#comments | Logs for 2015-08-01
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[00:35:12] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[00:35:12] <exec> last cid = 216573
[00:37:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Not even safe... - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 89 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:37:08] <exec> 08└─From your lightbulb spying on you. Gives a whole new meaning to 'living in the dark', eh?
[00:37:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:-1, Offtopic) 02A laser I can relate to. - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 135 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:37:09] <exec> 08└─Finally the white man has a laser he can call his own. No longer is he subjecting himself to using lesser, colored lasers. White power!
[00:37:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02And the inevitable counter-announcement - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 162 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:37:11] <exec> 08└─SJWs everywhere are demanding that researchers stop spending all of their time developing white lasers and focus their efforts on developing more lasers of color.
[00:37:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02cool, but... - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 335 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:37:13] <exec> 08└─A-holes in BMWs and Lexii, and Benz are going to be blinding the rest of us even worse than with their silly blue-tint HID lamps-- because you know the companies catering to the more money than brains crowd will be jumping on this. I wonder if they will bring back the little windshield wipers for th...
[00:37:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03ese002 [5306] (Score:1) 02A bigger, better Arecibo style radio telescope - 06China Announces Petascale Supercomputer for FAST Radiotelescope - 385 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:37:23] <exec> 08└─After all these years. Meanwhile, they keep threatening to close the original. It seems the astronomy community believes that money is better spent on other projects. The Chinese dish looks like it will be more aimable, something which is a significant limitation of Arecibo Is this enough to make it...
[00:37:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03LoRdTAW [3755] (Score:2) 02Re:Run that by me again? - 06Insurance Industry Issues Warning Over Uber in Ontario - 255 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:37:35] <exec> 08└─To expand on one of my points - Services like Uber have hiring and employment standards as many professional driving services do, so it seems logical that there is some degree of safety greater than catching a ride from some random joe schmuck with a car.
[00:37:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03vux984 [5045] (Score:2) 02Re:Run that by me again? - 06Insurance Industry Issues Warning Over Uber in Ontario - 114 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:37:39] <exec> 08└─So because insurance isn't covering these drivers (aka they won't be paying out on claims), premiums will go *up*?
[00:37:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:the solution - 06Insurance Industry Issues Warning Over Uber in Ontario - 320 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:37:44] <exec> 08└─Simpler than that is to make Uber financially responsible for accidents / injuries that occur due to the actions of their drivers. Uber can either post a bond and self-insure or pay traditional insurance companies to cover this risk. I imagine, if Uber drivers are declared to be employees, that this...
[00:37:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03aristarchus [2645] (Score:2) 02Correlation is not, um, - 06Insurance Industry Issues Warning Over Uber in Ontario - 178 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:37:48] <exec> 08└─Ontario? Like, where Ottawa is? Where Ashley Whatshername recently has a massive data leak? Now we find out why Uber is so popular there in the the Great White Two-timing North!
[00:38:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Informative) 02Re:Use the source, Sasha! - 06Operation Potao Express: Compromised Russian Version of TrueCrypt Targeted Users - 178 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:38:28] <exec> 08└─This is one reason I think more effort needs to be put in to reproducible builds in general. That way, you can verify that even their hashes are correct by compiling it yourself.
[00:44:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score:2) 02No, thank you. - 06July 31st, SysAdmin Day - 499 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:44:17] <exec> 08└─My kuro5hin friends are long weary of my Walls Of Text. They tell me no one reads my essays anymore. I point out my server logs, but they redouble their derision. I write in part to benefit others but mostly so I can tell my story before my tick expires. My father wanted to tell me about Vietnam but...
[00:44:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:No, thank you. - 06July 31st, SysAdmin Day - 227 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:44:18] <exec> 08└─With all the drivel MDC spews forth, if I ever saw his re'sume' I would think ... whether or not this guy is as good as he believes he is, he is nothing better than a law suit waiting to happen. NO THANKS!" Please just shut up.
[00:44:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score:2) 02I sued someone for $150.00 once. - 06July 31st, SysAdmin Day - 399 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:44:20] <exec> 08└─Because he didnt pay me for distributing his advertising flyers when I was in high school. http://www.warplife.com [warplife.com] http://www.warplife.com [warplife.com] http://www.warplife.com [warplife.com] I have never filed any othe...
[00:44:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02St. Ignatius of Loyola - 06July 31st, SysAdmin Day - 187 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:44:21] <exec> 08└─Interestingly, July 31 is also the feast day of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. Someone think there's something more than a bit jesuitical about system administration?
[00:45:26] <exec> count new = 14
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[00:45:27] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[01:35:12] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[01:35:12] <exec> last cid = 216588
[01:37:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Insightful) 02The Man, The Boy, and The Donkey - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 1574 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:37:02] <exec> 08└─A Man and his son were once going with their Donkey to market. As they were walking along by its side a countryman passed them and said: “You fools, what is a Donkey for but to ride upon?” So the Man put the Boy on the Donkey and they went on their way. But soon they passed a group of men, one o...
[01:37:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:The Man, The Boy, and The Donkey - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 95 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:37:03] <exec> 08└─I don't get it. This is a story about donkeys, not about wolverines. Shrek? Layers have onions.
[01:37:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score:3, Funny) 02Re:The Man, The Boy, and The Donkey - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 66 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:37:05] <exec> 08└─" A Man and his son were once going with their Donkey to market. "
[01:37:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03TrumpetPower! [590] (Score:2) 02Death - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 402 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:37:07] <exec> 08└─Wolverine is Faust and the Flying Dutchman as a lone...er...wolverine. Be nice to see one of them finally get the release of death they all so clearly yearn for. And a real one, too -- not one where his ghost can be summoned or resurrected at some future scriptwriter's whim. ...and even better, if i...
[01:37:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Adamsjas [4507] (Score:2) 02Too columated? - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 220 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:37:19] <exec> 08└─Aren't lasers generally collumated? Wouldn't that present a general problem using lasers for general lighting purposes? It also says "Lasers are brighter, more energy efficient " (presumably than LEDs). How true is that?
[01:37:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03RedBear [1734] (Score:2) 02Lasers destroy digital camera sensors - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 474 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:37:20] <exec> 08└─This will be fine if the power is low enough that these lasers flying all around the room can't instantaneously destroy expensive digital camera sensors [photofocus.com]. Just learned about that phenomenon recently actually. Wasn't much of a big deal with older dSLRs, but with digital video cameras...
[01:37:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03bob_super [1357] (Score:2) 02Solving which problem? - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 317 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:37:21] <exec> 08└─> in which the same room lighting systems could be used for both illumination and communication. I have one Wi-Fi box for the whole house, and it doesn't require line-of-sight. Sure, it's slower than Cat-6, but it's fast enough, thanks. LED light bulbs are expensive enough, I don't want your $200-pe...
[01:37:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03TrumpetPower! [590] (Score:3, Interesting) 02Not exactly white - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 941 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:37:23] <exec> 08└─It's important to note that this is not true white light; it is, instead, a balanced mixture of three monochromatic light sources (of unspecified wavelengths). There's great potential for some really nifty things related to human vision, especially for displays. But the light it emits is no differen...
[01:37:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03bob_super [1357] (Score:2) 02Re:A bigger, better Arecibo style radio telescope - 06China Announces Petascale Supercomputer for FAST Radiotelescope - 93 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:37:35] <exec> 08└─This one has much better tracking capabilities than arecibo. Time on target must be important
[01:37:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Adamsjas [4507] (Score:2) 02Re:A bigger, better Arecibo style radio telescope - 06China Announces Petascale Supercomputer for FAST Radiotelescope - 368 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:37:36] <exec> 08└─Arecibo has a lot of problems. It is limited in its sky coverage and tracking capabilities due to the ancient technology used to slew the receiver reflector over the canyon. The canyon bowl surface is far from ideal, and not entirely stable. Wind, rain, and low elevation makes it a huge compromise....
[01:39:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Re:Ethanol off his meds? - 06Excreta Threatening Rio Olympics - 434 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:39:06] <exec> 08└─Cool. It's good for a person to take a stand, and to argue his position. But we should all remember that there are AT LEAST two sides to every story. I'm a softie. I can't pull the plug on someone who depends on life support, exotic drugs, expensive treatments, or anything else. But, I'm also very a...
[01:40:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:IF - 06Can the Insurance Industry Survive Driverless Cars? - 1722 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:40:12] <exec> 08└─The original "If". If— By Rudyard Kipling If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, ...
[01:43:21] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03bootsy [3440] 02SD Card and Replaceable battery - 06Samsung Plans Price Cut for Galaxy S6, S6 Edge - 428 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:43:21] <exec> 08└─From the feedback I have heard, the buying public is frustrated that you cannot change the battery easily, so no spares, and the phone will basically be unusable at the end of 2 years without a new one. The lack of expandable SD Card slots in newer phones is also not going down well. I do not wish t...
[01:45:39] <exec> count new = 12
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[01:45:39] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[02:35:11] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[02:35:12] <exec> last cid = 216602
[02:37:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02How's that space race, Yanks? - 06Russia Schedules First Proton Rocket Launch Since Crash - 78 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:37:03] <exec> 08└─The best way to avoid any accidents is not to bother trying, ain't that right?
[02:37:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score:2) 02Re:The Man, The Boy, and The Donkey - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 101 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[02:37:14] <exec> 08└─Wait, I'm confused. You say Sarah Jessica Parker can actually act as the father of Matthew Broderick?
[02:37:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Funny) 02Anyhoo - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 119 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:37:16] <exec> 08└─The problem with Hugh Jackman is he's too damn pretty, so I banned my whole family from his movies, no exception. Yeah.
[02:37:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03SlimmPickens [1056] (Score:2) 02Re:Too columated? - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 76 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[02:37:30] <exec> 08└─If you shoot them into a reflective dish they spread out like regular light.
[02:37:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03TheLink [332] (Score:2) 02ok for displays but not illumination/lightin - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 358 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[02:37:34] <exec> 08└─https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_rendering_index [wikipedia.org] The thing about lighting is the light doesn't go straight to your eyes but reflects off stuff.So if the light has just three very skinny bands of r g b, something that is orange might appear red or dark red or even black if it onl...
[02:37:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03TheLink [332] (Score:3, Interesting) 02Re:ok for displays but not illumination/lightin - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 213 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[02:37:36] <exec> 08└─So because it's not real white imagine what you will see if that fake white hits a prism.no pretty rainbow of colors just red green blue.So many butterflies and birds will look different. Narrow band pigments too.
[02:38:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Grishnakh [2831] (Score:2) 02Re:Run that by me again? - 06Insurance Industry Issues Warning Over Uber in Ontario - 1198 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[02:38:01] <exec> 08└─And why the fuck does anybody give a shit about what the Taxi lobby thinks? It's not like they're anywhere near Godman-Sachs or Lockheed-Martin. You're thinking of the wrong level of government. G-S and L-M are very influential at the Federal level, yes, and yes, the taxi lobby probably has no power...
[02:38:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03isostatic [365] (Score:2) 02Re:Run that by me again? - 06Insurance Industry Issues Warning Over Uber in Ontario - 427 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[02:38:03] <exec> 08└─I'd agree with most of your points except one. You mentioned you once had an issue getting a taxi to take you somewhere. I reckon that's about 1 in 3 times for me, regardless of the country. By comparison I haven't had a single problem with the 30 plus uber trips I've taken in the last 3 weeks, and...
[02:38:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score:1) 02Good luck with that.... - 06US to Rethink Hacker Tool Export Rules After Many Complaints from Security Professionals - 207 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:38:23] <exec> 08└─Sounds just about as do-able as enforcement of copyright. If its a fileset on a machine, for all practical purposes, consider it public. If anyone knows the "secret handshake" mandated by the TLA's, its his.
[02:45:10] <exec> count new = 9
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[02:45:10] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[03:35:12] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[03:35:12] <exec> last cid = 216614
[03:36:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score:3, Interesting) 02Keystrokes - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 71 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:36:59] <exec> 08└─" After a training session that typically takes less than 10 minutes, "
[03:37:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03kadal [4731] (Score:2) 02Re:Keystrokes - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 26 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[03:37:00] <exec> 08└─It runs on Chromium too...
[03:37:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03captain normal [2205] (Score:2) 02Re:Keystrokes - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 89 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[03:37:02] <exec> 08└─What happens when one composes in notepad and just copies and pastes into the text field?
[03:37:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03kadal [4731] (Score:2) 02Extension - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 368 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:37:04] <exec> 08└─Chrome Extension here: https://chrome.google.com [google.com] More description here: https://paul.reviews [paul.reviews] Firefox extension coming soon apparently. -- This was...
[03:37:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:4, Insightful) 02Requires javascript - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 273 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:37:05] <exec> 08└─Of course, the website has no way to actually get that information unless the user has enabled javascript, which is a terrible idea with Tor anyway. So if you were already being smart and not enabling any javascript while using Tor, this attack would be completely useless.
[03:37:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02I copy green pasta and ham - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 18 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:37:07] <exec> 08└─Anonymous Sam I am
[03:37:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03K_benzoate [5036] (Score:2) 02Good luck with that - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 1005 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:37:09] <exec> 08└─I don't doubt that there's some very weak signal hidden in all that noise, nor do I doubt that it could be extracted under ideal conditions. Many techniques which work in a laboratory setting (or equivalent) aren't useful "in the field". And this could be thwarted by typing a message into a text edi...
[03:37:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:3, Funny) 02Wolverine: Red Dawn - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 891 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:37:27] <exec> 08└─Wolverine leads a plucky band of high school kids in battle after Hordes of paratroopers from "South of the Border" descend outside their school on an austere Manitoba morning. Wolverine and the kids being a hit-and-run campaign against maple syrup reserves, the Molson refinery in Winnipeg, all the...
[03:37:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Wolverine: Red Dawn - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 127 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[03:37:28] <exec> 08└─Canadians rise up and win back their freedom, yelling slogans like, "Shoot me if you want to, eh, but I bleed red and white!!!"
[03:37:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Covalent [43] (Score:3, Insightful) 02Ease up on the juice, Hugh - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 350 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:37:30] <exec> 08└─Seriously, the muscle situation is OUT of control. I understand that you want to be ripped to play Wolverine, but he looks repulsive now. Stop taking whatever you're taking, and skip arms one day. http://www.bodybuilding.com
[03:37:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02My recommendation... - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 196 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:37:32] <exec> 08└─Don't bother. Beating a dead horse isn't going to make it go farther, just like the rest of the Hollywood sequels that go too far. Hey, I heard they're going to make more Rocky sequels up to XXIV.
[03:37:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02snikt - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 3 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:37:34] <exec> 08└─bub
[03:37:49] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03TrumpetPower! [590] 02Not exactly white - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 941 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:37:49] <exec> 08└─It's important to note that this is not true white light; it is, instead, a balanced mixture of three monochromatic light sources (of unspecified wavelengths). There's great potential for some really nifty things related to human vision, especially for displays. But the light it emits is no differen...
[03:38:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Cool - 06HIV Can be Flushed Out of its Hiding Places in the Body Using a Cancer Drug - 335 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[03:38:52] <exec> 08└─Of course you happen to be one of the few people that are willing to sacrifice their desires for the good of all humanity, but keep in mind that people are not generally wired that way. People are selfish, they ignore problems until they become worse, they live in a world of wishful thinking, and th...
[03:40:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:A moon? - 06Excreta Threatening Rio Olympics - 49 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[03:40:02] <exec> 08└─No, it's a planet about the same size as Neptune.
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[04:35:11] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[04:35:12] <exec> last cid = 216631
[04:37:21] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02Requires javascript - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 273 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:37:22] <exec> 08└─Of course, the website has no way to actually get that information unless the user has enabled javascript, which is a terrible idea with Tor anyway. So if you were already being smart and not enabling any javascript while using Tor, this attack would be completely useless.
[04:37:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Marand [1081] (Score:2) 02Re:Requires javascript - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 195 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:37:23] <exec> 08└─Came to say the same thing. Yet another reason to start with something like NoScript and a blacklist-by-default policy, as if advertiser misuse and various other JS abuses weren't already enough.
[04:37:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Good luck with that - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 456 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:37:27] <exec> 08└─Prose analyses is probably a better bet if you're hot to deanonymize people in this style. Anyone who has read a lot of work from one author knows that there are certain words, phrases, and sentence structures which come up over and over again. Some authors are more susceptible than others (I'm look...
[04:37:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03unzombied [4572] (Score:2, Insightful) 02Stop swiveling your chair, it changes your typing! - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 50 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:37:29] <exec> 08└─can then determine with a high degree of certainty
[04:37:45] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] 02Re:The Man, The Boy, and The Donkey - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 66 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:37:46] <exec> 08└─" A Man and his son were once going with their Donkey to market. "
[04:37:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03Tork [3914] (Score:2) 02Re:My recommendation... - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 195 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:37:54] <exec> 08└─Iconic actor from a popular franchise people spent money to perpetuate asks the fans what they want to see, is met with snark. Yet another reason popular people only tolerate us for tech support.
[04:37:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Titles - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 222 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:37:57] <exec> 08└─Wolverine and the XXX-Men Pride and Prejudice ... and Wolverine Alien Verses Wolverine Romeo and Juliet ... and Wolverine The Good the Bad and the Wolverine The Sound and the Fury ... of Wolverine White Chicks 2: Wolverine
[04:39:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03gnuman [5013] (Score:2) 02How government wants to control you - 06US to Rethink Hacker Tool Export Rules After Many Complaints from Security Professionals - 881 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:39:05] <exec> 08└─So how do you get Big Brother laws passed? By attempting to pass even more draconian laws first! It goes something like this. Suppose, government wants to record all your conversations to "catch terrorists". So they, 1. propose total censorship of all communication, to fight terrorism 2. people prot...
[04:39:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03gnuman [5013] (Score:2) 02Re:Use the source, Sasha! - 06Operation Potao Express: Compromised Russian Version of TrueCrypt Targeted Users - 131 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:39:43] <exec> 08└─Let this be lesson to you: verify hashes and signatures, but only after you verify that you have the correct hashes and signatures.
[04:45:41] <exec> count new = 7
[04:45:41] <exec> count top = 2
[04:45:41] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[05:35:12] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[05:35:14] <exec> last cid = 216639
[05:37:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Wiretapping - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 170 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:37:43] <exec> 08└─It is good that the guy told the cop he was recording. Massachusetts has a law against secretly recording audio that cops have tried to use against people recording them.
[05:37:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Informative) 02Re:Wiretapping - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 265 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:37:45] <exec> 08└─Ha ha ha oh yeah. That reminds me of the time some panhandler was asking for money outside a convenience store, in view of a camera. I didn't give him any money, so he told me, "Hey! You know you're on camera right now!" I just said, "Yeah! And so are you, fucker!"
[05:37:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Intimidate the fucking peons! - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 158 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:37:47] <exec> 08└─That's the way you do it! Threaten them in the streets! We will have orderly traffic or the streets will run red with blood! God Bless Zero Tolerant America!!
[05:37:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03Whoever [4524] (Score:3, Informative) 02"Work hard"? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 76 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:37:49] <exec> 08└─"If you work hard you do step on people's toes, which generates complaints."
[05:37:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:"Work hard"? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 408 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:37:51] <exec> 08└─They've probably got some sort of 'hole in a head' (or functional equivalent) quota they have to maintain, otherwise they get poor performance reviews, etc. The hard work part could be finding appropriate contributing clients where any stink is sufficiently contained that the department doesn't have...
[05:37:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03hemocyanin [186] (Score:3, Insightful) 02Moron Asshole. - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 89 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:37:52] <exec> 08└─"You're lucky I'm a cop, otherwise I'd be beating the f***ing piss out of you right now,"
[05:37:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Moron Asshole. - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 28 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:37:55] <exec> 08└─become a cop or join a gang.
[05:37:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Insightful) 02Thugs vs Thugs - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 154 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:37:56] <exec> 08└─We pay thugs in hope that they keep other thugs in line. Problem is, we have to pay somebody else to keep the paid thugs in line. And the chain continues.
[05:37:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Thugs vs Thugs - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 255 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:37:58] <exec> 08└─> Problem is, we have to pay somebody else to keep the paid thugs in line. The problem is in expecting them to be kept in line in private. They are public servants, they must be held accountable in public. Given enough eyeballs, all corruption is shallow.
[05:37:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02TIFTFY - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 49 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:38:00] <exec> 08└─...but we only know about it when people tell us.
[05:38:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score:2) 02Re:Keystrokes - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 45 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:38:04] <exec> 08└─You get singled out for special surveillance.
[05:38:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03kurenai.tsubasa [5227] (Score:2) 02Re:I copy green pasta and ham - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 23 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:38:09] <exec> 08└─No, Anonymous Sam I Am!
[05:38:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03K_benzoate [5036] (Score:2) 02Re:Good luck with that - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 496 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:38:12] <exec> 08└─Vulnerability to prose analyses increases as the corpus of text increases in size. So if there's an anonymous account that's been posting ISIS propaganda, for example, and you've got several thousand words you can then try to match that up with public profiles and see if there are any people with th...
[05:38:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Stop swiveling your chair, it changes your typi - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 164 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:38:15] <exec> 08└─I have at least 5 different typing styles. Probably more. It depends on my posture. Am I sitting up, laying on the couch. On my laptop? On my desktop? On my tablet?
[05:38:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03kurenai.tsubasa [5227] (Score:2) 02Federalist and Anti-Federalist Paper - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 189 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:38:16] <exec> 08└─Well, fsck. But we already knew this. This is just a more in-depth method. How else did the various Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers get matched to their various authors? I am Publuis!
[05:38:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03kurenai.tsubasa [5227] (Score:2) 02Re:The Man, The Boy, and The Donkey - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 398 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:38:34] <exec> 08└─Oh, come on AC. It's not standard Amazon lore, but I had an MD (in an administrative position) practically tell me that story. “If you're going to do something, you're going to piss someone off” he told me. I took that advice to heart. To relate to the story of Wolverine. (I have a friend in Mic...
[05:38:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03DeathMonkey [1380] (Score:2) 02Re:Ease up on the juice, Hugh - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 208 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:38:42] <exec> 08└─Seriously, the muscle situation is OUT of control. Yes! It's become bad enough that we simply must start drug testing. It's critical that we keep the unethical genetic engineering playing field even!
[05:38:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Subsentient [1111] (Score:2) 02Well my requests are simple. - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 138 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:38:48] <exec> 08└─Lots of gory, splatter-noise-filled action sequences of Wolverine tearing up people who REALLY deserve it. That'd make a good movie to me.
[05:38:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anne Nonymous [712] (Score:2) 02Putting on the claws - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 84 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:38:50] <exec> 08└─> My last time putting on the claws. What do you want to see happen? Now masturbate.
[05:38:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03kurenai.tsubasa [5227] (Score:2) 02Amazons, do something! - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 389 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:38:51] <exec> 08└─I'm sure there are many more insightful, informative, and even interesting comments above this one. I want to see the Amazon Nation in action! The DC Universe has its Wonder Woman. What is the Marvel equivalent?! I'm all about more Amazon action. (No, Phoenix, Storm, Rogue, etc do not apply. I'm tal...
[05:38:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03mucsdnop [3687] (Score:1) 02Giml-Wolverine - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 545 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:38:53] <exec> 08└─Personally I'm less interested in whatever his last movie will be about, and more curious of how he would have looked in all of the previous movies if he was the proper height Wolverine is supposed to be from the comics. I'm sure it would have looked awkward as all hell, but also a bit hilarious to...
[05:39:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Appalbarry [66] (Score:2) 02Go ahead, Use Some Mod Points! - 06Insurance Industry Issues Warning Over Uber in Ontario - 201 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:39:53] <exec> 08└─"the insurance industry is working hard with the Ontario government to reduce personal consumer automobile insurance rates" Yep. Mod "Funny." But only because there isn't a "Total Bullshit" mod option.
[05:41:15] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03M. Baranczak [1673] 02Re:Shit-show - 06Excreta Threatening Rio Olympics - 42 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:41:15] <exec> 08└─Or just hold the Olympics in Vatican City.
[05:46:45] <exec> count new = 22
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[06:35:11] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[06:35:12] <exec> last cid = 216663
[06:38:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03kurenai.tsubasa [5227] (Score:2) 02Inevitable - 06Philae Lander Finds Complex Organic Molecules Like Acetone on Comet - 244 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:38:03] <exec> 08└─Of course that would be found. I'm excited it has been found. “The molecules of life are easy to make.… They're abundant in the Cosmos.” —C. Sagan Science trumps all superstitious creation stories! But, yet, it leaves a greater mystery.
[06:38:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:"Work hard"? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 415 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:38:18] <exec> 08└─Strangely I couldn't find that quote in the wickedlocal link. It did, however, have: “He’s a hard charger,” Sacco said. “He’s an active and aggressive police officer. And when you act that way, you’re going to step on some people’s toes. And when you do that, complaints will be filed a...
[06:38:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03kurenai.tsubasa [5227] (Score:2) 02Re:Thugs vs Thugs - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 991 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:38:24] <exec> 08└─We really haven't evolved from warlords, have we? I fear for this species. The Amazon Nation is scattered. The man's world showed quite a bit of hope for a while. It even realized Amazon truths about liberty and justice (granted, some of the Amazon laws are kinda funky and not quite just imo). There...
[06:38:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score:1) 02Finally, a witness. - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 563 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:38:26] <exec> 08└─This story gives good reason why we all should have cameras. There is going to be a helluva lot of splainin' to do back at the station. I believe this is the video [youtube.com]. Imagine explaining this to your boss. God only knows how many times I have screwed up behind the wheel myself. Not becaus...
[06:41:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Azuma Hazuki [5086] (Score:1) 02Re:Chasers... - 06HIV Can be Flushed Out of its Hiding Places in the Body Using a Cancer Drug - 295 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:41:02] <exec> 08└─Hey dipshit, lesbians have LOWER STI rates than straight women. If you wanna blame promiscuous men that's fine, but stop acting like all gay people are reservoirs of disease. I've only had one partner, another woman, and can guaran-damn-tee you I'm cleaner than the average hetero of either sex.
[06:41:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score:2) 02The web of trust is not a robust web. - 06Operation Potao Express: Compromised Russian Version of TrueCrypt Targeted Users - 1119 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:41:20] <exec> 08└─The only time I ever asked anyone to sign my key, I asked two friends who should have known the difference. They downloaded my key from my website, signed it then mailed me their signed copies. Eventually someone pointed out why I should sign my own key. I did so then uploaded it to the keysevers. A...
[06:41:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Trucrypt is NOT Open Source. - 06Operation Potao Express: Compromised Russian Version of TrueCrypt Targeted Users - 105 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:41:21] <exec> 08└─As it does not comply with http://opensource.org [opensource.org] Don't spread misinformation.
[06:44:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Bernie Sanders - 06Concerns that TPP Would Outlaw Public Broadcasting - 508 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:44:00] <exec> 08└─Apparently negotiations have hit some sticking points and the BBC is reporting that it appears unlikely that a final draft will be ready in time for the U.S. Congress to vote on it before the election in 2016. Although I'm too pessimistic to believe that Bernie Sanders will win the nomination of the...
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[06:47:00] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
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[07:35:12] <exec> last cid = 216672
[07:38:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Interesting) 02One offspring... - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 240 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:38:11] <exec> 08└─For every human they help to not procreate. Over time the android populace will grow as the human populace fades. All the human associate problems will fall to the wayside as android slowly and inevitably displace the humans upon the Earth.
[07:38:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score:1) 02Re:One offspring... - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 236 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:38:12] <exec> 08└─Even Data couldn't get it right [wikia.com] and created a being who was doomed to death through the assembly language equivalent of a fatal genetic disorder. Humans suffer enough, best to not force machines to suffer along with them.
[07:38:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:3, Insightful) 02real nerds, go to hell - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 316 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:38:13] <exec> 08└─Sure we say nerds are mainstream, but we only tolerate Hollywood Nerds: buff suave guys who happen to wear glasses. If you're genuinely socially awkward, you belong in prison or in a mental institution, depending on how angry you look to a social worker whose job it is to make sure you never partici...
[07:38:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Subsentient [1111] (Score:2) 02Re:real nerds, go to hell - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 72 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:38:16] <exec> 08└─Eloquently said, far better than I could have. The world is a sad place.
[07:38:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02No - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 55 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:38:17] <exec> 08└─No! Corporations and androids are NOT people. Givvitup.
[07:38:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score:2) 02OHSU just raised one-half billion to fight cancer. - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 3465 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:38:46] <exec> 08└─but they don't have enough cash to install toilets in the bare concrete cells where they imprison without recourse those who are perceived as mentally ill. I wrote this a couple months ago, intended to send it but hesitated while I discussed with a friend who is a professional legal research consult...
[07:38:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score:2) 02We have the right to take the lives of others - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 1543 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:38:47] <exec> 08└─... in legitimate self-defense. Had I been threatened by that cop, I would have killed him. And yes I do not hesitate to say that. Do not think I don't know how to do that. Do not think I am unprepared to do so. Not long after I moved here, the city of Portland lost a lawsuit - or maybe they settle...
[07:39:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Requires javascript - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 531 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:39:04] <exec> 08└─Tor really should default to no JavaScript. It's crazy it doesn't. Now using tor only flags yourself interesting while still leaving you open for attack... And if you disable it yourself, you stick out like a sore thumb. I wonder if this is by design considering the origin... This is a powerful argu...
[07:39:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score:2) 02The National Security Agency begs to differ. - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 643 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:39:10] <exec> 08└─My father - who had a Top Secret clearance - once told me that the Soviets knew how to transcribe your text if you typed it with an IBM Selectric. He was permitted to use them but only in a windowless, soundproof room. He preferred to write by hand with a pen then get his secretary to type it up. Th...
[07:39:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03FakeBeldin [3360] (Score:2) 02Tor keeps your connection anonymous - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 357 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:39:15] <exec> 08└─However, if you use Tor to connect to Facebook and then login, rumour has it that Facebook will know who you are!! </sarcasm> If you give the web site you're visiting personal information (username and password, or typing rhythm, or an iris scan, etc.), don't be surprised if they can use that to re-...
[07:39:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Ease up on the juice, Hugh - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 19 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:39:44] <exec> 08└─He's a Huge Ack Man
[07:39:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Ease up on the juice, Hugh - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 274 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:39:45] <exec> 08└─Reminds me of Christian Bale in movie "The Machinist". The actor looked like he hadn't eaten in two years, all skin and bones. Actors do this for movies and I don't agree with it. Makeup is ok, but living on an apple a day for six months or shooting testosterone is no good.
[07:39:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02OLD MAN LOGAN - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 131 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:39:56] <exec> 08└─No other words need be said. Even Jackman has hinted he wants to do it. https://en.wikipedia.org [wikipedia.org]
[07:40:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:A laser I can relate to. - 06Researchers Demonstrate the World's First White Lasers - 12 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:40:08] <exec> 08└─White pauwr!
[07:40:54] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03hemocyanin [186] 02Re:the solution - 06Insurance Industry Issues Warning Over Uber in Ontario - 1919 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:40:54] <exec> 08└─They have that sort of policy, but it costs more than insurance for private drivers and Uber drivers aren't fessing up their commercial activity in order to get the cheaper private rate. That's really the point of the issue. There are all kinds of policies. If you have a car you barely drive, you ca...
[07:41:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score:2) 02I Stand Corrected. However... - 06Operation Potao Express: Compromised Russian Version of TrueCrypt Targeted Users - 131 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:41:54] <exec> 08└─... in what way is it not Open Source? If it's a problem with licensing that would fail the test, but is the full source available?
[07:44:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:I challenge u motherfuckers... - 06Concerns that TPP Would Outlaw Public Broadcasting - 322 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:44:34] <exec> 08└─You sound pretty stupid. You remind me of the guy who told me that the corvette ships in Star Wars were named after the car. The same guy who told me that the racing motors he could hear weren't the cars belting around the tracks 2000 meters away from us, but were in fact racing around a track 12,00...
[07:45:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Consumers have made a choice - 06Mozilla CEO Upset About User Choice After Windows 10 Upgrades - 225 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:45:23] <exec> 08└─A friend of mine had that problem with his stepfather: he wouldn't use Firefox because it was confusing and just didn't work like IE. So my friend broke out paint, turned the Firefox logo blue, and the problems all went away.
[07:45:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:My Win 10 upgrade... - 06Mozilla CEO Upset About User Choice After Windows 10 Upgrades - 160 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:45:57] <exec> 08└─God, that's worse than having to use the command line. Once Microsoft get away from the need to do this crap, then their products will be ready for the desktop.
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[07:46:57] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
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[08:35:15] <exec> last cid = 216695
[08:38:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gravis [4596] (Score:2) 02moot point - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 248 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:38:19] <exec> 08└─first we need android that think and feel in order to want anything. when there are robots that think and feel, you are likely about to have strong AI. with strong AI, it really wont matter what humans want. so this conversation is completely moot.
[08:38:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gravis [4596] (Score:2) 02Re:Inevitable - 06Philae Lander Finds Complex Organic Molecules Like Acetone on Comet - 89 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:38:30] <exec> 08└─Science trumps all superstitious creation stories! But, yet, it leaves a greater mystery.
[08:38:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03davester666 [155] (Score:2) 02Re:Wiretapping - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 63 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:38:41] <exec> 08└─Good thing you aren't a cop, otherwise you would have shot him.
[08:38:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03wonkey_monkey [279] (Score:2) 02Re:We have the right to take the lives of others - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 38 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:38:54] <exec> 08└─And yes I do not hesitate to say that.
[08:38:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03macson_g [4848] (Score:1) 02Took a wrong turn? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 142 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:38:55] <exec> 08└─Now, on earth, can one "take a wrong turn" and go the wrong way on a roundabout? I would be pissed off that such an idiot is allowed to drive.
[08:39:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03wonkey_monkey [279] (Score:2) 02Re:The Man, The Boy, and The Donkey - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 51 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:39:47] <exec> 08└─Mod parent down: Started Out Like A Joke But Wasn't
[08:39:48] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] 02Wolverine: Red Dawn - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 891 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:39:49] <exec> 08└─Wolverine leads a plucky band of high school kids in battle after Hordes of paratroopers from "South of the Border" descend outside their school on an austere Manitoba morning. Wolverine and the kids being a hit-and-run campaign against maple syrup reserves, the Molson refinery in Winnipeg, all the...
[08:39:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Titles - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 71 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:39:59] <exec> 08└─How about The Rocky Horror Wolverine Show? He can be Frank N Wolverine.
[08:40:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Well my requests are simple. - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 413 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:40:01] <exec> 08└─Can we please have less of that? Too much gore (Hollywood) desensitizes the movie watching people to death and they think its ok for someone to get killed. That is a dangerous thing to be promoting. In almost all cases it is NOT OK to kill people, and showing needless deaths over and over again serv...
[08:44:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03zugedneb [4556] (Score:2) 02Re:I challenge u motherfuckers... - 06Concerns that TPP Would Outlaw Public Broadcasting - 255 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:44:42] <exec> 08└─Stupid, up to the moment you decide to argue against me. Draw a circle. Put the objects you want in it. Now, show me the flow in and out of the circle. Flow of information and matter. I am not stupid, bro. Prove me wrong. Pick anything I have ever said...
[08:46:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03wonkey_monkey [279] (Score:2) 02Re:''doesn't tell us anything'' - 06Piece of 777 Wing Found on Reunion Island; Likely from MH370 - 148 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:46:24] <exec> 08└─Had the aircraft augured in, completely out of control, the forces on everything would be much greater and the damage to everything would be extreme
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[09:35:13] <exec> last cid = 216705
[09:38:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02As soon as the impoverished riffraff die out, - 06Japanese Firm to Mature Whisky in Space - 212 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:38:09] <exec> 08└─the Earth will be a fine place for wealthy socialites to sip spaceage whisky. Any scientific research that could have been done instead might have benefited the lower class vermin in some way. Best not to do any.
[09:38:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Dr Spin [5239] (Score:2) 02I am worried! - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 43 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:38:24] <exec> 08└─Does this mean my sex-bot may get pregnant?
[09:38:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03timbo [5732] (Score:1) 02Planetary Impact - 06Philae Lander Finds Complex Organic Molecules Like Acetone on Comet - 180 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:38:35] <exec> 08└─This surely gives further credence to the Panspermia hypothesis: https://en.m.wikipedia.org [wikipedia.org] Personally, the idea has always made a lot of sense. Tim
[09:39:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Stop swiveling your chair, it changes your typi - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 56 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:39:29] <exec> 08└─https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evercookie [wikipedia.org]
[09:40:04] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Tork [3914] 02Re:My recommendation... - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 195 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:40:05] <exec> 08└─Iconic actor from a popular franchise people spent money to perpetuate asks the fans what they want to see, is met with snark. Yet another reason popular people only tolerate us for tech support.
[09:42:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03davester666 [155] (Score:2) 02Re:Single venue Olympics - 06Excreta Threatening Rio Olympics - 163 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:42:31] <exec> 08└─But they totally promised to clean this shit up when they submitted their bid. Detailed plans, budgets, everything. It's like somebody just stole the money for it.
[09:44:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03davester666 [155] (Score:2) 02Re:Corporatocracy - 06Concerns that TPP Would Outlaw Public Broadcasting - 197 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:44:38] <exec> 08└─It sounds like it can't NOT pass, in that Congress doesn't vote on accepting it, but rather votes on whether to reject it or not, and then Obama will veto their rejection [because it's his treaty].
[09:46:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03choose another one [515] (Score:2) 02Re:''doesn't tell us anything'' - 06Piece of 777 Wing Found on Reunion Island; Likely from MH370 - 825 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:46:45] <exec> 08└─> Well, it seems to indicate that there was a controlled landing. > With the slats extended to maximize lift, contact with the ocean would put a lot of stress on those rather vulnerable pieces (relative to the > rest of the airframe) and tear those loose. the flaperon is also (primary function?) an...
[09:47:05] <exec> count new = 7
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[10:35:13] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[10:35:13] <exec> last cid = 216713
[10:38:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score:2, Interesting) 02Human bias.... - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 616 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:38:03] <exec> 08└─I would think the whole idea of having a computer call it is that supposedly the computer cannot be biased. When I was a kid, I remember a radio-amateur friend of mine building a gadget that would call the game end when it got too dark. A little light sensitive photoelectric gizmo. It would wail w...
[10:38:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03lentilla [1770] (Score:2) 02there and back again: one whisky's epic journey - 06Japanese Firm to Mature Whisky in Space - 103 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:38:12] <exec> 08└─storing the beverage in an environment with only slight temperature changes and limited liquid movement
[10:38:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03lentilla [1770] (Score:2) 02Re:I am worried! - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 97 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[10:38:29] <exec> 08└─Entirely possible, old chap. If I were you, I'd be keeping a close eye on your pool-cleaning bot.
[10:39:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Took a wrong turn? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 493 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[10:39:07] <exec> 08└─the roads are not nearly as perfectly marked as you seem to think. it can easily happen when you are in an unfamiliar neighbourhood that you miss something that for the locals is natural and well known. not all rotaries have roads leading to it pointing at the centre of it. I've seen rotaries where...
[10:41:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score:1) 02Re:How government wants to control you - 06US to Rethink Hacker Tool Export Rules After Many Complaints from Security Professionals - 110 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[10:41:45] <exec> 08└─I wonder how much longer it will be before one is required to run a licensed operating system when on the web.
[10:46:54] <exec> count new = 5
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[11:35:13] <exec> last cid = 216719
[11:38:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Human bias.... - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 677 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[11:38:32] <exec> 08└─http://m.mlb.com/news/article/2173765/ [mlb.com] The balls, strikes and outs are recorded in Major League games by 70 umpires working in 17 crews of four (with two national rovers) working together in both leagues. Most came into the Majors after having worked from eight to 12 years on the average...
[11:38:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Flyingmoose [4369] (Score:1) 02EMdrive - 06Japanese Firm to Mature Whisky in Space - 104 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:38:44] <exec> 08└─If they wanna do something important, they should send an EMdrive and prove once and for all it works...
[11:39:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Moron Asshole. - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 60 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[11:39:29] <exec> 08└─Are you really so naive that you think there's a difference?
[11:39:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03PistonRing [5778] (Score:1) 02Re:Took a wrong turn? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 514 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[11:39:42] <exec> 08└─It is actually very easy. Ok, I come from the UK where we have lots of roundabouts. The first time I encountered one in MA (on Rt 2 IIRC) I automatically went round it Clockwise instead of Anti-Clockwise. Thankfully it was early on a Sunday morning and there was no other traffic about. It is easy be...
[11:39:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03Justin Case [4239] (Score:2) 02Re:Requires javascript - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 253 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[11:39:58] <exec> 08└─Yes. This is ridiculous. If you have Javascript enabled for all websites, you are either clueless, or you don't care. Tor will not save people who are clueless or don't care. Neither will anything else. There are no silver bullets in privacy / security.
[11:47:09] <exec> count new = 5
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[11:47:10] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[12:18:36] -!- crutchy_ [crutchy_!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #comments
[12:35:12] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[12:35:13] <exec> last cid = 216724
[12:37:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02dedicated? - 06Wikileaks Releases "Target Tokyo": NSA's Japanese Espionage Targets - 122 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:37:36] <exec> 08└─leave it to the japanese to have a *official* dedicated play phone for the NSA to tap : ) call it the spy-*wink*-phone ...
[12:37:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:dedicated? - 06Wikileaks Releases "Target Tokyo": NSA's Japanese Espionage Targets - 49 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[12:37:37] <exec> 08└─you've been watching too much ghost in the shell!
[12:37:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02derp - 06Wikileaks Releases "Target Tokyo": NSA's Japanese Espionage Targets - 379 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:37:39] <exec> 08└─if wikileaks were a country i bet the USA would have declared war and bombed it into oblivion i bet the navy is being slapped for inventing tor, which has pretty much opened up the floodgates for whistleblowers these leaks are killing the USA diplomatically. it will be interesting to see how the US...
[12:37:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03wantkitteh [3362] (Score:2) 02Meh - 06Report: New Apple TV and SDK Due in September, Maybe for Real This Time - 326 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:37:48] <exec> 08└─My AppleTV box gathered dust under the TV for about a year before being dumped in a box of misc electronics crap. It never got a look-in, mainly because my PS3 does a better job of streaming media and has native apps for Plex, BBC iPlayer, ITV, All4 and Channel 5. Done deal. And no, I'm not bothered...
[12:38:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03bradley13 [3053] (Score:2) 02Angels' share - 06Japanese Firm to Mature Whisky in Space - 48 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:38:07] <exec> 08└─Bringing the angels' share closer to the angels?
[12:42:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:The web of trust is not a robust web. - 06Operation Potao Express: Compromised Russian Version of TrueCrypt Targeted Users - 196 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[12:42:11] <exec> 08└─After a while I fetched my own key from a server only to find that two complete strangers had signed it. I expect they did so because they think well of me but how did that know that was _my_ key?
[12:42:47] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03kadal [4731] 02Re:Shit-show - 06Excreta Threatening Rio Olympics - 231 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[12:42:47] <exec> 08└─I've always wondered why they don't build a Sports City somewhere and use that for all global competitions. That's right a city full of massive track and field stadiums, swimming pools, soccer fields etc. Seems worth the investment
[12:45:16] <exec> count new = 6
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[13:35:13] <exec> last cid = 216730
[13:36:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03wantkitteh [3362] (Score:2) 02Linux Gaming - 06Shadow of Mordor Comes to Linux (and Mac) - 1220 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:36:58] <exec> 08└─Good news! It seems Windows, consoles and mobile platforms all rate above Linux in the gaming pecking order these days, yet my recent experiment building a Linux-based gaming system has been a resounding success - even factoring in the problems I've had with my AMD graphics card! I'll admit, I'm mor...
[13:37:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Grishnakh [2831] (Score:2) 02Re:real nerds, go to hell - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 118 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:37:47] <exec> 08└─That's why we nerds need to work on androids, so we can bring about the demise of humanity. We'll have the last laugh.
[13:37:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02They took the Sci out of Sci-Fi - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 144 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:37:52] <exec> 08└─This particularly applies to the TV series genre, which has become mainstream with Battlestar Galactica (2004), Heroes (2006) and Fringe (2008).
[13:37:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Bioroids - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 45 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:37:54] <exec> 08└─Academia just watched Appleseed (2004), then?
[13:38:24] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02TIFTFY - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 49 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:38:24] <exec> 08└─...but we only know about it when people tell us.
[13:38:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score:2) 02This is my first mention of military rifles - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 216 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:38:29] <exec> 08└─The ones that were used to fight The War To End All Wars. You know, From The Trenches. My having survived the OHSU Campus Police's attempt on my life yields the insight required not to piss my pants. Have A Nice Day.
[13:38:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03hankwang [100] (Score:2) 02Copy-paste story blurbs - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 349 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:38:34] <exec> 08└─Hey, I'm seeing this happen all the time on SN: long blurbs that are a copy-paste of almost the entire article. Only a couple of sentences from the article are left out and not a single original word appears in the summary. I don't think this is the way to go; you're opening yourself to DMCA takedow...
[13:39:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score:2) 02Re:Wolverine: Red Dawn - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 52 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:39:28] <exec> 08└─Dick Cheney vs. Rob Ford! Who cares about Wolverine!
[13:41:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03Reziac [2489] (Score:2) 02Re:Chasers... - 06HIV Can be Flushed Out of its Hiding Places in the Body Using a Cancer Drug - 372 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:41:17] <exec> 08└─With STDs, it's always wise to remember that you're not kissing just that one person. You're kissing everyone they ever kissed, and everyone those people ever kissed. You can be utterly monogamous, but what if your partner was previously involved with someone who wasn't? you can't control that. You...
[13:41:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score:2) 02My revocation has nothing to do with their sigs - 06Operation Potao Express: Compromised Russian Version of TrueCrypt Targeted Users - 439 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:41:36] <exec> 08└─Suppose you yourself trusted the keys of the two complete strangers who signed mine. You want to send me a ciphertext, or validate my own sig on a cleartext mail, so you ask gnupg to verify that my sig is within your own web of trust. It will be, because you trusted the two right chaps who signed th...
[13:43:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:What exactly is an "enterprise"? - 06Concerns that TPP Would Outlaw Public Broadcasting - 271 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:43:57] <exec> 08└─If I have similar show, or really any show that competes with NPR. Then I'm losing money because of 'unfair' competition. Expect me to go crying to an arbitrator, (who just happens to be a buddy of mine since i ruled in his favour last week) and grab my big sack of cash.
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[14:35:13] <exec> last cid = 216742
[14:36:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score:2) 02If wishes were horses... - 06Root Radar: How Parasitic Plants Know When to Attack - 86 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:36:58] <exec> 08└─I'd have a horse. Wish my computer could run this. Hey! Who's that behind the curtain!
[14:36:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score:2) 02Re:If wishes were horses... - 06Root Radar: How Parasitic Plants Know When to Attack - 32 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:36:59] <exec> 08└─A shit...too tired. Wrong story.
[14:37:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03CoolHand [438] (Score:2) 02Re:Linux Gaming - 06Shadow of Mordor Comes to Linux (and Mac) - 223 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:37:08] <exec> 08└─I think I have about 80 hours into Torchlight 2... I didn't think I was going to care for it much, but it's very addicting... Then I found the mods on steamworkshop, and there goes more time.. But, now, Shadow of Mordor...
[14:37:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03wantkitteh [3362] (Score:2) 02Re:Linux Gaming - 06Shadow of Mordor Comes to Linux (and Mac) - 554 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:37:10] <exec> 08└─I didn't think I was going to be into that much either, I completed Diablo 2 once and was like 'meh, whatever'. That's not the case with TL2 - got about 100-120 hours in so far, completed it twice and I now tell everyone that it's the game Diablo 3 wishes it was. I've been running Elite Hardcore bui...
[14:37:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Nerdfest [80] (Score:2) 02Re:derp - 06Wikileaks Releases "Target Tokyo": NSA's Japanese Espionage Targets - 72 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:37:21] <exec> 08└─It's not helping them financially either, especially in the longer term.
[14:37:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:derp - 06Wikileaks Releases "Target Tokyo": NSA's Japanese Espionage Targets - 85 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:37:22] <exec> 08└─The policies of the US are killing them diplomatically. Now, they just aren't secret.
[14:37:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score:2) 02Re:derp - 06Wikileaks Releases "Target Tokyo": NSA's Japanese Espionage Targets - 47 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:37:24] <exec> 08└─these leaks are killing the USA diplomatically.
[14:37:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:derp - 06Wikileaks Releases "Target Tokyo": NSA's Japanese Espionage Targets - 318 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:37:25] <exec> 08└─The targeted governments give lip service to outrage and then pass laws to allow their own three letter agency to do exactly the same as they realize how far they've fallen behind in the spying game. Naturally they'd prefer that they not be tapped. I wouldn't be surprised if the (n)eyes gets expande...
[14:37:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03bziman [3577] (Score:2) 02Enough with the bad editor commentary - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 86 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:37:40] <exec> 08└─Maybe if Major League Baseball can save money on umpires they can lower ticket prices.
[14:37:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03chewbacon [1032] (Score:2) 02Out of touch with baseball - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 254 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:37:41] <exec> 08└─I just learned they are video challenging plays. I've never understood why they didn't. It's only 30 years too late. I'm glad they are bringing technology to, some say, America's past time. "Boring? Baseball wasn't... hmmm! So they finally jazzed it up?"
[14:37:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02ICYMI - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 1479 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:37:43] <exec> 08└─MLB records each at-bat on video and reviews the footage to evaluate the performance of plate umpires; they then provide feedback, not just to the particular ump, but to all umpires as part of continuous training. This has been going on for years, but it seems that a couple years ago they switched t...
[14:37:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03mmcmonster [401] (Score:2) 02Re:there and back again: one whisky's epic journey - 06Japanese Firm to Mature Whisky in Space - 251 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:37:52] <exec> 08└─Would I pay a little extra to drink a single malt matured in space? Absolutely. And I hate whiskey. The auction on those flasks is going to be something remarkable. Either that, or they're going to be reserved for special donations to the ultra-elite.
[14:37:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score:3, Funny) 02Russia for the win! - 06Japanese Firm to Mature Whisky in Space - 89 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:37:55] <exec> 08└─Now that they've said this, the Russian astronauts will all be rushing to get to the ISS!
[14:37:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03looorg [578] (Score:2) 02Real Moonshine! - 06Japanese Firm to Mature Whisky in Space - 58 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:37:57] <exec> 08└─So one day there might be actual moonshine for sale! Yiha!
[14:38:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Just a note. - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 860 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:38:14] <exec> 08└─Space opera is not science fiction. I know the opera fans believe that it is sci-fi, but, no, it is not. In fact, some authors billed as sci-fi authors are actually fantasy writers. Their fantasies take place in a technologically oriented world, but they remain fantasy because no attempt is made to...
[14:38:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03microtodd [1866] (Score:2) 02Not really a pragmatic thought - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 718 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:38:15] <exec> 08└─So as I write this comment, the two highest-rated comments don't even really answer the questions, which is "What is SN's take on this issue?" I suppose I should RTFA but my first thought is, from an engineering and pragmatic sense we are so far away from this issue that it doesn't even really deser...
[14:38:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Grishnakh [2831] (Score:2) 02Re:Moron Asshole. - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 123 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:38:44] <exec> 08└─-1 Poor reading comprehension No, he's not that naive. That's exactly why he wrote them right next to each other like that.
[14:38:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Re:Moron Asshole. - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 147 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:38:45] <exec> 08└─Of course there is at least one difference. Cops get the blessing of the local p̶r̶i̶e̶s̶t̶h̶o̶o̶d̶ court. Gangs get sentences to prison.
[14:38:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Re:Took a wrong turn? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 1781 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:38:58] <exec> 08└─Been there, done that. I didn't grow up with roundabouts. The damned things are strange, exotic, unusual, and totally unexpected if you don't live in a country or region where they are commonly used. The first time I came to a roundabout (in Massachussets) I was EXPECTING to see something, that I ne...
[14:40:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score:2) 02Re:Titles - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 49 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:40:03] <exec> 08└─Yes! I'm just a sweet cis-gendered, mutant freak!
[14:40:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03wantkitteh [3362] (Score:2) 02Re:A bigger, better Arecibo style radio telescope - 06China Announces Petascale Supercomputer for FAST Radiotelescope - 42 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:40:43] <exec> 08└─Arecibo was built 52 years ago. Nuff said.
[14:43:52] <exec> count new = 21
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[15:37:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Refreshed my memory - 06Root Radar: How Parasitic Plants Know When to Attack - 354 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:37:07] <exec> 08└─I was all ready to make a post about "plant parasites". "No such thing! You mean SAPROPHYTES!" Just to be sure, I did a goodle search. Ooops - I was wrong. A saprophyte lives off of dead animal matter - dead trees, dead leaves, etc. A plant that attacks a living plant is exactly what the summary cla...
[15:37:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Jailbroken ATV2 - 06Report: New Apple TV and SDK Due in September, Maybe for Real This Time - 128 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:37:39] <exec> 08└─I have a jailbroken ATV2 running XBMC for streaming and apps. Has run well for years, with only some problems playing DVD menus.
[15:38:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Could lead to a mellower flavour - 06Japanese Firm to Mature Whisky in Space - 93 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:38:05] <exec> 08└─Isn't that the opposite what they should be aiming for? Asians and alcohol don't seem to mix!
[15:38:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:I am worried! - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 40 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:38:24] <exec> 08└─Not to mention the pizza delivery drone.
[15:39:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03DrkShadow [1404] (Score:1) 02Re:Took a wrong turn? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 578 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:39:10] <exec> 08└─https://www.google.com/maps/@42.4087017,-71.0008423,17z [google.com] Suppose you're driving West on highway 1A on the right-hand portion, and you want to _continue_ West on highway 1A, which becomes the yellow, lower portion. Would you please describe how you would navigate the Bell Circle Rotary? K...
[15:39:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03mtrycz [60] (Score:2) 02Re:Requires javascript - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 62 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:39:27] <exec> 08└─Is "blacklist-by-default" an elaborate way to say "whitelist"?
[15:39:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Good luck with that - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 82 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:39:35] <exec> 08└─Vulnerability to prose analyses increases as the corpus of text increases in size.
[15:41:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Run that by me again? - 06Insurance Industry Issues Warning Over Uber in Ontario - 231 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:41:17] <exec> 08└─At least here, the "underinsured motorist" coverage only covers medical claims for the people in the vehicle, and not the damage they caused. I have health insurance, I don't care if my passengers do, so I would drop this coverage.
[15:43:09] <exec> count new = 8
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[16:35:12] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
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[16:37:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03mr_bad_influence [3854] (Score:1) 02ISP intentions - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 270 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:37:04] <exec> 08└─The fact that these ISPs are fighting net neutrality regulation so vigorously shows their intentions all along have been to manipulate the internet for their own gain. You can bet if they are successful in this suit, the internet will become a victim of corporate greed.
[16:37:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03physicsmajor [1471] (Score:3, Insightful) 02Slippery slope - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 572 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:37:05] <exec> 08└─This had better be struck down hard, because if it goes anywhere at all it sets a precedent ending with is deregulation of every last other "telecommunications" service. Your cell phone? Definitely uses "computer processing." Landlines? Yup, those too. In fact, because it's so much more efficient, a...
[16:37:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03doublerot13 [4497] (Score:3, Insightful) 02So DSL and digital switches aren't telecom ? - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 580 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:37:07] <exec> 08└─I was pretty fucking sure that modern phone calls, the definition of 'telecommunications', use digital switches[aka computers and computer processing] instead of older analog tech. So, yeah. If the ISPs want to go back to this --> https://www.google.com
[16:38:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02You can also use the new system in bright daylight - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 16 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:38:01] <exec> 08└─Unlike vampires!
[16:38:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03mcgrew [701] (Score:2) 02Re:moot point - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 602 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:38:31] <exec> 08└─No Turing computer will ever think. The danger of AI isn't sentience, but false sentience. I wrote a program way back in 1984 that did a pretty good job of faking humanity, and it was on a 4 mHz Z-80 computer with sixteen KB of memory and no disk. With a computer like Watson, fooling people is trivi...
[16:38:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03theluggage [1797] (Score:2) 02Re:Just a note. - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 74 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:38:38] <exec> 08└─The single best example of a science fiction writer would be Isaac Asimov.
[16:39:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03naubol [1918] (Score:2) 02Essence of policing - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 1668 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:39:10] <exec> 08└─Rational self-control in the pursuit of externally supplied duties is the foundation for law and order. Police officers should, without exception, have the ability to maintain rigid self control in all situations, even if they are tired, stressed, offended, over-worked, in personal crisis, or their...
[16:39:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Yog-Yogguth [1862] (Score:2) 02Re:Took a wrong turn? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 208 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:39:23] <exec> 08└─OT from me but “beyond the pale [wikipedia.org]” fits well i.e. “into lawless territory” (ignore the obvious historical bias of definition, no offense intended to the Irish). Cops shouldn't be crooks.
[16:39:26] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03hankwang [100] 02Copy-paste story blurbs - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 349 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:39:26] <exec> 08└─Hey, I'm seeing this happen all the time on SN: long blurbs that are a copy-paste of almost the entire article. Only a couple of sentences from the article are left out and not a single original word appears in the summary. I don't think this is the way to go; you're opening yourself to DMCA takedow...
[16:39:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Yog-Yogguth [1862] (Score:2) 02Re:Copy-paste story blurbs - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 594 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:39:28] <exec> 08└─Good points. The problem is we're not submitting enough stories. I myself am guilty of this, I've had one I've been meaning to complete for almost a week now but never gotten around to it. Often when one finds something interesting it's something one doesn't know all that much about, then one starts...
[16:42:37] <exec> count new = 9
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[16:42:37] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
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[17:35:14] <exec> last cid = 216783
[17:37:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Sounds like another ATM - 06Researchers Announce Another "5G Breakthrough" - 381 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:37:08] <exec> 08└─Back in the '90s, ATM (i.e. Asynchronous Transfer Mode, not cash machines) was supposedly destined to become the backbone protocol of the Internet, either displacing or carrying IP packets between boundary points of the carrier networks. Whether it actually happened or not (I think not, but I'm not...
[17:37:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03schad [2398] (Score:2) 02Re:ISP intentions - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 90 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:37:17] <exec> 08└─if they are successful in this suit, the internet will become a victim of corporate greed.
[17:37:17] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03physicsmajor [1471] 02Slippery slope - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 572 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:37:18] <exec> 08└─This had better be struck down hard, because if it goes anywhere at all it sets a precedent ending with is deregulation of every last other "telecommunications" service. Your cell phone? Definitely uses "computer processing." Landlines? Yup, those too. In fact, because it's so much more efficient, a...
[17:37:19] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03doublerot13 [4497] 02So DSL and digital switches aren't telecom ? - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 580 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:37:20] <exec> 08└─I was pretty fucking sure that modern phone calls, the definition of 'telecommunications', use digital switches[aka computers and computer processing] instead of older analog tech. So, yeah. If the ISPs want to go back to this --> https://www.google.com
[17:37:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Whoever [4524] (Score:2) 02Information services - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 542 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:37:21] <exec> 08└─"If broadband providers provided only pure transmission and not information processing, as the FCC now claims, the primitive and limited form of 'access' broadband customers would receive would be unrecognizable to consumers," the ISPs also wrote. "They would be required, for example, to know the IP...
[17:38:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score:2) 02Re:Enough with the bad editor commentary - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 56 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:38:11] <exec> 08└─That's not editor commentary, it's submitter commentary.
[17:38:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Enough with the bad editor commentary - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 67 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:38:14] <exec> 08└─put your snark, if you can't help yourself, in the department line.
[17:38:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Just a note. - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 207 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:38:55] <exec> 08└─I read Asimov's Foundation series and a bunch of other things, and I think Kim Stanley Robinson and Neal Stephenson (at least his Cryptonomicon and Baroque Cycle books) are pretty solidly in sci-fi with him.
[17:39:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Intimidate the fucking peons! - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 3203 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:39:19] <exec> 08└─You joke, but this is not far from the actual police procedure occasionally used by Massachusetts law enforcement. They make it a point to overuse command presence and/or coerce people into unconscious self-incrimination. The Massachusetts State Police are very notable abusers of command presence, a...
[17:39:19] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Whoever [4524] 02"Work hard"? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 76 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:39:20] <exec> 08└─"If you work hard you do step on people's toes, which generates complaints."
[17:39:22] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03hemocyanin [186] 02Moron Asshole. - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 89 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:39:23] <exec> 08└─"You're lucky I'm a cop, otherwise I'd be beating the f***ing piss out of you right now,"
[17:42:32] <exec> count new = 7
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[18:35:14] <exec> last cid = 216790
[18:37:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03BK [4868] (Score:2) 02Bank Exec - 06Bitcoin Exchange CEO Mark Karpeles Arrested In Japan - 381 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:37:05] <exec> 08└─Gray market or not, this is a rare case of a banker being held to account for bad acts. We should all rejoice. Now let's see if someone can do the same with BoA execs and robo-signing. Mind you, not "let's give the company a fine that they can afford 'cause they're too big to fail," but rather "let...
[18:37:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Hyperturtle [2824] (Score:1) 02Re:Sounds like another ATM - 06Researchers Announce Another "5G Breakthrough" - 2698 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:37:14] <exec> 08└─I think it sounds like something we hear every few years, just like how this version of Windows is truely the most secure version and best ever. The message doesn't change when someone has an idea or product to sell. SDN is just a GUI and scripting for configuring network hardware. Large places may...
[18:37:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gravis [4596] (Score:2) 02Re:ISP intentions - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 165 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:37:24] <exec> 08└─The Internet probably peaked in utility fairly shortly after the dot-com bust. ... unfortunately the old Internet has been effectively gone for probably a decade now
[18:37:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Is he a catholic priest? - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 25 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:37:28] <exec> 08└─And is the vid kiddyporn?
[18:37:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Funny) 02Who else thought this was about systemd? - 06Shadow of Mordor Comes to Linux (and Mac) - 12 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:37:48] <exec> 08└─*high fives*
[18:37:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gravis [4596] (Score:2) 02Re:derp - 06Wikileaks Releases "Target Tokyo": NSA's Japanese Espionage Targets - 80 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:38:00] <exec> 08└─[Tor is] not helping [the US] financially either, especially in the longer term.
[18:39:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Took a wrong turn? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 563 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:39:53] <exec> 08└─From the linked newspaper article this looks to be the roundabout in question https://www.google.com!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgrOk_4pwlVanuG1Yq0ZlfQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 [google.com] and it seems as though the driver was attempting to effectively continue st...
[18:39:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:3, Interesting) 02Re:Copy-paste story blurbs - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 2293 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:39:56] <exec> 08└─I didn't submit this article, but I've been trying to keep the queue as full as I can since this spring when LaminatorX (I think it was LamX) sent up the cry for help with editing. Enough new editors were certified before I had finished the training, so I opted to help with submissions. I do employ...
[18:39:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03BK [4868] (Score:2) 02Re:Copy-paste story blurbs - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 973 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:39:59] <exec> 08└─I've pointed this out before: Ex: here [soylentnews.org] It seems to me that a paragraph or so from TFA should be direct quoted and the rest should be summary, commentary, or analysis. We could blame this on bad submissions or lack of submissions, but this is a editorial function. Submitters should...
[18:40:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Keystrokes - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 27 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:40:10] <exec> 08└─DMCA take-down request? ;-)
[18:40:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03Marand [1081] (Score:2) 02Re:Requires javascript - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 851 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:40:15] <exec> 08└─Is "blacklist-by-default" an elaborate way to say "whitelist"? Not exactly. I'm not sure about other blockers, but NoScript's only method of operation is a whitelist. However, it also has settings to automatically whitelist certain domains, such as "temporarily allow top-level sites by default" and...
[18:40:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Good luck with that - 06 How the Way You Type Can Shatter Anonymity—Even on Tor - 442 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:40:25] <exec> 08└─You have made some really good points, but I would say that prose style is easily copied. It's like actors who do impressions of famous people. When they're good at it you know exactly who they're aping. Same thing for prose. I've heard David Sedaris do it well, and others too. It's not likely that...
[18:40:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Wolverine: Red Dawn - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 52 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:40:59] <exec> 08└─And thus it was that North American sumo was born...
[18:41:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Ease up on the juice, Hugh - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 15 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:41:04] <exec> 08└─Huge hack, man.
[18:41:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Ease up on the juice, Hugh - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 391 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:41:05] <exec> 08└─As a funny juxtaposition I see Hugh Jackman most often these days on a loop that plays on the TV by the checkout line at the Korean supermarket where we shop. He and his wife teach how to cook good home-cooked Korean meals. I involuntarily pucker and think, "Jesus, Hugh, lay off the gochujang [wikip...
[18:41:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:My recommendation... - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 227 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:41:09] <exec> 08└─Snark is the divine right of those who have (most likely) been devalued since birth despite their exceptional gifts. First, it's a defense, then it's a weapon. If you keep with it long enough, it becomes fun. Embrace the snark.
[18:41:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Tork [3914] (Score:2) 02Re:My recommendation... - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 103 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:41:11] <exec> 08└─I have embraced the snark. Oh, and coincidentally, I wrote my little rant on a friday night around 9pm.
[18:41:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Well my requests are simple. - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 51 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:41:17] <exec> 08└─What kind of people would those be? People we hate?
[18:41:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Putting on the claws - 06Hugh Jackman Wants Your Input for His Last Wolverine Movie - 39 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:41:19] <exec> 08└─You do know he'd instantly heal, right?
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[19:37:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03captain normal [2205] (Score:2) 02Re:Slippery slope - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 738 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:37:34] <exec> 08└─"The ISPs argued that Internet access must be treated as a more lightly regulated “information service” because it involves “computer processing.” This is a specious argument. The telcos have been using computer processing in telecommunications since at least the 1950s. Crossbar switching, a...
[19:37:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03khedoros [2921] (Score:2) 02DNS work-around - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 542 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:37:38] <exec> 08└─"If broadband providers provided only pure transmission and not information processing, as the FCC now claims, the primitive and limited form of 'access' broadband customers would receive would be unrecognizable to consumers," the ISPs also wrote. "They would be required, for example, to know the IP...
[19:37:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03captain normal [2205] (Score:2) 02Re:DNS work-around - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 74 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:37:39] <exec> 08└─We could just as well argue that DNS is simply a more complex 411 service.
[19:37:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:2, Informative) 02Original Regulation Was Telecomm Service - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 966 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:37:41] <exec> 08└─For those who aren't telecom policy wonks, the internet was previously regulated as a "telecommunications service" until the FCC arbitrarily changed it in the mid-2000s. It went to the SCOTUS which ruled that the FCC has the authority to choose which method of regulation it feels like. [wikipedia.or...
[19:37:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03shortscreen [2252] (Score:2) 02weed control? - 06Root Radar: How Parasitic Plants Know When to Attack - 271 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:37:50] <exec> 08└─Weeds are not parasitic. Weeds compete with and displace desirable plants. An example of a parasitic plant would be Indian Pipe. These are completely white and grow in the shade where there isn't much else growing, but there is a host root system and fungi to leech from.
[19:38:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03khedoros [2921] (Score:2) 02System requirements - 06Shadow of Mordor Comes to Linux (and Mac) - 323 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:38:02] <exec> 08└─It sounds interesting, but according to their system requirements page: "AMD and Intel GPUs are not supported at this time." On the other hand, "not supported" doesn't always mean "won't work", they've got it at a 50% off price until Monday, and I suppose I could play it in Windows if I can't get it...
[19:38:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03nicdoye [3908] (Score:1) 02Am I the only AppleTV fan? - 06Report: New Apple TV and SDK Due in September, Maybe for Real This Time - 451 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:38:27] <exec> 08└─It plays Netflix and YouTube (and iTunes). What else do I need? I can cast stuff from the iPad/iPhone, but never do. Perhaps having a Sky+ HD box (does a lot of the catch-up TV stuff) means I'm atypical - I don't need the AppleTV to do much. Although, I hope it gets Amazon Instant Video, so I can wa...
[19:39:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:real nerds, go to hell - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 360 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:39:08] <exec> 08└─> Eloquently said, far better than I could have. The world is a sad place. What? I wouldn't call that eloquent, I'd call it persecution complex hyperbole. Now is the best time ever to be a real nerd. Look at silicon valley. Everybody's got problems, that's not unique to any particular group of peo...
[19:39:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03deimtee [3272] (Score:2) 02Re:Not really a pragmatic thought - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 321 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:39:22] <exec> 08└─I either have a higher opinion of dogs or a lower opinion of people than you. I think that if we had AI as smart as a dog* then we would soon have AI as smart as people. And very soon after that, Singularity (godlike AI). * I mean an AI that is actually as smart as a dog, not a set of canned respons...
[19:39:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 021st Comes Marriage Then Comes Droid in a Baby Carr - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 209 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:39:23] <exec> 08└─First Comes Marriage then Comes Droid in a Baby Carriage. Don't we have to address the problem of legalizing Digital Marriage before we worry about droid babies? Don't droid babies deserve to have two parents?
[19:40:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03zugedneb [4556] (Score:2) 02Re:Took a wrong turn? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 203 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:40:12] <exec> 08└─In Sweden, when you take the final exam for the drivers license, you can fail it for such a reason. If you have to circle one extra time to figure out a sign, or take the wrong turn in it, you are toast.
[19:40:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02what went wrong? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 478 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:40:19] <exec> 08└─Nowdays, even tech sites start reporting on police executing black people, and other things like this... In those videos, the people getting executed does not seem threatening... On Arstechnica, just the other day... http://arstechnica.com
[19:40:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:what went wrong? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 3183 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:40:20] <exec> 08└─It is a cultural issue. All behavior issues are cultural issues. It has nothing to do with guns or drugs. Did we ban airplanes after 9/11? Did we ban fertilizer after Oklahoma city? How about backpacks after two bombings? No it is cultural. In short: disenfranchisement, lack of life satisfaction, la...
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[20:37:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Nerdfest [80] (Score:2) 02iOS - 06 BMW’s EnLighten App Wants to Take Away Your Red Light Blues - 213 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:37:04] <exec> 08└─Last I heard, BMW one one of the few douche-y car companies that was Apple only. Most others support both major mobile operating systems. Not that it's a big loss based on their recent performance and reliability.
[20:37:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03Francis [5544] (Score:2) 02Re:Bank Exec - 06Bitcoin Exchange CEO Mark Karpeles Arrested In Japan - 317 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:37:13] <exec> 08└─It only happened because he's not a real banker, that's not a real bank and it wasn't real money either. Still, it's a good start, I'd like to see the geniuses that created BTC thrown in prison as well. I've got no particular issues with this sort of currency, but one that's designed to rip off new...
[20:37:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score:2) 02what was he doing in Japan - 06Bitcoin Exchange CEO Mark Karpeles Arrested In Japan - 82 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:37:14] <exec> 08└─They arrested him "in Japan"? I thought he had been out of the country for months.
[20:37:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03shortscreen [2252] (Score:2) 02Re:ISP intentions - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 507 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:37:34] <exec> 08└─On the real internet, people could host their own stuff. Now the content is locked up in shitty "free" corporate hosts. Joe User uploads all his videos to youtube, photos to photobucket, pdfs to scribd, code to sourceforge, music to soundcloud, and miscellaneous files to mediafire (*barf*). There is...
[20:37:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score:2) 02Re:ISP intentions - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 550 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:37:35] <exec> 08└─Is anything stopping you from hosting your Web 1.0 style site? You can find or exploit free hosting (such as using Google Drive to host static web pages) or use your own server to host a site. Nothing is forcing you to use YouTube, photobucket, scribd, sourceforge, soundcloud, etc. but all of those...
[20:37:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Francis [5544] (Score:2) 02Re:Original Regulation Was Telecomm Service - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 783 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:37:45] <exec> 08└─The FCC has little to do with that. The reason why those options are largely no longer available has more to do with the right of weigh. Those poles that the electric company puts in to carry power can only support so many wires and so much hardware, so you wind up with a smaller number of companies...
[20:37:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Original Regulation Was Telecomm Service - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 200 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:37:47] <exec> 08└─I'm not sure I get your point. But you are 100% wrong about right of way. It has never been about running additional lines. It has always been about leasing access to the lines that are already there.
[20:38:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Nerdfest [80] (Score:2) 02Re:derp - 06Wikileaks Releases "Target Tokyo": NSA's Japanese Espionage Targets - 144 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:38:20] <exec> 08└─I meant the spying, actually. I think it's damaged US businesses, especially *tech* businesses. I think it will continue and worsen quite a lot.
[20:38:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03gmrath [4181] (Score:1) 02Re:Enough with the bad editor commentary - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 167 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:38:46] <exec> 08└─The Cubs seem to be winning more than they are losing these days. Not first in their division, but still. . . Then again, there's always the '69 season to think about.
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[21:36:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score:2) 02Here's hoping - 06Drugs, Milk and Cars Stopped the TTP (For Now) - 84 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:36:59] <exec> 08└─it all falls apart from the greediness of the greedy, and maybe some brains as well.
[21:36:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Whoever [4524] (Score:2) 02This is just PR - 06Drugs, Milk and Cars Stopped the TTP (For Now) - 113 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:37:00] <exec> 08└─This is just PR for the TPP, in order to tell the masses that the TPP is really about removing barriers to trade.
[21:37:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:This is just PR - 06Drugs, Milk and Cars Stopped the TTP (For Now) - 37 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:37:01] <exec> 08└─Something can be more than one thing.
[21:37:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Finally, an Internet for Elites! - 06Research Scientists to Use Network Much Faster Than Internet - 107 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:37:10] <exec> 08└─The Internet should be only for smart folk like me, without the taint of Facefuck and Twatter and Soystain.
[21:37:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02No air gap? - 06Research Scientists to Use Network Much Faster Than Internet - 645 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:37:11] <exec> 08└─It will not be directly connected to the Internet If it isn't airgapped, it is part of the internet. Hell, with the most recent security research, being airgapped is no guarantee. They can certainly try to keep traffic regulated on their segments of the internet, but these are universities. If I was...
[21:37:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03RedBear [1734] (Score:2) 02Jumbo frames - 06Research Scientists to Use Network Much Faster Than Internet - 562 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:37:13] <exec> 08└─The challenge in moving large amounts of scientific data is that the open Internet is designed for transferring small amounts of data, like web pages, said Thomas A. DeFanti, a specialist in scientific visualization at the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology, or Ca...
[21:37:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03iamjacksusername [1479] (Score:2) 02Thwarting traffic engineers - 06 BMW’s EnLighten App Wants to Take Away Your Red Light Blues - 857 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:37:20] <exec> 08└─A lot of the lights around me have, what I like to call, "Fuck you timing." As in, I can see the lights all the way down the street but they are all timed to turned red just as I get to them. Supposedly, it has to do with keeping the speed down or some such nonsense. However, most of the roads with...
[21:37:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Thwarting traffic engineers - 06 BMW’s EnLighten App Wants to Take Away Your Red Light Blues - 436 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:37:22] <exec> 08└─I thought keeping speed down and cars bunched up away from real problem ...um... Bunch spots, was kinda what traffic engineering was all about. Steady flow is fine until a hub and such. In my younger days, spent a few nights out by the local large intersection. Our conclusion was that lights were se...
[21:37:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03bzipitidoo [4388] (Score:2) 02Re:Thwarting traffic engineers - 06 BMW’s EnLighten App Wants to Take Away Your Red Light Blues - 1292 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:37:24] <exec> 08└─Politics drives a lot of light timing and placement. Many merchants want cars waiting at intersections where their stores are. In recent years, red light camera revenuers got involved and screwed the lights up more. Then there are the pseudo engineers who think that safety should trump all other con...
[21:37:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03mendax [2840] (Score:2) 02Re:what was he doing in Japan - 06Bitcoin Exchange CEO Mark Karpeles Arrested In Japan - 64 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:37:33] <exec> 08└─I guess he came back. Some smart people do really stupid things.
[21:37:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03CirclesInSand [2899] (Score:2) 02Re:Slippery slope - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 203 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:37:56] <exec> 08└─The term "computer" originally referred to the humans that mathematicians used to do computations. It was a job title. I'd be quite curious about a telephony system that doesn't use humans at some point.
[21:37:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03bzipitidoo [4388] (Score:2) 02Re:Slippery slope - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 304 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:37:58] <exec> 08└─To strike it down hard, perhaps the telecoms should be counter-sued for frivolous litigation. More than that, the telecoms should be broken up, or regulated more, or nationalized. What they are doing is abusing their monopoly power. If they weren't big monopolies, they wouldn't even be trying this c...
[21:39:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Enough with the bad editor commentary - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 110 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:39:07] <exec> 08└─And I can see professional live theater, dance, and concerts by world-class entertainers for free in New York.
[21:39:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03bziman [3577] (Score:2) 02Re:Enough with the bad editor commentary - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 903 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:39:08] <exec> 08└─Okay, I apologize for the confusion, takyon and Phoenix666 - if you look at the story as posted, the line "Maybe if Major League Baseball can save money on umpires they can lower ticket prices." is outside of Phoenix666's blockquote, and I therefore assumed it was written by takyon, the editor. I'm...
[21:39:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:real nerds, go to hell - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 70 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:39:40] <exec> 08└─One man's "eloquent" is another man's "too close for comfort" reality.
[21:39:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:moot point - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 75 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:39:45] <exec> 08└─How many beads do I have to string on my abacus before it becomes sentient?
[21:39:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03HiThere [866] (Score:2) 02Re:Just a note. - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 1368 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:39:55] <exec> 08└─The think is, ALL science fiction is fantasy. So is most non-science fiction literature, and not a few research papers. That said, good science fiction only uses the fantasy as a background, and has a foreground issue of examining something that is plausibly possible. And sometimes that can wear a m...
[21:39:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03aristarchus [2645] (Score:2) 02Chappie? - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 748 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:39:59] <exec> 08└─One wise person I knew said the fantasy over AI was the idea of instantly creating a person. He tied it to the attempts to create a homonculus in Medieval alchemy. Once you realize that it will take you years to teach an AI to talk, walk, act, dress itself, and show up on time for school, it is just...
[21:40:35] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03anubi [2828] 02Finally, a witness. - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 563 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:40:36] <exec> 08└─This story gives good reason why we all should have cameras. There is going to be a helluva lot of splainin' to do back at the station. I believe this is the video [youtube.com]. Imagine explaining this to your boss. God only knows how many times I have screwed up behind the wheel myself. Not becaus...
[21:40:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03zugedneb [4556] (Score:2) 02Re:what went wrong? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 233 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:40:55] <exec> 08└─Nationally I have no idea what the solution is. Locally the solution has been made apparent to me via observational experimentation. People that don't pay attention to politics, government, or news tend to be happy and well adjusted.
[21:40:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03HiThere [866] (Score:2) 02Re:what went wrong? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 192 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:40:56] <exec> 08└─Authority worshipers in positions with limited power, but few repercussions over misuse of that power. And it appears that "limited" includes the right to kill people because you feel like it.
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[22:37:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:This is just PR - 06Drugs, Milk and Cars Stopped the TTP (For Now) - 22 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:37:10] <exec> 08└─No, that's unpossible.
[22:37:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03frojack [1554] (Score:2) 02Re:This is just PR - 06Drugs, Milk and Cars Stopped the TTP (For Now) - 712 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:37:11] <exec> 08└─The Australians also balked at Sugar export quotas [theaustralian.com.au]. So it seems there are a significant number of commodity issues that are holding up the TPP. Protectionist government programs die hard. There will always be pressure for elected officials to work around any agreement that all...
[22:37:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score:2) 02Aussies are bitter on sugar and soured on milk - 06Drugs, Milk and Cars Stopped the TTP (For Now) - 204 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:37:13] <exec> 08└─About sugar [abc.net.au]: Australian Sugar Milling Council CEO Dominic Nolan said he understood the proposals being considered by the Australian and US teams were "a long way apart" with time running out.
[22:37:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Snotnose [1623] (Score:3, Interesting) 02Re:Jumbo frames - 06Research Scientists to Use Network Much Faster Than Internet - 733 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:37:24] <exec> 08└─Back in the mid-90s I was consulting for a company that used a bunch of PCs to hold commercials encoded with MPEG-1. We needed to move these files around fairly often (every 10 minutes or so). As it was Linux, and both the ethernet drivers and the hardware supported larger packet sizes, I experiment...
[22:37:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Snotnose [1623] (Score:2) 02Re:Thwarting traffic engineers - 06 BMW’s EnLighten App Wants to Take Away Your Red Light Blues - 227 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:37:35] <exec> 08└─We've got roads around here where you know your light is about to go green because the one 100 yards down the road just turned yellow. I avoid those roads like the plague (Fletcher Parkway by Parkway Plaza, I'm looking at you).
[22:37:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Francis [5544] (Score:2) 02Re:Thwarting traffic engineers - 06 BMW’s EnLighten App Wants to Take Away Your Red Light Blues - 835 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:37:36] <exec> 08└─It's probably because you're not traveling in the direction they were optimized for. Around here if you're going north or south you're more likely to hit the lights than if you're going east or west. The reason being that the whole system is set up to help people go north or south and fucking the ot...
[22:38:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03khedoros [2921] (Score:2) 02Re:DNS work-around - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 619 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:38:18] <exec> 08└─The definition of "telecommunications [cornell.edu]" is "the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user’s choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received." So, the "points specified by the user" aren't necessarily...
[22:38:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Francis [5544] (Score:2) 02Re:Original Regulation Was Telecomm Service - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 572 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:38:22] <exec> 08└─My point is that we'd have terrible choices no matter what the FCC decided to do as running lines is the only way of setting up competition. Either you run them on the poles or the more expensive underground, but either way you need access to the right of way and the funds to do so. That's not to sa...
[22:38:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Marand [1081] (Score:2) 02Re:System requirements - 06Shadow of Mordor Comes to Linux (and Mac) - 587 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:38:46] <exec> 08└─I saw somewhere that it's "not supported" because they don't guarantee good, playable framerates on those GPUs. Same situation for Borderlands 2 on Linux, and most every other ported game so far. Currently, anything not nvidia is uncharted territory and you're on your own, probably in part because V...
[22:39:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03khedoros [2921] (Score:2) 02Re:Enough with the bad editor commentary - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 337 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:39:24] <exec> 08└─Then the way that the summary was presented is misleading. There's a big section of quote attributed to Phoenix666, then the aforementioned "snark" at the end, apparently outside of the quoted text. It really makes it look some extra commentary provided by you as the editor, and that's actually how...
[22:39:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score:2) 02Re:Enough with the bad editor commentary - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 243 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:39:25] <exec> 08└─We use blockquotes for the quoted copyrighted text from news articles and other sources. Pretty easy to figure out from looking at a handful of stories. Now you can learn and grow with this new knowledge - and flame at Phoenix666's commentary.
[22:39:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Enough with the bad editor commentary - 06Balls and Strikes Were Called by a Computer, Not an Umpire, at a Professional Baseball Game - 932 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:39:31] <exec> 08└─The blockquote distinguishes an excerpt from the article. The line at the end is mine. It's not takyon's fault at all. Umpire pay is certainly not a non-sequitor to a baseball game that is umpired entirely by a computer. How could it be? There is a meme that is arising in the media now about compute...
[22:40:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03eof [5559] (Score:1) 02Re:Wiretapping - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 177 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:40:43] <exec> 08└─Apparently, due to the fact that it was a dashcam in plain sight, and in public, that law does not apply in this case, at least according to recent articles in the Boston press.
[22:41:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03Fnord666 [652] (Score:2) 02Re:Copy-paste story blurbs - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 763 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:41:16] <exec> 08└─If you look at the original submission you will be enlightened. Emphasis added by me. Story automatically generated by StoryBot Version 0.0.1d (Development). Note: This is the complete story and will need further editing. It may also be covered by Copyright and thus should be acknowledged and quoted...
[22:41:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03eof [5559] (Score:1) 02Same Officer, Different Video - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 259 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:41:21] <exec> 08└─The same officer had a previous encounter with a citizen with camera. In that case he tried to prevent the recording of officers arresting someone on a public street. [boston.com] According to the article he was later informed of the public's right to record.
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[23:35:13] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[23:35:13] <exec> last cid = 216870
[23:37:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:This is just PR - 06Drugs, Milk and Cars Stopped the TTP (For Now) - 186 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:37:11] <exec> 08└─It's not about trade, but about corporate supremacy. The goal of the TPP is to vastly increase the power of corporations while undermining democracy; trade plays little to no part in it.
[23:37:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:This is just PR - 06Drugs, Milk and Cars Stopped the TTP (For Now) - 589 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:37:12] <exec> 08└─> It's not about trade, but about corporate supremacy. No. It is 100% about trade. Corporate supremacy is just a side-effect that the people drafting the TPP don't consider to be a problem worth paying attention to. If you care about fighting corporate supremacy, or really any form of authoritariani...
[23:37:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Whoever [4524] (Score:2) 02Re:This is just PR - 06Drugs, Milk and Cars Stopped the TTP (For Now) - 64 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:37:15] <exec> 08└─Let alone all the IP/Patent crap snuck in during closed sessions
[23:37:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score:2) 02Re:This is just PR - 06Drugs, Milk and Cars Stopped the TTP (For Now) - 76 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:37:17] <exec> 08└─The TPP isn't better at handling the problems it was sold to us as handling.
[23:37:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03RedBear [1734] (Score:2) 02Re:Jumbo frames - 06Research Scientists to Use Network Much Faster Than Internet - 733 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:37:28] <exec> 08└─Back in the mid-90s I was consulting for a company that used a bunch of PCs to hold commercials encoded with MPEG-1. We needed to move these files around fairly often (every 10 minutes or so). As it was Linux, and both the ethernet drivers and the hardware supported larger packet sizes, I experiment...
[23:37:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03kc [5066] (Score:1) 02Which institutions - 06Research Scientists to Use Network Much Faster Than Internet - 570 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:37:29] <exec> 08└─The fine article did not actually mention which institutions are part of the network: "...Pacific Research Platform, which currently includes Caltech, CENIC, ESnet, NASA Ames Research Center and the NASA Research and Engineering Network (NREN), San Diego State University, San Diego Supercomputer Cen...
[23:37:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Bank Exec - 06Bitcoin Exchange CEO Mark Karpeles Arrested In Japan - 78 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:37:51] <exec> 08└─The ones who made BTC didn't do a damn thing. What would they be charged with?
[23:37:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Bank Exec - 06Bitcoin Exchange CEO Mark Karpeles Arrested In Japan - 111 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:37:52] <exec> 08└─Fraud. BTC is just one large ponzi scheme, they make money by tricking people into buying a worthless currency.
[23:38:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:ISP intentions - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 144 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:38:17] <exec> 08└─Those platforms have value to ignoramuses who don't understand or don't care about how much the corporations are exploiting them and their data.
[23:38:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Slippery slope - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 98 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:38:21] <exec> 08└─The term "computer" originally referred to the humans that mathematicians used to do computations.
[23:38:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Slippery slope - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 365 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:38:23] <exec> 08└─Let's say this did happen, they were broken up. Do you recall what happened last time they were broken up? It would happen again. It would start with backroom deals, unofficial and off-the-books, allowing the CEOs of each of the small companies to arrange illegal agreements... power is power, money...
[23:38:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03fido_dogstoyevsky [131] (Score:2) 02Re:Slippery slope - 06ISPs Say Net Neutrality Rules are Illegal Because the Internet Uses Computers - 169 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:38:25] <exec> 08└─Let's say this did happen, they were broken up. Do you recall what happened last time they were broken up? It would happen again. It would start with backroom deals, ...
[23:39:12] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03c0lo [156] 02Re:derp - 06Wikileaks Releases "Target Tokyo": NSA's Japanese Espionage Targets - 47 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:39:13] <exec> 08└─these leaks are killing the USA diplomatically.
[23:40:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score:1) 02Re:One offspring... - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 196 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:40:11] <exec> 08└─Over time the android populace will grow as the human populace fades. All the human associate problems will fall to the wayside as android slowly and inevitably displace the humans upon the Earth.
[23:40:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score:1) 02Re:Just a note. - 06Should Androids Have the Right to Have Children? - 1337 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:40:31] <exec> 08└─Frankenstein was naive technological optimism? Rubbish. It was to the contrary, the very first cautionary tale about technology. And Verne doesn't fully present that naive optimism either. Even in the hidden genius theme you describe, one doesn't see that straightforward morality case you claim exis...
[23:40:56] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03davester666 [155] 02Re:Wiretapping - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 63 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:40:56] <exec> 08└─Good thing you aren't a cop, otherwise you would have shot him.
[23:41:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Moron Asshole. - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 60 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:41:09] <exec> 08└─Are you really so naive that you think there's a difference?
[23:41:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:We have the right to take the lives of others - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 228 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:41:19] <exec> 08└─Is it the 1st of the month already? Don't forget to pay your rent, and take your meds!* * this message brought to you by Krusty Low Income Housing, and Krusty Pharmaceuticals. We make your life hell, and then help you forget it.
[23:41:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03darkfeline [1030] (Score:2) 02Re:Took a wrong turn? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 165 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:41:22] <exec> 08└─In such cases, it is the civil engineer's fault. The point of civil engineering is to make sure such things Just Work without anything thinking about it consciously.
[23:41:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Fnord666 [652] (Score:2) 02Re:Copy-paste story blurbs - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 107 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:41:34] <exec> 08└─If you're interested in storybots, you might find this journalism course syllabus [github.com] interesting.
[23:41:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03BK [4868] (Score:2) 02Re:what went wrong? - 06Dashcam Catches Off-Duty Cop Threatening to Put 'Hole in Head' of Driver - 128 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:41:39] <exec> 08└─Can some US citizen leave a few words of explanation? Is it poverty? To many guns? To much drugs? To much pressure on cops? wtf?
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