#irpg | Logs for 2025-01-18

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[03:02:21] <kolie> hehe
[03:02:22] <kolie> i spek
[03:03:06] -!- QuantumQuip [QuantumQuip!bot@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #irpg
[03:03:06] -!- mode/#irpg [+o QuantumQuip] by SkyNet
[03:03:09] -!- mode/#irpg [+o QuantumQuip] by SkyNet
[03:03:12] <QuantumQuip> 4 users matching 5 hosts automatically logged in; accounts: SSLbits, Ingar, kolie, Dr.Chestberg
[03:03:12] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv SSLbits] by QuantumQuip
[04:03:24] <QuantumQuip> kolie [548/920] has challenged Dr.Chestberg [352/385] in combat and won! 1 day, 08:42:31 is removed from kolie's clock.
[04:03:24] <QuantumQuip> kolie reaches next level in 11 days, 00:38:37.
[05:03:35] <QuantumQuip> Dr.Chestberg [282/385] has challenged SSLbits [20/448] in combat and won! 0 days, 07:38:23 is removed from Dr.Chestberg's clock.
[05:03:35] <QuantumQuip> Dr.Chestberg reaches next level in 2 days, 03:07:39.
[05:56:57] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits, kolie, Ingar, and Dr.Chestberg have been chosen by the gods to guard the secret passage to Bharash until the full moon has passed, and the evil returned to its resting place. Participants must first reach [70,315], then [325,270]. See http://idlerpg.net to monitor their journey's progress.
[06:03:46] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits [443/448] has challenged Ingar [552/556] in combat and lost! 0 days, 15:27:41 is added to SSLbits's clock.
[06:03:46] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits reaches next level in 9 days, 20:20:24.
[07:03:58] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits [5/448] has challenged kolie [616/920] in combat and lost! 0 days, 18:49:36 is added to SSLbits's clock.
[07:03:58] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits reaches next level in 10 days, 14:09:48.
[08:04:09] <QuantumQuip> Dr.Chestberg [285/385] has challenged SSLbits [229/448] in combat and won! 0 days, 06:15:19 is removed from Dr.Chestberg's clock.
[08:04:09] <QuantumQuip> Dr.Chestberg reaches next level in 1 day, 17:51:46.
[09:04:20] <QuantumQuip> Dr.Chestberg [305/385] has challenged Ingar [37/556] in combat and won! 0 days, 04:54:11 is removed from Dr.Chestberg's clock.
[09:04:20] <QuantumQuip> Dr.Chestberg reaches next level in 1 day, 11:57:24.
[09:35:13] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits walked face-first into a tree. This terrible calamity has slowed them 1 day, 01:09:51 from level 53.
[09:35:13] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits reaches next level in 11 days, 12:48:24.
[10:04:30] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits [1/448] has challenged QuantumQuip [597/921] in combat and lost! 1 day, 03:37:54 is added to SSLbits's clock.
[10:04:30] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits reaches next level in 12 days, 15:57:01.
[11:04:43] <QuantumQuip> Ingar [447/556] has challenged SSLbits [158/448] in combat and won! 0 days, 09:56:02 is removed from Ingar's clock.
[11:04:43] <QuantumQuip> Ingar reaches next level in 2 days, 18:28:57.
[12:04:54] <QuantumQuip> Dr.Chestberg [321/385] has challenged SSLbits [408/448] in combat and lost! 0 days, 02:18:22 is added to Dr.Chestberg's clock.
[12:04:54] <QuantumQuip> Dr.Chestberg reaches next level in 1 day, 11:15:12.
[13:05:05] <QuantumQuip> Idle RPG Top Players:
[13:05:05] <QuantumQuip> kolie, the level 56 ninja, is #1! Next level in 10 days, 15:36:56.
[13:05:05] <QuantumQuip> svarog, the level 52 cocaine ninja, is #2! Next level in 5 days, 09:57:27.
[13:05:05] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits, the level 52 MuteBard, is #3! Next level in 12 days, 12:56:26.
[13:05:05] <QuantumQuip> Ingar [170/556] has challenged kolie [808/920] in combat and lost! 0 days, 05:09:29 is added to Ingar's clock.
[13:05:08] <QuantumQuip> Ingar reaches next level in 2 days, 21:38:02.
[13:30:28] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits was tipped by a cow. This terrible calamity has slowed them 1 day, 12:03:43 from level 53.
[13:30:28] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits reaches next level in 14 days, 00:34:46.
[14:05:17] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits [174/448] has challenged QuantumQuip [538/921] in combat and lost! 1 day, 09:35:59 is added to SSLbits's clock.
[14:05:17] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits reaches next level in 15 days, 09:35:56.
[15:05:28] <QuantumQuip> kolie [171/920] has challenged Dr.Chestberg [32/385] in combat and won! 1 day, 03:53:49 is removed from kolie's clock.
[15:05:28] <QuantumQuip> kolie reaches next level in 9 days, 09:42:44.
[16:05:40] <QuantumQuip> kolie [409/920] has challenged SSLbits [103/448] in combat and won! 1 day, 05:12:43 is removed from kolie's clock.
[16:05:40] <QuantumQuip> kolie reaches next level in 8 days, 03:29:49.
[17:05:51] <QuantumQuip> kolie [185/920] has challenged Dr.Chestberg [45/385] in combat and won! 0 days, 21:23:39 is removed from kolie's clock.
[17:05:51] <QuantumQuip> kolie reaches next level in 7 days, 05:05:59.
[18:06:01] <QuantumQuip> Ingar [220/556] has challenged Dr.Chestberg [126/385] in combat and won! 0 days, 07:06:28 is removed from Ingar's clock.
[18:06:01] <QuantumQuip> Ingar reaches next level in 2 days, 09:30:38.
[19:06:13] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits [41/448] has challenged kolie [231/920] in combat and lost! 1 day, 05:10:00 is added to SSLbits's clock.
[19:06:13] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits reaches next level in 16 days, 09:45:00.
[20:06:23] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits [55/448] has challenged Ingar [373/556] in combat and lost! 1 day, 03:29:32 is added to SSLbits's clock.
[20:06:23] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits reaches next level in 17 days, 12:14:22.
[21:06:35] <QuantumQuip> Dr.Chestberg [185/385] has challenged SSLbits [144/448] in combat and won! 0 days, 03:24:33 is removed from Dr.Chestberg's clock.
[21:06:35] <QuantumQuip> Dr.Chestberg reaches next level in 0 days, 22:48:58.
[22:06:46] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits [228/448] has challenged kolie [359/920] in combat and lost! 1 day, 09:27:31 is added to SSLbits's clock.
[22:06:46] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits reaches next level in 18 days, 19:41:30.
[23:06:58] <QuantumQuip> Idle RPG Top Players:
[23:06:58] <QuantumQuip> kolie, the level 56 ninja, is #1! Next level in 6 days, 23:04:52.
[23:06:58] <QuantumQuip> svarog, the level 52 cocaine ninja, is #2! Next level in 5 days, 09:57:27.
[23:06:58] <QuantumQuip> SSLbits, the level 52 MuteBard, is #3! Next level in 18 days, 18:41:18.
[23:06:58] <QuantumQuip> kolie [432/920] has challenged QuantumQuip [588/921] in combat and lost! 0 days, 16:42:29 is added to kolie's clock.
[23:07:01] <QuantumQuip> kolie reaches next level in 7 days, 15:47:21.