#dev | Logs for 2025-01-19
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[02:09:23] -!- schestowitz[TR] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[02:21:32] -!- schestowitz[TR] [schestowitz[TR]!~schestowi@2a00:23c8:7480:wwrv:xjv:nuqw:jyvh:hvwn] has joined #dev
[14:15:52] <Bytram> kolie: I still have not figured out email... Could you please create a new account for me? martay@soylentnews.org which I will then use as a template to get my other email accounts straightened out. Thanks! :^)
[14:23:06] <janrinok> Marty - I do email management. First of all, what is wrong with your existing account. Do you just want the password resetting? Secondly, you have just asked for a new account with the name of "M A R T A Y". That is a different spelling - is that what you really want?
[14:26:45] <janrinok> Bytram^
[19:22:09] <Bytram> janrinok: Hi! Yes, that was my intention, to create a NEW account: martay@soylentnews.org
[19:26:09] <Bytram> There's a group I am a member of where people (in real life) know me as "martay" because there is *another*
[19:27:15] <Bytram> "marty" which causes confusion. :/
[19:29:44] <janrinok> PM
[19:31:13] <janrinok> Let me know if you have any more trouble - you have lots of accounts.