of one
[18:35:52] -!- dentonj [dentonj!~dentonj@217.33.iwh.wjw] has joined #Soylent
[18:35:52] <GeminiDomino> TK: IANAA, but I think that snafu exists with donations anyway, without tax-exemption
[18:35:55] <NezSez> for a non-profit, you still have to keep meticulous records for tax, and other inquiries, once you accept donations/dues, etc
[18:36:11] <goodi> I'd think so yes
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[18:36:21] <robind> the issue is a moral one
[18:36:25] <robind> should we pay the ransom or not
[18:36:31] <robind> basically that is the question
[18:36:44] <TK> But are we able to get around that snafu by paying the lawyer directly
[18:36:44] <goodi> Steven Seagal clearly would not pay... neither would jcvd
[18:36:51] <robind> aye
[18:36:55] <TK> instead of paying Soylent News to pay a lawer
[18:36:56] <NezSez> just google 501-c etc......any type of fees collected means you must do due dilligence in record keeping and filing
[18:36:57] <xlefay> sorry dentonj!
[18:37:09] <robind> steven seagull
[18:37:10] <gallondr00nk> if we don't pay, is it the domain name at stake, or..?
[18:37:14] <robind> yes
[18:37:14] <TK> yep
[18:37:18] <robind> the domain name is the only thing
[18:37:22] <robind> everything else is secure
[18:37:28] <gallondr00nk> ah,i thought it was some of the linodes
[18:37:31] <robind> nope
[18:37:34] <robind> that is FUD on John's part
[18:37:38] <robind> he doesn't know what he's talking about
[18:37:44] -!- SoyCow3390 [SoyCow3390!~46104bcb@lsdb-22-01-34-912.port.east.myfairpoint.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:37:44] <TK> I say pay the ransom, then rename the site and make soylentnews.org redirect to the new place
[18:37:49] <robind> yeah
[18:37:57] <robind> I tend to agree with that
[18:38:00] <jdccdevel> TK: I agree
[18:38:12] <goodi> ok do we know how many non-registered users visit the site on avg?
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[18:38:40] <goodi> because these are the ones likely to need the SN name to still be registered and redirected. the others can simply be told to updte their bookmarks etc.
[18:38:54] <TK> exactly
[18:38:57] <TK> I don't want a fork
[18:39:08] <dentonj> nice, I got kiced out of #Staff
[18:39:23] <pillo> Oh, the irony of the Slashcode poll boilerplate: "This whole thing is wildly inaccurate. [...] If you're using these numbers to do anything important, you're insane." :-)
[18:39:24] <TK> @goodi Idk, I remember there were stats for unique IPs and stats for visits by registered users
[18:40:09] <TK> More important than the redirect, is the "rights" to soylent news
[18:40:22] <TK> I can imagine trouble down the road if we don't pay someone off (with a contract)
[18:40:32] <TK> and I think peace of mind is worth $2000
[18:40:50] <goodi> I see your point
[18:41:05] <gishzida> TK: with a signed quit claim by john
[18:41:07] <goodi> but it could be the reason why he never registered the non profit as well, becasue he wanted to ahve an easy out
[18:41:18] <TK> Don't read that far into it
[18:41:23] <NezSez> Tk: there could be trouble even if you do pay, unless a lawyer drafts a comprehensive document
[18:41:25] <goodi> maybe...
[18:41:25] <TK> Everyone was busy making the site run
[18:41:36] <goodi> I understand that.
[18:41:42] <TK> Nez: I agree completly
[18:41:57] <goodi> whatever happens next it has to be with a lawyer
[18:42:15] <TK> A fairly comprehensive contract should be boilerplate for the right lawyer
[18:42:22] <NezSez> heck, even with a lawyer's draft, another lawyer comes along and exploits the loopholes :)
[18:42:42] <TK> Wait, I've got it. Hear me out here, NezSez TWO lawyers
[18:42:51] <goodi> So you guys think John could have a claim coming back 3 months from now if we don't pay him and open a new site with a different nam,e where SN is completely absent?
[18:42:53] <TK> oops, hit ctrl+V
[18:43:15] -!- keick [keick!~6c0fcb19@sgkp-436-43-581-03.ronkva.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:43:20] <TK> I think he's got a claim if we continue the community without paying him off
[18:43:24] <NezSez> so one pays to "minimize" future trouble; no guarantees
[18:43:33] <TK> There are IRC logs where NCommander said he would pay
[18:43:41] <TK> The amount wasn't stated, but the intent was
[18:43:42] <SoyCow5376> suggestion: olive branch to john. nobody wants to be an online pariah. he just wants $2k. and a hug.
[18:43:42] <goodi> maf.. errr insurance, I get it ;)
[18:43:48] <goodi> I see
[18:43:50] <mrcoolbp> and big B said he "trusted" NCommander
[18:43:56] <mrcoolbp> and they would work it out
[18:43:59] <mrcoolbp> ug guess not
[18:44:05] <quitte> TK: by that reasoning DICE should get some money,too
[18:44:20] -!- SoyCow7181 [SoyCow7181!~4c0e28c0@76.14.xj.ksl] has joined #Soylent
[18:44:22] <TK> That's another minefield
[18:44:30] <TK> Thanks to the altslashdot name
[18:44:30] <GeminiDomino> SoyCow5376: Then compromise. Give him $500 and a hug.
[18:44:31] <NezSez> Tk: LOL
[18:44:57] <goodi> and a #|
[18:45:00] -!- SoyCow5778 [SoyCow5778!~4c77e8df@e-16-259-377-863.hsd3.ma.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:45:02] <NezSez> LOL
[18:45:07] <mrcoolbp> GeminiDomino: NC offered more than $500 (minus the hug)
[18:45:15] <NezSez> typo | /dev/null
[18:45:29] <TK> If you want a good new site name, I've always been partial to interrobang (!?)
[18:45:38] <GeminiDomino> mrcoolbp: You know what I mean. <<_
[18:45:40] <GeminiDomino> <_<
[18:45:48] <NezSez> shebang.org ?
[18:45:58] <TK> That one's probably already registered
[18:46:00] <mrcoolbp> = )
[18:46:00] <GeminiDomino> TK: I think that will have the same problem we discussed earlier for "whackperiod"
[18:46:04] <NezSez> that could go bad quickly too
[18:46:05] -!- Barrabas [Barrabas!~chatzilla@hfdw-92-055-445-077.burl.east.myfairpoint.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:46:05] <goodi> by ricky martin ;)
[18:46:18] <NezSez> LOL
[18:46:18] <TK> lol
[18:46:21] <gishzida> coolculture.net
[18:46:35] <mattie_p> Hi Barrabas
[18:46:35] <song-of-the-pogo> i can see people arriving there via a lot of ... weird google searches
[18:46:38] <goodi> I like the puns to the old sites but mayb something completely differnt without and reference to them is a better idea
[18:46:39] <song-of-the-pogo> (shebang)
[18:46:40] <NezSez> living me vida locale
[18:47:02] <NezSez> utf-16 FTR
[18:47:08] <TK> Is sheban.gs available?
[18:47:22] <goodi> the community should stand on its own, without the need to "remind" us where we come from
[18:47:24] <GeminiDomino> goodi: Especially since mostly all seem to be rule-34 complient :)
[18:47:34] <GeminiDomino> "compliant"?
[18:47:35] <NezSez> whois shebang.org
[18:47:38] <GeminiDomino> bugger it. you know what I mean
[18:47:47] <NCommander> NezSez: got to be honest, that sounds like a porn site.
[18:47:48] <GeminiDomino> I nots talking the good today
[18:47:52] -!- SoyCow5376 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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[18:48:02] <goodi> Gemini: lol
[18:48:07] <keick> definately rule-34
[18:48:11] <NezSez> NC: yeah, too bad too cause #! is so old
[18:48:12] <mattie_p> Barrabas, do you have an announcement or something?
[18:48:13] -!- SoyCow8840 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[18:48:38] <Barrabas> mattie_p: No, I'm waiting for an E-mail response. I figured to give people a last chance to ask questions.
[18:48:39] <xlefay> audioguy++
[18:48:39] <DramaLlama> karma - audioguy: 1
[18:48:41] <xlefay> mrcoolbp++
[18:48:42] <DramaLlama> karma - mrcoolbp: 11
[18:48:48] <mattie_p> Barrabas that is fair enough
[18:49:00] <DramaLlama> [ksuhku] the worse the name the more nerds and the less MBA sluts
[18:49:08] <Barrabas> mattie_p: I don't think that word means what you think it does.
[18:49:17] <mrcoolbp> barrabas: I'd like to know if you'd give the staff the option to purchase outright
[18:49:25] <mattie_p> Barrabas: which word, "fair?"
[18:50:00] <Barrabas> I gave everyone the option. I've got two offers outstanding, the first one that responds gets it.
[18:50:17] <SoyCow5778> check your email.
[18:50:25] <Barrabas> Michael had first dibs. As far as I'm concerned, we didn't come to an agreement on price.
[18:50:27] <TK> From peopole relating to the site, or from dice holdings?
[18:50:49] <quitte> AC
[18:50:54] <mrcoolbp> barrabas: i'd like to throw my hat into the ring
[18:50:57] <keick> Barrabas: First I'd like to say thanks for starting SN. Its been hard for everyone who held /. so dear.
[18:52:01] <GeminiDomino> DramaLlama: Then we should call it "ethicalbrusselsprouts.org" There's nothing worse than brussel sprouts, and the prefix will serve as extra holy water against MBAs. :)
[18:52:30] <NezSez> aren't unethical brussel sprouts worse than ethical ones?
[18:52:36] <TK> Barrabas, IIRC, you gave Michael a week to pay. I don't think it's good form to sell to someone else before that deadline
[18:52:51] <song-of-the-pogo> GeminiDomino: infallible logic
[18:52:55] <keick> Second, why have negotiations stalled so dramatically? I understand there are some long term hardware lease discrepancies, what if anything can be done to get those monies refunded without having to pass that weight on?
[18:53:00] <song-of-the-pogo> NezSez: depends if you roast them
[18:53:43] <Silentknyght> roasted brussel sprouts are actually delicious. Who knew?
[18:53:43] <cosurgi> Barrabas: If you can give me a bitcoin address, I can send you 2000 USD in bitcoins right now.
[18:53:55] <NezSez> oh sure, drag us into the roasted debate <sigh>
[18:53:57] <goodi> yeah but it stinks when you make'em
[18:54:17] <keick> Lets stay on topic here, we were talking about bacon!
[18:54:22] <goodi> butter bacon parmeson brussel sprouts
[18:54:27] <NezSez> I suppose steamed is out of the question
[18:54:32] <Silentknyght> I wouldn't know about the stink; my wife makes 'em.
[18:54:34] <goodi> saute'd in a pan
[18:54:47] <goodi> with butter
[18:54:50] <goodi> cut in half
[18:54:53] <stdhell> bacon++
[18:54:53] <DramaLlama> karma - bacon: 152
[18:54:59] <Barrabas> SoyCow5778: Check your E-mail
[18:55:01] -!- SoyCow0669 [SoyCow0669!~55166437@37-17-295-19.ip.dokom97.de] has joined #Soylent
[18:55:03] <song-of-the-pogo> if what TK says is accurate, then it's definitely bad form to sell elsewhere before the deadline
[18:55:03] <wjwlsn> Hmm. I haven't seen an email (or bacon) reply from John yet, so I assume my offer is not one of the "two offers outstanding" that he mentioned.
[18:55:24] -!- SatRider has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:55:33] <mrcoolbp> barrabas: what happened to giving michael 7 days?
[18:55:34] <NezSez> I'd agree with TK; Michael should get the week before other offers are entertained
[18:55:48] <quitte> brussel sprouts taken apart to lots of tiny leaves cooked in a cream sauce are pretty uhm okay. not at all like what bps typically taste like
[18:55:55] <cosurgi> Barrabas: if you are interested in my offer send me an email. You already have my address, since I was one of the first people to contact you directly a month ago.
[18:55:57] <song-of-the-pogo> goodi: you've made me actually *want* to eat brussel sprouts
[18:56:19] <NezSez> especially since he's agreed already, but is in another country and can't make transfers yet
[18:56:32] <goodi> song: good for you, they're supposed to be super healthy although that recipe probably counters any benefits ;)
[18:56:41] <wjwlsn> brussels sprout - pan or deep-fry individual leaves until slightly caramelized
[18:56:57] <goodi> wjwlsn: sounds good...
[18:57:07] <keick> probably ok... if wrapped in bacon
[18:57:12] <song-of-the-pogo> goodi: as a child, i could tolerate them fairly well if they were smothered in cheddar cheese sauce, which definitely negated any of their nutritional advantages
[18:57:24] <quitte> keick: individual leaves wrapped in bacon?
[18:57:27] <wjwlsn> keick: if you choose, pan fry in bacon fat ... best of both worlds
[18:57:42] <goodi> haha, I have always hated them because of school who would boil them and it would stink. now I just cook them for my wife who loves bsp
[18:57:54] <keick> wjwlsn: best idea ever
[18:57:54] <mattie_p> Barrabas: you wanted to come here to answer questions, but I'm not seeing much response to cosurgi, wkwlsn, or a few others
[18:57:55] <song-of-the-pogo> as an adult, i find just cutting the sprouts in have, brushing on olive oil and a bit of salt and roasting in the oven is pretty decently tasty
[18:57:57] <gishzida> Coles law for cabbage... so what's the law for BS... ^h^h^h I mean Brussels sproouts
[18:57:58] <NezSez> NC has much more invested in a successful transition than the avg user here as well; even the pimsleur gift was testament to that
[18:58:00] -!- SoyCow3027 [SoyCow3027!~925a48ce@603.67.59.850.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:58:07] <song-of-the-pogo> goodi: oh, boiled ... that is the WORST
[18:58:22] -!- bl8n8r [bl8n8r!~bl8n8r@27-871-888-377.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[18:58:23] <goodi> yeah... let's just say it was not haute cuisine at school ;)
[18:58:26] <wjwlsn> actually, raw is the worst. tried it. hated it.
[18:58:48] <keick> +matie_p: yeah, don't think he's here to answer questions. And I thought mine was rather non-confrontational, purely a question about the journal entries.
[18:58:48] <goodi> haha I actually have some in the fridge... I won't try it raw then
[18:58:50] <stdhell> song-of-the-pogo: The worst is not having bacon...
[18:59:08] <song-of-the-pogo> never tried raw ... how desperately hungry were you, wjwlsn?
[18:59:20] <NezSez> lol song
[18:59:21] -!- SoyCow7064 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:59:22] <song-of-the-pogo> stdhell: this is probably true
[18:59:26] <goodi> what if... we wrap them i bacon and deep them in tempura batter and deep fry them ?
[18:59:30] <gishzida> where's the kosher bacon?
[18:59:31] <wjwlsn> song-of-the-pogo: not desperate, just bored.
[18:59:48] <wjwlsn> saw them sitting there, said "why the hell not?"
[18:59:55] <wjwlsn> now i know why not
[18:59:56] <stdhell> gishzida: Bacon salt is kosher... But it doesn't taste that good...
[19:00:01] <song-of-the-pogo> wjwlsn: i, too, am dangerous when bored ... and i'm permabored
[19:00:10] <goodi> haha to me it's like cauliflower except I love raw cauliflower but hate the cooked version
[19:00:17] <song-of-the-pogo> goodi: ditto!
[19:00:20] <Barrabas> mattie_p: Is it possible that I'm doing something more important in another window, and can only devote a a limited amount of time to looking at this one?
[19:00:30] <mrcoolbp> barrabas: what happened to giving michael 7 days?
[19:00:33] <gishzida> Yeah... I'vve been stuck with Turkey Bacon or Beef Bacon
[19:00:51] <mrcoolbp> barrabas: this is what people were asking
[19:00:59] <TK> What could be more important than a lively discussion on brussel sprouts?
[19:01:07] <goodi> seriously
[19:01:13] <gishzida> Bacon?
[19:01:17] <mattie_p> Barrabas it is possible, just let us know, please
[19:01:19] <SoyCow4108> Ha ha Barrabas, but you had time to respond to mattie_p.
[19:01:42] <mattie_p> Barrarbas there is a lot going on today, and we don't know most of it
[19:01:54] -!- SoyCow5739 [SoyCow5739!~470d7022@78-58-757-48.static.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[19:02:08] <TK> Ctrl+F "brussel", highlight all and ignore every like with highlighted text
[19:02:13] -!- derp [derp!~97e3b806@99v7q560.skybroadband.com] has joined #Soylent
[19:02:34] -!- mrgirlpluggedin has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[19:02:41] -!- SoyCow1870 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[19:02:44] <mattie_p> Barrabas, first you resigned, then you took control back, everyone is confused, you claim you will answer questions. Inquiring minds want to know
[19:02:48] <Barrabas> There was a "miscommunication" which results in my SoylentNews E-mail being taken offline this morning. Because of that I've missed a few E-mails. The miscommunication was badly timed, and now I'm trying to catch up on what's been going on.
[19:03:43] <mattie_p> Barrabas there was discussion on that a few hours ago.
[19:03:48] <mrcoolbp> barrabas: holding the domain hostage was badly timed
[19:03:59] <mattie_p> The consensus in #staff was that because you resigned you were no longer using it
[19:04:10] <TK> Kindly don't antagonize each other
[19:04:12] <mattie_p> when we saw some emails bounce we decided to re-set it up
[19:04:13] -!- mode/#Soylent [+q *!*@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] by BaconTree
[19:04:19] <TK> It may be amusing to watch, but the progress is slower
[19:04:20] <mattie_p> I apologize for this
[19:05:06] <mrcoolbp> I'm so tired......
[19:05:12] <goodi> guys, figure this out and let us know. Gotta go... go go bacon!
[19:05:18] -!- mode/#Soylent [-v mrcoolbp] by BaconTree
[19:05:24] <goodi> you're all doing a wonderful job, seriously!
[19:05:35] <TK> hear hear!
[19:05:39] <song-of-the-pogo> this
[19:05:40] <goodi> take care all
[19:05:46] <Barrabas> mattie_p: Because of the miscommunication snafu, it appears that two people have sent me money. I'm going to refund one and complete the transfer ASAP. You've got a new owner, I hope he has more luck with you guys than I did.
[19:05:48] -!- goodi has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[19:06:00] <NezSez> goodi .... wonder bacon power activate!
[19:06:05] <xlefay> You make us seem property... meh.
[19:06:09] <TK> Any details on that?
[19:06:10] -!- rj [rj!~AC@kqey-644-22-194-181.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[19:06:20] <song-of-the-pogo> i, too, must part, for my "real life" beckons. good luck, all, on hammering things out.
[19:06:28] -!- song-of-the-pogo [song-of-the-pogo!~song-of-t@Soylent/Users/1315/song-of-the-pogo] has parted #Soylent
[19:06:29] <gishzida> And so Who is the new overlord?
[19:06:35] <TK> At least fill in the blank here: "I for one welcome our _____________ overlords"
[19:06:39] <mattie_p> Barrabas I apologize for the inconvenience on that. We could not know in advance you were still using that email address
[19:06:49] -!- Thesis [Thesis!~3295cc86@p-76-165-275-650.hsd0.tn.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[19:07:00] <xlefay> especially not since you know, you had resigned....
[19:07:00] <keick> bacon overlords...
[19:07:13] rj is now known as cornholed
[19:07:22] <gishzida> bacon and cheese overlords...
[19:07:37] <TK> So....about that new name
[19:07:43] <Barrabas> mattie_p: Yes. Real convenient that it happened immediately *after* I posted the E-mail in my journal post. There's no way you could have deduced that I was still using it just by the post now, was there?
[19:07:53] <gishzida> coolculture.net
[19:08:04] <TK> That was a long post, it took a while to read
[19:08:05] <keick> Well... we have a new owner (sounds a little dirty). Wonder who this mystery martyr is.
[19:08:08] <DramaLlama> [ksuhku] ethicalbrusselsprouts.org
[19:08:10] <Barrabas> mattie_p: Another prime example of "we're being mature, you're acting childish" behaviour.
[19:08:10] <GeminiDomino> gishzida: Too 80s.
[19:08:19] <LaminatorX> Why are you here then. Did you just want to watch everyone squirm?
[19:08:22] -!- SoyCow2897 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[19:08:39] <TK> <popcorn>
[19:09:00] <gishzida> GeminiDomino: If you remember the 80's you didn't live therough them
[19:09:01] <keick> Sounds like everyone has been a little quick on the draw doesn't it. <popcorn>
[19:09:18] <TK> don't you dare close it
[19:09:19] <mattie_p> Barrabas a lot happened this morning. If we overlooked that small fact then we made a mistake
[19:09:20] <NezSez> yes it certainly does keick; good call
[19:09:23] <Barrabas> LaminatorX: No one will squirm. The post wanted an *offer* by Friday, no more. That's entirely reasonable, and far more than you and NCommander gave me when *you* held the site for ransom against me a week ago.
[19:09:26] <TK> y@keick
[19:09:39] <GeminiDomino> gishzida: Huh? Unless that's a commentary on 80s drug use, I don't get it...
[19:09:45] -!- bl8n8r has quit [Quit: leaving]
[19:10:02] -!- SoyCow8840 [SoyCow8840!~5e91a462@6t0d50k626.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #Soylent
[19:10:24] <keick> tk: ?
[19:10:40] <TK> I opened popcorn, I intend to close it...in due time
[19:10:57] <keick> sry, didn't close. nested popcorn tags?
[19:11:04] <LaminatorX> We have no "owner." Someone may be buying that domain. Hopefully that someone will want to be co-operative, but no one owns this community.
[19:11:09] <TK> I suppose we have no choice, now
[19:11:25] <TK> http://li694-22.members.linode.com
[19:11:29] <TK> new site name!
[19:11:38] <amblivious> LaminatorX: that's the plan, but in reality it's not that simple. someone _does_ own it.
[19:11:46] <gallondr00nk> li694-22 is people
[19:11:52] <keick> I know we aren't 'owned', but would could be pwned.
[19:11:54] <xlefay> gallondr00nk++ !!!!!!!!!!!!111
[19:11:54] <DramaLlama> karma - gallondr00nk: 4
[19:11:59] <quitte> Barrabas: will there be a transitioning period or a sudden lights out?
[19:12:00] SoyCow4298 is now known as eliphas
[19:12:02] <TK> The soylent version of slashcode is on github, yes?
[19:12:13] <amblivious> TK: yes
[19:12:17] <Barrabas> quitte: What makes you think there will be a "light's out"?
[19:12:20] <gishzida> GeminiDomino: I don't pretend to be a "fashsionable" person... The 80's were the Reagan-Bush era... Not a good time at all
[19:12:27] <gallondr00nk> ty kindly :)
[19:12:31] <keick> li694-22 is my luggage code
[19:12:32] <TK> unknown buyer, possible dice holdings
[19:12:34] <mattie_p> Barrabas do you intend to reveal the buyer or will that individual reveal themselves
[19:12:41] <stdhell> quitte: No lights out. Use http://li694-22.members.linode.com in case of "weirdness"...
[19:12:42] <Barrabas> quitte: At any rate, that will be upt to the new owner.
[19:12:49] <quitte> Barrabas: I only saw this drama unfold hours ago. for all I know dice could be the mistery buyer
[19:12:50] <keick> lol, 6-sided dice
[19:12:56] <GeminiDomino> gishzida: Yeah, but I mean how can you remember it without living through it? ?_?
[19:12:58] <mattie_p> Barrabas how will we confirm the owner?
[19:13:11] <NezSez> barrabas: Whatever happens, thanks for your efforts. You and all the staff are appreciated.
[19:13:14] <Barrabas> mattie_p: Revealing the name is the prestige of the buyer.
[19:13:15] <quitte> stdhell: but the domainname is hardcoded and essential to work, iusn't it?
[19:13:24] <stdhell> mattie_p: They will be wear a red fedora...
[19:13:26] <GeminiDomino> He will come on a pale horse, arriving at the stroke of midnight at the height of the new moon...
[19:13:29] <Barrabas> quitte: For all I know it could be Dice also.
[19:13:38] <Toaster42> ....
[19:13:40] <Toaster42> C'mon man
[19:13:40] <amblivious> Barrabas: well I hope you stay around. In case I don't see you again, I appreciate your time and effort for the community.
[19:13:42] <xlefay> Least you got your $2k right ;)
[19:13:46] -!- Soyus has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[19:13:48] <stdhell> quitte: It can be re-coded if needed.
[19:13:48] <TK> heh
[19:13:52] <keick> NezSez: +++ Certainly appreciate Barrabas for everything, inspite of the last 24-48 hours of drama.
[19:13:54] -!- mrgirlpluggedin [mrgirlpluggedin!~girlinter@Soylent/Staff/Editor/girlpluggedout] has joined #Soylent
[19:13:54] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrgirlpluggedin] by BaconTree
[19:13:57] <Barrabas> mattie_p: Just a wild guess, he'll be the one announcing that he's the owner. I mean, why would anyone else do that?
[19:14:06] <gallondr00nk> seconded Barrabas, thanks for being the first pitchfork wielder
[19:14:11] <TK> stdhell: sounds like a quick "Ctr+H" fix is in order
[19:14:12] <GeminiDomino> The new owner might be Spartacus...
[19:14:16] <gishzida> GeminiDomino: I did and about half of it I don't want to remember... not from drugs... the part where I wasn't working on the space program
[19:14:20] <TK> in notepad++
[19:14:22] * stdhell is the new owner...
[19:14:25] <mattie_p> Barrabas because of the fact that anyone can do that
[19:14:57] * E thinks the owner needs to be an LLC, not a person.
[19:15:00] <GeminiDomino> gishzida: Only space program I was working on in the 80s was a model rocket. :)
[19:15:17] <keick> an LLC is a person... Maybe S-Corp?
[19:15:26] <gishzida> I was working the SSME and Atlas Rocket engin rebuilds
[19:15:29] <NezSez> LOL keick
[19:15:38] <mattie_p> Nor do we know the terms and conditions under which it was sold
[19:16:00] <E> LLC is not necessarily a person, but yes, either an LLC or an S Corp.
[19:16:16] <E> The owning entity needs to be a paper entity, not a meat entity.
[19:16:29] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[19:16:30] <NezSez> I thought the "C" in LLC meant that, yes it is a person legally
[19:16:57] <gishzida> E: The are made of meat
[19:17:10] <keick> its harder to be a paper LLC entity. And S-Corp can have multiple officers, but it is still pass-through on profits.
[19:17:10] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Developer/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[19:17:10] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by BaconTree
[19:17:11] <E> IIRC a "C" is a "Company", which could be a sole proprietorship or group of individuals working as a company.
[19:17:37] -!- lhnn [lhnn!~4341dade@mnye-69-05-353-867.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #Soylent
[19:17:40] <E> But my point is, paper company, not meat company.
[19:17:42] <gishzida> LLC= Limited Liability Company
[19:17:44] -!- SoyCow5656 [SoyCow5656!~d05b7b22@208.91.vnl.zo] has joined #Soylent
[19:17:53] <keick> LLC is a light-weight s-corp, but s-corp is much more flexible.
[19:17:57] <NezSez> and that individual humans that are employees of the LLC cannot have personal property/investments held in lien of the C (E: C is corporation not company i think)
[19:18:10] <gishzida> E: I was trying for humor... FAIL! on my part
[19:18:17] <E> :)
[19:18:27] <NezSez> corporations at legally given rights of a person
[19:18:48] <GeminiDomino> Don't remind us. >_<
[19:18:49] <NezSez> *are
[19:19:00] -!- Beukenbosje [Beukenbosje!~5455e56b@sv7540c60j.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #Soylent
[19:19:18] <keick> I've owned both, much prefer the s-corp. I can create shares, and assign them to other members as I grow. Profits go yearly to the owners though, the Corp itself can carry no profit tax wise.
[19:19:21] -!- SoyCow5656 has quit [Client Quit]
[19:19:34] <NezSez> ah, it is "company"....not sure if that is similiar to corporation
[19:19:53] <E> I'm looking here: http://mashable.com
[19:20:00] <E> Looks like an S-Corp makes better sense in this case.
[19:20:15] <Barrabas> Looks like the payment is in, I'll be giving the domains over to the new owner now.
[19:20:22] -!- SoyCow8326 [SoyCow8326!~84c2d1a9@132.194.okp.tnj] has joined #Soylent
[19:20:47] <keick> maybe... depends on the motives of SN's new owner. Both require pretty much the same $100 yearly 'fee'.
[19:21:09] <keick> So who can we send congrats to?
[19:21:36] <xlefay> Probably Barrabas's new nickname.
[19:21:52] <keick> LOL... he bought himself
[19:22:06] <gishzida> no he sold us out...
[19:22:17] -!- SoyCow8442 [SoyCow8442!~c629523a@198.41.lt.ky] has joined #Soylent
[19:22:18] <keick> The new owner is sabarrab.
[19:22:37] <keick> gishzida: too true
[19:22:43] <dentonj> website becoming unreachable in 3, 2, .....
[19:23:04] <TK> redirect to slashdot.org in 3, 2, ...
[19:23:05] <wjwlsn> ummm... somebody say something
[19:23:06] <keick> must be counting in hours
[19:23:12] <Barrabas> gishzida: Can you explain that? I'm not sure I understand your meaning.
[19:23:12] <TK> something
[19:23:13] <keick> something
[19:23:26] <mattie_p> DNS is at 5 minute TTL, so it won't be that rapid
[19:23:37] <TK> we were countiny in hours
[19:23:41] <xlefay> mattie_p: 5 minutes. it'll get raped
[19:23:42] <TK> fast hours
[19:23:46] -!- SoyCow6599 [SoyCow6599!~506582ed@u56-677-151-758.adsl.xs8all.nl] has joined #Soylent
[19:24:15] <keick> should we bring our own lube?
[19:24:17] <E> Fast hours? That's like sleep hours, not doctor visit hours, right?
[19:24:23] <TK> blowjob hours
[19:24:29] <DramaLlama> [ksuhku] BYOL
[19:24:45] <GeminiDomino> TK: If those are measured in hours, someone's either doing something very, very wrong...
[19:24:47] <GeminiDomino> or very very right
[19:24:50] * E just asked Wolfram Alpha what a BJHR relates to....
[19:24:51] <keick> 3 Bjh => 5 minutes
[19:25:04] <gishzida> Simple: I've invested quite a bit of time in this... and now it seems that you have decided to play games with every small fry like me... that came to build a community. Why, John? I never did anything to you? Instead I and my efforts get treated like I a product to be bought and sould.
[19:25:07] <BaconTree> Also.. if whoever bought it is here.. I would suggest transferring it to your own provider as soon as possible. Just sayin' you might find yourself being asked to pay it again!
[19:25:13] <TK> It's got to be a team effort, one tags in, the other tags out
[19:25:48] <TK> bacontree: I wish I could laugh at that
[19:25:51] <GeminiDomino> gishzida: Ironic, huh?
[19:25:52] <keick> TK: tagging out popcorn so soon?
[19:26:05] <TK> I had forgotten about that
[19:26:10] <TK> but we've got two tags
[19:26:13] <gishzida> Keick: I'm too poor to have any popcorn
[19:26:26] <TK> Pick the lint from your belly button and eat that
[19:26:34] <TK> same airy, salty taste
[19:26:43] -!- SoyCow8442 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[19:26:45] <keick> I think barrabas should by the popcorn, he's rich now.
[19:26:46] <gishzida> TK: Thanks! ;)
[19:26:57] <Barrabas> gishzida: Did you miss the part about NCommander holding the site hostage over me last week? I'm sure you felt betrayed, but is it so unreasonable for me to want to back away under those circumstances?
[19:27:14] <TK> No one is saying Ncommander is completely innocent
[19:27:27] <TK> At least I'm not
[19:27:36] -!- SoyCow9545 [SoyCow9545!~cef8892d@206.248.mlo.jv] has joined #Soylent
[19:27:39] <TK> But you offered the site if you were payed in a week
[19:27:44] <BaconTree> least that week was most productive.
[19:27:48] <keick> Barrabas: Not to be nit-picky, but how was it held hostage? I honestly don't understand.
[19:27:49] <TK> and then you sold in in mere hours
[19:28:07] <TK> That is the definition of unreasonable
[19:28:08] <LaminatorX> I believe he's referring to the threat of a walkout.
[19:28:25] <robind> Way to go Barrabas. Rarely have I witnessed greater hypocrisy.
[19:28:28] <gishzida> Let's see... some how I don't recall in all of that stuff... that you were actually accomplishing anything... except playing lord of the fief... and pissing off your vassals... that's the problem with feudal monarchies
[19:28:30] <keick> Ahhh, NCommander was to walk out?
[19:28:32] <xlefay> robind++ ;)
[19:28:32] <DramaLlama> karma - robind: 1
[19:28:39] <xlefay> keick: actually 4 or 5 iirc.
[19:29:10] <keick> Ouch... They didn't want part of the $10M pie?
[19:29:11] <TK> When you resigned, I was split 50/50 about my opinion of shared blame, but now it's more 90/10
[19:29:31] <neuromancer> you really need money, aren't you?
[19:29:42] <Barrabas> keick: Sounds about right. No offers to fix problems, no offers to help. Just "we're unhappy, so we're threatening to leave".
[19:29:42] <keick> maybe 60/40.. what is the polling to anyways?
[19:29:55] <Cactus> NCommander may, or may not have made the best decisions ever, but he is always trying to get things moving forward. And he has not ever, even once, tried to pull BS like this over on the staff, or the community.
[19:30:00] <Beukenbosje> Well.. you get the best bonding by creating a common enemy. Even imaginary enemies work.
[19:30:00] <xlefay> keick: Actually. people wanted to get organized and get things done. Quite frankly, things have cleared up substantially in the last week.
[19:30:06] <LaminatorX> Quite a few folks were ready to go, but was witholding judgement until I could ask Barrabas about where we were on the non-profit setup and so on. It turned out that the answer was "Nowhere."
[19:30:24] <keick> Barrabas: I did catch wind of some OS revolt, is that a big part of your departure?
[19:30:41] <DramaLlama> [ksuhku] now would be a good time to explain why
[19:30:52] <Barrabas> LaminatorX: So much to do, so little time. Did you know that we were putting mailing lists in place at the time of the meeting?
[19:30:53] <xlefay> Truth is, he chose to resign himself. He was merely asked to step down. NC explained it in his post earlier... jeez, really more drama?
[19:31:02] -!- xlefay [xlefay!~xlefay@Soylent/Staff/IRC/xlefay] has parted #Soylent
[19:31:11] <TK> Should we open up a third popcorn tag?
[19:31:18] DramaLlama is now known as BendingUnit
[19:31:21] <robind> IMO the thing that is bullshit is expecting us to pay you back for personal gifts you made to Michael.
[19:31:34] <keick> I'm not trying to mederate... But I think Barabbas was fairly up front from day one that he wanted SN to turn a profit. Not that I agree. So the walk-out was because others wanted it non-profit?
[19:32:36] <stdhell> keick: No. The walk-out was because Barrabas for weeks hadn't done a damn thing to solve any problems...
[19:32:58] -!- mode/#Soylent [-q *!*@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] by BaconTree
[19:32:58] <NezSez> The way I understand it, that personal gift was a type of payment as it were to Michael for his hard work. That seems reasonable given the circumstances.
[19:33:00] <keick> stdhell: roger that.
[19:33:01] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp] by BaconTree
[19:33:28] <stdhell> robind: And the stuff we didn't need or want... Extra servers, extra domains, ...
[19:33:34] <Toaster42> <popcorn>
[19:33:35] -!- jcd [jcd!~d8432d13@049-40-73-97.static.acsalaska.net] has joined #Soylent
[19:33:40] <robind> stderr, I'm willing to forgive those as honest mistakes
[19:33:40] <Toaster42> ;-)
[19:33:47] <keick> there's that third popcorn tag
[19:33:49] <robind> err i mean stdhell ;)
[19:33:52] <keick> we are fully nested now
[19:33:53] <stdhell> robind: The .jp and .cn domain too?
[19:33:55] <TK> don't forget to close them
[19:33:57] <robind> sure whatever
[19:34:00] <stdhell> robind: Same person... :-)
[19:34:02] <robind> it's like $50 anyway who cares
[19:34:04] <Barrabas> keick: The walk out was because Zak chose to use CentOS and Michael wanted Ubuntu.
[19:34:18] <stdhell> Barrabas: No, it wasn't!
[19:34:27] <TK> We don't want popcorn popping up at unpredictable times
[19:34:28] <Toaster42> It was because of the lack of discussion around the switch
[19:34:29] <Toaster42> even I can read
[19:34:33] <Toaster42> lol
[19:34:38] <robind> Toaster42, ding ding ding
[19:34:43] <Toaster42> :-D
[19:34:46] <Barrabas> stdhell: The .cn domain reg failed for documentation reasons. The .jp will be transferred along with everything.
[19:34:47] <robind> NezSez, which is it, a personal gift or a payment?
[19:34:48] <stdhell> Barrabas: Can you please stop lying for 5 seconds?
[19:34:49] <neuromancer> LOL you sold the domain because of this!?
[19:34:51] <neuromancer> mann
[19:34:57] <robind> yeah pretty fucked up right?
[19:34:57] <neuromancer> you really need to hang out some times
[19:35:05] <stdhell> Barrabas: So? Did anyone want a .jp or .cn domain?
[19:35:11] <stdhell> No... YOU did...
[19:35:14] <TK> So was it just the soylentnews.com/org/net domains, or is the irc domain included?
[19:35:16] <robind> eh who even cares about the domains
[19:35:18] <keick> wow...
[19:35:21] <LaminatorX> It was about the CentOS/Ubuntu question in the same sense that WWI was about the assasination of Franz Ferdinand.
[19:35:26] <robind> it's the general badwill I'm concerned about
[19:35:30] <jcd> Just walked into the middle of a scuffle, I see.
[19:35:33] <stdhell> Barrabas: Why should anyone besides YOU pay for something YOU wanted?
[19:35:40] <jcd> Why is it everything surrounding SN is a scuffle?
[19:35:46] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[19:35:46] <TK> welcome
[19:35:51] <NezSez> robind: that's what i'm saying....it wasn't a "personal gift", just a way for Barrabas to reward Michael given the current situation (not LLC, not s-corp, not non-profit yet etc)
[19:35:57] <TK> don't open any popcorn html tags, we've already got three open
[19:35:58] -!- SoyCow8145 [SoyCow8145!~4741c43d@gjz-616-150-286-606.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[19:35:59] <keick> stdhell: because he funded it from the start?
[19:36:02] <robind> NezSez, that's not what he said at the time
[19:36:05] <robind> at the time it was a gift
[19:36:13] <quitte> stdhell: because he's loosing all value in it?
[19:36:17] <robind> he even offered to give me a gift at one point
[19:36:20] <robind> then retracted it
[19:36:31] -!- lhnn has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[19:36:33] <robind> which I'm thankful for
[19:36:41] <robind> otherwise I'd be even more entangled in this clusterfuck
[19:36:43] <NezSez> robind: ah, IC. I'm just going by what NC told me himself
[19:36:53] <robind> yeah the idea was it was a reward
[19:36:58] <stdhell> keick / quitte: He also said the community would be involved in the decisions... Were any of you involved in the decision to buy a .jp and .cn domain?
[19:37:02] <robind> but he used the word gift very deliberately
[19:37:09] <Barrabas> stdhell: What's your point? At the time, I was running the project, I wanted it *for* the project, it's part of the package. Are you saying it's unfair?
[19:37:09] <robind> stdhell, no
[19:37:18] -!- CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO [CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO!~48f3b602@72.243.zhg.v] has joined #Soylent
[19:37:20] <robind> Barrabas, why don't you address my concerns?
[19:37:26] <robind> Barrabas, stop picking the easy ones
[19:37:30] <quitte> stdhell: no. but that's my own fault for not trying to be involved
[19:37:36] <keick> stdhell: to be fair, how much does a silly domain cost.
[19:37:43] <robind> keick, not much
[19:37:53] <jcd> +1 keick. This is silly.
[19:38:02] <stdhell> Barrabas: Yes, I say it's unfair to expect anyone to pay for your ideas after you say we would be involved in the decisions and we weren't.
[19:38:03] <Barrabas> NezSez: It was a way to reward NCommander immediately without waiting for incorporation. It's part of the startup costs.
[19:38:16] <robind> Barrabas, then why did you call it a gift?
[19:38:18] <robind> hmm???
[19:38:23] <robind> odd word to choose
[19:38:28] <keick> To me the ONLY somewhat unreasonable requested costs was for the gift, and the unused linodes which *could* of been refunded if asked.
[19:38:28] <robind> if you expected to be reimbursed
[19:38:30] <NezSez> Barrabas: I know, i agree with you
[19:38:36] <BendingUnit> [ksuhku] "Gift" is German for "poison"
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[19:38:44] <stdhell> keick: That was just one example... Read the rest of the expenses list. It's full of Barrabas own ideas...
[19:39:02] <CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO> oh look, Sheldon's here now
[19:39:02] <Barrabas> stdhell: I also said it would take a little time to get things running. I originally estimated March 1st, and the community votes were next on my list.
[19:39:11] <keick> I did read them, at least the ones posted in the journal.
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[19:39:25] <stdhell> quitte: I have tried to be involved in the project. Staff wasn't involved in the decision to buy those domains.
[19:40:18] <robind> well since Barrabas is ignoring me, I can really only draw one conclusion, which is that he is embarassed about his actions and won't even try to defend them because he knows he is in the wrong.
[19:40:18] FoobarBazbot|afk is now known as FoobarBazbot
[19:40:21] <GeminiDomino> keick: From the breakdown, though, looks like those two things came to about 50% of it
[19:40:31] <keick> stdhell: i get you, it do. But do you honestly think Barabbas did those things out of malice, or what HE thought was for the greater good AT THAT instance of time.
[19:40:58] <NezSez> look, some decsicions have to be made. These weren't huge risk decisions; easily backed out of, and/or low cost. NC didn't get a staff vote about using ubuntu or buying linodes either but ppl aren't questioning that.
[19:41:06] <Barrabas> robind: Yep. I'm the bad guy, because only a bad guy would want to avoid having to deal with people like you.
[19:41:17] <robind> ah a response
[19:41:20] <robind> delightful
[19:41:26] <robind> "people like me"
[19:41:31] <jcd> Or +robind he's got 100 people after him right now.
[19:41:32] <stdhell> keick: I think Barrabas should have done what he said he would do. Involve the community. The reason some of wanted to leave was because Barrabas didn't involve the community.
[19:42:01] <Beukenbosje> stdhell> stop whining. You make yourself sound like a little child.
[19:42:06] <NezSez> I feel like ppl are judging Barrabas a bit harshly.
[19:42:08] <stdhell> Barrabas: No, you're a bad guy for lying all the fucking time.
[19:42:09] <Barrabas> The linodes were a direct request from Zak, head of sys at the time. He had a plan which involved 5 linodes, for debug and test.
[19:42:11] <robind> So Barrabas, care to explain why you feel you deserve to be reimbursed for a personal gift you made?
[19:42:27] <robind> Or are you going to continue to dodge the question?
[19:42:31] <neuromancer> interesting, thats is exactly the reason people are leaving \.
[19:42:33] <robind> I've posed it multiple times now...
[19:42:35] <keick> But did he do it out of Malice? Or should it be that until a voting system was working he tried to make the best decisions? Not saying I agree with them.
[19:42:41] <Barrabas> It was not something I *decided* on my own, it was part of the normal project process. Get over it, people!
[19:42:47] <stdhell> NezSez: You haven't been dealing with him for a month...
[19:42:48] <quitte> ah! now the centos/ubuntu fallout makes more sense. always follow the money
[19:42:51] <TK> nez: I concur, but he's not doing himself any favors
[19:42:52] <robind> Yeah seriously shuttup about the domains
[19:42:55] <LaminatorX> No Barrabas, you're not even the bad guy. You're a petulent child who throws the ball into the woods because he didn't get to be team captain.
[19:42:57] <robind> no one cares about that
[19:43:02] <NezSez> I agree with keick
[19:43:14] <robind> also it's like $50
[19:43:28] <robind> what about the $400 he's asking for that have absolutely nothing to do with project costs?
[19:43:29] <TK> Isn't this all a little unnecessary at this point?
[19:43:33] <Beukenbosje> keick ++
[19:43:35] <TK> The domain has been sold
[19:43:35] <robind> TK probably
[19:43:37] <Barrabas> stdhell: Localized decisions *were* being done by the community. It was only taking a little time to get things running before starting the voting process for big decisions.
[19:43:44] <robind> TK, it's the principal of the matter
[19:43:47] <cornholed> hey so when do we get to meet our new domain-buying overlords?
[19:43:51] <robind> people need to know he is morally corrupt
[19:43:57] <TK> You're all just rehashing the same arguements from the journal posts
[19:44:03] <Barrabas> robind: Care to explain what gives you the right to ask that? I mean, you seem pretty high-horsed about it.
[19:44:11] <LaminatorX> I suggest everyone ignore him from here on out. the only reason for him to be here at this point is because he wants the attention.
[19:44:20] -!- mrgirlpluggedin has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[19:44:25] <TK> I disagree, laminator
[19:44:29] <robind> Barrabas, I believe everyone has the right to ask whatever questions they like
[19:44:40] <TK> He's doing it for the same reason robind said, the principle of it
[19:44:48] <TK> Just different opinions on the matter
[19:44:51] <stdhell> Barrabas: Asking 1 person is not "done by the community", is it?
[19:44:54] <Beukenbosje> robind: do you also agree he has the right to ignore you?
[19:44:55] <Barrabas> robind: That's my "dealing with rotten people" surcharge. I'm earning a portion of that with you right now.
[19:45:02] <robind> hm frown
[19:45:03] <gishzida> Tk: He has principles?
[19:45:04] <robind> too bad
[19:45:08] -!- xlefay [xlefay!~xlefay@Soylent/Staff/IRC/xlefay] has joined #Soylent
[19:45:13] <xlefay> you kids done yet?
[19:45:18] <TK> Maybe, maybe not
[19:45:18] <robind> you know I was never rotten to you until you pulled this stunt
[19:45:26] <TK> Just a different perspective
[19:45:27] <robind> I have been 100% civil and polite to everyone except maybe poutine
[19:45:38] <xlefay> I guess that's a no then.
[19:45:43] <CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO> Many good men have fought bitterly over scraps due to 'principles'
[19:45:43] <Beukenbosje> That's a no
[19:45:45] <TK> xlefay: yeah
[19:45:58] <TK> As long as there are still open popcorn tags, it's on
[19:46:00] <NezSez> lol xlefay
[19:46:13] <quitte> is the new overlord in the position of the keys now?
[19:46:16] <Barrabas> CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO++
[19:46:16] <BendingUnit> karma - challngeaccptdakamooooo: 1
[19:46:19] <robind> ok well you got your money
[19:46:20] <TK> yep
[19:46:21] <keick> might was well start talking about abortion now...
[19:46:21] <robind> great work
[19:46:28] -!- SoyCow6767 [SoyCow6767!~18013182@r-52-9-77-968.hsd9.il.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[19:46:32] <TK> so sayeth barrabas
[19:46:35] <quitte> possession
[19:46:37] <robind> also from me to you, fuck you dude. I can't believe you turned out to be such an asshole.
[19:46:39] -!- mrgirlpluggedin [mrgirlpluggedin!~girlinter@Soylent/Staff/Editor/girlpluggedout] has joined #Soylent
[19:46:39] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrgirlpluggedin] by BaconTree
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[19:46:42] <Landon> keick: and that would be less vitriolic here
[19:46:46] <TK> I'm confident about what I'm about to do here...
[19:46:50] <TK> </popcorn>
[19:47:01] <keick> </popcorn>
[19:47:07] <TK> leave one open
[19:47:10] -!- lhnn [lhnn!~a8d7ab81@168.215.imw.jyy] has joined #Soylent
[19:47:10] <gishzida> CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO: Those that have principles... I fail to see where this applies in this case
[19:47:10] <keick> k
[19:47:12] <TK> We aren't don here yet
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[19:47:51] <BaconTree> This is all so pointless. Barrabas is an awesome guy, seriously, you guys remember that one time when he asked the community to ehmm... wait, he didn't.
[19:47:52] <TK> I'll put money on someone invested in this trying to get the last word
[19:47:55] <keick> I know... it was a bit rough there. I think robind added about 5 gallons of kerosene to the fire.
[19:48:05] <Landon> who's talking via bacontree?
[19:48:07] <robind> keick, go big or go home
[19:48:12] -!- SoyCow5665 [SoyCow5665!~4e19dfe2@78.25.wig.twr] has joined #Soylent
[19:48:19] <TK> once someone leaves out of frustration, then we can close it
[19:48:32] <TK> keick: yeah, no s****
[19:48:43] <keick> robind: always enjoy it when someone goes all in
[19:48:50] <quitte> can't say shit here?
[19:48:55] <robind> i've put a lot of time into this project
[19:48:57] <xlefay> quitte: he did that censoring himself.
[19:49:02] <robind> been here since day 1, hell before ncommander even joined up
[19:49:08] <TK> no, I just think the asterisks carry more weight
[19:49:08] <Landon> quitte: we censor passwords too
[19:49:12] <Landon> see? *******
[19:49:14] <mrgirlpluggedin> quitte, hunter2
[19:49:15] <keick> nope, can't say shit. but you can type in your password and it'll just show up as *******
[19:49:17] <TK> *****
[19:49:19] <quitte> hunter2 i can read it
[19:49:21] <TK> so cool
[19:49:31] <xlefay> robind: I know, most of us have. Things weren't as we hoped they would be.
[19:49:32] <Landon> no it only censors *your* password
[19:49:37] <keick> i can't read hunter2, all i see is *****
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[19:49:58] <CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO> gishzida: principles are the luxury of the young and idealistic, the rest of us live in the real world
[19:49:59] <quitte> this is so funny. I'm going to put it on bash.org
[19:49:59] -!- SoyCow4679 [SoyCow4679!~cc3624f5@204.54.vn.hzn] has joined #Soylent
[19:50:01] <xlefay> robind: it's most unfortunate how things went.
[19:50:06] <robind> agreed
[19:50:06] <mechanicjay> robind: yeah, me too...this is totally lame.
[19:50:22] <robind> I know NCommander didn't handle it in the best way
[19:50:27] <keick> but is on bash.org with the title 'Change of command'
[19:50:30] <robind> but come on, throwing the whole thing in the fire?
[19:50:31] <Cactus> CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO: Aww, I dont agree with that at all.
[19:50:34] <robind> could've been a bit more civil...
[19:50:37] <lhnn> xlefay: Is there a status update? Do we still have a website? Is someone on the SN staff the new owner of the domain name?
[19:50:42] <robind> wish I hadn't been sick, maybe I could've prevented this
[19:50:42] <gishzida> CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO++: which means John is not?
[19:50:42] <GeminiDomino> CHALLNGEetc..: And that sort of thinking is why I consider myself to be pro-ELE
[19:50:49] <robind> though known how much of a dick Barrabas is probably not
[19:50:59] -!- enrgeeman [enrgeeman!~AndChat59@zpxp-679-79-93-706.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[19:51:00] <xlefay> lhnn: the website appears to be still online. Whether someone bought the domain or not is still debated but none of the staff have for sure.
[19:51:08] <keick> but now that your not sick... 5 more gallons of kerosene should do the trick
[19:51:10] <xlefay> debatable*
[19:51:11] <TK> The lesson to be learned here is: never send emails when angry or drunk
[19:51:17] <robind> keick, doesn't hurt to try
[19:51:18] <BendingUnit> [SoylentNews] - Unconfirmed Purchase Transaction Reported - http://sylnt.us - i-am-so-fucking-sick-of-this-drama
[19:51:36] <keick> TK: only while high then?
[19:51:40] <mechanicjay> robind: yeah, I was actually on B's side until late in the game, he just lost me through repeated dickery.
[19:51:51] <Cactus> Yeah, if someone *actually* sent money to Barrabas, they haven't made themselves known.
[19:51:58] <robind> it doesn't even matter
[19:52:01] <robind> the domain name is worth nothing
[19:52:05] <robind> it's the machines and the people
[19:52:11] <keick> man... now were picking sides? crap. Can I wait to see who wins first?
[19:52:21] <robind> so unless it just gets donated to this project
[19:52:27] <Cactus> robind: And the machine people.
[19:52:35] <robind> Cactus, right can't forget them
[19:52:41] <keick> what about the ghosts in the machine people?
[19:52:48] <gishzida> in a nuke war no one wins
[19:52:55] <robind> so unless that domain is simply given to us, we're going to a new domain name
[19:52:57] <robind> end of story
[19:52:58] <CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO> robind: a domain name has a value - anything has a value, it others are willing to pay
[19:53:00] <TK> keick: If you can write a whole email in that state, then have at it
[19:53:02] <keick> well, expect the guy selling nukes.
[19:53:03] <BendingUnit> [ksuhku] except nuke sellers
[19:53:30] <CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO> robind: and a KNOWN domain name has a value greater than the zero that you ascribe to it
[19:53:37] <robind> CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO, fair enough, how about it's worth a lot less than $2k
[19:53:44] <robind> does that pass your pedantery test?
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[19:54:20] <gishzida> Slag the planet for a profit! Soylent^h^h^h er....
[19:54:49] <keick> soylint? is that the stuff in TK's belly button?
[19:55:00] <CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO> robind: it's worth whatever the market will bear
[19:55:09] <jcd> Why is it that we don't know who owns the domain now?
[19:55:17] <gishzida> keick: maybe... i think he said it was popcorn earlier
[19:55:42] <keick> ahh, but we closed the popcorn tag. how did this travesty occur?
[19:55:44] <GeminiDomino> jcd: The former holder didn't want to tell us, and the new one hasnt' come forward yet. I imagine he'll go through the staff directly
[19:55:52] <robind> CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO, ok, and I'm telling you, right now the market will bear maybe $10
[19:55:55] <GeminiDomino> keick: Only closed 2/3 of them
[19:55:58] <robind> someone just paid 2k for it
[19:56:03] <gishzida> jcd: drama and popcorn
[19:56:03] <robind> good luck to them reselling it
[19:56:07] <NezSez> LOL robind
[19:56:22] -!- SoyCow4167 [SoyCow4167!~84ccf804@w-222-849-388-0.xtpr.umontreal.ca] has joined #Soylent
[19:56:26] <keick> maybe its just someone who wants to see all this shit end?
[19:56:29] <xlefay> robind: not to mention they were probably expecting the entire site ;)
[19:56:39] <robind> haha I sincerely hope so
[19:57:02] <xlefay> I don't because than that person has been duped by Barrabas as many others feel as well.
[19:57:02] <TK> keick: I hope so, but I figured they would have said something in the IRC channel by now
[19:57:07] <keick> its the only logical conclusion. any buyer would know it would be worthless on its own.
[19:57:16] <TK> if they're invested in ending this drama, then they must be watching it
[19:57:31] <TK> But it very well could be Dice
[19:57:37] <TK> 2k is nothing to them
[19:57:48] <robind> well it could be someone paid 2k and is going to just give it to us
[19:57:51] <keick> i'm leaning towards one of the + users online right now
[19:57:53] <Cactus> If anyone actually did buy it.
[19:57:54] <robind> but you'd think we would've heard from them by now
[19:57:55] <lhnn> No-one has told me the real cost of hosting this site per month. Not the "I bought it for a year" cost, but the actual projected monthlies based on traffic and laod
[19:57:59] <xlefay> Cactus: exactly.
[19:58:11] <robind> lhnn, i can tell you that give me a second
[19:58:19] <Landon> lhnn: NCommander estimated $2k is 6 months operating expenses earlier in chat
[19:58:39] * Landon may or may not have gotten both of those numbers correct though
[19:58:40] <keick> i don't konw that i'd just jump out and say "i did it". One thats a bit crass, and two i'll think of another reason
[19:58:43] <quitte> Barrabas: has the transfer happened?
[19:59:08] <TK> quitte: He said he had transferred the keys
[19:59:09] <xlefay> The transfer should be a process that takes less than a minute or so..
[19:59:17] <Barrabas> I've sent the passwords file. I'm waiting for his response E-mail, and I'll send the domain transfer codes when he's ready.
[19:59:18] -!- AgTiger [AgTiger!~43c1d589@o21-802-972-391.home5.cgocable.net] has joined #Soylent
[19:59:25] <robind> the 2k number is a bit high
[19:59:28] <quitte> ah. I must have missed that. or forgotten
[19:59:29] <lhnn> Landon: whew, that's a lot
[19:59:32] <robind> Barrabas, so who did you scam this time?
[19:59:44] <CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO> robind: you sound like you are 14, TBH
[19:59:53] <lhnn> robind: Ass or not, I don't think trolling B is helping
[19:59:58] <Barrabas> I like the tone people are using. "dickish", "duped". Keep it classy guys, and remember: my point of view has no merit whatsoever.
[20:00:00] <robind> It's a sincere question
[20:00:11] -!- Brandur [Brandur!~54f85f6d@xnn-snvirmxxq3-20f37m-125.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Soylent
[20:00:16] <CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO> robind: just recuse yourself while you still have ( some ) respect
[20:00:33] <robind> ok I recuse myself from being a volunteer. happy?
[20:00:39] <xlefay> CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO: lhnn: in all fairness, it is a legitimate question minus the "scamming" part. Ease up.
[20:00:42] <FatPhil> robind: it's not, you're not talking adult-to-adult
[20:00:45] <xlefay> robind: you too, ease up.
[20:00:49] <Barrabas> robind: Actually, I scammed you. More accurately, I *trolled* you. You have a seeming emotional response to something I did, so my trolling was successful.
[20:01:11] <keick> robind: please dont resign, just less kerosene k?
[20:01:25] <robind> well shame on me them.
[20:01:39] <robind> my mistake trusting you
[20:01:55] <mrcoolbp> Barrabas: I personally feel like you have punched me in the gut
[20:01:58] <robind> you know you just seemed to have the best intentions
[20:02:07] <robind> and then it turns into this...just unbelievable.
[20:02:19] <Barrabas> robind: You aren't being sincere, you're pouting.
[20:02:22] <mrcoolbp> Barrabas: not trying to flame, just want you to know, I worked very hard for you and this is a huge slap in the face
[20:02:24] <TK> I told you it was worth it to keep a popcorn tag open
[20:02:28] <robind> mrcoolbp++
[20:02:29] <BendingUnit> karma - mrcoolbp: 12
[20:02:30] -!- SoyCow9292 [SoyCow9292!~810a4747@129.10.rh.zx] has joined #Soylent
[20:02:41] <robind> Barrabas, you've yet to answer a single one of my questions
[20:02:48] <robind> every single time you turn it around into some sort of zing
[20:02:48] <TK> It might even be worth opening another at this rate
[20:02:57] -!- SoyCow4167 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:02:58] <robind> Barrabas, can't you just be straight for even a moment?
[20:03:13] * xlefay thinks perhaps we should a panel!
[20:03:15] <TK> robind: try not to take this personally, there are some people you just can't deal with
[20:03:30] <TK> it's really not worth your time and effort
[20:03:31] <robind> TK, yeah I know, it's just super lame
[20:03:35] <SoyCow9292> Moooo!
[20:03:39] <TK> because you won't change each other's opinions
[20:03:41] <CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO> TK: agreed, and I'm impartial
[20:03:43] <keick> +1 super lame
[20:04:00] <TK> shit, why am I putting these fires out, I want to enjoy my popcorn
[20:04:14] * mrcoolbp is not trying to change opinions, I just want Barrabas to know how I feel
[20:04:14] <CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO> TK: oops
[20:04:31] <Barrabas> robind: Where were you when I was getting punched in the gut? Seems to me like sour grapes on your part.
[20:04:40] <robind> Barrabas, I had a kidney stone remember?
[20:04:41] <keick> TK: how about we add some kero?
[20:04:53] <TK> That would make the corn taste funky
[20:04:57] <jcd> I have students that are more civilized than this.
[20:04:58] * SoyCow9292 wags tail
[20:05:11] <keick> I had one of those (kidney stone), that sucks for 3 hours.
[20:05:17] <Cactus> TK: The kerosine, or the kidney stone?
[20:05:19] <robind> keick, yeah I had to have surgery and stuff
[20:05:23] <gishzida> jcd: lucky you! :)
[20:05:35] <keick> TK: what would make it funky, kero or kidney stones.
[20:05:40] <jcd> gishzida: hah. Definitely not all of them, mind you....
[20:05:41] <CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO> robind: that catheter removal D:
[20:05:54] <TK> Very crunchy popcorn
[20:05:56] -!- SoyCow8326 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:05:59] <keick> robind: ouch... lucky for me mine passed on its own.
[20:06:03] -!- SoyCow8326 [SoyCow8326!~84c2d1a9@132.194.okp.tnj] has joined #Soylent
[20:06:09] <Barrabas> robind: I got sick too, remember. One of the reason I was so far behind - couldn't catch up, couldn't catch a break.
[20:06:10] <mrcoolbp> Barrabas: you offered to hand over the keys, I thought things were "amicable" really
[20:06:11] <Francois> Did you get to keep the stones ? they look nice on a ring ;)
[20:06:11] <gishzida> tk: caramel corn
[20:06:16] <keick> i feel your pain, there is NOTHING that compares.
[20:06:19] SoyCow9292 is now known as melikamp
[20:06:22] <robind> Barrabas, ok but please answer my question
[20:06:43] -!- Khyber_ [Khyber_!~chatzilla@61-09-54-64.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[20:06:49] <LaminatorX> You're just giving him what he wants guys. Everything he says at this point is some variation on, "U mad, bro?"
[20:06:53] <TK> Yeah, but you can't cut glass with a kidnet stone
[20:06:55] <keick> Very small stone
[20:06:58] -!- SoyCow4962 [SoyCow4962!~2ede06a9@46.222.t.sgu] has joined #Soylent
[20:07:00] -!- amblivious has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[20:07:00] -!- dan [dan!~McD@g-19-797-233-670.hsd0.nj.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:07:07] <keick> It felt like glass passing through.
[20:07:25] <Francois> pissing rasor blades for days
[20:07:26] <CHALLNGEACCPTDakaMOOOOO> keick: can verify, had surgery
[20:07:28] <TK> LaminatorX: Isn't this basically just killing time until the transfer goes through?
[20:07:38] -!- SoyCow2130 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:07:42] <TK> francois: sounds like a halfway decent super power
[20:08:04] <LaminatorX> He's got his money, Why give him free entertainment?
[20:08:04] <Francois> yeah, but you have to hang on the wall at the same time ;)
[20:08:08] -!- Khyber has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[20:08:08] -!- hottabasco [hottabasco!~57712604@87.113.jl.q] has joined #Soylent
[20:08:09] <gishzida> tk: or a fighter move
[20:08:11] Khyber_ is now known as Khyber
[20:08:13] <robind> Barrabas, who did you sell the domain to? why did you inflate the price to 2k? why are you being a jerk to all the staff when your disagreement was with just a few?
[20:08:25] <Barrabas> mrcoolbp: I tried to stay positive and upbeat, but a long series of annoyances just wore me down.
[20:08:26] <robind> please just answer any one of those
[20:08:28] -!- SoyCow1263 [SoyCow1263!~530a6711@bquf45.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Soylent
[20:09:02] <robind> Francois, sadly no, they crushed it up and analyzed it or something
[20:09:10] -!- Brandur has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:09:24] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> robind: http://www.amazon.com
[20:09:25] <xlefay> Barrabas: I am curious too. DId you actually sell the domain and if so, would you care to share with whom?
[20:09:38] <mrcoolbp> Barrabas: I get that, and people were not nice to you. But I thought you did things voluntarily, now I feel you have pulled the rug out from under the community to spite it. Seems malevolant, which really surprised me coming from you
[20:09:48] <robind> mrcoolbp++ as usual
[20:09:48] <BendingUnit> karma - mrcoolbp: 13
[20:09:52] <keick> He already stated it was sold, and that the owner would let us know if he wanted to.
[20:09:55] <quitte> robind: to me 2k sounds pretty close to the amount of money Barrabas needed to at least not turn a loss from that whole episode. the gift thing was in bad taste - the pricemark as far as i can tell is not
[20:09:57] <Barrabas> robind: I inflated the price to compensate for dealing with dicks, including you. I won't announce the new owner because that's his perogative. I'm being a jerk to others in kind, especially to you. Others are getting civil answers, some in PM windows.
[20:10:09] <mrcoolbp> Barrabas: you did things voluntarily = Stepping Down
[20:10:23] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> Barrabas: good answer
[20:10:27] <robind> why are you being a jerk especially to me? what did I ever do to deserve that prior to this conversation?
[20:10:28] -!- SoyCow7181 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[20:10:29] <quitte> hmm well. or it's just dick compensation.
[20:10:38] -!- SoyCow5489 [SoyCow5489!~42a73d55@z-51-752-25-06.dlla.tx.dynamic.megapath.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:10:48] <melikamp> I think $2000 is chap change for a resiurce this popular
[20:10:49] * neagix can't believe his eyes
[20:10:56] <keick> 2k is chump change
[20:10:57] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> robind: the current coversation should be quite enough
[20:11:05] <keick> ^
[20:11:19] -!- amblivious [amblivious!~rj@203.184.xn.xwy] has joined #Soylent
[20:11:21] -!- Skarjak [Skarjak!~46512b7f@kwafaqopzn831.14-88-65.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #Soylent
[20:11:24] <xlefay> neagix: just close them and walk away.
[20:11:34] <BendingUnit> [SoylentNews] - Why So Few Clues on Missing Malaysia Flight 370? - http://sylnt.us - The-Presses-Keep-Rolling
[20:11:48] <SoyCow1263> just came here to say that regardless of the outcome 192 comments on the future of the site is extremelly healthy in so short turn. The community will find itself if it is split apart i think
[20:11:58] <neagix> xlefay: or /ignore a few people
[20:12:08] <xlefay> neagix: that would work too!
[20:12:12] -!- goodi [goodi!~607fc297@96.127.kns.ujp] has joined #Soylent
[20:12:35] <robind> Well now I have my answer I guess. Barrabas felt he deserved to be paid more money because his feelings got hurt.
[20:12:50] <melikamp> I am mostly upset because now there's all this talk about name change, which is stupid: SoylentNews is people!!!!
[20:12:52] <goodi> hey everybody, any news on the transaction's outcome as in who the heck is going to own the dns?
[20:13:00] <nobbis> are people reading those 192 comments ?
[20:13:03] <robind> goodi, nope Barrabas is keeping that secret for some reason
[20:13:08] <Barrabas> 2k is *indeed* chump change.\
[20:13:16] <quitte> Barrabas: earlier you said that for all you know the new owner could be dice.
[20:13:21] -!- SoyCow4299 [SoyCow4299!~434e884a@ymzy-57-37-390-90.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[20:13:23] <xlefay> melikamp: in all fairness.. that name vote WAS going to be taken... but it never was till now
[20:13:31] <goodi> thx robind
[20:13:34] <xlefay> imo, it's time we finally had that darned name vote.
[20:13:43] <robind> yeah we're going to change the name
[20:13:54] <xlefay> Hopefully, yes.
[20:13:54] <robind> Barrabas got his money and now we have absolutely no control over it
[20:13:58] <SoyCow1263> nobbis: if they scroll +3 they will find the relevant info like me.
[20:13:58] <robind> so nothing else we can really do
[20:14:00] <SedBot> <robind> Barrabas got his money andthing else we can really dow we have absolutely no control over it
[20:14:12] <robind> thanks sedbot
[20:14:13] <xlefay> It's not about control. It's about the community actually having a choice.
[20:14:26] <robind> xlefay, truth
[20:14:36] <robind> xlefay, but maybe the community would've opted to stay with SN
[20:14:40] <robind> that is no longer an option
[20:14:43] -!- SoyCow1631 [SoyCow1631!~945713c2@aeyt-tvdr60-z.oracle.com] has joined #Soylent
[20:14:50] <melikamp> See, I see it as a major inconvenience: I want to vote soylentnews, but now I am not sure if I'm throwing a vote away
[20:14:59] <SoyCow4299> what a clusterfuck
[20:15:01] <melikamp> Also, can I look at most popular suggestions so far?
[20:15:02] <xlefay> Perhaps it would have. But at this point, unless the owner of the domain steps forward and announces the availability of the domain, it wouldn't be.
[20:15:03] -!- anthem [anthem!~textual@128.114.t.vp] has joined #Soylent
[20:15:09] <wjwlsn> I concur with the cow.
[20:15:12] <goodi> ok next poll, pick a name
[20:15:13] <anthem> death to beta, long live soylent
[20:15:15] <amblivious> it may be an option to stick with SN yet.
[20:15:16] <xlefay> melikamp: they'll be available soon.
[20:15:25] <melikamp> kk
[20:15:28] <robind> ok going to get lunch
[20:15:32] <xlefay> amblivious: only if the owner of the domain steps forward and announces the availability of the domain.
[20:15:32] <amblivious> we need to calm down and wait to see what happens with this purchase.
[20:15:35] <Scareb> I'm late to the party but I wanted to add my 3rd cents that 2k is indeed chump change.. just in case there was any question.
[20:15:37] <robind> see you all later
[20:15:41] <amblivious> yeah.
[20:15:47] <goodi> cya
[20:15:49] -!- SoyCow3743 [SoyCow3743!~8ce2a962@140.226.woq.jo] has joined #Soylent
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[20:15:57] <FoobarBazbot> lol @ SedBot -- I knew that would happen sooner or later.
[20:16:02] <nobbis> SoyCow1263: i really meant is anyone taking any notice of what is being said
[20:16:06] <goodi> well, i just hope nobody comes forward trying to sell the domain name for 3 or 4k now...
[20:16:13] <amblivious> Whatever happens it's not the end of the world. It's a sad story though.
[20:16:23] <amblivious> then we get a new name. not the end of the world.
[20:16:30] <goodi> it's just a point in the community's history
[20:16:32] <SoyCow4299> http://soylentnews.org
[20:16:34] <melikamp> Watch out bitcoin, the soylentnews bubble is coming!!!
[20:16:42] <goodi> if we're solid we move on and get back on track
[20:16:58] -!- SoyCow1599 [SoyCow1599!~4b9261cd@91-117-49-107-ntioglwft.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined #Soylent
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[20:18:01] <SoyCow1263> nobbis: It is if people are commenting they at least have some feelings about it. Remember, the number of people who actually comment is always much lower than the ones who comment. Don't know if they go smoke some pipe and drink fine whiskey while they think about it. But they care
[20:18:28] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> 1263: True Story - holds up glass -
[20:18:31] <SoyCow1263> lol than the ones who read
[20:18:33] * amblivious drinks to that
[20:18:37] <TK> I concur with the cow
[20:18:37] <Barrabas> robind: How does it feel to have absolutely no control of something wou've worked on? Feeling a little... betrayed?
[20:18:51] <Scareb> Cheap whiskey you insensitive clod.
[20:18:55] <gishzida> 1263 +17 karma
[20:18:56] <nobbis> i meant that the comments are being ignored
[20:19:02] <melikamp> I just love it how Barrabas was too busy to run SN, but not too busy to argue with cows on IRC
[20:19:04] <Barrabas> Transferring the domain codes now.
[20:19:27] * dx3bydt3 can't have whisky 'till I get home from work.
[20:19:28] <neuromancer> you are waiting to receive congrats?
[20:19:30] <xlefay> Aah loop back e-mails are so awesome when you feel alone, aren't they?
[20:19:30] <quitte> thanks for the update. and your initial work, of course
[20:19:42] <amblivious> Barrabas: I really hope you take the high road here.
[20:19:58] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> Barrabas: he went to lunch, so you're throwing feces at the air formerly occupied by robind
[20:20:15] <Scareb> So long and thanks for all the fish.. someone said that right?
[20:20:27] <quitte> Scareb DNA
[20:20:35] <amblivious> Douglas adams
[20:20:36] <gishzida> Scarab: 42
[20:20:40] <amblivious> well, the dolphins
[20:20:43] <melikamp> Let's just hope that the new owner will re-join the community, and we can get back on track
[20:20:51] <SoyCow4299> so to sum this up, will soylentnews.org continue to operate normally or will there be a new domain
[20:21:04] <pbnjoe> we don't know yet
[20:21:09] <SoyCow4299> ok thanks
[20:21:11] <amblivious> Soyno way to know until the new owners intentions become claer.
[20:21:15] <NCommander> SoyCow4299: we don't know. Ultiamtely it depends on the buyer, but a post will go up with our position in a bit. mattie_p is taking charge on this.
[20:21:17] <amblivious> erm.
[20:21:18] <melikamp> we don't even know who the new oner is
[20:21:30] <BendingUnit> [ksuhku] or if there is one
[20:21:36] <SoyCow4299> bill gates
[20:21:36] <xlefay> ksuhku exactly.
[20:21:45] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> TL;DR welcome to the feedlot, you cattle
[20:21:54] <Scareb> lol
[20:21:54] * melikamp gores
[20:21:54] <BendingUnit> [ksuhku] just like good old dice
[20:22:03] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> you'll be re-trailered for new pasture soon
[20:22:10] <NCommander> If there is no communication, we're going to migrate to the linode hostname within 24 hours, then hold the new name contest.
[20:22:10] <gishzida> Question-- does the staff go with the domain... or not?
[20:22:11] <BendingUnit> karma - question: -1
[20:22:15] <goodi> so some dude is just going to own a name hoping to do nothing with it...
[20:22:18] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> or off-ramped at the slaughterhouse.....
[20:22:24] <NCommander> gishzida: no, we're independent, as it the site, and the machines.
[20:22:31] <NCommander> *is the site
[20:22:33] <SoyCow1263> Thank you for the Karma I will actually have some Dewars now without the pipe. Nobbis: That is life. It it is indeed not our property, I guess if we did our part and lost at least we go to heaven. Cheers
[20:22:36] <xlefay> .topic *** If the plug is pulled on the current name, people should have http://li694-22.members.linode.com bookmarked! *** | E-mail your name suggestions to: name-suggestion@soylentnews.org | In case irc.sn.. doesn't work anymore, you can use irc.sylnt.us to get here instead.
[20:22:36] BaconTree changed topic of #Soylent to: *** If the plug is pulled on the current name, people should have http://li694-22.members.linode.com bookmarked! *** | E-mail your name suggestions to: name-suggestion@soylentnews.org | In case irc.sn.. doesn't work anymore, you can use irc.sylnt.us to get here instead.
[20:22:38] <amblivious> goodi: well, dice may see some value in doing that.
[20:23:00] <NCommander> We have to take the site offline to change the domain name in the database
[20:23:07] <NCommander> So there will be scheduled downtime
[20:23:16] <Scareb>
[20:23:16] <BendingUnit> [ksuhku] the pool is closed
[20:23:19] <goodi> and we'll be here when it comes back up
[20:23:21] <bryan> is mattie_p's name "Matt Angel"?
[20:23:22] <Landon> someone peed in it :(
[20:23:23] <goodi> no worries :)
[20:23:29] <mattie_p> negative
[20:23:45] <NCommander> mattie_p: did I misrepresent you?
[20:23:49] <Cactus> The P stands for angle!
[20:23:55] <Cactus> el*
[20:23:58] <mattie_p> no, I was answering bryan
[20:23:59] <lhnn> Here's my say on it: https://blog.zeropolis.net
[20:24:04] <NCommander> mattie_p: ah :-)
[20:24:44] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@179.43.ypo.i] has joined #Soylent
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[20:25:36] <NCommander> If we happen to get the rug yanked out from under us
[20:25:45] <NCommander> A mass email will be sent explaining the situation, and our temporary address
[20:26:01] <NCommander> As this will cause the IRC network to be unreachable on its primary domain name, we'll relocate to Freenode.
[20:26:09] <BendingUnit> [ksuhku] come back to mama
[20:26:21] <amblivious> NCommander: for the record, what chan on freenode?
[20:26:28] <Landon> ##AltSlashdot
[20:26:33] <NCommander> amblivious: TBD. It will be in mattie_p's post
[20:26:40] <amblivious> ok
[20:27:01] <TK> yay for backup plans and robustness
[20:27:02] * LaminatorX is curious as to what the buyer thought he was purchasing.
[20:27:04] <NCommander> I'm reclused from this overall, not that it helped.
[20:27:08] <quitte> is a copy of the login information on the transferred linodes?
[20:27:15] <NCommander> quitte: we have the database
[20:27:15] <TK> Laminatorx: I am wondering that myself
[20:27:20] <NezSez> so syint.us was part of the transfer as well?
[20:27:25] <NCommander> NezSez: no.
[20:27:28] <_NSAKEY> NCommander: Is there a channel on freenode already?
[20:27:28] <TK> I do think it's a spiffy name, though
[20:27:32] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> NCommander: I'd rather hear this in the post from mattie than you here, TBH
[20:27:38] <Landon> NezSez: no, I own sylnt.us
[20:27:39] <amblivious> if John knowingly sells to a squatter may his name be mud. I really hope you didn't back-stab us all.
[20:27:39] <quitte> NCommander: exclusively?
[20:27:39] -!- MrBluze_ [MrBluze_!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #Soylent
[20:27:39] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v MrBluze_] by BaconTree
[20:27:41] <NCommander> CHALLNGEACCPTD: mattie_p is writing.
[20:27:41] -!- SoyCow5665 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
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[20:27:43] <neagix> NCommander: what about an /etc/hosts addendum published as a story?
[20:27:51] <FoobarBazbot> NCommander: xlefay has a domain under his control for the backup IRC server, so this network will be reachable.
[20:27:56] <neagix> I would prefer that instead of using the linode name
[20:27:59] <SoyCow1263> By the was there any comment already on the irony of the name Barabbas? Here it goes. A leader called Barabbas where have we got that from :D
[20:28:07] <NCommander> neagix: hrm, let me raise that point.
[20:28:08] <NezSez> NC:Landon: ah good
[20:28:11] * FoobarBazbot digs the logs for the domain name
[20:28:13] <xlefay> FoobarBazbot: actually irc.web-refinery.com & irc.sylnt.us will both work ;)
[20:28:18] -!- MrBluze has quit [Client Quit]
[20:28:22] <lhnn> http://whackperiod.org http://irc.whackperiod.org http://wiki.whackperiod.org as well
[20:28:26] <SoyCow1263> http://en.wikipedia.org
[20:28:27] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #Soylent
[20:28:27] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v MrBluze] by BaconTree
[20:28:29] <Landon> xlefay: and chat.* on both domains for webchat?
[20:28:41] <xlefay> Why wouldn't it?
[20:28:53] -!- SoyCow7363 [SoyCow7363!~0fcbe94f@drsw66tm7692-di46.houston.hp.com] has joined #Soylent
[20:28:53] <xlefay> if all of those point to the IRC's IP, it'll show the webchat
[20:28:53] <Landon> because web is hard
[20:28:55] <Landon> :P
[20:29:14] <xlefay> nah, logs & stats.sylnt.us are the exception the rest is catched all to webchat (for the webserver)
[20:29:18] <LaminatorX> He doesn't know who he sold to, really. It's not like he took time for due dilligence. He said himself it could be dice for all he knows. Whatever he says, his actions say aim here is payback for hurt feelings and wounded pride
[20:29:25] <FoobarBazbot> xlefay: ah, thanks. So afaics no need to go back to freenode in any case.
[20:29:29] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> 1263: so NCommander = NC = New Christ ?
[20:29:38] <amblivious> hrm. It sure looks that way.
[20:29:42] <BendingUnit> [ksuhku] _NSAKEY: it's ##altSlashdot
[20:29:50] <BendingUnit> [ksuhku] for now
[20:29:51] <goodi> looking forward to the post
[20:29:52] <xlefay> FoobarBazbot: technically yea, but some might not realize it in time so they can fall back to ##altSlashdot and get here through the relay
[20:29:56] <NCommander> CHALLNGEACCPTD: I'm not pretending to be anything. I'm not happy about how this played out, and mistakes were made on my part as well.
[20:30:19] -!- SoyCow0293 [SoyCow0293!~b85089b3@184.80.lop.xwk] has joined #Soylent
[20:30:26] <NCommander> CHALLNGEACCPTD: while I do not condune recent events, I do acklodge that I've been at least partially responsible for recent drama
[20:30:27] <goodi> I am happy. We get go move out of this shit now :)
[20:30:33] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> NCommander: that was in direct reply to SoyCow1263's wiki link
[20:30:46] <NCommander> CHALLNGEACCPTD: ah
[20:30:49] <gishzida> I have the linode address pointed to http://www.coolculture.net not that it matters... but it is there if ya need it...
[20:30:51] <SoyCow1263> NCommander: :D
[20:31:23] <BendingUnit> [ksuhku] nobody can hear you wink in space
[20:31:29] <NCommander> gishzida: thanks. THe problem is Slash hardcodes a shitton of stuff in the CSS
[20:31:32] <NCommander> Including the full URL
[20:31:38] <NCommander> (take a look at view source, and have your eyes BLEED)
[20:31:47] <NCommander> If we loose soylentnews.org, the site breaks
[20:31:51] <NezSez> Bending: no one can hear you wink in namespace in this case :)
[20:31:55] <NCommander> Which is why I need to take teh site offline to change domain names
[20:32:00] <NCommander> I have to dump the database and re-imprt
[20:32:04] <NCommander> (re-import
[20:32:13] <goodi> how long to update everything once we move? changing css, code, db etc?
[20:32:16] <xlefay> NezSez: BendingUnit = a bot.. it relays between here and freenode/##altslashdot
[20:32:32] <SoyCow1263> CHALLNGEACCPTD: That would quite funny. Maybe one day we will make a unicyclopedia of the events that happend with Mr NC and Barabbas
[20:32:33] <NCommander> goodi: we already did this once. Its not a fun process by any strech of the imagation.
[20:32:36] <gishzida> NCommander: Ah....
[20:32:39] <Barrabas> LaminatorX: Oh, I know who I sold it to. At least, I know his name and where he works. I just don't know if he's in some subset of Dice, or even if his name is true.
[20:32:43] <goodi> i see
[20:32:47] <NezSez> xlefay: good to know thnx; joke still stands though :)
[20:32:52] <xlefay> =)
[20:32:54] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> but freenode is blocked at work.... :(
[20:32:55] <amblivious> backslash.org:$3513 for first year!
[20:33:13] <gishzida> goodi: SQL dbs are a pain in the ....
[20:33:14] <xlefay> CHALLNGEACCPTD: that's why you can get on chat.sylnt.us
[20:33:19] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> yes
[20:33:21] <xlefay> ooh btw FoobarBazbot, note: irc.web-refinery.com doesn't have a website.
[20:33:22] <NCommander> gishzida: the database isn't the problem really
[20:33:26] <BendingUnit> [ksuhku] maybe somebody could write a script as part of slash to do this jump around domains thingy
[20:33:29] -!- SoyCow0788 [SoyCow0788!~4c094b04@76.9.yk.u] has joined #Soylent
[20:33:31] <NCommander> gishzida: the problem is slash generates a ton of static HTML
[20:33:33] <xlefay> CHALLNGEACCPTD: http://chat.sylnt.us http://irc.sylnt.us will just work =]
[20:33:40] <TK> Open notepad++, press Ctrl+Shift+F, replace "Soylent News" and "soylentnews" with "$new site name" and $newsitename
[20:33:42] <NCommander> gishzida: which has no easy way to rebuild in-mass
[20:33:45] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> xlefay: thanks
[20:33:53] <lhnn> TK it's the db entries as well
[20:33:54] * NCommander is talking close to 300+ files
[20:34:00] <Barrabas> NCommander: I know you tend to see the worst in people, but consider waiting to talk to the new owner. You might actually get along with him.
[20:34:02] <goodi> gishzida: you guys can get help for that! A cow offered help earlier. I can lend a hand too if you need, I suck ar Perl but I am an sql guy
[20:34:07] <TK> blech
[20:34:11] <gishzida> n commander: except as a perl script... yah...
[20:34:12] <quitte> blocking freenode at work is stupid.
[20:34:27] <lhnn> NCommander: sed and awk are your friends
[20:34:34] <gishzida> goodi: I'm not on staff...
[20:34:34] <SoyCow1263> TK: you are a true zen master. What were they thinking
[20:34:35] <goodi> yep
[20:34:43] <goodi> oh sorry :p
[20:34:47] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> quitte: it's opendns, I can't complain much at all
[20:34:54] -!- SoyCow9354 [SoyCow9354!~9a3a4de2@154.58.jw.xps] has parted #Soylent
[20:35:00] <GeminiDomino> NCommander: Is treesed still around?
[20:35:02] <TK> The best fix for a software project is the advice of a mechanical engineer
[20:35:05] <xlefay> opendns is the worst of the worst, dns hijackin' and shit >.<
[20:35:09] <goodi> notepad++ for me then for static pages, works like a charm
[20:35:09] <BendingUnit> karma - notepad: -1
[20:35:13] * NCommander isn't going to for the obvious baiting
[20:35:15] <SoyCow1263> eh
[20:35:15] <lhnn> or maybe we can get some people to rewrite a news aggregator site in a few days
[20:35:18] <gishzida> goodi: no problem it's no differnt than my day job -- unemployed
[20:35:29] <gallondr00nk> notepad++++
[20:35:37] <gallondr00nk> oh, never mind
[20:35:38] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has parted #Soylent
[20:35:51] -!- SoyCow1095 [SoyCow1095!~43a89fe5@e-69-510-506-176.hsd7.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:36:04] <bryan> the name of that editor gives it an unfair advantage in the karma bot db :P
[20:36:22] <SoyCow1263> I propose you state your problem in the wiki give a sample and hold a contest
[20:36:32] <TK> Is it time to close the final popcorn tag?
[20:36:34] <SoyCow1263> on a master script that would work
[20:36:36] -!- Solozerk [Solozerk!~Solozerk@cuh89-4-10-513-431-508.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:36:41] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> xlefay: I agree, but I don't run the network here, and some battles jsut aren't worth fighting
[20:36:41] <melikamp> NCom: have you thought of measures to prevent this kind of transfer in the future?
[20:36:54] -!- SoyCow0788 has quit [Client Quit]
[20:37:00] <TK> I'm apprehensive before the new owner is announced
[20:37:07] <Barrabas> Well, it looks like I'm out of here. This was a bad move, but the purpose was to get me out fast. In that regard it worked very well. A bunch of people who I no longer care about got angry at me (and felt betrayed), but these same people had no real loyalty to begin with.
[20:37:08] <NCommander> melikamp: the problem is we never owned teh DNS to begin with. I briefly had access to the registar, but before I could transfer it, access was yanked.
[20:37:25] <NCommander> TK: the site is not owned. Someone bought an expensive domain name.
[20:37:27] -!- SoyCow3027 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:37:29] <Scareb> I'm registering it now.
[20:37:30] <NCommander> TK: that was the point of my post to the index.
[20:37:30] <bryan> take care Barrabas
[20:37:38] <TK> I never said site owner
[20:37:41] <TK> just owner
[20:37:48] <NCommander> TK: sorry, overread
[20:37:56] <TK> don't worry about it
[20:37:59] <gallondr00nk> take care B
[20:38:00] -!- DarkMorph [DarkMorph!~rob@Soylent/Users/674/DarkMorph] has joined #Soylent
[20:38:01] <TK> I'm just here for the free popcorn
[20:38:08] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> TK: same
[20:38:09] <lhnn> bye Barrabas , I don't wish you death or ill. Good luck on non-soylent related endeavors.
[20:38:12] <melikamp> Barrabas: thanks for creating an awesome alternative to /. Even with all this drama, the site is already better :)
[20:38:20] <Scareb> ^
[20:38:22] <gishzida> TK: or the soy lint
[20:38:31] <gallondr00nk> seconded melikamp
[20:38:35] <NezSez> good luck Barrabas, via con dios!
[20:38:37] <TK> Thank you for the contributions, may your next venture be less dramatic
[20:38:40] <Scareb> Glad someone stepped up, because Fuck Beta.
[20:38:45] <nobbis> good luck Barrabas
[20:38:48] <TK> fuck beta!
[20:38:56] <gishzida> good luck barrabas
[20:38:56] -!- andrew [andrew!~null@sloop.john.b] has joined #Soylent
[20:38:57] <dentonj> good luck Barrabas
[20:39:03] -!- neuromancer has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:39:07] <goodi> +1 gotta go. take care everybody looking forward to reading mattie's post
[20:39:08] <melikamp> Fuck beta, and fuck censored chats
[20:39:10] -!- goodi has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:39:21] -!- wboelen has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[20:39:28] -!- SoyCow9560 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:39:48] -!- neuromancer [neuromancer!~bd708f3a@um-pmxk.cast.com.br] has joined #Soylent
[20:39:59] <LaminatorX> I reccomend putting the ip in your etc/hosts or similar. That's the only way the site will work if the name goes south. the linode address will load the main page, but nothing else will work.
[20:40:25] <Solozerk> (with talk like that, you'll end up summoning APK here)
[20:40:53] <GeminiDomino> Don't even say his name!
[20:41:01] <GeminiDomino> he's like Beetlejuice
[20:41:12] * LaminatorX is not going to ask.
[20:41:19] <Solozerk> LaminatorX > if I understand correctly, the issue is that the domain name itself is stored as-is in numerous records in the db
[20:41:33] <lhnn> I'm out of here, I need to get back to work (i've taken a liberal break since so many people are out of office). One more plug for my suggestions/services https://blog.zeropolis.net tags NCommander mattie_p
[20:41:40] <Solozerk> would it take that long to perform the (I imagine) few SQL queries required to rewrite it (probably not on the live DB but still) ?
[20:41:56] -!- jcd has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:42:19] -!- d33tah has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[20:42:24] <SoyCow1263> put a sample of the problem and hold a contest. I would really like to help
[20:42:37] <SoyCow1263> let the community fix it
[20:42:43] <LaminatorX> Correct, Solozerk.
[20:42:52] <BendingUnit> [poutine] LOL
[20:42:59] <DarkMorph> Getting that SSL cert was a waste huh =/
[20:43:00] <BendingUnit> [poutine] This entire ordeal is a laughing matter now
[20:43:01] <Landon> morning, poutine
[20:43:06] <BendingUnit> [poutine] Barrabas managed to sell the site to someone?
[20:43:12] <LaminatorX> So he claims.
[20:43:13] <Landon> correct
[20:43:15] <xlefay> poutine: Only the domain name actually.
[20:43:15] mrgirlpluggedin is now known as mrgirlplugged[out]
[20:43:38] <BendingUnit> [poutine] Who would want that domain name?
[20:43:46] <BendingUnit> [poutine] tbh I thought it was crappy
[20:43:53] <melikamp> Meh, I would vote for this name
[20:43:53] <MrBluze> someone who wants to know what's new in soylent
[20:43:54] <xlefay> Me too.. I think he sold it to himself though.
[20:43:57] <SoyCow7363> Hahahaha me too.
[20:44:00] <gishzida> bendingunit: Dice?
[20:44:08] <melikamp> lol
[20:44:13] -!- ArhcAngel has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:44:20] <LaminatorX> The food people might've bought it, but I doubt they were that fast.
[20:44:22] <amblivious> I vote for poutine.org as a new name.
[20:44:23] -!- Ingar [Ingar!~ingar@s94h2c24i.access.telenet.be] has joined #Soylent
[20:44:24] <TK> It would be useful for them if soylentnews.com redirected to slashdot.org
[20:44:28] <TK> but in red
[20:44:34] -!- ArhcAngel [ArhcAngel!~636739fd@53-817-73-279.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:44:39] -!- d33tah [d33tah!~d33tah@lczcb.math.uni.lodz.pl] has joined #Soylent
[20:44:40] <BendingUnit> [poutine] also I thought the logo looked awful, hopefully the new logo won't be as bad
[20:44:47] -!- LaminatorX has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:44:51] <DarkMorph> TK: won't work because anyone can recognise Beta from a mile away
[20:45:22] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> the logo should be a cow
[20:45:26] <BendingUnit> [poutine] Without hearing any evidence, I think it should be assumed that Barrabas did _not_ sell the domain to anybody, and is just engaging in a childish power play
[20:45:40] <gishzida> or popcorn...
[20:45:46] -!- lhnn has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:45:58] <TK> Darkmorph: what if they made it red?
[20:46:03] <BendingUnit> [poutine] So don't you guys think you should come back to freenode now?
[20:46:05] -!- WizardFusion [WizardFusion!~2ed0f1b4@468.579.531.79.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:46:09] <xlefay> Poutine: Agreed on the powerplay.
[20:46:15] <DarkMorph> TK: Red Beta is still Beta
[20:46:18] <BendingUnit> [poutine] ##altslashdot has been kept warm by me
[20:46:22] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> poutine: freenode is blocked in several places
[20:46:31] <BendingUnit> [poutine] like where?
[20:46:33] <BendingUnit> [ksuhku] lol idiots
[20:46:42] <quitte> for what reason?
[20:46:47] <xlefay> Also, currently, 157 people here... > 160 if you count those not in this channel ;)
[20:47:11] <BendingUnit> [poutine] ok theres 96k users here
[20:47:16] <BendingUnit> [poutine] so freenode wins the user count
[20:47:17] <Scareb> how long does it take for dns to update the owner usually?
[20:47:17] <Barrabas> BendingUnit: The domains are registered with Gandi.net. You might try "whois" on the domain in a day or so.
[20:47:25] <xlefay> did I not say, the channel??
[20:47:36] <BendingUnit> [poutine] ok what's your network count then
[20:47:39] <BendingUnit> [poutine] freenode it's 96k
[20:47:40] <Solozerk> probably because IRC is "the way hackers talk when they don't want to be overheard" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2rGTXHvPCQ)
[20:47:41] <WizardFusion> DNS usually takes a day to replicate world wide
[20:47:43] <BendingUnit> [poutine] with over a dozen servers
[20:47:51] <wjwlsn> mattie_p's message posted to site
[20:47:52] <quitte> Solozerk: lol
[20:47:59] <xlefay> "Current users on the network: 184"
[20:48:03] <BendingUnit> [poutine] what happens when someone packets soylentnews IRC?
[20:48:07] <BendingUnit> [poutine] it just goes down?
[20:48:18] <BendingUnit> [poutine] 1 server, 100 and some users? Seems dumb
[20:48:21] <xlefay> poutine, fortunately we've got more than one. ;)
[20:48:27] <NezSez> Scareb: depends on a few variables, but once it's in the master/authoratative then zone transfers will take several hours to propogate
[20:48:30] <andrew> poutine--
[20:48:30] <BendingUnit> karma - poutine: -274
[20:48:37] -!- SoyCow0872 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[20:48:39] <NCommander> poutine++
[20:48:39] <BendingUnit> karma - poutine: -273
[20:48:39] <Scareb> thanks, I meant for confirmation of said purchase, of course.
[20:48:45] * NCommander doubts that was ever put in this channel before
[20:48:51] <xlefay> Actually it was.
[20:49:11] <xlefay> !karma-up poutine
[20:49:16] <xlefay> !karma-whyup poutine
[20:49:16] <BendingUnit> no reasons for karmaup of poutine known yet
[20:49:20] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> link, wjwlsn? BTW, I think you are the new owner
[20:49:23] -!- izto [izto!~izto@187.133.rgl.mi] has joined #Soylent
[20:49:47] <wjwlsn> not me ... http://soylentnews.org
[20:49:53] <wjwlsn> no info on new owner yet
[20:49:59] <pbnjoe> :\
[20:50:07] -!- SoyCow4108 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:50:17] <melikamp> How come pipedot has D2 threads and Soylent doesn't?
[20:50:45] <wjwlsn> for the record, i am not the new owner of the domain name
[20:50:52] <SoyCow1263> melikamp: not opensource
[20:51:00] -!- kru [kru!~45e47c92@69.228.nru.tgv] has joined #Soylent
[20:51:07] <nobbis> mattie_p++
[20:51:07] <BendingUnit> karma - mattie_p: 14
[20:51:10] <NCommander> melikamp: they rewrote from scratch
[20:51:16] <NCommander> mattie_p++
[20:51:16] <BendingUnit> karma - mattie_p: 15
[20:51:38] -!- SoyCow5778 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:51:48] -!- matt [matt!~4c77e8df@e-16-259-377-863.hsd3.ma.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:51:56] -!- SoyCow9743 [SoyCow9743!~42574f72@37-84-64-259.pools.spcsdns.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:52:01] <Landon> !karma-whoup poutine
[20:52:01] <BendingUnit> uppers of poutine are: andrew: 5, MrBluze_: 1, TheMightyBuzzard: 1, robinld: 1, NCommander: 1, drgibbon: 1, kobach: 1, xlefay: 1
[20:52:05] <BendingUnit> [SoylentNews] - Backup Plan During Transition - http://sylnt.us - always-backup-your-website
[20:52:07] <melikamp> NCom: They look super nice, you should totally steal everything
[20:52:08] <matt> $2k paid, domain transfer in process, crisis averted, SN saved. Will talk with NC offline and leave it to him to provide updates.
[20:52:16] <NCommander> well
[20:52:16] <Landon> I like how the shorturl is roughly /lame
[20:52:17] <NCommander> damn
[20:52:31] <CHALLNGEACCPTD> I can't seem to reply to mattie_p's post, IMHO the poll should be closed since it....doesn't matter now
[20:52:33] <mechanicjay> matt++
[20:52:33] <BendingUnit> karma - matt: 2
[20:52:34] -!- SoyCow9743 has quit [Client Quit]
[20:52:46] <melikamp> Who's matt?
[20:52:47] -!- SoyCow1197 [SoyCow1197!~5ed2989d@2ok2648e.cm-9-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #Soylent
[20:52:48] <FoobarBazbot> !karma-whoup poutine
[20:52:48] <BendingUnit> uppers of poutine are: andrew: 5, MrBluze_: 1, TheMightyBuzzard: 1, robinld: 1, NCommander: 1, drgibbon: 1, kobach: 1, xlefay: 1
[20:52:49] -!- SoyCow4962 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[20:53:07] <NCommander> melikamp: our new overlord
[20:53:13] <Scareb> Free soylent for everyone then..?
[20:53:21] <SoyCow7363> All hail overload Matt!
[20:53:30] <NCommander> matt: can you register on nickserv?
[20:53:31] <gishzida> WHOIS reports Peter Walsh
[20:53:44] <GeminiDomino> gishzida:
[20:53:45] <NCommander> matt: we want to get you into #staff so we can discuss, but we need registered nicks for that
[20:53:47] <melikamp> I am glad I was here to whitness this momentous occasion, or the utter farce (time will show)
[20:53:50] <GeminiDomino> gishzida: That's the obfuscator, I beleive
[20:53:54] <mechanicjay> gishzida: whois is still obfuscated
[20:54:02] <robind> was it always obfuscated?
[20:54:05] <gishzida> in paris?
[20:54:06] <xlefay> matt: check my PM regarding what NCommander just said.
[20:54:07] <SoyCow1263> never thought I would have breaking news